Saturday, December 08, 2012

Auteur Watch - ...any requests?

Well, I better not do Mary Lambert again, or at least mention her age.  I got it!  You know, a film like Rise of the Guardians may not represent much to you, but to someone like its director Peter Ramsey, it's the most important thing in the world right now.  Especially after you've spent 20 years in this business storyboard artisting your way through dreck like Batman Forever and A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 (the critically acclaimed one, probably...)  He dipped his toes in the water with a short film based on the cast of Monsters v. Aliens, and then the big time.  His directorial debut, Rise of the Guardians, lording over technicians who've spent 10 years trying to get the damn thing made, and schmoozing with the actors who spent a few weeks not dressing up and growing beards to do the voiceover work.  Ain't it the life, though?  He's not going to make the mistake that J. Todd Anderson made, that's fer sure!!!  Now all that's left to do is your pet project: a film for IFC about a small-town boy who's different from the other kids that pick on him, and grows up to be a successful storyboard artist... something like that.  Just try to make the dialogue a little less whiny than Chasing Amy, okay?

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