Saturday, April 20, 2024

Floor Mat Format

Brought to you by Can't We Do Something About This? Can't We Do Something About This?! This week in "Can't We Do Something About This?"... oh, I guess it's old news, really, but they are sponsoring my blog, so I've got to mention it. And apparently, the fraud industry is a trillion dollar industry, probably because they have a small advertising budget. But there's this scam where all a scammer has to do is get you on tape saying "yes" and... well, it's on a case by case basis as to how much damage they can do to your life with that one recording of you saying one word. And I think what I'm trying to say is... Can't We Do Something About This? Also brought to you by A Little Bit Of Hell Breaking Loose. A Little Bit Of Hell Breaking Loose! For me personally... such a disappointment. All right, let's get right into it. We've got three debuts this week, and somewhere some lucky theatre-goers got to re-watch Shrek 2. Sure, it only made $1.4 million USD, but... $443 mill USD total! Bear in mind, this was 2004 dollars, so do the inflation adjustment elsewhere. Back when a dollar was a dollar! Now it's only about... 35 cents. Not bad, but doesn't bode well for my bank account. But that's been pretty much the case for my whole life. The economy was booming during the Clinton administration... but not for me. With love to lead the way, I found more clouds of gray than any Russian dictator could guarantee... oops! Got sidetracked again. Let's try to focus instead on the #1 movie this week, which is also our first debut. It didn't do great, but still pretty good for a non-superhero, dystopian reality pic! I haven't searched past a lot of ads for it on TV, but the director did appear on "The Daily Show." I... don't know how much that helped, and I'm not terribly familiar with his body of work... clearly I need to reboot my "Auteur Watch" segment, and only profile people I probably won't hear from. Maybe do a "Dead Auteur" segment... you know, D.W. Griffith, François Truffaut, Pier Paolo Pasolini, those kinds of people. And then, cease and desist when I start to hear from their Estates and living relatives. Kirsten Dunst is in this, and probably not in a "Sad Mom" role, either! Still, if they're going to make another Bad Moms movie, you might want to put some feelers out. So the movie's doing well with audiences and critics... but not the critics at MSNBC! Of course, their anchors don't usually talk about films. Of course, Hollywood hasn't done a political movie lately. I don't even remember them talking about "The Comey Rule" all that much! Maybe they mentioned it; it seems like a lifetime ago. I tell you this: I don't ever remember there being a dystopian future movie with a law like the Arizona abortion ban! I think the Territory of Arizona should also ban that one scene from the movie Prometheus, just to be safe. Don't man-eating extraterrestrial lifeforms have rights anymore? Well, clearly none of this is terribly interesting to me, so let's get on with it. What's the title of this remake of "The Second Civil War" anyway? Shirley the title is different? Frankly, I'd be very surprised if they're exactly the same. I mean, was it The Spy: A Romantic Story of the Civil War? No? Well, what about Charity Begins at Home, a Story of the South During the Civil War then? Return to Civilisation from the North Pole maybe? Could it be The Girl Spy: An Incident of the Civil War quite possibly? How about La morte civile perhaps? Civil War someday? Muerte civil potentially? A Sacrifice to Civilization perchance? A Primitive Man's Career to Civilization conceivably? Civilization as it might be? The Civilian, weather permitting? Civilized and Savage, God willing? The First Chronicles of Don Q: The Dark Brothers of the Civil Guard same time next Summer? How about The Power of Civilization? Burning Daylight: The Adventures of 'Burning Daylight' in Civilization? 'C D' - A Civil War Tale? Mobilitazione civile? Civilization? Civilization of the Far East? Civilization's Child? Valor civile? Four Famous Battles of the Civil War? La muerte civil? La morte civile? Civilian Clothes? Opera civilizzatrice della missione salesiana nel Catanga? Svejk v civilu? Popoli e civiltà indiane? Autoridades civiles militares y religiosas? Are We Civilized?? Uncivil Warriors? Uncivilized? Cradle of Civilization? Aviação Civil? Civilian Front? Arditi civili? Civilón boxeador? Civilón en Sierra Morena? Civilón y la sirena? La sartén de civilón? La morte civile? Civilón y el pirata Aguarrás? I'm a Civilian Here Myself? Uncivil War Birds? Beyond Civilization to Texas? The Civil Defence? Flight Plan: A Review of Civil Aviation in Australia Today? "Dangerous Assignment" The Civil War Map Story? Civil a pályán? "Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok" Civilian Clothes? Monte Bello October 1952 Civil Defence Aspects? "I Led 3 Lives" Civil Defense? Muerte civil? "Playbill" Let's Be Civilized? "The Gene Autry Show" Civil War at Deadwood? Jedda the Uncivilized? Egenbeskyttelsen i Civilforsvaret? "The Tonight Show" Frances Wayne, Gerald Moore, the Civil Air Patrol queen, Marion Ladewig, Sylvia Were? "Panorama" Civil Defence Makes Sense? "Encounter" Let's Be Civilized? "The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp" Wichita Is Civilized? "The Army Game" The Civilian Clerk? The True Story of the Civil War? Fibre en civiltà? "Books and Authors" The Civil War in Books? "TV Teatro" Sejamos Civilizados? "Boyd Q.C." The Not So Civil Servant? "Grande Teatro Tupi" A Morte Civil? "Point de mire" Guerre froide et guerres civiles? Civil Defense in Schools? "Hudson's Bay" Civilization? "The Phil Silvers Show" Ritzik Goes Civilian? "John Gunther's High Road" The Lost Civilization? "The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp" Dodge Is Civilized? The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Brady of Broadway? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Storm Over Sumter? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Mr. Lincoln's Politics? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Ironclad? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Search for the Monitor? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Antietam 1862? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Home Front? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Gettysburg? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" The Mississippi Campaign: War of the Turtles? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" The Blockaders: Story of the Ghost Ships? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Grant and Lee: 1864-1865? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Appomattox: April 9, 1865? "The American Civil War: A Pictorial History Through the Photographs of Mathew B. Brady" Night of the Assassins? "Popeye the Sailor" Uncivil War? "The Roving Reasons" The Civil Servillian? "Men Into Space" Is There Another Civilization?? "King of Diamonds" The Uncivil Servant? Civiltà romana? "Sing Along with Mitch" Songs inspired by sports, chairs, bridges, and the Civil War? "Seeing and Believing" Flight from Civilisation? "The New Steve Allen Show" Burt Lancaster discusses civil rights? "The Defenders" The Uncivil War? "Gomer Pyle: USMC" Gomer Pyle, Civilian? The American Civil War? Civil Rights 1965: Where Has the Year Gone?? Songs of the American Civil War? "Sunrise Semester" Civil Rights and Civil Liberties? "Sunrise Semester" A New Birth of Freedom: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties? "Sunrise Semester" Civil Rights and Civil Liberties: Limited Government? "Exploring" Prelude to the Civil War? The Five Civilized Tribes: An Unfinished Journey? "Man Discovers His Past" From Savagery to Civilisation? "Lost in Space" The Lost Civilization? "Firing Line" Civil Rights and Foreign Policy? "Firing Line" Civilian Review Board: Yes or No?? "Firing Line" Where Does the Civil Rights Movement Go Now?? "Firing Line" Civil Disobedience: How Far Can It Go?? "Firing Line" Communists and Civil Liberties? "Fighting Words" American Negro Teachers Should be Recruited for Australian Schools. Civil Aid to Vietnam.? "I Dream of Jeannie" My Master, the Civilian? "Judd for the Defense" A Civil Case of Murder? Civilisation: L'homme et les images? "Fighting Words" Australia Should Accept Greater Responsibility for Civil Aid to Vietnam. Australia Should Accept Responsibility for Vietnam War Orphans. Government Toleration of Gambling is a Threat to the Community.? "Fighting Words" Is the CIA Justified in Sponsoring Social Organisations? Privacy is a Crucial Civil Liberty.? "Fighting Words" It is Pointless to Continue Civil Aid in Vietnam While Present Conditions Exist.? Attic Civilization: The M.H. DeYoung Memorial Museum? Civil Disturbances: Principles of Control? "The Name of the Game" The Civilized Men? Civilisations? "Civilisations" La Possession? "Civilisations" Les Esquimaux? "Civilisations" Malgaches Houvas? "Civilisations" Les Caraïbes? "Civilisations" Les Carnavals du monde? "Civilisations" Le Chamanisme à Java? "Civilisations" Fraternelle Amazonie? "Civilisations" Indiens de Bolivie et d'Équateur? "Civilisations" L'Ultime Langage? "Civilisations" Les Aborigènes d'Australie? Civilisation? "Civilisation" Grandeur and Obedience? "Civilisation" Heroic Materialism? "Civilisation" Man: The Measure of All Things? "Civilisation" Protest and Communication? "Civilisation" The Fallacies of Hope? "Civilisation" The Great Thaw? "Civilisation" The Hero as Artist? "Civilisation" The Light of Experience? "Civilisation" The Pursuit of Happiness? "Civilisation" The Skin of Our Teeth? "Civilisation" The Smile of Reason? "Civilisation" The Worship of Nature? "Civilisation" Romance and Reality? "Civilisation" The Frozen World? "Civilisations" Les Dogons? "Civilisations" L'Âge du fer? "Civilisations" Une et multiple, la religion de l'Inde? "Civilisations" Sociétés secrètes du Gabon? "Civilisations" L'Esquimau polaire: le chasseur? "Civilisations" Les Derniers Rois de Thulé? "Civilisations" Et l'Équateur est ma patrie? "Civilisations" Féticheurs d'Afrique noire? "Civilisations" L'Esquimau chômeur et imprévisible? "Civilisations" Les Fils des nuages? Re: Civilization? "Sunrise Semester" Iranian Culture and Civilization? "Fight for Survival" La civiltà che nacque da un fiume? "Fight for Survival" Questa nostra grandiosa civiltà della fretta? "Civilisations" Les Arts martiaux du Japon? "Civilisations" Le Shinto ou la voie des dieux? "Civilisations" Les Papous de la Nouvelle-Guinée? "Civilisations" Survie de Bali: 1re partie? "Civilisations" Survie de Bali: 2e partie? "Civilisations" Zen: Ici et maintenant? "Civilisations" Zen: Partout et toujours? "Civilisations" Indiens Hopis: Les Prophéties du 5e monde? "Civilisations" Quatre soleils bridés: Formose ou le pays de Chu? "Civilisations" Quatre soleils bridés: Thaï Thaï Thaï? "Civilisations" Quatre soleils bridés: Ping Manila? "Civilisations" Quatre soleils bridés: Hongkong Colony? "Civilisations" Le Tibet laïc: 1re partie? "Alta comedia" Muerte civil? "The Psychiatrist" Such Civil War in My Love and Hate? "A Nice Day at the Office" Civil Servant? Adventures of a Brown Man in Search of Civilization? "Civilisations" Le Tibet laïc: 2e partie? "Civilisations" Les Peuls: 1re partie? "Civilisations" Les Peuls: 2e partie? "Sunrise Semester" The Cold War and Beyond: Civil War in China? "Adam-12" Clear with a Civilian: Part 1? "Adam-12" Clear with a Civilian: Part 2? "Civilisations" Les Mayas vivants? The Phoney Civilization? "Man Alive" Profile? La civilización está haciendo masa y no deja oir? "Sunrise Semester" History of African Civilization? "All in the Family" Archie's Civil Rights? "Division 4" A Civil Question? Construção Civil? Greve na Construção Civil? "Civilisations" Le Kula ou Le Dernier Voyage d'un Papou? The Naked Civil Servant? Civil War? Uncivil War Birds? "2nd House" The Witnesses: Writers and the Spanish Civil War? "Anyone for Tennyson? The Master Poets Collection" Walt Whitman and the Civil War? The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It? "Un, dos, tres... responda otra vez" Las civilizaciones perdidas? "The Tony Randall Show" Civil Disobedience? "Taller de comèdies" Civilitzats, tanmateix? "The XYY Man" The Missing Civil Servant? Civil War Part II? "The Professionals" Not a Very Civil Civil Servant? "The Voyage of Charles Darwin" How Wide Was the Distance Between Savage and Civilised Man? Scientists in the Civil Service? "Between the Wars" The Spanish Civil War? Guerres civiles en France? Civilización y lengua Maya? "60 Minutes" Take the Money and Run/Our Town/Whatever Happened to Civil Defense? Crossroads of Civilisation: The Story of Iran? "Letter from America by Alistair Cooke: From Nixon to Carter (1969-1980)" Carter's civil defence policy? "Arabela" Civilizace si zádá své? Civilisations mystérieuses: Mexique précolombien? Early Civilizations? 1300 godini bulgraska civilizacija? "Gay Life" Security Vetting and Gays in the Civil Service? "Knots Landing" Civil Wives? "Sunrise Semester" City in American Literature: Post Civil War Boston? "Mail from the Sky" Une civilisation à part? Zpráva o stavu civilizace? "Ireland: A Television History" Civil War? "Las 24 horas" Veinticuatro horas antes del civil? "Dr. Yesterday's Old Time News" 1865 AD: Let's Try to Be Civil? The Decline of Western Civilization? "Apostrophes" A la recherche des civilisations enfouies? "Simon & Simon" The Uncivil Servant? Stare civilizacije na tlu Iraka? The Spanish Civil War? "The Spanish Civil War" Prelude to Tragedy: 1931-1936? "The Spanish Civil War" Battleground for Idealists? "The Spanish Civil War" Franco and the Nationalists? "The Spanish Civil War" Inside the Revolution? "The Spanish Civil War" Revolution, Counter-Revolution & Terror? "The Spanish Civil War" Victory and Defeat? Empúries, porta d'entrada de la civilització clàssica a Espanya? Ney Matogrosso: Coração Civil? The Good Fight: The Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War? Heritage: Civilization and the Jews? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" A People Is Born: 3800-586 BCE? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" Into the Future: 1880-1990s? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" Out of the Ashes: 1919-1947? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" Roads from the Ghetto: 1789-1925? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" Search for Deliverance: 1492-1789? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" The Crucible of Europe: 732-1492? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" The Golden Land: 1654-1930s? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" The Power of the World: 586-72 CE? "Heritage: Civilization and the Jews" The Shaping of Traditions: 30-732? Le dernier civil? "La terra i la cendra" La guerra civil a Catalunya? "La terra i la cendra" La guerra civil a Catalunya II? "La terra i la cendra" La guerra civil a Catalunya III? "La terra i la cendra" La guerra civil a Catalunya IV? "La terra i la cendra" La guerra civil a Catalunya V? "La terra i la cendra" La guerra civil a Catalunya VI? "La terra i la cendra" La guerra civil a Catalunya VII? "La terra i la cendra" La guerra civil a Catalunya VIII? "World in Action" Civil Unrest? "Arena" Robert Wilson on the Civil Warpath? "Le dernier civil" Part 1? "Le dernier civil" Part 2? "The Equalizer" A Community of Civilized Men? What Happened to These Civilizations?? "Lorca, muerte de un poeta" Una guerra civil (1935-1936)? Should Disaster Strike: Civil Protection in Action? "Civil War Battles" The Road to War: Missouri Compromise to First Manssas 1820-1861? "Civil War Battles" Stone Rivers to Vicksburg December 1862-July 1863? "Civil War Battles" Brandy Station, Gettysburg and Chattanooga July 1863-November 1863? "Civil War Battles" Red River to Petersburg May 1864-December 1864? "Civil War Battles" Atlanta May 1864-December 1864? "Civil War Battles" Fort Fisher to Lincoln's Assassination January 1865-April 1865? Hoover vs. the Kennedys: The Second Civil War? "Hoover vs. the Kennedys: The Second Civil War" Episode #1.1? "Hoover vs. the Kennedys: The Second Civil War" Episode #1.2? Civil War Battles? "DuckTales" Launchpad's Civil War? Robert Wilson and the Civil Wars? "St. Elsewhere" The Naked Civil Surgeon? "Rude Health" Civil Defiance? Ghosts... of the Civil Dead? Civil War: The Fiery Trail? Civilisations? "Tretí patro" Civil? "Civilisations" Sacrifice? The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years? "Apostrophes" La civilisation du vin? "The Reith Lectures" A Civil Society In Embryo? "Bordertown" Civilization? "A Bit of a Do" The Civil Wedding? "Everyman" Voices of Sorrow: Sudan's Civil War? "Arena" Slim Gaillard's Civilisation - Part 1? "Arena" Slim Gaillard's Civilisation - Part 2? "Arena" Slim Gaillard's Civilisation - Part 3? "Del Miño al Bidasoa" La verde y civilizada tierra de Cantabria? "Chronicle" Macedonia: A Civilisation Uncovered? Estado civil? "Estado civil" Episode #1.1? "Estado civil" Episode #1.2? "Estado civil" Episode #1.3? Guns N' Roses: Civil War? The Civil War? "The Civil War" A Very Bloody Affair (1862)? "The Civil War" Forever Free (1862)? "The Civil War" Most Hallowed Ground (1864)? "The Civil War" Simply Murder (1863)? "The Civil War" The Better Angels of Our Nature (1865)? "The Civil War" The Cause (1861)? "The Civil War" The Universe of Battle (1863)? "The Civil War" Valley of the Shadow of Death (1864)? "The Civil War" War Is All Hell (1865)? Autobiografia di una guerra civile? Civilization? Very Civilized? Legacy: The Origins of Civilization? "Legacy: The Origins of Civilization" Central America: The Burden of Time? "Legacy: The Origins of Civilization" China: The Mandate of Heaven? "Legacy: The Origins of Civilization" Egypt: The Habit of Civilisation? "Legacy: The Origins of Civilization" India: Empire of the Spirit? "Legacy: The Origins of Civilization" Iraq: Cradle of Civilisation? "Legacy: The Origins of Civilization" The Barbarian West? "Timewatch" Savagery and the American Indian: Civilisation? Civil Wars? "Civil Wars" A Long, Fat Frontal Presentation? "Civil Wars" Daveja-Vu All Over Again? "Civil Wars" Have Gun, Will Unravel? "Civil Wars" Pilot? "Civil Wars" The Pound and the Fury? The Civil War? "Le dessous des cartes" Cambodge: guerre civile et reconstruction? Touring Civil War Battlefields? "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" Civil Wars? Civil War Correspondent? "The Real West" The U.S. Civil War Out West? "Grand format" L'épuration (Haute-Savoie 1944) - Partie 1: La fureur de la guerre civile? "Civil Wars" A Bus Named Desire? "Civil Wars" A Partridge in a Pair's Tree? "Civil Wars" Below the Beltway? "Civil Wars" Chute First, Ask Questions Later? "Civil Wars" Das Boat House? "Civil Wars" Denise and De Nuptials? "Civil Wars" Devil's Advocate? "Civil Wars" Dirty Pool? "Civil Wars" Drone of Arc? "Civil Wars" For Better or Perverse? "Civil Wars" Grin and Bare It? "Civil Wars" His Honor's Offer? "Civil Wars" Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense? "Civil Wars" Mob Psychology? "Civil Wars" Oboe Phobia? "Civil Wars" Oceans White with Phone? "Civil Wars" Pro Se Can You See? "Civil Wars" Shop 'Til You Drop? "Civil Wars" Tape Fear? "Civil Wars" The Naked and the Wed? "Civil Wars" The Old Man and the 'C'? "Civil Wars" The Triumph of DeVille? "Civil Wars" Till Debt Do Us Part? "Civil Wars" Whippet 'Til It Breaks? "The Oprah Winfrey Show" Witnesses of Murders During the Civil Rights Era? Un arreglo civilizado para el divorcio? Civil War Journal? Registro civil? "Civil War Journal" The Gray Ghost: John Singleton Mosby? "Civil War Journal" Stonewall Jackson? "Civil War Journal" The 54th Massachusetts? "Civil War Journal" The Battle of 1st Bull Run? "Civil War Journal" West Point Classmates? "Civil War Journal" The Battle of Fredericksburg? "Civil Wars" A Liver Runs Through It? "Civil Wars" Alien Aided Affection? "Civil Wars" Captain Kangaroo Court? "Civil Wars" Dances with Sharks? "Civil Wars" Hit the Road, Jack? "Civil Wars" Split Ends? "Civil Wars" Watt, Me Worry?? "How We Used to Live" In Civil War: A Trial of Force? "How We Used to Live" In Civil War: A Trial of Kingship? "How We Used to Live" In Civil War: Know Thine Enemy? "How We Used to Live" In Civil War: The Fugitive? "How We Used to Live" In Civil War: Truth or Treason? Guns of the Civil War? "Civil War Journal" Destiny at Ft. Sumter? "Civil War Journal" Pickett's Charge? "Civil War Journal" McClellan's Way? "Civil War Journal" Banners of Glory? "Civil War Journal" Alexander Gardner: War Photographer? "Civil War Journal" John Brown's War? "Civil War Journal" The Monitor vs. the CSS Virginia? Ikiza, unité et guerre civile au Burundi? 32 - A Guerra Civil? "Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man" A Civil War? The Great Battles of the Civil War? "Civil War Journal" The Traitor President: Jefferson Davis? "Civil War Journal" Frederick Douglass? "Civil War Journal" Women at War? "Civil War Journal" Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain? "Civil War Journal" The Battle of Chattanooga? