Sunday, October 01, 2017

Auteur Watch - James Gist

Some people will tell you that Hollywood is a family business... especially if you're a Minnelli or a Mankiewicz or a Disney or an Alan Ladd.  But what about the James Gists of the world?  What are they, chopped liver?  Caught between heaven and hell, and no chance of getting mentioned on Turner Classic Movies.  I guess he was an independent, struggling to get a spot in between the main feature and a James FitzPatrick short.  We'll probably never see any of his work... holy Crap!  There it is!  God bless YouTube... I'm assumpting that that's not the original music.  Talk about being in Hell!  I'll bet you anything the music is better in hell.  Alas, Heaven-Bound Traveler is a little harder to look for, much like staying on the path to Heaven is.  All we got is this review from a Pauline Kael wannabe.  I miss Luca... sorry, The Only Luca.

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