Monday, January 23, 2012

Auteur Watch - Adam and Andrew Scheinman

You might not know it from his IMDb entry, but Andrew Scheinman's a big deal. Or perhaps you would. Check out his top four right now. Stand By Me? A Few Good Men? Princess Bride? Harry Met Sally? Oh but he's not just the king of the late 80s-early 90s... watch an episode of Seinfeld, and you're bound to see his name. Oh, THAT's gotta be worth something! Let's just say he doesn't have to struggle to get work.
They say it about every decade now. If you remember the early 80s, you weren't really there, man! Of course, if it's the 80s, it's because most people in L.A. at the time were all coked up, their hearts all a-twitter, running around to get things done. Andrew did two movies back to back with the Hestons: titan Charlton and son Fraser C. I guess this might partly explain Castle Rock's future involvement with Needful Things. And then, after working with Albert Brooks on Modern Romance, it was time to regroup, and take a short break. But, not for long, apparently, because Rob Reiner was about to go places, baby. Three movies in three years? Even ol' Meathead was gonna need some help with pulling that one off. Andrew isn't credited with Spinal Tap, so we'll leave that one aside. While you're at it, Andrew, take this Jeffrey Stott kid under your wing. Teach him a thing or two. Hands off Little Big League, though, Jeff. That one's all mine!!!!
Yes, the Scheinmans have separately had careers a little more equitable than, say, Lawrence and Mark Kasdan. Andrew appears to have been the mother log that fell first, and upon which brother Adam and Jeffrey Stott have taken nutrients from. But Andrew's making a big comeback with Rob Reiner's 2012 picture... MEATHEAD!!!! Wow! It's not even based on a Stephen King book or anything! Unless Guy Thomas is yet another pseudonym...

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