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Antietam? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Appomatox? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Battle of the Crater? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Battles for Atlanta? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Bentonville? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Brandy Station? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Cedar Creek? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Chancellorsville? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Chickamauga? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Cold Harbor? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Corinth? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Destruction of C.S.S. Alabama? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" First Drive on Vicksburg? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" First Manassas? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Fort Fisher? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Fort Sumter? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Franklin? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Fredericksburg? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Ft. Donelson? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Gettysburg? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Intervening Campaigns? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Intervening Campaigns? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Intervening Campaigns? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Ironclads and Navies? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Kennesaw Mountain? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Mobile Bay? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" New Market? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Peninsula Campaign? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Perryville? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Sailors Creek? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Second Manassas? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Shenandoah Valley? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Shiloh? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Siege of Petersburg? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Sieges of Vicksburg and Charleston? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" Stones River? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" The Battles for New Orleans and the Mississippi River? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" The War in the Far West? "The Great Battles of the Civil War" The Wilderness and Spotsylvania? "Civil War Journal" The Boy Generals? "Civil War Journal" Lincoln and Gettysburg? "Civil War Journal" The Battle of Franklin & Nashville? "Civil War Journal" Shadows of Lightning: JEB Stuart & the CSA Cavalry? "Civil War Journal" Death Camps? "Civil War Journal" Honor the Dead? "Civil War Journal" Battle of Fredericksburg? "Marimar" La boda civil? The Civil War: The Making of a Museum Exhibit? "Civil War Journal" Battlefield Medicine? "Civil War Journal" Iron Jaws: The Killing Power of Civil War Artillery? "Civil War Journal" War Crimes: The Death Camps? "Civil War Journal" The Battle of Charleston? "Civil War Journal" Zouaves!? "Civil War Journal" Terrible Swift Sword: The Union Cavalry? "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Civil Defense? "Civil War Journal" Sherman and the March to the Sea? "Civil War Journal" Days of Darkness: The Gettysburg Civilians? "Civil War Journal" Caught in the Maelstrom: Civilians in War? "Civil War Journal" Robert E. Lee? "Viaggio nelle meraviglie dell'archeologia" Nella Mesopotamia, culla della civiltà? Lost Civilizations? "Lost Civilizations" Aegean: The Legacy of Atlantis? "Lost Civilizations" China: Dynasties of Power? "Lost Civilizations" Egypt: Quest for Immortality? "Lost Civilizations" Inca: Secrets of the Ancestors? "Lost Civilizations" Mesopotamia: Return to Eden? "Lost Civilizations" Africa: A History Denied? "Lost Civilizations" Greece: A Moment of Excellence? "Lost Civilizations" Maya: The Blood of Kings? "Lost Civilizations" Rome: The Ultimate Empire? "Lost Civilizations" Tibet: The End of Time? "Civil War Journal" Mr. Lincoln's Butcher: Gen. Ulysses S. Grant? "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" The Uncivil War/Rodman/The American Singapore? "Reality Check" Communications/Structure/Ancient Civilizations? "Ancient Mysteries" Atlantis: The Lost Civilization? "Civil War Journal" Dan Sickles: The General Who Got Away with Murder? "Civil War Journal" Born Killers: The Iron Brigade? "Civil War Journal" Yank vs. Reb: The Foot Soldier's Life? Advanced Civilization? "Viaggio nelle meraviglie dell'archeologia" Santorini: una civiltà sprofondata nel mare? "Viaggio nelle meraviglie dell'archeologia" Sela-Petra: una civiltà nella roccia? "In the Life" Civil Rights, Gay Rights? "In the Life" Civil Rights, Gay Rights? Causes of the Civil War? Chicano! History of the Mexican-American Civil Rights Movement? Great Cultures, Great Nations: Egypt - A Gift to Civilization? "The Unexplained" Civil War Ghosts? Life on Earth: A True Civilisation? "Ghosthunters" Spirits of the Civil War? "Sightings" Her Name Was Cathy/The New Area 51/The Great Gadsden/Master Healer/Update: Lost Civilizations? La guerra civil en Euskadi? "La guerra civil en Euskadi" Amanecer sangriento? "La guerra civil en Euskadi" El Oasis Vasco? "La guerra civil en Euskadi" Entre Santoña y Gernika? "La guerra civil en Euskadi" Camino del destierro? "La guerra civil en Euskadi" De Gernika a Hiroshima? The O.J. Civil Trial? Civilization II? "Silk Stalkings" Uncivil Wars? "Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg" Can civil society be restored?? "Viaggio nelle meraviglie dell'archeologia" Lo scontro fra due civiltà? "Viaggio nelle meraviglie dell'archeologia" La civiltà delle rocce: l'epopea dei nuraghi? "Letter from America by Alistair Cooke: The Clinton Years (1993-1996)" OJ Simpson's civil trial? "Blue Heelers" The Civil Dead? "Roger and the Rottentrolls" The Civil War? "The Practice" The Civil Right? "Cronkite Remembers" Vietnam and Civil Rights? Civil War Battlefields? "Civil War Battles" Fort Henry to Antietam February 1862-August 1862? "Time & Again" Civil Rights? Vajont, 9 ottobre '63 - Orazione civile? "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" Civil Wars? "Promised Land" Civil Wars? The Second Civil War? The Speeches of the Civil War? La Guerre Civile Grecque? "Le dessous des cartes" Belgique - La guerre civile sans armes (1/2)? "Le dessous des cartes" Belgique - La guerre civile sans armes (2/2)? "Letter from America by Alistair Cooke: The Clinton Years (1997-2000)" The end of civilisation? American Civil War? "Saber Marionette J to X" Civilization All Over the Place? "Histeria!" The U.S. Civil War? "Histeria!" The U.S. Civil War: Part 2? War and Civilization? "History's Mysteries" The Civil War Draft Riots? "Civil War Journal" The Secret War: Civil War Spies? "War and Civilization" Empires and Armies? "War and Civilization" First Blood? "War and Civilization" Horse Warriors? "War and Civilization" Gunpowder? "War and Civilization" War Machines? "War and Civilization" Blood and Iron? "War and Civilization" Revolution? "War and Civilization" The Price of War? A Civil Action: In Pusuit of Justice? "American Justice" A Civil Action? Quest for the Lost Civilization? A Civil Action? The Decline of Western Civilization Part III? "To the Contrary" Lani Guinier: Civil Rights? "Siskel & Ebert" You've Got Mail/Down in the Delta/The Thin Red Line/A Civil Action/Affliction? "Quest for the Lost Civilization" Heaven's Mirror? "Quest for the Lost Civilization" Forgotten Knowledge? "Quest for the Lost Civilization" Ancient Mariners? "Everybody Loves Raymond" Civil War? Civilisées? Civil War: England's Fight for Freedom? Pornography: A Secret History of Civilisation? The Great Civil War Debate? "Pornography: A Secret History of Civilisation" Pornotopia: Digital? "Pornography: A Secret History of Civilisation" Sex Lives on Videotape: Video? "Pornography: A Secret History of Civilisation" The Mechanical Eye: The Photograph? "Pornography: A Secret History of Civilisation" The Road to Ruin: Antiquity? "Pornography: A Secret History of Civilisation" The Sacred and Profane: The Printing Press? "Pornography: A Secret History of Civilisation" Twentieth Century Foxy: Film? "Johnson Tapes" Uncivil Liberties: Hoover & King? "The Century: America's Time" 1941-1945: Civilians at War? "Working in the Theatre" Production: The Civil War? La Revolución Mexicana. La guerra civil, capítulo III? "Clío" La Revolución Mexicana. La guerra civil, capítulo III? "Little Men" Civil Disobedience? Civilization II: Test of Time? "The History of Sex" Ancient Civilization? War is Kind: Poetry of the Civil War? "Split Screen" Civil War Redux? Civilization: Call to Power? The Making of 'A Civil Action'? "Sex Court" Civil Undress? "Ally McBeal" Civil War? "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" Uncivilized? "L'Armée Rouge" Les guerres civiles? "Le dessous des cartes" Bahreïn (1/2) - La civilisation des deux mers? "Le dessous des cartes" Bahreïn (2/2) - La civilisation des deux mers? "Juízo Final" Guerra Civil de Espanha? "Zone interdite" Sécurité civile: les commandos de l'espoir? "Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids" The Barber of Civil? "Hard Drinkin' Lincoln" The Un-Civil War? Empires: The Greeks - Crucible of Civilization? Of Civil Wrongs & Rights: The Fred Korematsu Story? Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Wheatfield at Gettysburg? Apostles of Civilised Vice? "Modern Marvels" Plumbing: The Arteries of Civilization? The American Civil Liberties Union? Civil Rights Martyrs: Free at Last? "Closer to Truth" Whatever Happened to Ethics and Civility?? "American Justice" Why OJ Simpson Lost the Civil Trial? Trafiquants des civilisations perdues? "Empires: The Greeks - Crucible of Civilization" Golden Age? "Empires: The Greeks - Crucible of Civilization" Empire of the Mind? "Courage" Civil Rights Hero? Civility? Civil War Essay? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Tragedy at Cold Harbor? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Bloody Lane at Antietam? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Hornets Nest at Shiloh? "Empires: The Greeks - Crucible of Civilization" The Revolution? "Avocats & associés" Partie civile? The English Civil War? African Americans in Connecticut: From Civil War to Civil Rights? Aillados, a historia da guerra civil en Galicia? Living the Story: The Civil Rights Movement in Kentucky? Brother Against Brother: The American Civil War? Brother Against Brother: The English Civil War? Brother Against Brother: The Spanish Civil War? Secrets of Ancient Empires: The First Civilizations? The Unfinished Civil War? "Save Our History" Civil War Battlefields? La guerra civil en Extremadura? "La guerra civil en Extremadura" Los antecedentes y la sublevación? "La guerra civil en Extremadura" De la sublevación a la toma de Badajoz? "La guerra civil en Extremadura" El final de la guerra y las guerrillas? "Providence" Civil Unrest? Civilization III? Legacy of Ancient Civilizations? "Legacy of Ancient Civilizations" The Minoans? "Legacy of Ancient Civilizations" The Mycenaeans? "Legacy of Ancient Civilizations" Thera/Santorini? "Legacy of Ancient Civilizations" Carthage and the Phoenicians? "Legacy of Ancient Civilizations" Ancient Arabia? "Legacy of Ancient Civilizations" Troy and Pergamum? Civil War Minutes: Union? "Encounters with the Unexplained" Martian Civilizations: What's Really on Mars?? "Dennis Miller Live" Civil Disobedience? "Star Trek: Enterprise" Civilization? "Kirby: Right Back at Ya!" Mister Curio's Ancient Pupupu Civilization? Cup of Ancient Civilizations: Semi-finals - Egypt vs China? "Le dessous des cartes" Groenland (1/2) - La civilisation du phoque? "Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors" Civil War? "In Our Time: History" Rome and European Civilization? "Normal People" Gente Normal e Civilizada? "Late Show with David Letterman" Jack Hanna, Tom Cavanagh, Civil War Reenactment? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Battle of Chancellorsville? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" Little Round Top at Gettysburg? Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War? "Mail Call" Civil War Rifles/1st Missile Submarine/Navy Divers Gear/Bowie Knife? Lynyrd Skynyrd' s Uncivil War? "Unlocking the Past" Vanished Civilizations? Splendeurs des civilisations du passé? Civil Brand? The Exquisite Risk of Civil War Brass? Gettysburg: Civil War Battles? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Battle of Fredericksburg? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Battle of First Manassas? "Dennis Miller Live" Civil Liberties? "Mail Call" Civil War Cannoneers/Night Vision/Clearing a Minefield? "L'aventure humaine" Karakoum, la civilisation des oasis? "Le dessous des cartes" Il n'y a pas de choc des civilisations? "Metalheads" An Uncivil Suit? Civil War? Mundo civilizado? Civilian Casualties: Fragments from the War on Terror? Robbing the Cradle of Civilization? "Modern Marvels" Terror Tech: Civilian? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Crater at Petersburg? "Castle" Castles and the English Civil War? "XXI Century" Civilization? "Ulisse - Il piacere della scoperta" Le civiltà perdute del nuovo mondo? "Doctors" A Civilised Arrangement? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" Culp's Hill at Gettysburg? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Battle of Franklin? Galactic Civilizations? "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge" Hi Tech vs. Civil Service? "Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles" The Battle of Chickamauga? Uncommon Courage: Patriotism and Civil Liberties? After Silence: Civil Rights and the Japanese American Experience? "In Our Time: History" The Spanish Civil War? Il Rosso e Il Nero - The Italian Civil War? "Camera Café" Protezione civile? "Stooges Slap Happy Hour" Pop Goes the Easel/Uncivil Warriors? Silver Wings & Civil Rights: The Fight to Fly? Liberia: An Uncivil War? Sir David Attenborough Remembers the Making of 'Civilisation'? The Cost of Freedom: Civil Liberties, Security and the USA PATRIOT Act? Guardias, civiles y con derechos? "BattleField Detectives" Civil War: Battle of Antietam? "BattleField Detectives" Civil War: Battle of Gettysburg? "Investigating History" The Lost Battle of the Civil War? "American Experience" Reconstruction: The Second Civil War, Part 1 - Revolution? "American Experience" Reconstruction: The Second Civil War, Part 2 - Retreat? "History Detectives" Civil War Submarine/Red Cloud's Peace Pipe/Thomas Edison's House? "Decisions That Shook the World" LBJ and the Civil Rights Movement? "National Geographic Specials" Civil War Gold? "Tasting History" Civil War? "Fair City" Fair City Civil Action Story: Part 1? "Fair City" Fair City Civil Action Story: Part 2? "Fair City" Fair City Civil Action Story: Part 3? "Fair City" Fair City Civil Action Story: Part 4? "Fair City" Fair City Civil Action Story: Part 5? "Fair City" Fair City Civil Action Story: Part 6? "Fair City" Fair City Civil Action Story: Part 7? "Fair City" Fair City Civil Action Story: Part 8? Gettysburg and Stories of Valor: Civil War Minutes III? Jeff Steele and the Lost Civilization of NoyNac? "Viva la Bam" Uncivil War? "Dave the Barbarian" Civilization/The Terror of Mecha-Dave? "The Complete History of U.S. Wars 1700-2004" The Civil War? "Atlantia" Al margen de la civilización? "Ramdam" Guerre civile? Secret Missions of the Civil War? The Civil Rights Movement? El Perro Negro: Stories from the Spanish Civil War? The Love of Liberty... A Liberian Civil War Documentary? "Wild West Tech" Civil War in the West? "Horizon" The Lost Civilisation of Peru? "History Detectives" Doc Holliday's Watch/Civil War Female Soldiers/Japanese Internment Camp Artwork? "Modern Marvels" Civil War Tech? "Save Our History" Voices of Civil Rights? "A History of Black Achievement in America" Civil Rights? Faces in the Water: The Martyrs of Civil Rights Memorial? The Civil War in Four Minutes? "Assignment Discovery" Civilizations: Fall of Power? Blood on Our Hands: The English Civil War? "Neighbours" Civil Disobedience? Civilization IV? Civil War Terror? "Creation Boot Camp" Lost Civilizations and Ancient Technology? The Civilization of Maxwell Bright? The Destruction of Civilization? Civilizados? Civil Army? Civil Army 2? La Guerra Civil Española? "La Guerra Civil Española" La segunda Republica? "La Guerra Civil Española" Frente Popular? "La Guerra Civil Española" La sublevacion del 18 de Julio? "La Guerra Civil Española" La Batalla de Madrid? "La Guerra Civil Española" La Lucha en Aragon, Andalucia y el Norte? "La Guerra Civil Española" La clave de la guerra: el Cantabrico? "La Guerra Civil Española" Contraataque republicano en Teruel? "La Guerra Civil Española" Una sociedad en guerra? "La Guerra Civil Española" Del Alfambra al Ebro? "La Guerra Civil Española" El desfile de la Victoria? Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War? "Facts of Congress" Civility? Ambrose Bierce: Civil War Stories? "BattleField Detectives" Civil War: Shiloh? "Ten Days That Unexpectedly Changed America" Shays' Rebellion: America's First Civil War? Aftershock: Beyond the Civil War? Christmas and the Civil War? "History Detectives" Grace Kelly Car/Harley-Davidson Motorcycle/Civil War POW Photos? C.O.B.: Civilians on the Battlefield? La guerra civil en Andalucía? "Pritzker Military Library Presents" Fields of Honor: Pivotal Battles of the Civil War? "Algo habrán hecho" Civilización y Barbarie? "Documentos TV" Del paraíso a la civilización? "La guerra civil en Andalucía" El golpe I? "La guerra civil en Andalucía" El golpe II? "La guerra civil en Andalucía" El lento avance nacional? 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"2006 Steven Berger Seminar: Liberty & American Civilization" The Classical Liberal States' Rights Tradition? "2006 Steven Berger Seminar: Liberty & American Civilization" The Revolution of 1913? "2006 Steven Berger Seminar: Liberty & American Civilization" Protectionist Origins of Antitrust? "2006 Steven Berger Seminar: Liberty & American Civilization" The Myth of Natural Monopoly? "2006 Steven Berger Seminar: Liberty & American Civilization" Labor Market Superstitions? "2006 Steven Berger Seminar: Liberty & American Civilization" The Truth About the Great Depression? "2006 Steven Berger Seminar: Liberty & American Civilization" Is Voluntary Government Possible?? Shoot on Sight: The Ongoing Military Junta Offensive Against Civilians in Eastern Burma? Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords? Organizaciones de la sociedad civil? Civil War? Complexities of War: The Making of 'Civil War Stories'? El rostro humano: Resistencia civil pacífica? AAW Civil War? "Millennium" Robert Fisk, la guerra per la civilització? "Enfoque" Alianza de civilizaciones? UnCivil Liberties? "True Life" I'm a Civilian Again? Decline of Western Civilization Part 69: The Porno Years? Secret Soldiers of the Civil War? "La Guerra Civil Española" La ofensiva sobre Cataluna? "La Guerra Civil Española" Resistencia desesperada? "Policy Watch with Doug Besharov" Judith Martin Part 1: Miss Manners on the Role of Etiquette in a Civil Society? "Policy Watch with Doug Besharov" Judith Martin Part 2: Miss Manners on the Role of Etiquette in a Civil Society? The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided? Sociedade Civil? "Sociedade Civil" Episode #1.1? "O País em Memória" O Único Civil no 25 de Abril? Civilization IV: Warlords? Cicatrices de piedra. La Guerra Civil en Aragón? "The Philosopher's Zone" What Is Civilisation?? "Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast" Episode 3: Civil War Discussion, Amazing Spider-Girl Returns, Favorite Spidey storyline? "Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast" Episode 1: Spidey Unmasks, Civil War, Ultimate Spider-Man record? Bad Blood: The Border War That Triggered the Civil War? "The Onion" Bush Calls Up Civil War Reenactors for Duty in Iraq? "Camera Café" Guerra civile? "Camera Café" Guerra civile? "9 Ends 2 Out" 11th Inning: On the 15th of every month, there is a Civil Defense Exercise? Civil Protection? "Civil Protection" Friday? "Civil Protection" Aliens Part 1? "Civil Protection" Aliens Part 2? "Civil Protection" Shadow of a Doubt? "Civil Protection" On a Rail? "Civil Protection" Halloween Safety? "History Detectives" NC-4: First Across the Atlantic/Howard Hughes Crash/Civil War Balloon? "History Detectives" Grace Kelly Car/Harley-Davidson Motorcycle/Civil War POW Photos? Lesbian Civilisation? "Modern Marvels" Guns of the Civil War? Hot Rocks: Geology of Civilization? This Is Civilisation? Day Under Fire: The Civil War? Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights Story? "Hot Rocks: Geology of Civilization" California? "Hot Rocks: Geology of Civilization" Indonesia? "Hot Rocks: Geology of Civilization" Japan? "Hot Rocks: Geology of Civilization" Peru? "Edwardians in Colour: The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn" The Civilians' Story? "Le dessous des cartes" Civilisations: Du Choc à l'Alliance?? ALF: Civil Disobedience? "This Is Civilisation" Feelings? "This Is Civilisation" Save Our Souls? "This Is Civilisation" Uncertainty? "This Is Civilisation" Ye Gods? La civilización romana en el valle del río Saduka? "WRAL Murder Trials" Duke Lacrosse Case: Interview with Seligmann Civil Attorney Richard D. Emery? Powerful Civilian? Powerful Civilian 2? "Neighbours" Ghosts of the Uncivil Dead? Civil War Minutes: Confederate? The History Channel Presents: The Civil War? Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar? The Civil War of the Brothers Sullivan? Civil War? Being Civil? "Life" A Civil War? "Bleach" Civil War in Hueco Mondo! Ulquiorra's Death? The Last Ditch: The Final Battle of the Civil War? "Sociedade Civil" Elaborar um Plano de Gastos Familiar? "Sociedade Civil" Episode #2.207? "Sociedade Civil" Agricultura Biológica? "Le dessous des cartes" Civilisations: du choc à l'alliance?? Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword? Civil Twilight? "The Border" Civil Disobedience? History Civil War: Secret Missions? "Bonekickers" The Cradle of Civilisation? "Familiar Waters" Fishing with the Ghost of the Civil War? "Lawrence of America" Civil War? "Civil Protection" What Is Machinima?? "Civil Protection" Oil's Well? "Sky High" Civilian Airfields? "In the Life" Civil Rites & Civil Rights? Scorched Summer: The Second Lebanon War Through Civilian Eyes? "Speaking in Tongues: The History of Language" Civilization to Colonization? "Most Shocking" Civilian Justice? Civil Servant P327JUM? Fighting for Life: Teenage Views on US Civil Rights? Civil War: America Divided? "Civil War: America Divided" Two Nations? "Civil War: America Divided" Shifting Fortunes? "Civil War: America Divided" Advance and Retreat? "Civil War: America Divided" Scales of War? "Civil War: America Divided" It Is Well That War Is So Terrible? "Civil War: America Divided" Give Them Cold Steel? "Civil War: America Divided" Season of Change? "Civil War: America Divided" If It Takes All Summer? "Civil War: America Divided" Marching Through Georgia? "Civil War: America Divided" Lost Cause? "Runaway Stars" Civilization? "EWTN Bookmark" A Civilization of Love: What Every Catholic Can Do to Transform the World? Evening's Civil Twilight in Empires of Tin? Saddleback Civil Forum? RED SUN: A Chinese Civil War Movie? Civil But Not Civilized? Civilization (Megaplex)? "Baisden After Dark" Who are the new Civil Right Leaders? Black, Latino, Woman? "Philosophy Bites" Anthony Grayling on Bombing Civilians in Wartime? "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" Kardashian Civil War? "Generation Kill" The Cradle of Civilization? "Bobinas" La guerra civil en el cine? Sid Meier's Civilization: Revolution? Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization? "Sociedade Civil" Dar Saude ao Próximo? "Sociedade Civil" Proibido Fumar? "Philosophy Bites" Melissa Lane on Rousseau on Civilization? "Philosophy Bites" A.C. Grayling on Bombing Civilians in Wartime? Rising Up: a documentary on the Civil Rights era? "Hull on Estates" Episode 97 - The Ontario Civil Justice Reform Project? "C dans l'air" Vous avez dit civilisation?? Star Wolves 3: Civil War? "Art Mann Presents" The Civil War Game? "The Onion" Internet Archeologists Find Ruins of 'Friendster' Civilization? "Civil Protection" Morning Patrol? 2012... and the Earth Was No More: Revelations, Lost Civilizations, Fall of the Aztec Empire, Mayan Calendar, the Serpent Returns? Love and Valor: The Intimate Civil War Letters? The Good Fight: James Farmer Remembers the Civil Rights Movement? "How the Celts Saved Britain" A New Civilisation? "History Detectives" Civil War Bridge/Scottsboro Boys Stamp/Duke Ellington Plates? "Man on Earth" The Birth of Civilisation? Stills of the Movement: The Civil Rights Photojournalism of Flip Schulke? Civil War Life? United Nations Alliance of Civilizations? Reveal the Real: Brooklyn, Slavery & the Civil War? To My Son in Spain: Finnish Canadians in the Spanish Civil War? "Ulisse - Il piacere della scoperta" La fine dell'antica civiltà dei Maya? Ancient Civilizations? "Ancient Civilizations" Seven Wonders: Splendors of the Ancient World? "Ancient Civilizations" The Vikings: Voyage of the Longships? "Ancient Civilizations" Machu Picchu: Secrets of the Incas? "Ancient Civilizations" The Dead Sea Scrolls: Unlocking the Secrets of Scriptures? "Ancient Civilizations" Stonehenge: Secrets of an Ancient Monument? "Ancient Civilizations" Who Killed the Maya? The Vanished Civilization? "Ancient Civilizations" Lost Temple to the Gods? "Ancient Civilizations" Pompeii: Buried Alive? 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"Ancient Civilizations" The Great Sphinx: Guardian of the Pyramids? "Ancient Civilizations" Dreamtime of the Aborigines? "Ancient Civilizations" Incredible Monuments of Rome? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" How the Civil Rights Movement Worked? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" Mesopotamia: The First Civilization? Civilian? A (Not So) Civil Union? "Issues: The Series" Uncivil War? Civilians? Civil? Bad Movies, Good Showers, and Civil Engineers? "American Experience" Civilian Conservation Corps? "The Tudors" Civil Unrest? "Ghost Hunters" Civil War Spirits? Let Freedom Sing: How Music Inspired the Civil Rights Movement? Civil Strife? "Sociedade Civil" Diferenças de Temperatura? "Sociedade Civil" Como Vai Ser 2009?? "New Books in History" Gregory Cochran, "The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution"? "New Books in History" Stephen Kotkin, "Uncivil Society: 1989 and the Implosion of the Communist Establishment"? "Ancient Civilizations" Introducing Ancient Civilizations? "The Philosopher's Zone" Michel Foucault's Madness and Civilisation: 50th anniversary? "The Philosopher's Zone" In search of civilisation? "The Philosopher's Zone" How political idealism threatens civilisation? "Philosophy Talk" Civil Disobedience? "Stuff Mom Never Told You" What's the difference between marriage and civil union?? "New Books in Eastern European Studies" Stephen Kotkin, aEUoeUncivil Society: 1989 and the Implosion of the Communist EstablishmentaEU (Modern Library, 2009)? "Hull on Estates" Episode 152 - Amendments to the Rules of Civil Procedure? "Hull on Estates" Terminology in Civil Proceedings âEUR" Hull on Estates 186? "Feroz" Casamiento Civil? "The Ultimate Fighter" Civilized Sport? Tsunami, Horses and Civilization? Civilisation? "The Angry Joe Show" Civilization V Review? The Dead Will Guide Us: Teachings from Liberia's Civil War? Shelby Foote: The Man and the Civil War? "Life After People" Crypt of Civilization? Of Ghosts and Fauns: Del Toro's Spanish Civil War? "Sobre rodas" A peixeira e o Garda Civil? On That Road: Reliving the Civil Rights Movement? The Lost Civilizations of North America? Civil War in Hampton Roads: A New Beginning? "Ancient Civilizations" The Japanese Bow: Weapon of the Samurai? "Ancient Civilizations" Timbuktu: Africa's City of Gold? "Ancient Civilizations" Land of the Pyramids? "Ancient Civilizations" The Olmecs: Kings of the Stone Age? "Ancient Civilizations" Ancient E.R.: the Origins of Modern Medicine? "Ancient Civilizations" When China Ruled the Waves: the Voyages of Zheng He? "Stuff You Should Know" Was Mesopotamia the Cradle of Civilization?? Clash of Civilization Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio? Guerra Civil? "Desire and Deceit" How Civil We Are? Civilization V? "Front Page with Allen Barton" Injustice Exposed: Civil Rights Commission Issues Blistering Report on Obama's Justice Department? 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"New Books in History" Azar Gat, "War in Human Civilization"? "Le dessous des cartes" Le nucléaire civil? "Ottomans vs Christians: Battle for the Mediterranean" Clash of Civilisations? "Ancient Civilizations" Ancient Ships: Floating Palaces? "Ancient Civilizations" Ancient Medicine: Early Healing Practices? "Ancient Civilizations" Ancestors of Ancient Rome: The Etruscans? "Ancient Civilizations" Ancient Warfare: How Rome Conquered All? "Ancient Civilizations" Miracle Machines: Secrets of Ancient Technology? "Ancient Civilizations" Stone Age Revolution: How Civilization Began? "Ancient Civilizations" Colosseum: Arena of Death? "Ancient Civilizations" The Rebel Pharaoh: Akhenaten? "Ancient Civilizations" Deities and Demons: Egypt's Amazing Gods? "Ancient Civilizations" Kingdom of the Pharaohs: Uncovering the Mysteries of the Past? "Ancient Civilizations" Midas Revealed: King of Ancient Phrygia? "Astronomy Cast" Ep. 167: Future Civilizations? "The Olive Tree Reconciliation Fund" OT26 - Called to be a Civil Rights lawyer - Calev Myers with Julia Fisher? "Best of the Left" (2010/10/05) Executing a war, civilians and our strategy of empire (Foreign Policy)? "Hull on Estates" Civil Proceedings - Hull on Estates 196? "Three Moves Ahead" Three Moves Ahead 84: Civilization V with Todd Brakke? "Superbound" Katrine in Superheroine Caught in Civilian Guise, Part 1? "Superbound" Katrine in Superheroine Caught in Civilian Guise, Part 2? "Superbound" Katrine in Superheroine Caught in Civilian Guise, Part 3? "Travel with Rick Steves" 242 Ken Burns and the American Civil War; Nancy Pearl's Armchair Travels? Drunk McDoodle, Civil Engineer? "Who Knew?" 150th Civil War? "Lepo je biti sosed" Civilna zascita? "With You, Without You" Boda civil? The Civil War on Drugs? "Civil Protection" The Tunnel? The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement? Civilization: Is the West History?? "Journey to Planet Earth" Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization? Civiles y militares S.S.? The Fighting Irish of the Civil War? Birmingham Civil Rights: Moving from Birmingham's Past? "Civilization: Is the West History?" Work? "History Detectives" Yakima Canutt's Saddle/The Ni'ihau Incident/Civil War Cannon? "History Detectives" Spanish Civil War Eulogy/Word War II Leaflets/Tiffany Window? "Sobre rodas" O chófer, o da limpeza e o de Protección Civil? Hyde Park: A Civil Rights Test Case? Fields of Valor: The Civil War? "History Detectives" African American Comic Book/Lindberg-Sikorsky Fabric/Civil War Letters? Life in a War Zone: Montgomery County during the Civil War? La guerra civil en Aragón? The Last Days of a Civilian? "Civilization: Is the West History?" Competition? "Civilization: Is the West History?" Consumerism? "Civilization: Is the West History?" Medicine? "Civilization: Is the West History?" Property? "Civilization: Is the West History?" Science? "La guerra civil en Aragón" El golpe? "La guerra civil en Aragón" El derrumbe? "La guerra civil en Aragón" El largo final de la guerra? "La guerra civil en Aragón" No ha llegado la paz, ha llegado la victoria? "La guerra civil en Aragón" Se crea la línea del frente? "La guerra civil en Aragón" Una guerra en estado puro? Civil Resistance? Civilization Lost? La civilisation horizontale? A History of Civil Rights in America? Averroès, un lien civilisationnel? "The 9/11 Decade" The Clash of Civilisations? "Pritzker Military Library Presents" David Goldfield - America Aflame: How the Civil War Created a Nation? "Pritzker Military Library Presents" Amanda Foreman - A World on Fire: Britain's Crucial Role in the American Civil War? Civil Society? "Ulisse - Il piacere della scoperta" La nascita della civiltà? "Diálogos fundamentales del Bicentenario" Civilización y Barbarie? "The Mind of a Leader I Based on Niccolò Machiavelli's 'The Prince'" Close Relations To All Levels In The Organization. Based on chapter IX in 'The Prince': 'Of civil principalities'? Crossroads of cultures and civilizations? "Timeless Love" Civil en Ensenada? "On the Spot" Civil War, Business, Weather? The Michigan Experience: The American Civil War Years? Tennessee Civil War 150? "Tennessee Civil War 150" Civil War Songs and Stories? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" Civil War Medicine: Mary Edwards Walker? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" Civil War Spies: Mary-Elizabeth Bowser? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" Civil War Spies: Belle Boyd? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" Civil War Spies: Allan Pinkerton? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" Civil War Medicine: Angels of the Battlefield? "On Being with Krista Tippett" (Unedited) Richard Mouw with Krista Tippett (Restoring Political Civility)? "On Being with Krista Tippett" Richard Mouw -- Restoring Political Civility: An Evangelical View? The Crisis of Civilization? Unmasked Judeophobia: The Threat to Civilization? A Civil Matter? Civilized Detachment? Protection Civile? Lutto di civiltà? Civility? Justice: Civilization? "Big Morning Buzz Live" Robert Sean Leonard/Cast of Bob's Burgers/The Civil Wars? "HEC-TV Live!" Stories of the Civil War? "World Press" Civility? "The Fashion Show" Civil Union? "Sons of Guns" Civil War Cannon: Shotgun Silencer? "American Pickers" Civil War Pickings? "American Guns" Volleygun/Civil War Trade? "House Hunters" Back to Civilization in Whitefish, Montana? "Haunted Collector" Uncivil Spirit / Revolutionary Ghost? "Auction Kings" Civil War Treasures/19 C. Camera? "Auction Kings" Moonshine Still/Civil War Iron Knuckles? "The Dakota Sessions" The Civil Wars? "Sociedade Civil" Quanto Vai Encolher o Seu Orçamento?? "Sociedade Civil" Que Tradições de Natal Existem?? "New Books in African American Studies" Houston A. Baker, "Betrayal: How Black Intellectuals Have Abandoned the Ideals of the Civil Rights Era"? "New Books in History" Ricardo Duchesne, "The Uniqueness of Western Civilization"? "New Books in History" Charles McKinney Jr., "Greater Freedom: The Evolution of the Civil Rights Struggle in Wilson, North Carolina"? "Philosophy Now Radio Show" Civilization and Its Discontents? "In Our Time" The Minoan Civilisation? "In Our Time" The Etruscan Civilisation? "Mancomunados" MICROCREDITO - Asociación Civil Barrios del Plata? "In Our Time: History" The Minoan Civilisation? "Witness History: Archive 2011" Sudan's civil war? "Witness History: Archive 2011" Child evacuees from the Spanish Civil War? "Witness History: Archive 2011" Ivory Coast civil war? "Beer Sessions Radio (TM)" Episode 76: Ale Street News, Civilization of Beer, and the Eataly Birreria? "Piedra de Toque" 'Las heridas de la guerra civil en Guatemala siguen abiertas'? "I.C.I.R.U.S." A Civil Discussion? "Cachito de cielo" Boda civil? "Wonderful Times" Civilka? "Civil Protection" Christmas Community Outreach? "Civil Protection" Double Feature!? Civil Indigent? Civil War: Commemorative Documentary Collection? Extreme Civil War Reenactors? The Ultimate Civil War Series: 150th Anniversary Edition? Civil War? "Sobre rodas" Os da Garda Civil, a da Thermomix e o adestrador de cans? "Unplugged" The Civil Wars? The Scot Who Shot the American Civil War? Lost in Civilization? Fired by Liberty: Black Soldiers of the Civil War? The Dollar-A-Day Boys: A Portrait of the Civilian Conservation Corps? "Austin City Limits" The Civil Wars/Punch Brothers? Civil Alliance, Palestine, 47-48? Before the Memories Fade: Voices from the Civil Rights Movement? "Crash Course: World History" The Indus Valley Civilization? Heart of the Civil War? "P.O.V." The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement? Mémoires de Civils? "P3 Dokumentär" Alta-konflikten - Från civil olydnad till samisk terrorism? "La respuesta está en la historia" De la Guerra Civil a la Democracia? Civil Love? "Abyss of Passion" En el registro civil? "Professional Grade" Civil Servants Bar Bad Kitchen? Crisis of Faith: Tennessee Civil War 150? Savannah in the Civil War? Intervención extranjera en la Guerra Civil Española? Los intelectuales españoles ante la Guerra Civil? La Guerra Civil Española. Mitos al descubierto? "History Extra podcast" Civilisations old and new and the M Shed museum? "History Extra podcast" The Spanish Civil War? Kreator: Civilization Collapse? The Twilight of Civilizations? A Civil Arrangement? CiviliTEA? Civil War? Uncivil? Civil War? Tube Tube: The Civil Servant? "Così è la vita" Scontro di civiltà? Taylor Swift Feat. The Civil Wars: Safe & Sound? "UCB Comedy Originals" Guy Who Just Learned the Word Civilization? "ATSN TV: American Trigger Sports Network Television" Highlights from Houston Liberty Festival - Civil and Vietnam War Re-enactments, Jousting and More!? "Big Morning Buzz Live" Chris Colfer/Adam Lambert/Gabe Saporta/Francesca & Dina Eastwood/Civil Twilight? "Mom's Homeroom" Teaching Civility? "Open Minds" Michael Tellinger on Secrets of Lost Civilizations? "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" Uncivil Union? "American Experience" Death and the Civil War? "Storage Wars" A Civil Accordion? "National Geographic Explorer" Extreme Civil War Reenactors? "History Detectives" Civil War Derringers/Fiery Cross/Motown Amp? Civilización? "Instruments of Death" The English Civil War: The Battle of Naseby, 1645? Hyde Park Civilizace? "Hyde Park Civilizace" Episode #1.1? "Hyde Park Civilizace" Jirí Grygar? "Hyde Park Civilizace" The Internet - How Will It Evolve?? "Sociedade Civil" Família: O Último Refúgio Contra a Crise? "Sociedade Civil" Alimentos Tradicionais vs Tecnológicos? "Sociedade Civil" O Consumismo é uma Doença?? "Sociedade Civil" Cativar Para a Leitura? "Sociedade Civil" Vai Haver Comida Para Todos?? "Sociedade Civil" Eliminar Barreiras? "Sociedade Civil" É Possível Viver Sem Açúcar?? "New Books in Native American Studies" Joseph Genetin-Pilawa, "Crooked Paths to Allotment: The Fight over Federal Indian Policy after the Civil War"? "No Agenda" Civil Society? "New Books in Popular Culture" Matthew Delmont, "The Nicest Kids in Town: American Bandstand, Rock 'n' Roll, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in 1950s Philadelphia"? "Le dessous des cartes" Le nucléaire civil en 2012? "Le dessous des cartes" Civilisations: changer ou disparaître?? "Ler +, Ler Melhor" Civilização do Espectáculo? "The TV Book Club" Rules of Civility? "Bluegrass Underground" The Civil Wars? "The Ancient World" Episode 13 - Civil War? "The Reith Lectures" Civil and Uncivil Societies? "Witness History: Archive 2012" The Greek Civil War? "Beyond Belief" Treatment of civilians in armed conflict? "CrashCourse" Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2? "Piedra de Toque" Viaje a la guerra: Siria a travA(c)s del rostro de la poblaciA3n civil con Antonio Pampliega? "20twenty" Marriage and Western Civilisation, Vishal Mangalwadi, 2 Oct 2012? "Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast" Episode 181: Water Boarding Spidey, Civil War Prose, Spider-Towels Save Spain? "Best of the Left" (2012/04/10) Discrimination, oppression and civil rights (LGBTQ Rights)? "FantascientifiCast" Robot, civiltà galattiche e mostri lacustri? "Hull on Estates" Hull on Estates 307 âEUR" Creative Approach to a Civil Trial? "SpyCast" Intelligence and Espionage in the U.S. Civil War? Survivng Civil Unrest? "A Solteirona" Como resolver um problema amoroso de maneira civilizada? "Smoke Break" A Civil Rights Scrabble Board? "The Will Edwards Show" Jeff Civillico, Red Grooves? Civilization? "Civilization" Elephant Racing Show? "Civilization" Burning Horses? "Civilization" Truffle Shuffle? "Camada de Nervos" Conselhos da Protecção Civil? "Level Up VG" LEVEL UP #55: Beyond, GTA Online, Victor Kislyi, Civilization 2? "Civilization" Gotta Have Faith? "Civilization" Mango Peepee? "Civilization" Doge of Disaster? "Civilization" Consequences? "Civilization" Never Trust a Mumbuttian? "Civilization" Happy Birthday Sjesus? "Civilization" I'd vote for Blanka? "Civilization" Stealing the Wheel? "Civilization" What can you do for Kathmandu?? "Civilization" Great Work of Television? "Civilization" Pernus? "Civilization" Shamu gets a new tank? "Civilization" Puppets in the Dangerous Game? "Civilization" Muskets vs Tank? "Civilization" Like taking Gandhi from a babby? "Civilization" Backstabbing? "Civilization" A whole New Octave? "Civilization" The 5000 Year Grudge? "Civilization" Grover the Barbarian? "Civilization" Seahenge? "Civilization" Goldfinger? "Civilization" Chicken Pizza? "Civilization" Butan Clan? "Civilization" Asda Price? "Civilization" Clam Chowder? "Civilization" The New World? "Civilization" Takeshi's Castle? "Civilization" Wise Willy? "Civilization" A Storm is Coming? "Civilization" Many Secrets? "Civilization" War Tomatoes? "Civilization" Be Happy? "Civilization" Malmo Remembers? "Civilization" We're All Winners? "Practical Tactical" Civilian Crime Fighters? "60 Minutes" The Rescue of Jessica Buchanan/Succeeding as Civilians/Bill Gates 2.0? Soldiers to Civilians? Civil Right Movement Road Trip? "Civil Right Movement Road Trip" Martin Luther King Jr. Monument City Park, Denver Colorado? "Civil Right Movement Road Trip" The Medgar Evers House, Jackson Mississippi? "Civil Right Movement Road Trip" Delta Blues, Robert Johnson's Grave Leflore County, Mississippi? "Civil Right Movement Road Trip" Loraine Motel - National Civil Rights Museum, Memphs Tenessee? "Civil Right Movement Road Trip" Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas? "Civil Right Movement Road Trip" Civil Rights Memorial, Montgomery Alabama? "Civil Right Movement Road Trip" Selma Historic Bridge, Selma Alabama? Civil War 360? Civil Courage? "Unsealed: Alien Files" Aliens and Civilization? "Alexander's Lost World" Source of Civilisation? "Crash Course: US History" Battles of the Civil War? "Crash Course: US History" Civil War 1? "Crash Course: US History" Civil War 2? "Crash Course: US History" Civil Rights? Sunken Civilizations: Secrets of Lost Cities Underwater? "Spécial investigation" Grèce: Vers la guerre civile?? "This Is Actually Happening" What If You Lived Through the Sri Lankan Civil War?? Mining for Civilization? "El Reemplazante" Ariel es secuestrado por civiles en marcha estudiantil? "Cut" Partie Civile? American Civil War Years Part One? American Civil War Years Part Two? "History Extra podcast" On the Civil War trail? "History Extra podcast" The downfall of Mary, Queen of Scots and a British civil rights struggle? