Sunday, June 09, 2019

Auteur Watch - Warren Hutcherson

An alumnus of "Saturday Night Live" who's actually doing well, Mr. Hutcherson is nothing if not keeping busy.  Judging by the numbers, clearly he's taken to producing over writing by about 3 to 1, but he'll gladly step in and punch up a script on occasion.  Punch it up, punch it down, just whatever you gotta do to not get writer's block.  It's all grist for the novelization of your autobiography, when you get right down to it.  But every once in a while, between 2004 and 2008, he got bit by that ol' directing bug.  Surely that's the best job of all in showbiz?  Apparently not.  But shows like "Just Jordan" and "Somebodies" don't direct themselves!  Not yet, anyway.  And just as Dan Aykroyd kept on working without John Belushi, so too does Warren keep on without Bernie Mac.  Maybe Ken Jeong's a little more easygoing.  He certainly acts like it when he's on TV!

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