Sunday, September 10, 2017

Auteur Watch - Roderick Giles

I'm a little confused.  There's Roderick Jaynes... I mean, Giles, the big time movie director.  But there's ALSO Roderick Giles, the big time YouTube star.  Could they be the same person?  I'm tending to think not.  Submitted for your approval... the YouTube Roderick Giles seems to be all about gospel music, singing in church, real clean-cut proper stuff and all that.  Now, take a look at this... this Gold Digger Killer here.  A modern day horror story at the very least... and that's just the pot belly on the poster!  Alas, there's only a trailer for it on YouTube.  Now, for those of you familiar with that one famous Kanye song... you're right!  They do indeed include a reference to it.  Not ashamed enough, apparently. 
Oh, and there's someone on YouTube that more or less reviews Gold Digger Killer.  Ah, to be on the fringes of showbiz.  The reviewer met the writer of the movie, so gee... I wonder if the review is going to be at all negative?  Hmmm... the suspense is killing me.
So, in the midst of all the shorts that Giles has directed, there's one or two highlights... feature-length highlights, that is.  The other one is called Deception... no, wait, that's the 2008 Hugh Jackman non-Wolverine-related vehicle.  No, it's called Deceived... no, wait, that's the 1991 dramatic Goldie Hawn vehicle.  And dramatic for John Heard as well... why do they always do that?  Another self-destructive star.  Here he was, having built up all this goodwill from Home Alone, and he throws it all away on a non-starter like this.
Ain't it always the way.  No, the movie I'm trying to talk about is Deceiver... no, wait, that's the 1997 thriller starring Tim Roth and Chris Penn.  And for those of you who are big fans of Reservoir Dogs, well... it's practically a sequel!  Nowadays, of course, Jonah Hill would have to fill in for Chris Penn for a remake.  No, Giles' film is called Deceptive.  Well, it's a different tense of the same word, you gotta give him that!  The potential to be deceiving, so fraught with dramatic possibilities.  But once again, we're dealing with a movie with no reviews, no clips on YouTube, and it doesn't even have five ratings from members of the large IMDb community.  So where do we go from here?  Well, to the Plot Summary page, of course!  After building a record empire... so glad we don't have to go inside the sausage factory on this one.  That's been done to death, Frank Lee.  Anyway, after building a record empire, Jay Z... I mean, Jay Walker believes he has it all: a house in the suburbs, a beautiful wife, 2.5 kids, a four-door sedan, fake wood paneling on the kids, what have you.  HOWEVER, and this is a big however, his life takes a left turn ... dramatic turn when he signs a new female artist to JavaScript Records.  Heat from this love triangle brings deception, lies, betrayal... and probably herpes.  I gotta go.

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