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" Sarah Emma Edmonds, Civil War Spy? "Praise" Civil Rights Movement 50th Anniversary, Birmingham, Alabama? "Praise" Civil Rights Movement 50th Anniversary, Birmingham, Alabama II? "The Real News Network" With Military Failing to Prosecute Rapists, Calls Grow for Civilian Prosecutor? "Independent Lens" The Powerbroker: Whitney Young's Fight for Civil Rights? The American Civil War: Shiloh to New Market? Civilian Drones: Search and Rescue? Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire? "Tamori kurabu" Tokyo Fantastic Civil Engineering Film Festival? "Starting Strong" Civil Affairs? "Lazy Game Reviews" Sid Meier's Civilization - DOS PC Game Review? "Dark Age" Civil Defense? Thirst: A Civil War Story? Civilian? The Uncivil War? "Steam Train" Civilization V: Brave New World - Part 1? Uncivilized Servant? Let's Be Civil, Kenneth!? Uncivilized Servant: Service Pack 2? Labelplanet-the Treasures of a Lost Civilization? "Steam Train" Civilization V: Brave New World - Part 2? "Steam Train" Civilization V: Brave New World - Part 3? "Steam Train" Civilization V: Brave New World - Part 4? Civil War? A Civil Bond? The Civil Wars: The One That Got Away? "BlackOut Burned Nights" Are Civil Right Groups No Longer Relevant?? "Stuff They Don't Want You to Know" Can we really lose civilizations?? "New Books in Middle Eastern Studies" R. Kevin Jaques, \'Ibn Hajar: Makers of Islamic Civilization\' (I. B. Tauris, 2013)? "New Books in Genocide Studies" Christopher Powell, aEUoeBarbaric Civilization: A Critical Sociology of GenocideaEU (McGill-QueenaEUs University Press, 2011)? "Star Wars Minute" Minute 1: A Period of Civil War? "New Books in Military History" Brian Sandberg, aEUoeWarrior Pursuits: Noble Culture and Civil Conflict in Early Modern FranceaEU (Johns Hopkins UP, 2010)? "New Books in Military History" Stanley Payne, aEUoeThe Spanish Civil WaraEU (Cambridge UP, 2012)? "CSI: NY" Civilized Lies? "Diggers" Civil War Nectar Sector? "The Glades" Civil War? "Catering Wars" The Circus & the Civil War? "The Devil You Know" Civil War Serial Killer? "Family Tree" Civil War? "Shameless" Civil Wrongs? "Guns: The Evolution of Firearms" Post Civil War Weaspons and the Winning of the West? "Guns: The Evolution of Firearms" The Weapons of the Civil War? "Civil War 360" The Union? "Civil War 360" The Confederacy? "Civil War 360" Fight for Freedom? "The Legend of Korra" Civil Wars: Part 1? "The Legend of Korra" Civil Wars: Part 2? "Shipwrecks: Britain's Sunken History" Civilising the Sea? "69 saker du vill veta om sex" Porrstjärnor och civila? "Kids vs Film" Singapore Civil Defence Force? "Sociedade Civil" Aproximar Gerações? "New Books in Philosophy" Kimberley Brownlee, "Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience"? "Muromi-san" Muromi-san and the Secret Advanced Civilization? "New Books in Military History" Stanley Payne, "The Spanish Civil War"? "New Books in Military History" Brian Sandberg, "Warrior Pursuits: Noble Culture and Civil Conflict in Early Modern France"? "New Books in Political Science" Cari Lee Skogberg Eastman, "Shaping the Immigration Debate: Contending Civil Societies on the US-Mexico Border"? "New Books in Islamic Studies" R. Kevin Jaques, "Ibn Hajar: Makers of Islamic Civilization"? "New Books in Politics" Ray Haberski, "God and War: American Civil Religion Since 1945"? "Civilization" Rythian's Downfall? "Civilization" Tundra Trouble? "Civilization" The Battle of Yerevan? "Civilization" The 153 Alliance? "Civilization" Helter Skelter? "Civilization" Barbarian Woes? "Civilization" Wobbuffet? "Civilization" Duncanstein? "Civilization" Rainbow Remembers? "Civilization" Wheelin' and Dealin'? "Civilization" Naval Engagements? "Civilization" The Dove of Peace? "Civilization" Turn 152? "Civilization" Gluten Morgen? "Civilization" Rythian the Friendly Host? "Civilization" Eat a Butt About It? "Civilization" Capitalist Pirates? "Civilization" The Hazing? "Civilization" Venetian Blinds? "Civilization" The Puppet Leader peut-être? "Civilization" The Battle of Twickenham? "Civilization" The Rise and Fall of France? "Lord of Life Lutheran Church weekly sermon Podcast" The Civil War of the Soul? "Witness History: Archive 2013" Yemen Civil War? "Witness History: Archive 2013" A Heroine of Burundi's Civil War? "The World of Business" Civilian Drones? "Piedra de Toque" Las islas griegas, cuna de civilizaciones myvuelingcity? "Piedra de Toque" Los Balcanes, nudo de civilizaciones con IvA!n Marcos? "Best of the Left" (2013/06/12) Part 1: The scandal of continuity (Civil Rights and Privacy)? "Best of the Left" (2013/03/18) Your civil liberties are leaking (Rights)? "Best of the Left" (2013/06/15) Part 2: Shooting the messenger (Civil Rights and Privacy)? "Ozone Nightmare" Civil Harder? "Airline Pilot Guy - Aviation Podcast" APG 082 âEUR" Military to Civilian? "Science of Arboriculture" Trees, Stormwater, Soil and Civil Infrastructure? "15 Minute History" Episode 22: Causes of the U.S. Civil War (Part 2)? "15 Minute History" Episode 21: Causes of the U.S. Civil War (part 1)? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE INDISCRIMINATORY BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎۝ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next debut. And... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD. THEY PUT DUCT TAPE OVER HIS MOUTH AND AROUND HIS HANDS AND THREW HIM IN THE LAKE. THEY BEAT HIS THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FRIEND HALF TO DEATH WITH A BASEBALL BAT. WHEN I WAS TEN YEARS OLD, I WAS STILL TRYING TO NOT GET CAUGHT COMBINING MY OWN BOOGERS WITH FUNGUS-LIKE EUKARYOTIC MICROORGANISMS WITHIN THE STRAMENOPHILES TO CREATE A NEW, UNHOLY BOOGER-FUNGUS HYBRID THAT WOULD HOPEFULLY REPRODUCE A LOT. YOU KNOW, TO HELP ME WITH ALL MY BOOGER-RELATED ENGINEERING PROJECTS THAT WEREN'T GETTING ANYWHERE DUE TO A SEVERE LACK OF RAW MATERIALS... YOU KNOW, BOOG-OMYCETES, BUT THIS TEN YEAR OLD, HE GETS LOOSE! HE SAVES HIS FRIEND FROM DROWNING! HE CARRIES HIM A MILE AND A HALF TO THE NEAREST HOUSE! DOES THIS MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO YOU? HAVE YOU NO HUMAN FEELING LEFT AT ALL? OH, I GUESS YOU DON'T CARE. I GUESS YOU HAVE NO HUMANITY LEFT AT ALL IN YOU. I GUESS... sorry, don't know where that came from. And yes, you're right, without real boogers it would be cheating. Incidentally, the next time you're caught for cheating, use this video as your Exhibit A... maybe W or X. Try and get a bead on the room. ANYWAY, on to the next debut. Now, I do hate to be negative, especially at a birthday party, but I'm here by myself and our next debut debuted at #9 with a $1.3 million USD haul. As I used to say about such things... PATHETIC!!!! And speaking of pathetic, I'm a little disappointed in you, Real Downloader (TM)(C)(R). Download speed's fine, but now it just takes forever for it to find anything! Anyway, the IMDb clearly needs more data. How many theatres is this new one in? Maybe it's just in one giant Supermax (TM)(C)(R) IMAX Theatre, so that would be pretty impressive! Ten balconies, eighty thousand seats, that kind of thing. Well, Variety (TM)(R)(C) always has that info... it's just a little hard to find once you get a few days past Sunday. "You snooze, you lose" in action! I'm just trying to figure out now if this is a Christian cinema production or not? Seems to be a Latino production... could it be a Christian Latino cinema production? Doesn't seem terribly Catholic to me. Well, in a mildly big casting coup, they got Dennis Quaid... and if this were 1983, it'd be even more impressive! They also got Cheech Marin... and if this were 1978, it'd be even more impressive! Dang... Cheech is almost 80?!! I do recall when Cheech and Chong were on an episode of "The Simpsons" and Chong complained about his age. No easy retirement for celebrities, I guess. I'm not looking forward to it myself. I won't be able to afford it anyway, first of all. But now that we're slowly rebuilding the Middle Class in America, one ethnicity at a time, we get this story from the 1950's about golf courses blooming in the desert. If it's not the ultimate triumph of man over nature, it's gotta at least be in the top five. Lots of irrigation, agriculture and mowing involved. I know, agriculture's not the right word... agronomy, peut-être? Who else is in the cast? Well, of course there's Boo Arnold. He was quite good in that Halloween show I saw him in. Busy guy! But he's dangerously close to getting typecast as a golf guy. Well, they are making more movies in Hollywood these days, and we'll probably never run out of golf stories. We'll always properly treasure the classic ones, of course. But will this be the last movie that Julio Quintana will direct? Not if his brother has anything to say about it. But what's the name of this new one again? It kinda doesn't seem to apply to golf, seeing as how it's a sport of individuals and not teams. The title is more of how a losing team is described that will eventually win, or the general strategy they will use. If they get enough sympathy, and some decent coaching and players... I mean, was it Shooting the Long Sault Rapids? No? Well, what about The Men with the Long Knives then? The Longchamps Palace maybe? Could it be The Long Trail quite possibly? How about The Longing for Gaol perhaps? The Long Arm of the Law someday? The Long Skirt potentially? The Long Strike perchance? The Long Arm of the Law conceivably? The Long Road as it might be? The Long Strike, weather permitting? In the Long Run, God willing? In the Long Ago same time next Summer? How about The Long and Short of It? The Long Portage? The Long Arm of the Law? The Fable of the Long Range Lover and the Lallypalooze? The Long Cold Night? The Long Feud? The Long Lane? The Long Way? The Long Shift? Winky Is the Long and Short of It? The Long Arm of the Secret Service? The Longer Voyage? The Long Chance? The Long Search? The Long Ring? The Long Trail? The Long Green Trail? The Long White Trail? Theory of the Long Range Shell? The Long Lane's Turning? The Long Arm of Mannister? The Long Chance? The Long Trail? The Long Hole? The Long Loop on the Pecos? The Long Count? The Long, Long Trail? The Longest Night? The Long Voyage Home? The Long and Short of It? The Long Bodies? The Long Night? The Long Way to You? The Long Mirror? "The Big Story" Andrew J. Viglietta of the Long Island Star Journal? The Long Christmas Dinner? "The Adventures of Ellery Queen" The Long Count? "Cameo Theatre" The Long Walk? "The Philco Television Playhouse" The Long Run? "Colgate Theatre" The Long Young Dreams? The Long Dark Hall? The Longhouse People? "Armstrong Circle Theatre" The Long View? The Longhorn? "Racket Squad" The Long Shot? "The Adventures of Ellery Queen" The Long Shot? Land of the Long Day? The Long Search? "Robert Montgomery Presents" The Longest Night? "Crime Photographer" The Long Fall? "Invitation Playhouse: Mind Over Murder" The Long Night? "Charlie Wild, Private Detective" The Case of the Long Lost love? The Long Memory? "Schlitz Playhouse" The Long Shot? "Goodyear Playhouse" The Long Way Home? "Big Town" The Long Way Home? The Long Rope? "The Roy Rogers Show" The Long Chance? "The Lone Wolf" The Long Beach Story (a.k.a. The Smuggling Story)? "Waterfront" The Long Beach Pier? The Long Wait? The Long, Long Trailer? "General Electric Theater" The Long Way 'Round? "Schlitz Playhouse" The Long Trail? "The Joe Palooka Story" The Long Wait? "Four Star Playhouse" The Long Count? "Climax!" The Long Goodbye? "Kraft Theatre" The Long Road Home? "Ponds Theater" Elisha and the Long Knives? "City Detective" Case of the Long Lost Wife? "Buried Treasure" The Long Arm of Science? The Long Journey? The Long Gray Line? "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Long Shot? "The Man Behind the Badge" The Case of the Long, Dark Night? "Rheingold Theatre" The Long White Line? "Matinee Theatre" Elisha and the Long Knives? "Science Fiction Theatre" The Long Day? "Stage 7" The Long Count? "The Pepsi-Cola Playhouse" The Longest Legs in the Show? "Frontier" The Long Road to Tucson? "Captain Gallant of the Foreign Legion" The Long Night? The Long Night Haul? "Robert Montgomery Presents" The Long Way Home? "Science Fiction Theatre" The Long Sleep? "Star Tonight" The Long View? "Encounter" The Long Doorway? "Navy Log" The Long Weekend? The Long Journey? "Cheyenne" The Long Winter? "Death Valley Days" The Longest Beard in the World? "Zane Grey Theatre" The Long Road Home? "Further Adventures of Spin and Marty" The Long Night? "Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans" The Long Rifles? "The Gray Ghost" The Long Way Home? The Long Haul? "Maverick" The Long Hunt? The Longer Mile? "Climax!" The Long Count? "Kraft Theatre" The Long Flight? "ITV Television Playhouse" The Long Wait? "The Big Story" The Long Dark Night? "Matinee Theatre" The Long Distance? The Long Christmas Dinner? "Have Gun - Will Travel" The Long Night? "Modern Romances" The Long Night: Part 1? "Modern Romances" The Long Night: Part 2? "Modern Romances" The Long Night: Part 3? "Modern Romances" The Long Night: Part 4? "Modern Romances" The Long Night: Part 5? "Northwest Passage" The Long Rifle? "Playhouse 90" The Long March? The Long Knife? "The Adventures of McGraw" The Long Aloha? "Matinee Theatre" The Long, Long Laugh? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" The Long Sunset? "Starr and Company" The Long Lunch Hour? The Long, Hot Summer? "M Squad" The Long Ride? "Cheyenne" The Long Search? "Perry Mason" The Case of the Long-Legged Models? "The Californians" The Long Night? "Mackenzie's Raiders" The Long Day? "The Detectives" The Long Drive? "White Hunter" The Long Knife? "The Army Game" The Long Walk? "Interpol Calling" The Long Weekend? "The Vise" The Long Wait? "Special Agent 7" The Longshoreman? "Markham" The Long Haul? "Alcoa Theatre" The Long House on Avenue A? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" The Exiles #2: The Long Summer? "Theatre Night" The Long and the Short and the Tall? "Studio Pacific" The Long Drop? "Camera Three" E.M. Forster and the Longest Journey? "Have Gun - Will Travel" The Long Hunt? "Black Saddle" The Long Rider? "The Detectives" The Long Jump? "Peter Gunn" The Long Green Kill? "Peter Gunn" The Long, Long Ride? "The Alaskans" The Long Pursuit? "Riverboat" The Long Trail? "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" The Long Arm of the Law? "Tightrope" The Long Odds? "No Hiding Place" The Long Day? "Manhunt" The Long Shot? "R.C.M.P." The Longest Week of the Year? "Markham" The Long Search? "The Law and Mr. Jones" The Long Echo? "The Loretta Young Show" The Long Night? "Not for Hire" The Long Dead Blonde? "Encounter" The Long Night? "Encounter" The Long Road Back? "Shoestring Theatre" The Long Wake? The Long Way Home? "The Long Way Home" Cross Country Run? "The Long Way Home" The First Lap? "The Long Way Home" The Spanish Frontier? "The Long Way Home" The Tunnel? "The Long Way Home" The French Resistance? "The Long Way Home" The Boathouse? "The Long Way Home" Over the Line? The Long Wait? "Naked City" Down the Long Night? "Cheyenne" The Long Rope? "Laramie" The Long Riders? "Hotel de Paree" Sundance and the Long Trek? "Sugarfoot" The Long Dry? "Wichita Town" The Long Night? "Everglades!" The Long Walk? "Follow the Sun" The Longest Crap Game in History? The Long Rope? "Manhunt" The Long Shadow? "No Hiding Place" The Long Stretch? The Long Absence? The Long Shadow? "Storyboard" The Long Spoon? "Drama 61-67" Drama '61: The Long Distance Blue? The Long Night? "The Rifleman" The Long Goodbye? "David Brinkley's Journal" The Longest Day? "Rawhide" The Long Shakedown? "The Flintstones" The Long, Long Weekend? "Wanted: Dead or Alive" The Long Search? "Zane Grey Theatre" The Long Shadow? "77 Sunset Strip" The Long Shot Caper? "Straightaway" The Longest Night? "Top Cat" The Long Hot Winter? "Here's Harry" The Long Night? "It's a Man's World" The Long Way Around? "It's a Man's World" The Long Short Cut? "Outbreak of Murder" The Long Night? "Alcoa Premiere" The Long Walk Home? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" The Long Memory? The Long Struggle? The Longest Day? The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner? "Rawhide" The Long Count? The Long Way Back? "Laramie" The Long Road Back? "Bonanza" The Long Night? "Lawman" The Long Gun? "The Tall Man" The Long Way Home? "Combat!" The Long Way Home: Part 1? "Combat!" The Long Way Home: Part 2? "Hawaiian Eye" The Long Way Home? "Our Man Higgins" The Long, Long Saturday? "Jezebel ex UK" The Long Cool Drop? "Jezebel ex UK" The Long Voyage? "Kraft Suspense Theatre" The Long, Lost Life of Edward Smalley? "Two in the Bush" The Land of the Long White Cloud? "The Odd Man" The Long Wound? The Long Sunset? "The Doctors" The Long Night? "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour" The Long Silence? "The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters" The Day of the Long Night? "Combat!" The Long Walk? "Brenner" The Long Reach? The Long Journey? The Long Garden Party? The Long Ships? "The Twilight Zone" The Long Morrow? "The Virginian" The Long Quest? The Long Rifle and the Tomahawk? "Combat!" The Long Wait? "Kraft Suspense Theatre" The Long Ravine? "Z Cars" The Long Spoon? "Horizon" The Long Slide/Men with Gills? The Long, Hot Summer? "Londoners" The Long Street? "The Long, Hot Summer" A Stranger to the House? "The Long, Hot Summer" A Time for Living? "The Long, Hot Summer" Bitter Harvest? "The Long, Hot Summer" Home Is a Nameless Place? "The Long, Hot Summer" Hunter to the Wind? "The Long, Hot Summer" No Hiding Place? "The Long, Hot Summer" Nor Hell a Fury? "The Long, Hot Summer" Run, Hero, Run? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Desperate Innocent? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Homecoming? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Return of the Quicks? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Twisted Image: Part 1? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Twisted Image: Part 2? "The Long, Hot Summer" Track the Man Down? "Dr. Finlay's Casebook" The Longest Visit? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Long Hot Summer? "Theatre 625" The Long House? The Long Hair of Death? "Viewpoint" The Long March? "The Time Tunnel" Night of the Long Knives? "Hey, Landlord" The Long Hot Bus? "Hawk" The Longleat Chronicles? "Time-Life Specials: The March of Time" The Longs: A Louisiana Dynasty? "ABC Scope" Vietnam Report: The Long Pull Ahead? "Signpost" The Long White Cloud: Part 1 - The Land and the Maoris? "Signpost" The Long White Cloud: Part 2 - The Wind's Resting Place? "Signpost" The Long White Cloud: Part 3 - The Changing Land? "The Long, Hot Summer" A Time to Die? "The Long, Hot Summer" Blaze of Glory? "The Long, Hot Summer" Carlotta, Come Home? "The Long, Hot Summer" Crisis? "The Long, Hot Summer" Day of Thunder? "The Long, Hot Summer" Evil Angel? "The Long, Hot Summer" Face of Fear? "The Long, Hot Summer" From This Day Forward? "The Long, Hot Summer" Man with Two Faces? "The Long, Hot Summer" Reunion - Italian Style? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Intruders? