Sunday, August 27, 2017

Auteur Watch - Angela Elayne Gibbs

Well, clearly acting is her first love.  And she seems to get all the plum roles she could possibly want, like being in a series called "Black Jesus."  The name alone kinda draws you in somehow!  Then, of course, there's the new O.J. miniseries.  Ooh!  They're both in her IMDb Top 4!  Oh, but that IMDb Top 4 can be kinda mean, too.  You're telling me that no one cares about what she's done before 2014?  What about Fled, for Gawd'z Zake?  I mean, for Gawd'z Zake, it's Fled!!!  I think I have that on DVD somewhere... of course, it's a copy I made with a DVD burner.  Boy, those were the days.  It's like I had some kind of sickness or something.  Hundreds of these DVDs I burned of stuff off of the TV machine, and no time to watch anything.
But let's try and focus for a bit on those four titles she has under the "Director" tab.  Well, we've got three shorts.  One of them is called The Ties that Bind.  That's opposed to, say, the 1995 Wesley Strick post-Pulp Fiction classic The Tie that Binds.  Sorry, got sidetracked by Wikipedia again.  Specifically, by John Fawcett and his hymn entitled "Blest Be the Tie that Binds."  I guess he was into a lot of kinky rope stuff.  I can understand the appeal, though, having seen the act in many a James Bond film or two.  You know, the bad guy ties up James Bond and leaves the room.  Well, a secret agent that good you can't just kill all at once, right?
But the most positive of Gibbs' directorial efforts would have to be Dare to Struggle... Dare to Win... okay, co-directorial effort.  And sure, the title is kind of a generic bit of life advice, especially given that it's about... go ahead!  Take a guess... that's right!  The struggle of women's rights in Ghana!  Damn, you're good.  It wasn't the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that title.  I was thinking more like Olympic athletes or Justin Bieber.

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