Sunday, September 03, 2017

Auteur Watch - S. Lance Gibson

Oh good, a short one.  Anyway, it's an age old story: husband cheats on wife, and wife confronts the evil other woman... sorry, I mean 'evil other woman' for some reason.  Gotta have those single apostrophe quotes in there.  BUT, and this is a big but... what happens when the evil other woman is the wife?  Well, let's go to the historical record for this one.  The only other example of this that comes to mind comes from the second Austin Powers movie called Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.  Seemed like a small detail at the time, as it was one of those incidents that occurs during the credits.  Austin Powers walks in on himself in the bedroom... and he positively cries out "Felicity?  From TEN MINUTES AGO?!!"  ...see, there's the whole time traveling thing and... ah, skip it.  Ultimately, however, one of the Austins says "Technically it's not cheating!"  But who knows... maybe S. Lance Gibson's take on this subject will be different.  Alas, it's not on YouTube, so they're making it really really hard for me.  Now I'm tired.

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