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Warning? "Armchair Theatre" The Long Nightmare? "David Copperfield" The Long Journey? "Emergency-Ward 10" The Long Small Hours? "Songs for the Times" The Longhorn? The Long Cocktail Party? The Long Haul Men? The Long Hunt of April Savage? The Long Shot? "The Flintstones" The Long, Long, Long Weekend? "The Baron" The Long, Long Day? "The Virginian" The Long Way Home? "Homicide" The Long Climb? "Daniel Boone" The Long Way Home? "T.H.E. Cat" The Long Chase? "Daktari" The Long Hunt? The Long Duel? The Longest Hundred Miles? The Long Christmas Dinner? "Aweful Movies with Deadly Earnest" The Long Knife? "The Guns of Will Sonnett" Ride the Long Trail? The Troggs: Night of the Long Grass? "Homicide" The Long Arm? "Skippy" The Long Night? "Abbott & Costello" Baby Shoo/Marauding Mummy/Space Beard/The Long Long Camper? "N.Y.P.D." Walk the Long Pier? "The Expert" The Long Hate? "World in Action" The Long Bridge? "Release" Inter-Action/The Longest Mural in the World/Metaphoropolis? "Hunter" The Long Weekend? The Longest Hunt? "Omnibus" The Long Farewell? The Long Day's Dying? HaYamim HaArukim VeHa'atzuvim (The long & sad days)? The Long Red Shadow? "The Big Valley" The Long Ride? "The Mothers-In-Law" The Long, Long Weekend? Last of the Long-haired Boys? "Farming" Farm Forum: The Long View? "Sunday Story" Tales of the Inland: The Long Walk? "The Rovers" The Long Cry of the Bunyip? "Adam-12" Log 81: The Long Walk? "Dad's Army" The Loneliness of the Long Distance Walker? "To Rome with Love" The Long Road Home? "The Root of All Evil?" The Long Sixpence? "Jackanory" Far Out the Long Canal: Part 1? "Jackanory" Far Out the Long Canal: Part 2? "Jackanory" Far Out the Long Canal: Part 3? "The Virginian" Long Ride Home? "Gunsmoke" The Long Night? "The Outcasts" The Long Ride? "Mod Squad" The Long Road Home? "Play for Today" The Long Distance Piano Player? "Love, American Style" Love and the Big Date/Love and the Longest Night? The Long Arm? "The Long Arm" Dealer in Dolls? "The Long Arm" Dog on a Hot Line? "The Long Arm" Donovan? "The Long Arm" I'd Trust Him with My Life? "The Long Arm" It Was Twilight? "The Long Arm" Love, Honour and Obey? "The Long Arm" Only a Wave Away? "The Long Arm" Terror in Tranquility? "The Long Arm" The Big Circle? "The Long Arm" The Broken Moment? "The Long Arm" The Christmas Break? "The Long Arm" The End of the Bullet? "The Long Arm" The Enforcer? "The Long Arm" The Flight of the Chicken? "The Long Arm" The Harder They Fall? "The Long Arm" The Line Between Is So Thin? "The Long Arm" The Lion Was the First to Know? "The Long Arm" Whispers in the Mike? "The Long Arm" Wrong Way? The Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World? "Survival" The Long Dry Summer? "Villette" The Long Summer? The Beatles: The Long and Winding Road? "The High Chaparral" The Long Shadow? "Longstreet" The Long Way Home? "The Persuaders!" The Long Goodbye? "The Bill Cosby Show" The Long Road Back? "Room 222" The Long Honeymoon? "The Trouble with Lilian" The Long Wash? "Monty Nash" The Long Ride? The Long Farewell? "The Psychiatrist" The Longer Trail? "Owen, M.D." The Long Days of Summer, Part 1? "Owen, M.D." The Long Days of Summer, Part 2? "This Week" The Long Strike - Fine Tubes? The Long Swift Sword of Siegfried? The Long Memory? "UFO" The Long Sleep? The Long Chase? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.1? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.10? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.11? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.12? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.13? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.2? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.3? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.4? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.5? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.6? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.7? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.8? "The Long Chase" Episode #1.9? The Long Recess? "Doctor in Charge" The Long, Long Night? "ITV Playhouse" The Long Lease of Summer? "The Godfathers" The Longest Night? "The Long Recess" Episode #1.1? "The Long Recess" Episode #1.2? "The Long Recess" Episode #1.3? "The Long Recess" Episode #1.4? The Long White Trail? "The British Empire: Echoes of Britannia's Rule" The Long Farewell? "The Bold Ones: The Lawyers" The Long Morning After: Part 1? "The Bold Ones: The Lawyers" The Long Morning After: Part 2? "Pardon My Genie" Genie with the Long Brown Hair? The Longest Night? "Alias Smith and Jones" The Long Chase? The Immigrant Experience: The Long Long Journey? "Jackanory" Littlenose the Hunter: The Long Journey? "Billy Liar" Billy and the Long Lunch? "The Train Now Standing" The Long Goodbye? "The F.B.I." Night of the Long Knives? The Long View? "The Ascent of Man" The Long Childhood? "Crown Court" The Long-Haired Leftie: Part 1? "Jackanory Playhouse" The Long-Nosed Princess? "Crown Court" The Long-Haired Leftie: Part 2? "Crown Court" The Long-Haired Leftie: Part 3? "Television Club" The Long Childhood? "Blue Peter" The Long Fall? The Long Goodbye? "M*A*S*H" The Longjohn Flap? "The Water Margin" Knight of the long sword? "Jackanory" Donkeys: The Long-Haired Donkey? "Kikaidâ Zero Wan" Ghost Story: Challenge of the Long-Neck Monster? "All in the Family" The Longest Kiss? "Dixon of Dock Green" The Long Memory? "Get Christie Love!" The Longest Fall? "Jackanory Playhouse" Robia with the Long Hair? The Longest Winter? The Longest Yard? "The Cowboys" The Long Rider? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 3 - Mr. Edwards Visits? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 5 - Christmas? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 8 - Christmas in May? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 6 - Seed Wheat? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 4 - No Trains? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 7 - A Daring Journey? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 1 - The First Blizzard? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 2 - Heap Big Snow? "Kikaidâ Zero Wan" The Long-Sleeve Kimono Girl -- Bijinda Hell Picture Scroll? "Land of the Lost" The Longest Day? "Run, Joe, Run" The Long Wait? "The Bob Newhart Show" The Longest Good Bye? "Horizon" The Long Long Walkabout? "The Family Holvak" The Long Way Home: Part 1? "The Family Holvak" The Long Way Home: Part 2? The Long Christmas Dinner? "Jackanory" The Impecunious Hero: The Princess with the Long Hair? "Police Story" The Long Ball? The Quest: The Longest Drive? "Welcome Back, Kotter" The Longest Weekend? "The Squirrels" The Long Hot Summer? "World in Action" The Long Arm of the Dina? "Horizon" The Long Valley? "The Crezz" The Longest Day? The Long Night? The Captive: The Longest Drive 2? "Little House on the Prairie" The Long Road Home? "The Quest" The Longest Drive: Part 1? "The Quest" The Longest Drive: Part 2? "Network" The Long Climb of the Keswick Brothers? "We've Got Each Other" The Long Vacation? "The Long Search" The Land of the Disappearing Buddha? "The Waltons" The Long Night? Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey? The Long Search? "The Long Search" Three Hundred and Thirty Million Gods? "The Long Search" Protestant Spirit USA? "The Long Search" Footprint of the Buddha? "The Long Search" Rome, Leeds and the Desert? "The Long Search" There is No God But God? "The Long Search" The Romanian Solution? "The Long Search" The Chosen People? "The Long Search" The Way of the Ancestors? "The Long Search" Zulu Zion? "The Long Search" A Question of Balance? "The Long Search" West Meets East? "The Long Search" Loose Ends? "Battlestar Galactica" The Long Patrol? "Fantasy Island" The Lady and the Longhorn/Vampire? "Periinu monogatari" The Long Way? "Robin's Nest" The Long Distance Runner? "Mixed Blessings" The Loneliness of the Long Term Unemployed? "Connections" The Long Chain? "Everyday Maths" The Long and the Short of It? "Hawaii Five-O" A Short Walk on the Longshore? "Space Pirate Captain Harlock" The Long Journey from Afar? "Centennial" The Longhorns? "Matt and Jenny" The Long Return? The Long Vacation of Lotte H. Eisner? "Omnibus" The Long Walk of Fred Young? "The Jeffersons" The Longest Day? "Great Railway Journeys of the World" The Long Straight? The Long Days of Summer? The Long March? The Long Island Cannibal Massacre? The Long Island Four? The Long Good Friday? The Long Riders? "Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years" The Long Tide of Surrender? "It Ain't Half Hot Mum" The Long Road Home? "Strangers" The Loneliness of the Long Distance Copper? Quest: The Longest River? The Long and the Short and the Tall? "Ritter's Cove" The Long Journey? "The All-New Popeye Hour" The Loneliness of the Long Distance Popeye? "Nancy Astor" The Longhornes of Virginia? "Keep It in the Family" The Longest Night? The Longest War: Israel - State of Insecurity? "Arena" Guernica - The Long Exile? "Blue Peter Flies the World" The Long Fall? The Long Summer of George Adams? "At the Movies" The Long Good Friday/Class of 1984/Lola/Pink Floyd The Wall? "Only Fools and Horses" The Long Legs of the Law? "The Tarzan/Lone Ranger/Zorro Adventure Hour" The Long Drive? "Plastic Model Wrestling Sanshiro" Heart & Machine!! Juohmaru! The Long Way!? "Q.E.D." The Long Night of the Lion? "New Cinema of Latin America" The Long Road? "Dallas" The Long Goodbye? House of the Long Shadows? "Hill Street Blues" The Long Law of the Arm? "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" The Long Christmas Eve? "Blue Thunder" The Long Flight? "Kojika monogatari" The Long Way Home? "Minder" The Long Ride Back to Scratchwood? "Arena" Billie Holiday: The Long Night of Lady Day? "Special Squad" The Long Secret? "Jessie" The Long Fuse? Billy Joel: The Longest Time? "Danger Mouse" The Long Lost Crown Affair? "Carson's Law" The Long Farewell? "Kinnikuman" The Secret of the Long Horns/Burning Reversals? "Hardcastle and McCormick" The Long Ago Girl? "Commander USA's Groovie Movies" Commander USA's Groovie Movies: House of the Long Shadows/Panic? "Hollywood Beat" The Long Weekend? "Q.E.D." The Long Watch: Fifty Years of Radar? The Long Hot Summer? The Long Way Home? "Knots Landing" The Long and Winding Road? "Knots Landing" The Longest Day? "Dumbo's Circus" The Long Walk? "Robotech" The Long Wait? The Long Run? "The Long Hot Summer" Part 1? "The Long Hot Summer" Part 2? "Dennis the Menace" Bowling for Dennis/Dennis Conquers the Navy/The Longest Half-Yard? "Foley Square" The Longest Weekend? "Spenser: For Hire" The Long Hunt? "American Masters" Billie Holiday: The Long Night of Lady Day? "Knots Landing" The Longest Night? "The Great Egg Race" The Long Tide? The Longshot? "Only Fools and Horses" The Longest Night? "The Care Bears" The Long Lost Care Bears? Louis L'Amour's Down the Long Hills? "Starcom: The U.S. Space Force" The Long Fall? "The Real Ghostbusters" The Long, Long, Long, Goodbye? "Snorks" Chills, Drills and Spills/The Longest Shortcut? "The Oldest Rookie" At the End of the Long Arm Is the Glad Hand? The Long Journey Home? The Long Walk Home? "Tales from Fat Tulip's Garden" The Long March? "Growing Pains" The Long Goodbye? The Long Ranger? Quark and the Long Winter? "City Lights" The Longest Day? "The Train Now Departing" The Long Drag? "Survival" The Long and the Short and the Tall? "Wildlife on One" The Longest Nose in Africa? "Panorama" The Long War? "Panorama" Northern Ireland: The Long Peace? The Long Haul? "The Bronx Zoo" The Long Grey Line? "La bande à Ovide" The Long-Life Battery Blues? The Long Road Home? "Hooperman" The Long So Long? "Valerie" The Long Goodbye? "Home James!" The Long and Winding Firm? The Long Way Home? Vietnam: The Long Road Home? "Timewatch" The Night of the Long Knives? "The Flying Doctors" The Longing? "Rod, Jane and Freddy" The Girl with the Long Nose? "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Up the Long Ladder? The Long Weekend (O'Despair)? The Long Hot Summer? "The Ray Bradbury Theater" The Long Years? "Friday the 13th: The Series" The Long Road Home? The Long Walk Home? "Siskel & Ebert" Havana/Mermaids/The Sheltering Sky/Awakenings/The Long Walk Home? Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood? "The New Adventures of the Black Stallion" The Long Run? "Minder" The Loneliness of the Long Distance Entrepreneur? "Horizon" The Long Road to the West? The Longest Shadow? "Star Gazers" The Eclipse of the Long Night Moon? China Rocks: The Long March of Cui Jian? "A Country Practice" The Long Goodbye: Part 1? "A Country Practice" The Long Goodbye: Part 2? "A Country Practice" The Long Weekend: Part 1? "A Country Practice" The Long Weekend: Part 2? "One Foot in the Grave" The Man in the Long Black Coat? "Street Justice" The Long Way Home? "Maniac Mansion" The Long Hot Mansion? "Me, You and Him" The Long Dark Night of the Thingy? "Perfect Scoundrels" The Long Way Home? "The Torkelsons" The Long Goodbye? The Return of the Long Ranger & Tonton: How the West Was Wrong? "Survival" The Long-Legged Marching Eagle? The Long Shadow? "The Ray Bradbury Theater" The Long Rain? "G.P." The Longest Day? The Long Day Closes? "Full House" The Long Goodbye? The Long Line? "Garfield and Friends" Date of Disaster/A Little Time Off/The Longest Doze? "Flying Blind" The Long Goodbye? "Harry and the Hendersons" The Long Goodbyes: Part 2? "Harry and the Hendersons" The Long Goodbyes: Part 1? "Big Brother Jake" Loneliness of the Long-Distance Kateri? "Up All Night" Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story/Caged Fury? The Longest Hatred: The History of Anti-Semitism? "Disappearing World" War: The Longest Struggle? "Survival" The Long, the Short and the Tall? The Long Road Home? "E! Behind the Scenes" Behind the Scenes: "Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story"? "Screen Two" The Long Roads? "Stay Lucky" The Long Road... Back? "Stay Lucky" The Long Road... There? "G.P." The Long Weekend? Agincourt 1415: The Triumph of the Longbow? Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story? The Long Enchantment? The Long Winter? "Siskel & Ebert" Made in America/Menace II Society/Cliffhanger/Hot Shots! Part Deux/The Long Day Closes? "The Irresponsible Captain Tylor" The Longest Day in Space? Gunsmoke: The Long Ride? "Letter from America by Alistair Cooke: The Clinton Years (1993-1996)" The Long Island train shootings and gun control? The Long Walk Home? The Long Summer? "The Long Summer" After Mourning? "The Long Summer" Deep England? "The Long Summer" Light Bulbs and Lino? "The Long Summer" Gathering Speed? "The Long Summer" The Facts? "The Long Summer" New Styles of Architecture? "Walker, Texas Ranger" The Long Haul? "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Long Road Ahead? "California Dreams" The Long Goodbye? "Minder" The Long Good Thursday? "Up All Night" Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story/Virgin High? "Up All Night" Deadly Desire/Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story? "North of 60" The Long Goodbye? The Longest Walk? "Investigative Reports" M.I.A.: The Long Journey Home? The Long Knives? "The Day I Nearly Died" Lockerbie - The Longest Night? "Street Legal" The Long and Winding Road? "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" The Tale of the Long Ago Locket? The Beatles, The Long and Winding Road: The Life and Times? The Long Weekend? "Real Stories of the Highway Patrol" Grounds for Divorce/The Little Black Bag/The Long Ride? The Long Hair Effect? "Babylon 5" The Long Dark? "Beethoven" Trash Island/The Long Weekend? The Longest Day of the Century? "The Century of Warfare" The Long Road Back: Eastern Front 1943-45? Partnership for a Drug-Free America: The Long Way Home? Hector Zazou with Suzanne Vega & John Cale: The Long Voyage? "Blue Heelers" The Long Winding Road? "The Animals of Farthing Wood" The Long-Tailed Visitor? The Long Johns? "Svengoolie" The Long, Long Trailer? The Long Way Home? "Liberty Street" The Long Goodbye? "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" Coach/The Longest Season/The Money Trail? "Nancy Drew" The Long Journey Home? "Babylon 5" The Long, Twilight Struggle? "Snowy River: The McGregor Saga" The Long Arm of the Law? "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters" Mayberry UFO/I Dream of Snorch with the Long Golden Hair? "Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man" The Longest Weekend? "Frontline" The Long March of Newt Gingrich? "The Rez" The Longhouse? The Long Kiss Goodnight? The Longest Season? Dancing with the Long Bone? "Siskel & Ebert" The Chamber/The Ghost and the Darkness/The Long Kiss Goodnight/Looking for Richard/Freeway? "Home Improvement" The Longest Day? American Dream: The Long Black Song? "Growing Up" The Longest Day? "Men in Black: The Series" The Long Goodbye Syndrome? "The Wacky World of Tex Avery" The President's Fly/The Long Awaited Evil Twin/Donkey Conqueror? "Second City Headlines & News" The Long Arm of the Law Is Too Short to Box with God? "Homeboys in Outer Space" The Longest Yard and a Half, or the Shawshank Redemption Center? "The Bill" Night of the Long Knives? "Dateline NBC" The Longest Day/Road Rage/Little Miss Christmas/Stormy Weather? "ER" The Long Way Around? The Longest Memory? The Long Way Home? The Long Walk? "Le Monde Secret du Père Noël" The Longest Night? "Babylon 5" The Long Night? "Beverly Hills, 90210" The Long Goodbye? "Caroline in the City" Caroline and the Long Shot? "Gadget Boy's Adventures in History" The Long and Winding Wall? "Gadget Boy and Heather" The Long and Winding Wall? The Longest Day? "Water Rats" The Long Haul? "Toonsylvania" The Longest Day/Take Us to Your Liter/Escape from Wet Nurse Island? "The Secret Lives of Men" The Long Goodbye? "Dangerfield" The Long Weekend? "Mike Hammer, Private Eye" The Long Road to Nowhere? The Long Haired Warriors? The Long Walk? "Australian Story" The Long Run/Wally's Weddings? "Australian Story" The Long Journey Home/Northern Exposure? The Longest Day of Nelson? The Long Ride? "Siskel & Ebert" Kissing a Fool/An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn/Krippendorf's Tribe/The Real Blonde/Dark City/The Long Way Home? The Long Island Incident? The Long Way Home? "Oceans of Mystery" The Long Point Project? "Give My Head Peace" The Long Marching Season? "Frontier: Legends of the Old Northwest" The Long Knives? Faithless: Take the Long Way Home? "Crusade" The Long Road? "Kipper" The Long Walk? "Shadow Raiders" The Long Road Home? "Foxbusters" The Long Walk Home? "Sandokan - The Tiger of Malaysia" The Long Night of the Dayachi? "It's Like, You Know..." The Long Goodbye? "Malibu, CA" The Long Goodbye? "Stingers" The Long Haul? "Frontline" The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela? Drug Bust: The Longest War? "Australian Story" The Long Day's Task? "Australian Story" A Genius in the Family/The Long Haul? "All Saints" The Longest Day? "Wind at My Back" The Long Weekend? The Longest Journey? The Long Road Home? The Long Kill? "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" The Long and Winding Short Cut? "Home Improvement" The Long and Winding Road: Part 1? "Home Improvement" The Long and Winding Road: Part 3? "Home Improvement" The Long and Winding Road: Part 2? "Trauma: Life in the E.R." The Long Haul? "Arthur" Arthur and D.W. Clean Up/The Long, Dull Winter? "Hercules" Hercules and the Long Nightmare? "Code Name: Eternity" The Long Drop? "The Geena Davis Show" The Long Kiss Goodbye? "Backstory" The Longest Day? "Life and Times" Tall Tales from the Long Corner: The Life and Times of Ronnie Hawkins? "Australia: Beyond the Fatal Shore" The Long Goodbye? Shamil Tarpishchev. The longest match? "Ikebukuro West Gate Park" The Longest Day In 'Bukuro, June the 23rd? The Long Rain? The Long Kiss Goodnight: Deleted Scenes? The Long Good Friday: Q&A with actor Bob Hoskins and director John Mackenzie? "Dawson's Creek" The Longest Day? "Profiler" The Long Way Home? "Rocket Power" The Longest Day/Ottoman and the Sea? "Lifeline" DC Children's: The Long Haul? "Water Rats" The Long Run? Surviving Gilligan's Island: The Incredibly True Story of the Longest Three Hour Tour in History? "Beggars and Choosers" The Long Goodbye? "Backstory" The Long, Hot Summer? The Long Beach to Catalina Gran Prix? "It's a Miracle" The Long Road Home? "History vs. Hollywood" The Longest Day: A Salute to Courage? "60 Minutes" Are We Safe?/Islam/The Long Gray Line? "Casualty" The Long Road Home? "ER" The Longer You Stay? "Heartbeat" The Long Weekend? "Thieves" The Long Con? "Pioneer Quest: A Year in the Real West" The Long Haul? The Long Run? Elliott Murphy: Caught Short in the Long Run? "Dawson's Creek" The Long Goodbye? "It's a Miracle" Benny and Dean; Friends for Life; The Long Road Home; Miss Kitty? "Dragon Ball Z" The Long Awaited Fight? "ABC News Nightline" Crime and Punishment: The Long Search for Justice (The Christopher Ochoa Story)? "Gloria's House" The Long Weekend? "Jeremiah" The Long Road: Part 1? "Third Watch" The Long Guns? "Jeremiah" The Long Road: Part 2? "Zoids: Chaotic Century" The Longest Night of the Republic? Dogs: The Longest Running Musical in Off-Off Broadway History? "Son of the Beach" The Long Hot Johnson? Vilmos Zsigmond Flashes 'the Long Goodbye'? "Cast & Crew" The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner? Johnny Owen: The Long Journey? Johnny Owen: The Long Journey? Johnny Owen: The Long Journey? Not Feeling the Long Years? The Long Night? The Music: Take the Long Road and Walk It? Between Resistance and Community: The Long Island Do It Yourself Punk Scene? The Long Walk Home? The Long Arm of Coincidence? "Lizzie McGuire" The Longest Yard? "Gladiator Academy" The Longest Battle? The Long Grey Line? "The Wiggles" Balla Bambina? "Chicago Stories" Dempsey Vs Tunney The Long Count? The Long Road Home? The Long Lunch? "Always Greener" The Long Weekend? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Stay Blindfolded the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Stay Awake the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Sit on a Cow the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Stand Up the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Stay Handcuffed the Longest?? "The Story of Tracy Beaker" The Long Goodbye? The Long Road to Cabo? The Longing? PG Wodehouse: The Long Exile? "Frontline" The Long Road to War? The Making of 'the Long and Short of It'? "60 Minutes II" Heart Attack Gene/Sean Penn/The Long Road Home? "Dateline NBC" The Long Way Home? The Longest Day? "American Dreams" The Long Goodbye? "Doctors" The Long and Winding Road? "Judging Amy" The Long Goodbye? "McLeod's Daughters" The Long Goodbye? Converge: The Long Road Home? The Long Ride Home? The Long and Short of It? "The West Wing" The Long Goodbye? "Good Eats" Salad Daze II: The Long Arm of the Slaw? "Stargate Infinity" The Long Haul? Ronan Keating: The Long Goodbye? "Top Buzzer" The Long Weekend? "Detective Conan" Case of the Long Sleeved Kimono at the Hidden Hot Spring on a Snowy Night: Part 1? "Detective Conan" Case of the Long Sleeved Kimono at the Hidden Hot Spring on a Snowy Night: Part 2? "The Last Detective" The Long Bank Holiday? "Out There" The Longest Day? "What I Like About You" The Longest Night of the Year? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Live in a Van the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Survive in the Woods the Longest?? The Long Firm? "The Long Firm" Jimmy's Story? "The Long Firm" Lenny's Story? "The Long Firm" Ruby's Story? "The Long Firm" Teddy's Story? A Short Film About the Long Career of Abel Ferrara? The Long March of Robert Slaughter? "Total Onslaught" The Long Awaited Millennium? "60 Minutes II" The Long Road Home from Iraq/Buried in the Past/Dennis Hopper: The Ride Back? "LAX" The Longest Morning? "" The Long Way Home? "Steel River Blues" The Long Drop? "Tru Calling" The Longest Day? "Fireflies" The Longest Day? "Metropia" The Long Kiss Goodbye? "Dream Team" The Long Kiss Goodnight? "The Ways of the Matriarch" The Long Hot Supper? The Long Shot? Going Upriver? The Long Weekend? "Psychic Detectives" The Longest Mile? The Long Bow Hunter? The Longest Ditch? "Auschwitzi krónika" The longest roll call? "American Dragon: Jake Long" The Long Weekend? "The Macarie Effect" The Long Island Tudor Massacre? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Dance the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Stay Naked the Longest?? "The Story of Tracy Beaker" The Long Run? "Jimmy MacDonald's Canada" Hippies in Canada: The Long-Haired Menace? The Long Haul of A.I. Bezzerides? "Trouble in Store" The Longest Night? Showtime Special: The Longest Yard? "Cast & Crew" The Long Good Friday? Night of the Long Knives? The Long Walk to Freedom? The Long Dolly Shot? Life on the Longboard? "Casualty" The Long Goodbye? "Heartbeat" The Long View? "Holby City" The Long Goodbye? "Judging Amy" The Long Run? "ReGenesis" The Longest Night? "Neighbours" The Long Goodbye? "Hollywood on Set" Madagascar/Saving Face/The Longest Yard? The Longest Yard? The Long Weekend? Doing Time on 'the Longest Yard'? The Long Road to Gary? The Long Hall? The Long Hall? The Longest Yard: Deleted Scenes? "Doctor Who" The Long Game? Zhi Bi Yong Yuan Shao Yi Tian (The Long Autumn Days)? The Long Island Project? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Live in a Haunted House the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Wear a Dead Octopus on Their Head the Longest?? "Mobi Jokes" The Long Road Home? "Out There with Melissa DiMarco" The Long Road Home? "The Bill" The Long Arm of the Law? The Long Way Around: One Badass Year with Two Cow Garage? Rainbows of Paradise: The Pageant of the Long Canoes? Roger Hodgson: Take the Long Way Home - Live in Montreal? Dreamfall: The Longest Journey? John Fogerty: The Long Road Home in Concert? "Broadway Beat" Pajama Game Meet & Greet/Phantom of the Opera Becomes the Longest Running Broadway Show in History? "EconTalk" Chris Anderson and the Long Tail? "The Best and Worst of Tred Barta" Javelina with the Long Bow? "Nanny 911" The Longairc-Green Family? The Long Walk Home? The Long Kiss Goodbye? The Longest 3 Minutes? The Long Walk? The Long Afternoon? "Great Decisions" Brazil: The Long Road to Economic Stability? "Lost" The Long Con? "Gilmore Girls" The Long Morrow? "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" The Long Lead Story? "Stargate: Atlantis" The Long Goodbye? "Just for Kicks" The Longest Yarn? "Unreported World" Mexico: The Longest Journey? "Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor Sermon Podcast" Simply Christian (3): The Longing for Justice (Donnell Wyche)? The Long Beach? "Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple" Hard vs. Soft! The Siblings Quarrel After the Long Separation? "Tales of the Wizard of Oz" The Long Hair? The Longest Yard Sale? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Stay Homeless the Longest?? The Long Road? The Longing? "Timeshift" Rover: The Long Goodbye? You Can't Stop the Beat: The Long Journey of 'Hairspray'? The Long Goodnight: A Film About Phil Collins? The Long Ride Home: Run for the Wall? Camilo: The Long Road to Disobedience? "India with Sanjeev Bhaskar" The Longest Road? Luka Dokov: The Long Way to the Success? The Longevity Secret: Is Noahs Ark the Key to Immortality?? The Longing: The Forgotten Jews of South America? Camilo: The Long Road to Disobedience? The Legacy of Aotearoa: Land of the Long, White Cloud? "Instant Star" The Long and Winding Road? "Prom Queen" The Long Walk? "Holby City" The Long and Winding Road? "Rain Shadow" The Long Paddock? The Long Way Home: A Bigfoot Story? The Long Walk Home? The Long March? "Judge David Young" Daycare Deadbeats/Why the Long Face? The Long Shot? The Long Way Back? The Long Road? The Long Way Home? The Long Way Home? The Longing? The Long Road? The Longest Night? The Long Road Home? "The Game 365" The Long Island Ducks? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Be Tied to a Goat the Longest?? "Will & Dewitt" The Long March/Small Potatoes? "Peppa Pig" The Long Grass? We Must Not Forget The Long March? The Long Bros? "Best of the Left" (2007/01/22) The Longer We Stay the Sooner We can Leave (MP3)? "FarmKids" The Long Road to China? The Long Journey Home? "Psychic Squad" Zentoryoen! Nihon no Mirai o Terepoto!! (The Long Road Ahead! Teleporting Japan's Future!!)? The Long Shot? "Outnumbered" The Long Night? "The Tara Diaries" The Long Ride Home? "Never Not Funny" The long-awaited return of Todd Glass? The Long Shadow of Dirty Harry? The Long Green Line? "Pritzker Military Library Presents" The Long Road Home? "The Cook and the Chef" Land of the Long White Cloud? The Long Night? The Long to Decatur: A History of Personal Influence? "48 Hours" The Long Road? The Secrets of the Austrian Cellar? "Heartbeat" Out of the Long Dark Night? The Wind and the Long Black Scarf? "Lomax: The Hound of Music" The Long Legged Sailor? The Longshots? "The Alaska Experiment" Take the Long Way Home? "It's for Life" The Long Road to Upington? The Long Wooden Tobogganist? The Long Road? The Longing? The Longest Nap? The Long Night? The Long Shot? "On Par with Bill Pennington" The Long and Short of It? Margaret Thatcher: The Long Walk to Finchley? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Be Obese the Longest?? "Paradise Falls" The Long Wait? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Wear a Gorilla Suit the Longest?? "The Long Bros" Episode 1? "The Long Bros" Episode 3? "The Long Bros" Episode 2? "The Long Bros" Episode 4? "The Long Bros" Episode 5? "The Long Bros" Episode 6? "The Long Bros" Episode 7? "The Long Bros" Episode 8? "The Long Bros" Episode 9? "The Long Bros" Episode 10? "The Long Bros" Episode 11? "The Long Bros" Episode 12? "The Long Bros" Episode 13? "The Outdoors Station" No 190 - Podzine - The Long Riders Guild? "The Black Dawn" The Longest Night? "Hanasakeru Seishônen" The Day When the Long Night Ends? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can 69 the Longest?? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Keep His Head in a Chicken Coop the Longest?? The Long Lunchbreak: The Further Adventures of Leonard Biscuit? "Cold Case" The Long Blue Line? The Long Look on Life? Twilight of the Longhouse? The Longest Trek: Writing the Motion Picture? Land of the Long White Cloud? The Longest War? Riding the Long White Cloud? "60 Minutes" The Long Recession: Wilmington Corporation/The Patriarch/Alec Baldwin? "Hooked" The Long Haul? "3 Minute Wonder" The Long Weekend? Hurricane Hugo: The Longest Night? The Long Journey Home? The Longest Walk Through Hollywood? "Ancient Civilizations" The Vikings: Voyage of the Longships? "Unforgettable Journeys" New Zealand: Land of the Long White Cloud? The Long Walk: Tears of the Navajo? "McLeod's Daughters" The Long Paddock? "CMT #1 Music & a Movie" CMT #1 Music & a Movie: The Longest Yard? "HGTV Design Star" The Longest Yard? The Long Silence After? The Long Way Out? The Long Way Home? The Longing? The Longest Tour? The Long Shot? The Long Hard Goodbye? The Long Wait? '9': The Long and the Short of It? The Long Way Home? The Long Way Home? The Long Lost Space-Logs of One Admiral P. Halkett? "Bleach" The Long Awaited... Kenpachi Appears!? "Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist" The Long Journey Home? "Noonbory and the Super 7" The Long and Short of It/The Gury Monster? The Long Night? "5-Second Films" The Longest Yard? "Vultures" The Long Goodbye? "Advances in Long Term Care Medicine" Anemia in the Long Term Care Setting? "Chase" The Longest Night? "Survivor Philippines" The Longest Night Ever? "Hooked on the Fly" New Zealand: Fly Fishing the Land of the Long White Cloud? "Arthur" Buster Spaces Out/The Long Road Home? "Indian Fables" The Long Tail Monkey? "Kenny vs. Spenny" Who Can Stay on an Island the Longest?? The Long Shot? "Kristine" The Long Standing War Between Fortalejos and De Silvas Comes to an End? Panamericana - Life at the Longest Road on Earth? Glimpses of the Long Bike Back? The Long Journey Home? The Longtermers? "Independent Lens" The Longoria Affair? "Crime Stories" The Long Stemmed Killer? Taking the Long View: The Life of Shiing-shen Chern? Dancing with the Longhouse People? The Longest Way? The Long Home Run Omaha and the College World Series? "Doctors" The Long and Short of It? "Doctors" The Loneliness of the Long Distance Unicyclist? "Doctors" The Long Way Round: Part One? "Doctors" The Long Way Round: Part Two? Ecstasy: The Longing and Loneliness of Laura Stearn? "The Country Vibe with Chuck and Becca" Justin Moore & Jaron and the Long Road to Love? "On Being with Krista Tippett" Darius Rejali -- The Long Shadow of Torture? The Long December? The Long Autumn? "Accidental Fortune" The Long Lost Camaro? "Property Virgins" Short Sale for the Long Run? "Property Virgins" The Long Road Home? The Long Night? The Loneliness of the Long Distance Dreamer? The Long Red Light? The Longest Wake in History? The Long Way Home? The Long Road Home? The Long Grift? The Long Farewell? The Long Way Home? The Long Night? The Long Distance (GTA IV Machinima)? The Longest Shortest Time? "Sea Patrol" Night of the Long Knives? "Top Shot" The Long Shot? "On the Case with Paula Zahn" The Long Road Home? "Criminal Minds" The Longest Night? "Hitler's Bodyguard" Night of the Long Knives? "Today's Homeowner with Danny Lipford" Kitchens for the Long Haul? "Better Off Ted" The Long and Winding High Road? The Long Lonely Walk? "Drop Dead Diva" The Long Road to Napa? "Disappeared" The Long Drive Home? "Martha Speaks" The Long Rotten Summer/The Case of the Shattered Vase? The Long Journey Home? "New Books in History" David Laskin, "The Long Way Home: An American Journey from Ellis Island to the Great War"? Mig Doe - 'For the man of the long stay behind those doors'? "Today's Homeowner with Danny Lipford" Kitchens for the Long Haul? "The Skinner Co. Network" 020 - Mulligan Smith and The Long Ride, Part 1 of 1? "Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids" The Long Face? "Chicken Stew" The Longest Birthday (Part One)? "Chicken Stew" The Longest Birthday (Part Two)? The Long, Slow Death of a Twenty-Something? Underbelly: Land of the Long Green Cloud? "Underbelly: Land of the Long Green Cloud" Disorganised Crime? "Underbelly: Land of the Long Green Cloud" All at Sea? "Underbelly: Land of the Long Green Cloud" Dominoes? "Underbelly: Land of the Long Green Cloud" Marty/Party? "Underbelly: Land of the Long Green Cloud" Thirty of Silver/One of Gold? "Underbelly: Land of the Long Green Cloud" Trains 'N' Boats 'N' Planes? The Long Haul? "1000 Ways to Die" The Long Goodbye? The Long Hope? AIDS Lifecycle 10 the Long Road (the Ride According to Viagra Man)? "Great Crimes and Trials" The Long Island Railroad Massacre? The Long Road Through Balkan History? The Long Falling? The Long Road? Refugee: The Long Journey of Anar Usubov? "Murdoch Mysteries: The Curse of the Lost Pharaohs" The Long Arm of Villainy? A&E Presents: The Long Island Serial Killer? "Front Page with Allen Barton" The Long Goodbye in Iraq: Does Iraq Still Need the Assistance of US Troops?? "60 Minutes" In Too Deep/The Last Stand/The Long Island Ripper? Out for the Long Run? Vinny the Chin: The Long Island Legend? "Aidan 5" The Long Road Home? The Long Goodbye? In the Long Run? The Long Journey Home? The Long Absence? The Longest Pint? The Long Absence? The Long Walk? The Long Road? Yara with the Long Blond Braid? The Longest Elevator Ride in the World? Training with the Long Sword? The Long Days After? The Long Road? "Suburban Heroes" Vs. The Long One? John Lewis: The Long Wait? The Long Lost Instructional Breakdancing Logs of One Admiral P. Halkett? "Being Human" The Longest Day? "Leverage" The Long Way Down Job? "Camelot" The Long Night? The Long March to Freedom? "The Long March to Freedom" Capture? "The Long March to Freedom" Captivity? "The Long March to Freedom" Freedom? "5-Second Films" The Long Escape? The Longest Video on YouTube: 596.5 Hours? "The TV Book Club" The Long Song? "Stuff Mom Never Told You" The Long and Short of Women's Height? "Watch Out for Fireballs!" The Longest Journey? "Watch Out for Fireballs!" Extrasode: The Longest Journey? "Flea-bitten" Toys Will Be Toys/The Long Paw of the Law? "Seeking Refuge" The Long Way Home? The Longer Day of Happiness? "CollegeHumor Originals" The Long Clip? "Crackhorse Presents" The Long Drive? The Jews and the Longest Kiss in History? The Longest Saturday of the Year? The Long Walk Back? "60 Minutes" The Longest War/Arnold? House of the Long Shadows... Revisited? The Long Road? Bomb Squad Men: The Long Walk? "US Tzu Chi 360" Sandy Aftermath: The Long Road to Recovery? The Long Road Home? "Kathmandu" The Long and Winding Road? "The History of WWII Podcast - by Ray Harris Jr" Episode 19-The Long March w/ Laszlo? "Style-City Music Presents" Style-City Music, Kashi Bashi, Orbo And The Longshots, Loomis And The Lust, Bucky Covington, Of Montreal, Playamade Kev ft. Supa Dave? "60 Minutes" Full House/Baby Jack/The Diva/The Longest Run? "60 Minutes" Revenge/The Longest Run/The Final Frontier? The Longest Daycare? "Alaskan" The Longest Winter? "Tallafornia" The Long Goodbye? The Long Road? The Long Walk? The Long Goodbye? The Long Way Home? The Longest Sun? The Longest Mile? The Long Journey Home? The Long Way Down? The Long Way Home? The Long Con? The Long Goodbye? The Long Week, or Even a Psychotic Break Can't Kill True Friendship? The Long Road Through the Twilight Zone? The Long Distance Operator? Take the Long Way Home? The Long Dog? "The Dr. Oz Show" The Long Island Medium: Theresa Caputo? "Chasing LA" The Longest Day? "Bedlam" The Long Drop? "Big Easy Justice" The Long Gun? "Top Shot" The Longest Shot? "Elementary" The Long Fuse? "Leverage" The Long Good-bye Job? "Outback Hunters" The Long Road? "Campione!" Princess Maiden of the Long Sword? "Persona 4: The Animation" The Long-Awaited School Trip? "Gold Rush" The Long Road? The Longest Night? "Outreach Connection" Annette and Randy Weber - Testimony and one of the longest-surviving double transplant patients? "Toybox" The Long Car Trip? The Long Farewell? The Long Goodbye: Elliot Gould discusses the film with Michael Connelly? "Stable Scoop Podcast" Stable Scoop Episode 186 - The Long and Shiny? "The Post Atomic Horror podcast" 74 - \'Samaritan Snare\' and \'Up the Long Ladder\'? "The Dice Tower" TDT - Episode 243 - The Longest Game? "Agnus and Bobby" The Long Lost Sister Part 1? "Agnus and Bobby" The Long Lost Sister Part 2? "Timberline Fort Collins Campus" For The Long Haul - Audio? The Longest Day? "Conan" The Long Awaited Revenge of Zippy Smiles? "Turning Tricks" The Longest Night, Part 1? "Turning Tricks" The Longest Night, Part 2? "Circus Halligalli" The Longest Day? "Circus Halligalli" The Longest Day/Powerpoint-Karaoke? "Scarfulhu" The Longest Journey? "A Movie Review" The Longest Yard (2005)? The Long Island Serial Killer? "The Listener" The Long Con? The Longest Kiss? The Long Ride Home? The Long Night? Outlaw Brothers: The Making of the Long Riders? "People and Power" The Long Arm of the Dictator? "Reality Bites" Hair: The Long and the Short of It? The Long Drive Home? "Casualty" The Longest Day? The Longest Ride? "Stuff You Missed in History Class" The Long Winter? "The Piano Shack" The Longest Time - Glee/Billy Joel cover (Matthew, Jordan, Matt Bednarsky & Chris Commisso)? The Longest Distance? The Long Bike Back? "Decked Out" The Long Lounge Deck? In for the Long Haul: Toyota & Monster Energy Supercross? The Longest Night: A Winter's Tale? The Longest Road? The Longest Run? The Long Lunch? The Long Slow Burn? The Long Road? The Long Lost Member? The Long Reign of the Spider King? The Long Walk Back? The Long Walk? The Long and Short of Barry Small? The Longest Night? The Long Strange Trip? Dragon Ball Z Live Action: The Long Awaited Fight? Emby Alexander: Drag the Long Way Home? "Be a Pro" The Long Play? "Men with No Lives" The Long Way Round? The Long Island Filmmakers TV Show? "The Rich Roll Podcast" Mishka Shubaly: The Long Run To Sobriety? "HBR IdeaCast" Jeff Bezos on Leading for the Long-Term at Amazon? "The Carrie Diaries" The Long and Winding Road Not Taken? "Revolution" The Longest Day? "Paranormal Witness" The Long Island Terror? "Regular Show" The Longest Weekend? "The Octonauts" The Octonauts and the Long Armed Squid? "Battle for Dream Island" The Long-lost Yoyle City? "Trailers from Hell" Josh Olson on The Long Goodbye? "Revolutions" The Long Parliament? The Longest Road? "New Books in History" Azar Gat, "Nations: The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism"? "The Charlotte Ferris Show" The Long-Winded Crush? The Long Goodbye: David Thompson on Robert Altman? The Long Goodbye: Tom Williams on Raymond Chandler? The Long Goodbye: Maxim Jakubowski on Hard Boiled Fiction? "The Bugle" Bugle 235 - The long arm of the lorry? "Greetings Adventurers - Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play" Episode 10 âEUR" The Long Hallway? The Long Secret? "The Skinner Co. Network" FP313 - The Long Haul: a Blackhall Chronicle, Part 2 of 3? "The Skinner Co. Network" FP314 - The Long Haul: a Blackhall Chronicle, Part 3 of 3? "The Skinner Co. Network" FP312 - The Long Haul: a Blackhall Chronicle, Part 1 of 3? "Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole" Episode 107: Daniel Harms and the Long Lost Friend? "Marc Saint Georges: The Savior" The Long Solo? "Taxi Brooklyn" The Longest Night? "Crossing Lines" The Long Way Home? "This Time It's Reel" The Long Road? The Long Dark? The Long Night? "Trashville" The Long Dick of the Law? "The Adventures of Ben & Sarah" The Long Walk Home? Transformation, the Long Journey Home? The Long-Term Side Effect? The Long Shot Movie? "Noirhouse" The Long Miss Goodnight? "The Nerdy 9 at 9" The Long One? The Long Goodbye? "The Long Goodbye" Episode #1.1? "The Long Goodbye" Episode #1.4? "The Long Goodbye" Episode #1.2? "The Long Goodbye" Episode #1.3? "The Long Goodbye" Episode #1.5? The Longest Game? The Long Night? The Long Good-bye? The Other One: The Long, Strange Trip of Bob Weir? "Killers: Behind the Myth" Joel the Ripper? The Longest-Distance Relationship? "Roadtrip Nation" The Long Road Home? The Hobbit: The Chronicles of The Hobbit - Part 2: Shelter on the Long Lake: Bard's House? "Movies with Mikey" The Long Kiss Goodnight? "Beyond the Longbox" Beyond the Longbox: Picks of 2014? The Long Short? "Doctors" The Loneliness of the Long Distance Lorry Driver? "Beyond Today" The Great War: Will You Take the Long View?? "History Extra podcast" The long history of the Crusades? "The World's Greatest Tribute Bands" The Long Run? "On Being with Krista Tippett" Philip Hamburger and Steven Waldman -- The Long Experiment of American Democracy? The Longest Swim? The Long Drum? The Long Night? The Longest Week? "Peacekeepers" The Long Way Down? The Long Wait? The Long Love? The Long Road Back? The Long Distance Call? The Long Drive Goodnight? The Longest Goodbye? Ghosts of the Long Ago Drawer? The Longest Drive? The Long Road to Hell? The Long Gravel Drive: The Origins of 'Joe'? The Man in the Long Coat? The Longest Year Ever? We Can Take the Long Way? Too Much Fun at the Longshort's? Holmes University 2: The Longest Winter? The Longing? The Long Walk? The Longing? The Longest Way Home? The Longest Ride Book Trailer? Google - The Long Walk? Roman Stone: Repairing the Long Island Expressway? "Projector" The Longest Week? "The Long Island Filmmakers TV Show" JHD Productions Panel - Part 1? "The Fosters" The Longest Day? "On the Case with Paula Zahn" The Long Path to Justice? "American Dad!" The Longest Distance Relationship? "Murder Book" The Long Walk Home? "Dog and Beth: On the Hunt" The Long Arm of the Dog? "Rachael Ray" Supermodel Chrissy Teigen Is Helping Us Tackle the Longest Hair We've Ever Seen on Our Show! Organizational Pro Peter Walsh/Relationship Expert Matthew Hussey? "True Detective" The Long Bright Dark? "Modern Family" The Long Honeymoon? "Yukon Men" The Longest Day? "Tanked" Channeling the Long Island Medium? "The 7D" The Long, Long Winter/Itsy Bitsy Spider Fighters? "Peg+Cat" The Perfect Ten Problem/The Long Line Problem? "Arthur" The Case of the Girl with the Long Face/The Substitute Arthur? The Long March: A Dialogue Between Mohamed ElBaradei and Rajmohan Gandhi? The Longest Night? The Long Hard Ride? "Trailers from Hell" Josh Olson on The Longest Yard? "Trailers from Hell" John Landis on The Longest Day? "Good Mythical MORE" The Longest Crank Call Ever? Night of the Long Knives? Beyond the Longbox? "Beyond the Longbox" 2000AD? "Minecraft Lord of the Rings" The Longest Night? "D.M." True Detective "The Long Bright Dark" Episode Review? "New Books in East Asian Studies" Gregory Smits, "Seismic Japan: The Long History and Continuing Legacy of the Ansei Edo Earthquake"? "Civilization" The Long Game? "Hot Roads - The World's Most Dangerous Roads" The Long Road to Siberia? "Count Drahoon's Festival of Fright" The Long Spooky Table Talk with Cameron McCaseland? "Strangers" The Long Shadow? "Star Wars 7x7: The Daily Star Wars Podcast" 137: The Longest Half Hour of My Life (So Far)? "Witness History: Archive 2014" The Longest Ever Raft Journey? "Motorcycles & Misfits" Episode 33: Take The Long Way Home? "Commodities Focus" What are the long term prospects for gas globally?? "Greetings Adventurers - Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play" Episode 78 âEUR" The Long Road To Caer? "Radical Personal Finance" An Introduction to the Cash Flow Statement: The One-Page Document That Shows Whether You Will be Rich or Poor in the Long Run RPF0026? "Free to A Good Home" Ep. 29 - The Long Lost Dave Harmon Episode with Dave Harmon? "The Tropical MBA Podcast - Entrepreneurship, Travel, and Lifestyle" Episode 260: TMBA260: The Long Road to Mid 5-Figure Months? "The Cinephiliacs" TC 38 - Sam Adams (The Long Goodbye)? Batman: The Long Halloween? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Crime? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Thanksgiving? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Christmas? "Batman: The Long Halloween" New Year's Eve? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Valentine's Day? "Batman: The Long Halloween" St. Patrick's Day? "Batman: The Long Halloween" April Fool's Day? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Mother's Day? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Father's Day? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Independence Day? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Roman Holiday? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Labor Day? "Batman: The Long Halloween" Punishment? "Travel with Rick Steves" 426 American Lighthouses; Skyfaring; Travel Tales; the Longbow? "Midnight Screenings" The Longest Ride? "The Vagina Diaries" The Long Awaited Finish? "An Actor's True Life in Hollywood" The Longest Hour (Day 483)? "Call Me Sherlock" The Longest Path Between Two Points? "Crimes Against Cinema" The Long Road to Bike Squad? "Level Up VG Archive" Klassikeren: Den lengste reisen (The Longest Journey)? "Chris Stuckmann Movie Reviews" The Longest Ride? The Long Start to the Journey? On the Trail: Hiking through Vermont on the Long Trail? "Dateline NBC" Robert Durst: Inside the Long, Strange Trip? The Longest War: The Australian Army in Afghanistan? The Long Distance? Elizabeth II: The Longest Reign? "Panorama" Europe's Border Crisis - The Long Road? "Treasures of Ancient Greece" The Long Shadow? The Long Road to the Hall of Fame: From Tony King to Malik Farrakhan? The Long Lost Shows Show? The Clock of the Long Now? "Outside Xbox" Let's Play: The Long Dark? "The Killing Season" The Long Shadow? The Long Shot? "Zoom In" The Longest Ride? The Long Way? "War Story" The Long Way Home? "The Long Lost Shows Show" Episode #1.1? "The Long Lost Shows Show" Episode #1.2? "The Long Lost Shows Show" Episode #1.3? "The Long Lost Shows Show" Episode #1.4? "The Long Lost Shows Show" Episode #1.5? Land of the Long White Stain: A love letter to music on the margins? "Beyond the Longbox" Valiant Entertainment? "Beyond the Longbox" Beyond the Longbox: Simon Fraser Remembers Brett Ewins? "Beyond the Longbox" Evan Dahm Artist Spotlight? "Beyond the Longbox" Evan Dahm - Beyond the Longbox B-Sides? "Beyond the Longbox" MoCCA Fest 2015-Beyond the Longbox? "Beyond the Longbox" Valiant, Hollywood & the Fight to be #3-BTLB B-Sides? "Beyond the Longbox" Simon Fraser Artist Spotlight? "Beyond the Longbox" Special Edition NYC 2015-Beyond the Longbox? "Beyond the Longbox" Scott Wegener Artist Spotlight? "Beyond the Longbox" Hangin' Out with Scott Wegener-BTLB B-Sides? "Casualty" The Long Haul? "The Dumping Ground" The Long Way Home? "Song Exploder" The Long Winters - The Commander Thinks Aloud? Josh Renton: The Long Way? "Days of Revolt" The Long Distance Revolutionary? "CineBananas" El viaje más largo/The Longest Ride (2015) - Reseña CineBananas? "Hollywood on Set" Home/Run All Night/The Longest Ride? Man vs Snake: The Long and Twisted Tale of Nibbler? The Longest Ride? "TSM: Legends" The Long Run? "The Wildlife Docs" The Long & Short of It? "Fix It & Finish It" The Long Room? "Young Hollywood" THE LONGEST RIDE's Britt Robertson on Rapping & Romantic Dates!? "Million Dollar Contractor" The Long Island Kitchen? The Long Way Out? The Long Haul? The Long Connection? Knights of the Long Table? The Long Way Home? The Long Road (the Endless Whispers Cycle)? The Long Sleep? The Longest Ride Electronic Press Kit? The Long and Bloody Weekend? The Long Deployment? The Long Slow Flight of the Ashbot? The Long Walk? The Long Night Followed? "The Inspectors" The Long Shot? The Long Awake? The Long Awaited Guest? Lucky and the Long Walk Home? "1 Minute Gamer" The Long Dark? The Long Goodbye? He Works the Long Nights? The Long Lunch? The Coronas: The Long Way? Mahaut Mondino: The Long Game? "Only Fools: The Favourites" Number 10: The Longest Night? The Long Take? The Longest Distance? The Long Road to Forgiveness? "The Square Ball: Leeds United Podcast" The Long Ball 1: Leeds Fans Utd? "The Meredith Vieira Show" Extreme TV with Maksim Chmerkovskiy/"The Longest Ride" Actor Scott Eastwood/Actress Lorraine Bracco/New Beauty Breakthroughs? "Made in Hollywood: Teen Edition" The Creative Team Behind the Longest Ride? "Made in Hollywood" The Longest Ride/Kill Me Three Times/The Marine 4: Moving Target? "Made in Hollywood: Teen Edition" The Creative Team Behind "The Longest Ride"? "Steve Harvey" The Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo/Steve's Son/Worst Dater in All of Massachusetts? "Drew Pearson Live" DPL w/ Special Guest Dallas Cowboys Leon Lett and "The Longest Ride" Star Scott Eastwood? "Wits and Pieces" Child Safety - The Long Walk Home, Kindness Project Fundraiser? "Special Look" The Longest Ride? "The Long Island Filmmakers TV Show" JHD Productions Panel - Part 2? "How to Make a Movie Using Web Promotion" In It for the Long Haul? "Disclosure" Revealing the Long Lineage of Jesuit Power with Dean Garner? "Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast" Episode 139 Up The Long Ladder? "The Rich Roll Podcast" The Plight of Tipper X: How Tom Hardin Became The Most Notorious FBI Informant in the Biggest Insider Trading Case in Decades -- And The Long Run To Redemption? "The Blacklist" The Longevity Initiative (No. 97)? "Dominion" The Longest Mile Home? "Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars" The Long Lie? "Madam Secretary" The Long Shot? "NCIS: Los Angeles" The Long Goodbye? "The Return of Superman" The Long-Awaited Moment? "Cutthroat Kitchen" The Long Tools and Shortcake of It? "House Hunters International" The Long and Wining Road to Ambergris Caye? "Wentworth" The Long Game? "Junjou Romantica" Even the Longest Journey Begins with a Single Step? "Corrupt Crimes" The Long Island Lolita? "Jade Fever" The Long March? "Gamer's Guide to Pretty Much Everything" The Longest Yard? "Alton's After-Show" The Long Tools and Shortcake of It? The Longest Day of the Year? "New Books in Latino Studies" Carlos Kevin Blanton, "George I. Sanchez: The Long Fight for Mexican American Integration"? "New Books in Big Ideas" Jerry F. Hough and Robin Grier, "The Long Process of Development: Building Markets and States in Pre-industrial England, Spain and their Colonies"? "Stuff Mom Never Told You" Podcasting Women: The Longest Shortest Time? "Goldman Sachs Exchanges" The Long-term Potential of the Growth Markets? "Farm Small Farm Smart Daily" The Long Road to Overnight Success (CD7)? "Farm Small Farm Smart Daily" Designing Projects, Systems and Businesses for The Long Term, The Founder's Story with Christian Shearer? "The Eleven Dubcast" The Long Dark Tea-time of the Offseason? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE MULTIDISCIPLINES BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎۝ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the necks... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD. THEY PUT DUCT TAPE OVER HIS MOUTH AND AROUND HIS HANDS AND THREW HIM IN THE LAKE. THEY BEAT HIS THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FRIEND HALF TO DEATH WITH A BASEBALL BAT. WHEN I WAS TEN YEARS OLD, I WAS STILL TRYING TO NOT GET CAUGHT USING MY OWN BOOGERS TO MANUFACTURE MY OWN UNIQUE BRAND OF PASTA... YOU KNOW, BOOGER NOODLES, BUT THIS TEN YEAR OLD, HE GETS LOOSE! HE SAVES HIS FRIEND FROM DROWNING! HE CARRIES HIM A MILE AND A HALF TO THE NEAREST HOUSE! DOES THIS MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO YOU? HAVE YOU NO HUMAN FEELING LEFT AT ALL? OH, I GUESS YOU DON'T CARE. I GUESS YOU HAVE NO HUMANITY LEFT AT ALL IN YOU. I GUESS... sorry, don't know where that came from. But I know where our last debut came from! The music industry. Maybe too directly from the music industry. Maybe they only released it in three theatres or something. Debuting at #10 with less than 1 million USD in the bank, the concert film craze has finally broken on the shore, never to be resurrected again... maybe late in the summer. This time, it's one member of one of those douche-y supergroups that was supposed to have an episode of "The Simpsons" coming up... but when? We still don't know, but they'll get around to it, after all the "cameos" they've had on there already. Or maybe it'll never happen, like with George Clooney. Never on "The Simpsons," only hosted "Saturday Night Live" once... the force is strong with that one. But these supergroups tend not to last, and usually only one victor emerges to pursue a fruitful solo career. You know, like with Diana Ross of The Supremes, or Michael Jackson of The Jackson 5, or Donnie Wahlberg of New Kids on The Block, or Beyoncé Knowles of Destiny's Child, or... sorry, that's all I can think of. Wow! I think the power's about to go out! Every time the wind picks up a little bit, out it goes. Thankfully, it's usually restored in a couple of hours now. Sure, prices have gone up over the years, but power restoration time is less than three days now! One silver lining to all this progress... okay, it's died down again. Anyway, back to the supergroups. Then you've got a group like the Backstreet Boys. I guess they're still working together! Who knew? I had to look it up! Oh, if it could only be 1999 forever, am I right? Now they're Backstreet Middle-Aged Men! Then there's their arch-nemesis, *NSYNC. I always thought Lance Bass would be the big star. Go figure. But hey! Look at that. A supporting role alongside Justin Timberlake in Trolls Band Together. Friends to the ends of the Earth. But boy, the music industry just keeps evolving, especially after Gangnam Style. And shows like "American Idol" who want to have some control over the fame pipeline. Damn it! I blanked on One Direction and its breakout star Harry Styles. There's probably others, but I don't care. And The Jonas Brothers or Hanson don't count, since they're family. All right, let's get this over with. What's the name of this new one again that involves a solo member of a group that I haven't listed yet? I believe her or his name is in the title, along with the name of the group. I personally think he or she has gone solo too quickly. I know you gotta move fast in the music industry, but yeesh! I mean, was it Cutting Sugar Cane, Honolulu? No? Well, what about Loading Sugar Cane then? Train of Sugar Cane on Way to Crusher maybe? Could it be Sugar Cane Industry quite possibly? How about Nichiro sensô katsudô shashin nisshin kasuga ryokan setsu shakegi perhaps? Arisugawanomiya hidenka goshinrin katori shinsuishiki someday? Prince and Princess Arisugawa potentially? Departure of Prince and Princess Arisugawa perchance? Prince and Princess Arisugawa conceivably? Hauling Sugar Cane, Kohala Plantation, Hawaii as it might be? A Little Bit of Sugar for the Birds, weather permitting? Loading Sugar, Kahului, Maui, H.I., God willing? Scenes on a Sugar Plantation, Hawaiian Islands same time next Summer? How about Arisugawanomiya denka no eikoku onchaku? Maple Sugar? The Sugar Industry? On an Argentine Sugar Plantation? Shinto ryuken bujutsu suga ko? Sugawara denju tenarai kagami? Sugawara tenjin-ki? Sugao no renshi? Sugawara denju tenarai kagami? Culture of Sugar Cane? Adesugata onna maiginu? Hatsugasumi? The Maple Sugar Industry at Thompson, Pa.? Kasuga no tsubone? Ascending Sugar Loaf Mountain? Walang Sugat? Sugawara Michizane kô? Sugar and Spice? Sugar Making (Cuba)? Sugar Cane Growing? Sugar Culture, Java? Sugar Industry in Java? Adesugata onnamai gidayu? Sugar Growing, West Indies? Sugawara tenjin ki? Sugawara denju tenarai kagami terakoya? Brown Sugar? Ko wa kâsugai? Uramî no esugatâ? Hatsugatsuô? Kâsugayâma no tsuki? Shinkon tetsugaku? Sugar Daddies? Tabisugatâ Seiryoku Tomigorô? The Sugar Step? Hito no yo no sugata? Sugar Plum Papa? Gonpachi Dâtesugatâ? Brown Sugar? Down Among the Sugar Cane? Eigorô tabisugata? I Was Born, But...? Tabisugatâ mito chunagôn? Sugatanaki kaito: zenpen? Sugatanaki kaito: kôhen? Edosugatâ Murasaki zukin? Aru haha no sugata? Osayo koisugata? Adesugata Kageboshi sokyuhen? Tabisugata katsurâ kogorô? Datesugatâ bênkeikoshî? Tabisugata hitokiri umon? Harusugata musume dôchû? Bûkesugatâ nihonbarê? Dâtesugatâ genroku zukîn? Tabisugata nenbutsu bayashi? Âdasugata onmitsu dochû? Sugata naki matô? Harusugata gonin otoko? Datesugatâ inna ichidai? Hatsusugatâ ninjutsu dôchû sugoroku? Mga sugat ng puso? Walang sugat? Nishikie edosugata hatamoto to machiyakko? Butai sugata? Tsuma no sugaô? Maple Sugar Time? Sugata naki fukushû? Wakaki sugata? Sanshiro Sugata? Sanshiro Sugata, Part Two? Sugata naki teki? "We, the People" Sugar Ray Robinson, Rose Mackenburg, Dorothy Kirsten? Sugar Hill Times? "Sugar Hill Times" Episode #1.1? "Sugar Hill Times" Episode #1.2? "Sugar Hill Times" Episode #1.3? "Sugar Hill Times" Episode #1.4? "Sugar Hill Times" Episode #1.5? "NBC Presents" Sugar and Spice? Hana no sugao? Enoken Ôkôchi no tabi sugata ninki otoko? Kami ang sugatan (Wings Over Bataan)? Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Charley Fusari? Sugawara denju tenarai kagami? Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Randolph Turpin? "The Billy Rose Show" Sugar O'Hara? "What's My Line?" Sugar Ray Robinson? Sugarfoot? 'Sugar Chile' Robinson, Billie Holiday, Count Basie and His Sextet? World's Middleweight Championship: Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Randy Turpin? "Pabst Blue Ribbon Bouts" Jake LaMotta vs. Sugar Ray Robinson? "Treasury Men in Action" The Case of the Sugar Daddy? Sugamo no haha? "The Jackie Gleason Show" Vaughn Monroe, Sugar Ray Robinson? 1953 Sugar Bowl? Haresugata: Izu no Satarô? Waka-sama zamurai torimonochô: Edo sugata ichiban tegara? 1954 Sugar Bowl? Sugam Engay? Shônen Sugata Sanshirô: Daiichibu sangaku no kettô: Dainibu Ôkawabata no kettô? Sugata naki bakusô? Hebi hime-sama: Daiichibu: Sentarô ade sugata? Hatsu sugata ushimatsu gôshi? Sanshiro Sugata? 1955 Sugar Bowl? Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Rocky Castellani? Sugata naki mokugekisha? "Pabst Blue Ribbon Bouts" Ralph Jones vs Sugar Ray Robinson? "Name That Tune" Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Anne Jeffreys & Robert Sterling, The Hi-Lo's, Bud Wilkinson, Sugar Ray Robinson, Betty Kean & Lew Parker? "What's My Line?" Sugar Ray Robinson (2)? "Annie Oakley" Sugarfoot Sue? 1956 Sugar Bowl? Koi sugata kitsune goten? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Elvis Presley, Carol Burnett, Lena Horne, Jackie Robinson, Sugar Ray Robinson, Don Budge, Will Jordan, Arthur Worsley? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Johnnie Ray, Walter Pidgeon, Sugar Ray Robinson, Gene Fulmer, Ruth Matteson, James Melton, The Vagabonds, Dewey 'Pigmeat' Markham, Allen & DeWood? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Ed Wynn, Frankie Laine, Dorothy Collins, Don Adams, Audrey Meadows, Sugar Ray Robinson & Carmen Basilio? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Corinne Calvet, Jimmy Dean, Jerry Lester, Barbara Nichols, Sugar Ray Robinson & Carmen Basilio? 1957 Sugar Bowl? Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Carmen Basilio? Sugarfoot? "Sugarfoot" Brannigan's Boots? "Sugarfoot" Bunch Quitter? "Sugarfoot" Misfire? "Sugarfoot" Quicksilver? "Sugarfoot" Reluctant Hero? "Sugarfoot" Stallion Trail? "Sugarfoot" The Strange Land? "Sugarfoot" Trail's End? Walang sugat? Nihon no sugao? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Joan Davis, Sugar Ray Robinson, Leo DeLyon, Andre Previn, The Hi-Lo's? Boss Without Form? 1958 Sugar Bowl? Carmen Basilio vs. Sugar Ray Robinson? "Sugarfoot" A Wreath for Charity Lloyd? "Sugarfoot" Brink of Fear? "Sugarfoot" Bullet Proof? "Sugarfoot" Deadlock? "Sugarfoot" Devil to Pay? "Sugarfoot" Guns for Big Bear? "Sugarfoot" Hideout? "Sugarfoot" Man Wanted? "Sugarfoot" Mule Team? "Sugarfoot" Price on His Head? "Sugarfoot" Ring of Sand? "Sugarfoot" Short Range? "Sugarfoot" Small War at Custer Junction? "Sugarfoot" The Bullet and the Cross? "Sugarfoot" The Canary Kid? "Sugarfoot" The Dead Hills? "Sugarfoot" The Ghost? "Sugarfoot" The Hunted? "Sugarfoot" The Wizard? "Sugarfoot" Yampa Crossing? Tabisugata nezumikozo? Yoru no sugao? "ITV Play of the Week" Sugar in the Morning? 1959 Sugar Bowl? "Sugarfoot" Apollo with a Gun? "Sugarfoot" MacBrewster the Bold? "Sugarfoot" Outlaw Island? "Sugarfoot" Small Hostage? "Sugarfoot" The Avengers? "Sugarfoot" The Canary Kid, Inc.? "Sugarfoot" The Desperadoes? "Sugarfoot" The Extra Hand? "Sugarfoot" The Gaucho? "Sugarfoot" The Giant Killer? "Sugarfoot" The Gitanos? "Sugarfoot" The Mountain? "Sugarfoot" The Mysterious Stranger? "Sugarfoot" Return of the Canary Kid? "Sugarfoot" The Royal Raiders? "Sugarfoot" Trial of the Canary Kid? "Sugarfoot" The Twister? "Sugarfoot" The Vultures? "Sugarfoot" The Wild Bunch? "Sugarfoot" Wolf? Jiken kisha: Sugata naki sogekisha? The Five Swordsmen? Sugata naki bôryoku? 1960 Sugar Bowl? "Sugarfoot" A Noose for Nora? "Sugarfoot" Blackwater Swamp? "Sugarfoot" Blue Bonnet Stray? "Sugarfoot" Fernando? "Sugarfoot" Funeral at Forty Mile? "Sugarfoot" Journey to Provision? "Sugarfoot" Man from Medora? "Sugarfoot" Return to Boothill? "Sugarfoot" The Captive Locomotive? "Sugarfoot" The Corsican? "Sugarfoot" The Highbinder? "Sugarfoot" The Long Dry? "Sugarfoot" Vinegarroon? "Sugarfoot" Welcome Enemy? "Sugarfoot" Wolf Pack? "Sugarfoot" The Shadow Catcher? "Farming" Sugar Beet? Wanderer in a Business Suit? "Happy" Strawberries, Sugar and Cream? 1961 Sugar Bowl? "Sugarfoot" Angel? "Sugarfoot" Shepherd with a Gun? "Sugarfoot" Stranger in Town? "Sugarfoot" Toothy Thompson? "Sugarfoot" Trouble at Sand Springs? Aoi me no sugao? Sugata naki tsuisekisha? Sugat sa balikat? 1962 Sugar Bowl? "Rawhide" Incident at Sugar Creek? Sugapa? "Sam Benedict" Sugar and Spice and Everything...? 1963 Sugar Bowl? Dugo ng Sugatan? Gun Demon Without Form? Sugar Mill in Morocco? "Mr. Novak" Visions of Sugar Plums? 1964 Sugar Bowl? "Bewitched" A Vision of Sugar Plums? Sanshiro Sugata? Adventures of a Sugar Doll? Look at Life: Sugaring the Pill? "Signpost" Laying the Table: Part 4 - Tea and Sugar? 1965 Sugar Bowl? "Bewitched" A Vision of Sugar Plums? "The Merv Griffin Show" Keenan Wynn, Ethel Griffies, Sugar Ray Robinson, Howard Storm, Georgie Kaye, Bach Yen? Sugar and Spies? Sugar Colt? "The Merv Griffin Show" Sugar Ray Robinson, David Susskind, Richard Pryor, Florence Henderson? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" Hal Holbrook, Diahann Caroll, Sugar Ray Robinson? "Thirty-Minute Theatre" The Sugar Cubes? "Vendetta" The Sugar Man? "Jackanory" The Little House in the Big Wood: Part 3 - The Sugar Snow? 1966 Sugar Bowl? "Doyô danwashitsu" Natsusugata? "The Merv Griffin Show" Jesse White, Sugar Ray Robinson, Denise Lor, Gilbert Price, Merriman Smith? "Ultraseven" Sugatanaki chousensha? Sugar as Energy? A Spoonful of Sugar? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #1.1? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #1.5? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #1.2? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #1.4? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #1.3? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #1.6? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode dated 25 December 1967? 1967 Sugar Bowl? "Mission: Impossible" A Cube of Sugar? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Godfrey Cambridge, Roy Clark, Rosie Grier, Minnie Pearl, Sugar Ray Robinson, The Association? "Love Story" S for Sugar, A for Apple, M for Missing? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #2.1? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #2.4? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #2.3? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #2.2? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #2.5? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #2.6? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #3.3? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #3.2? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #3.1? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #3.4? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #3.5? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode #3.6? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode dated 25 December 1968? Sugar Daddies? 1968 Sugar Bowl? From Harlem to Sugar Hill? Sugar Daddy? Wrong Target? Sugarball the Jungle Boy? "The Rovers" A Lamb and a Handful of Sugar? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Gordon MacRae, Shirley Bassey, Bobby Vinton, Lainie Kazan, Jackie Vernon, Charlie Manna, Al Koran, Victor Garber, The Sugar Shoppe? "My World and Welcome to It" Little Girls Are Sugar & Spice, and Not Always Nice!? "Horizon" There's a Rhino in the Sugar? "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" It's Called the Sugar Plum? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode dated 25 December 1969? 1969 Sugar Bowl? The Archies: Sugar, Sugar (Cartoon Version)? The Archies: Sugar, Sugar (Studio Version)? Sanshiro Sugata? "Here Comes the Grump" Sugar and Spite? Susan After the Sugar Harvest? At Your Fingertips: Sugar and Spice? Ijeul suga isseulga? "A Spoonful of Sugar" Episode dated 24 December 1970? 1970 Sugar Bowl? Sugar Ray Robinson: Pound for Pound? "Homicide" Sugar and Spite? "Flip" Sugar Ray Robinson, George Carlin, Pat Boone & Family? "Jamie" The Sugar Islands? 1971 Sugar Bowl? "Shadows of Fear" Sugar and Spice? Nippon porno monogatari: Tsugaru Yomeko? "The Bob Hope Show" Dorothy Lamour, Sugar Ray Robinson, Carol Lawrence, Vic Damone, Glen Campbell? "The British Empire: Echoes of Britannia's Rule" The Sugar Slaves? Glorious Moment: A Woman's Scroll? Sweet Sugar? Bloodsugar? Lynsey De Paul: Sugar Me? Tsugaru iro zange? "The Girl with Something Extra" Sugar and Spice and Quarterback Sneak? Tsugaru jongarabushi? Did Baby Shoot Her Sugardaddy?? Lynsey De Paul: Sugar Me (Spanish Tv version)? 1973 Sugar Bowl? Sugar Cookies? "Warrior of Love Rainbowman" The Invisible Black Hand (Sugatanaki Kuroi Te)? "Tårtan" Dammsugaren? "Mazinger Z" Sugata naki koroshiya Jenoba M9? "The Protectors" Sugar and Spice? "That's My Mama" Clifton's Sugar Mama? "The Liver Birds" Life Is Just a Bowl of Sugar? Ooku hiwa haresugata himegoto-emaki? Sugandhi Katta? "The Midnight Special" Guest Host: Curtis Mayfield; guests: The Impressions, Gladys Knight & the Pips, Phil Ochs, Status Quo, Sugarloaf? Sugar Hill? The Sugarland Express? 1974 Sugar Bowl? Furusato poruno-ki: Tsugaru shikoshiko bushi? Niizuma: Midaresugata? "Getter Robo" Sugata naki kyoryu kubaku tai? "Great Mazinger" Ikari no shirei!! Sugata o miseta Yami no Teio!!? Sugar and Sweat? "Pop! Goes the Country" Charley Pride, Gary Stewart, Dave and Sugar? "Farming" Sucklers and Sugar Beet? Sugar? "Secret Squadron Gorenger" Makka na Tsuiseki!! Sugata-naki Ansatsusha no Shôtai? "Big Hawaii" The Sugar Wars? "Sesame Street" Cup of Sugar? Sugar Time!? "Sugar Time!" Maggie's Long Date? "Sugar Time!" Fear of Heckling? "Sugar Time!" Guy and Dolls? "Sugar Time!" The Breakup? "Sugar Time!" Witty, Urbane and Erudite? Sa piling ng mga sugapa? Sugar Daddy? Sugao no Chibetto? 1977 Sugar Bowl? Sugata Sanshirô? Iwasan: alak, babae at sugal? Hikyoku: Tsugaru shakuhachi goke? "Sidestreet" Sugar and Spice? "Near and Far" Bags of Sugar? "America 2-Night" The Benefits of Sugar? "Sugar Time!" Sugar to the Rescue? "Macak pod sljemom" Sugava sudbina celnog u koloni? "Sugar Time!" Free Again? "Sugar Time!" Maggie and Al: A Love Story? "Sugar Time!" Punk Rock? "Sugar Time!" Sugar Baby? "Sugar Time!" Testing Maxx? "Sugar Time!" How to Be in Business Without Really Succeeding? "Sugar Time!" Occupational Hazard? "The Sunday Drama" City Sugar? 1978 Sugar Bowl? "Taxi" Sugar Mama? "Crown Court" Sugar and Spice: Part 1? "Crown Court" Sugar and Spice: Part 2? "Crown Court" Sugar and Spice: Part 3? She's 19 and Ready? 1979 Sugar Bowl? Gendai sei hanzai: zenin satsugai? Ivide Kattinu Sugandam? Nippon porno fudoki: Tsugaru hime matsuri? "Yagyû ichizoku no inbô" Sugata naki teki? The Sugarhill Gang: Rapper's Delight? "Tarzan and the Super 7" Sugar Spice (Superstretch & Microwoman)? Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Roberto Duran II? The Sugarhill Gang: Rapper's Delight (TopPop Version)? "The Dick Cavett Show" Sugar Ray Leonard? The World Welterweight Championship: Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Roberto Durán? "Quincy M.E." Sugar and Spice? Sonkorta Jubba: The Story of the Juba Sugar Project? The Sugar Film? And What About Sugar?? "Soul Train" Patrice Rushen/Sugarhill Gang/Shabba Doo? 1981 Sugar Bowl? Shikijô mesugari? Sugata Sanshirô? The Sugarhill Gang: 8th Wonder? Amazing Sarutobi? "Ri¢hie Ri¢h" Shoe Biz/Sugar Bowl/Suavo/The Giant Ape Caper? Sugandh? "HBO Boxing" Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Bruce Finch? "Frost in May" The Sugar House? 1982 Sugar Bowl? The Sugarhill Gang: Apache? The Sugarhill Gang: Funk Box? "Manga Nihonshi" Fujiwara-shi no dokusai seiji: Sugawara no Michizane no onryô? "Taxi" Sugar Ray Nardo? "Great Little Railways" Dragons of Sugar Island? Sugat sa ugat? "Mr. Wizard's World" Sugar & Acid? "TV Eye" Sugar, Salt and Water? Sugar Cane Alley? "Nemuri Kyôshirô: Engetsu Sappô" Tsugaru uramibushi koshû-ken ~ Tenryûgawa no Maki? 1983 Sugar Bowl? "Kojika monogatari" Sugar and Spice and a Pain in the Neck? Nang masugatan ang gabi? Sugar in Your Kitchen? The British Sugar Success Story? Sheena Easton: Sugar Walls? 1984 Sugar Bowl? The Comeback of Sugar Ray Leonard? "At the Movies" Breakin'/Firestarter/Hardbodies/Sugar Cane Alley? Kinnikuman: Haresugata! Seigi chôjin? "Cat's Eye" Kimi no sugao wa silhouette? "Dancouga: Super Beast Machine God" DESUGAIYAA no haiboku? Sugat sa dangal? British Sugar: An Investigation by Andrew Gardner? 1985 Sugar Bowl? Sugamana Ragangal? Mami emi pelsia adesugata mahô no sannin musume? "The Flintstone Kids" Sugar and Spies/The Vet/I Was a Teenage Grown-Up? "Tatchi" Shûnen no taiketsu!? Imagoro aitsuga kamubakku!? Brown Sugar? "Horizon" A Handful of Sugar with a Pinch of Salt? "First Tuesday" Sugar Ditch Alley? Di maghilom ang sugat? In Watermelon Sugar? Wa Wa Nee: Sugar Free? 1986 Sugar Bowl? "Bug tte Honey" Sasuga Takahashi, 16 rensha!? "The World About Us" The Tea and Sugar - A Story of the Nullarbor? Sugar with Class? Echo & the Bunnymen: Lips Like Sugar? Def Leppard: Pour Some Sugar on Me (UK Version)? Road to the Superfight: Marvelous Marvin Hagler vs. Sugar Ray Leonard? 1987 USF&G Sugar Bowl? Marillion: Sugar Mice? The Sugarcubes & Johnny Triumph: Luftgitar? "Danger Bay" The Return of Sugar Ray? "Chouju Sentai Liveman" Kai!? Girudosu Saigo no Sugata? "Tvrdokorni" Gjorgji Sugarev? "Talking Heads" A Chip in the Sugar? Starving for Sugar? Def Leppard: Pour Some Sugar on Me (US Version)? 1988 USF&G Sugar Bowl? "Later with Bob Costas" Sugar Ray Leonard? "Saturday Night Live" Matthew Broderick/The Sugarcubes? Black Sugar? Sugar Cane Arrows? Sugar and Spice? "Knight & Daye" Sugar Momma? "The Staggering Stories of Ferdinand De Bargos" Of Mafia and Sugar? "Sugar and Spice" Going Ready or Not? "Sugar and Spice" The Arrival? "Sugar and Spice" Froggy? "Sugar and Spice" Guiding Hands? "Sugar and Spice" The Best of Enemies? "Sugar and Spice" The Haunted House? "Sugar and Spice" A String of Pearls? "Sugar and Spice" The Picnic? "Sugar and Spice" To See or Not to See? "Sugar and Spice" The Barnstormer? "Sugar and Spice" What's Cooking? "Sugar and Spice" Birds, Bees and Rabbits? "Sugar and Spice" Money Troubles? "Sugar and Spice" The Camp Out? "Sugar and Spice" The Substitute? "Sugar and Spice" Creating a New Molly? "Sugar and Spice" Exam Time? "Sugar and Spice" True or False? "Sugar and Spice" The Pageant? "Sugar and Spice" Ending or Beginnings? "Up All Night" Sweet Sugar/Night Patrol? Kasugano Tsubone? "Kasugano Tsubone" Episode #1.1? "Kasugano Tsubone" Episode #1.50? Mighty Big Crime: Sugar Daddy? Daryl Braithwaite: Sugar Train? Thompson Twins: Sugar Daddy? 1989 Sugar Bowl? "Newton's Apple" Hawaii Special: Surfing/Geothermal & Volcanoes/Luau/Sugar Processing/Hawaiian Language/Eel? "The Judge" Sugar Smacks? Tsugaru? Atlantic Starr: My Sugar? The Sugarcubes: Live Zabor? "Moomin" Näkymätön lapsi? "Tom & Jerry Kids Show" Sugar Belle Loves Tom, Sometimes/Mall Mouse/Super Duper Spike? Panama Sugar? "Sugar and Spice" This Hostess Ain't No Cupcake? "Sugar and Spice" A Star Is Boring? "Sugar and Spice" Breaking in Is Hard to Do? "Sugar and Spice" Doo-Wah Ditty in Ponca City? "Sugar and Spice" Lovers and Other Truckers? "Sugar and Spice" The Truck Stops Here? "Sugar and Spice" Pilot? "Up All Night" School Spirit/Sweet Sugar? "Up All Night" Sweet Sugar/Peggy Sue Got Married? "Up All Night" Rented Lips/Sweet Sugar? "Up All Night" Sweet Sugar/Caddyshack? Lady Kasuga? "G.P." A Spoonful of Sugar? "Equal Justice" Sugar Blues? 1990 USF&G Sugar Bowl? Sugar and Spice? "Hengen Taima Yakou Karura Mau! Sendai Kokeshi Enka" Sugata naki Jahoushi! Shouko, Maiko Futatabi!? Huwag mong salingin ang sugat ko? Medal of Valor: Lt. Jack Moreno - Habang nasusugatan lalong tumatapang? "Saban's Adventures of the Little Mermaid" Sugar and Spice? "Shônen Ashibe" Goma-chan ga ie ni kita hi/Hakuai katame no Sugao-kun/Jîchan wa, ippai ga suki? "Shônen Ashibe" Jîchan no hisho/Sugao-kun, Nepâru e iku/Tôchan no shumi? "Shônen Ashibe" Goma-chan to Sakata kyôdai/Nepâru no Sugao-kun/Kanchi-kun no shûshoku? "Shônen Ashibe" Hahaoya sankanbi/Sugao-kun no kateikyôshi/Mao-chan jiko ni au? "Shônen Ashibe" Sugao-kun ni aeru ka na?/Tendô-sensei wa dêto ga suki/Oira no ryôri? "Shônen Ashibe" Jîchan wa sugoi!/Sugao-kun wa geijutsuka/Sodachi no ii tôchan? "Shônen Ashibe" Goma-chan no ensoku/Furyô ni naritai Sugao-kun/Goma-chan mo onsen ga suki? "Designing Women" The Pride of Sugarbakers? "Lovejoy" Sugar & Spice? "Up All Night" Lust for Freedom/Sweet Sugar? "Up All Night" Sweet Sugar/Meatballs III? "Up All Night" Mankillers/Sweet Sugar? "The General Motors Playwrights Theater" It's Called the Sugar Plum? "Cocotte minute" Sugar and Salt? Mighty Big Crime: Sugar Daddy? Big Sugar: Sleep in Late? "Shônen Ashibe 2" Aidoru, Goma-chan/Goma-chan ga kaze wo hiita/Sugao no okurimono? "No Job for a Lady" Sugar & Spice? "Up All Night" Sweet Sugar/Hunk? "Police Rescue" Sugar? Sugamana Sumaigal? Inspector Totsugawa Series 1? 1992 USF&G Sugar Bowl? "Murder, She Wrote" Sugar & Spice, Malice & Vice? "Brain Sex" Sugar and Spice? Sugar: Helpless? Sugar: Changes? The Sugarcubes: Hit? The Sugarcubes: Walkabout? The Sugarcubes: Vitamin? "Free Kick Toward Tomorrow" Omo ni kotoba de wa naku purei suru sugata kara tsutawatte kuru mono? "Designing Women" The Woman Who Came to Sugarbakers? "Up All Night" Murder by Night/Sweet Sugar? "Picket Fences" Sugar and Spice? Big Sugar: Ride Like Hell? Big Sugar: Wild Ox Moan? Inspector Totsugawa Series 2? The Totsugawa Keibu Series 3? Sugar Hill? Dammsugaren? 1993 USF&G Sugar Bowl? "Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files" Fukumen Senshi no Kubishiki Sugao? "Dispatches" Sugar & Venables - The inside Story? Sugar: If I Can't Change Your Mind? "Creepy Crawlers" Sugar Frosted Crawlers? Brown Sugar? "G.P." Sugar & Spice? 1994 USF&G Sugar Bowl? "Siskel & Ebert" 8 Seconds/You So Crazy/Sugar Hill/On Deadly Ground/Fiorlie? "Rainbow" Sugar and Spice? "Yûsha keisatsu Jei-Decker" Sugata naki hanzaisha? "Tonde Buurin" Yakusoku no haresugata? "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" Sugar Coated Spider? "The Crew" The Sugar Shack? "Women of the House" Miss Sugarbaker Goes to Washington? "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" Sugartime? Sugar & Spice? Sugar Scandal? Big Sugar: Dear Mr. Fantasy? "Today's Close Up" Tora san no 60 nichi: Yakusha Atsumi Kiyoshi no sugao? Sugartime? D'Angelo: Brown Sugar? 1995 Nokia Sugar Bowl? "Rocko's Modern Life" Sugar-Frosted Frights/Ed Is Dead: A Thriller!? Suga: What's Up Star?? Sugar Cain? Sugar: Howling of Angel? "Space: Above and Beyond" Sugar Dirt? Sugar & Plastic? "Soul Train" Tony Rich/Boyz of Paradise/Suga? The Best of Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari's Video Greatest Hits? The Lightning Seeds: Sugar Coated Iceberg? Big Sugar: Diggin' a Hole? Big Sugar: If I Had My Way? Sugar and Spice? Sugared Peas? Cibo Matto: Sugar Water? "Sailor Moon" Luna wa mita!? Aidoru yaten no sugao? "The Racing Brothers, Lets & Go" Yatsu ga rida? Sugata o miseta kyoteki!? "The Daily Show" Sugar Ray Leonard? "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" David Alan Grier/Adam West/Sugar Ray? "Maalaala Mo Kaya" Haplos sa sugat? Big Sugar: Gone for Good? Space Monkeys: Sugar Cane? Sugar Ray: Fly? 1997 Nokia Sugar Bowl? Sugat sa puri? "Oppassen!!!" Sugar Baby? "All That" Sugar Ray? The Sugar Factory? "Maalaala Mo Kaya" Sugat? Big Sugar: Better Get Used to It? Big Sugar: The Scene? Sugarhill Gang: Lokerse Festival, Belgium? Sugar, Sugar? Sugar Ray Robinson: The Bright Lights and Dark Shadows of a Champion? "Biography" Ann-Margret: Sugar & Spice? Sugar: The Fall of the West? Otome-tachi no sugao? "Single Luck" Lynsey de Paul: Sugar me? Sugar Hill? "Gimme Gimme Gimme" Do They Take Sugar?? "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" Matt Lauer/Seth Green/Sugar Ray? Sugar Mama? "Making the Video" Sugar Ray: Falls Apart? "Reputations" Sugar Ray Robinson: An American Legend? Laging sariwa ang sugat? Komugironotenshi sugare oi? "Soul Train" DJ Quik Featuring El DeBarge 2nd II None and Suga Free/Sparkle/Dave Hollister? "Hard Rock Live" Smash Mouth; Sugar Ray? The Crash: Sugared? Zeebra & Sugar Soul: Siva 1999? Big Sugar: Turn the Lights On? Big Sugar: (Pas) Envie d'allumer? Sugar Town? Stomping Down at Sugar Love's? Sugar Ray: Someday? Sugar Ray: Every Morning? System of a Down: Sugar? 1999 Nokia Sugar Bowl? "ESPN SportsCentury" Sugar Ray Robinson? "Growing Up" Sugar Baby Love? Zucchero Blue Sugar? "Mirai Sentai Timeranger" Sugao no mama de? "Cousin Skeeter" Sugar Daddy? "Un flic nommé Lecoeur" Sugar baby? Sugar Shane Mosley After Party? Sugatang puso? "Maalaala Mo Kaya" Sugal? Sugao no tokimeki? "Sugao no tokimeki" Shinia moderu shigan? "Sugao no tokimeki" Deru kui wa netamareru? "Sugao no tokimeki" Houtte okenai? "Sugao no tokimeki" Ikiteiru doushi? Zeebra & Sugar Soul: Zeus 2000? Beenie Man Feat. Mýa: Girls Dem Sugar? Sugababes: Overload? Sugababes: New Year? "Shasta McNasty" The Sugar Pill? Spoonfull of Sugar? Sugar 4? Inran ryokan: Okami no nuresugata? Don Philip: Sugar? "Seven Days" Sugar Mountain? "One Piece" Hiluluk no Sakura to Uketsugareyuku Ishi!? Visions of Sugarplums? "Just Shoot Me!" Sugar Momma? "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" Billy Crystal/Mark McGrath & Sugar Ray? Sugar Sweet? "ESPN SportsCentury" Sugar Ray Leonard? "Music in High Places" Sugar Ray in Australia? "Doctors" Sugar and Spice? "ER" Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic? "Eddy the Eco-Dog Unleashed" In Harmony with Sugar Jones? "Sono toki rekishi ga ugoita" Kasuga no tsubone tokugawa ieyasu wo ugokasu? Sugar Jones: How Much Longer? Sugar Jones: Days Like That? Big Sugar: Nicotina (She's All That)? A*Teens: Sugar Rush? Sugar & Spice? "Sail Away" Sugar Wreck Dive? Sugar and Spice? Sugar-Free? Roxette: Real Sugar? Sugar Ray: When It's Over? Sugababes: Run for Cover? Sugababes: Soul Sound? "Siskel & Ebert" The Wedding Planner/Amy/Sugar & Spice/Shadow of the Vampire/Taboo? 2001 Nokia Sugar Bowl? Kanasugara? "One Piece" Uketsugareru Recipe! Curry no Tetsujin Sanji? "Henry's World" Sugar Overload/Lady Luck? "Tenshi na konamaiki" Hikken - Megumi no eparon sugata!! Ryouri taiketsu da!? "Tenshi na konamaiki" Yukatasugata no Megu-chan, nande nigeru no~? "Finding Full Moon" Sugao no En? "Hamtaro" Diamonds of Sugar? Sugababes: Angels with Dirty Faces? "SportsCentury: The Century's Greatest Athletes" Sugar Ray Leonard? "Happy Together" Way to School - The Memories About Maggie: Kim Jong-kook, Song Eun-i, Chae Jung-an/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Youme, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Go Fishing: Fin.K.L (Lee Hyori, Ock Joo-hyun, Sung Yu-ri, Lee Jin)/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Youme, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Magnolia Flowers: Kim Hak-cheol, Lee Soo-young, Kim Sang-hyuk (Click-B)/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Joanne, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Flowers Ballad: Lee Kye-in, Hwangbo (Chakra), Rich/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Joanne, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Longing My Sweetheart: Kim Jung-min, Kim Jong-kook, Shin Ji (Koyote)/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Joanne, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Black Cat Nero: Lee Mi-sook, Kim Won-hee, Kim Min, Kim Hyun-soo/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Joanne, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Cold Noodles: Country Kko Kko (Tak Jae-hoon, Shin Jung-hwan), Kim Jae-duc (J-Walk)/Happy Nip and Tuck Battle: Joanne, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Miryang Arirang: Park Kyung-lim, Lee Ki-chan, Shim Tae-yoon/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Travis, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Traveler: Im Chang-jung, Jung Tae-woo, Joanne/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Travis, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Golden Country: Jung Joon-ho, Han Eun-jung, Jung Yoon-don/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Silryuk, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Santa Lucia: Im Chang-jung, Lee Hye-young, Yang Dong-geun/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Silryuk, Iconiq (Sugar)? "Happy Together" Way to School - Growing Up: Kim Hyun-chul, Kang Byung-kyu, Eun Ji-won/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Rich, Silryuk, Iconiq (Sugar), Joanne? "Happy Together" Cheering World Cup: Chakra (Jung Ryeo-won, Eun), Iconiq (Sugar)/Way to School - Battle Hymn of the Republic: Hwangbo, Byun Jung-soo, Kim Sang-hyuk Click-B)? "Happy Together" Way to School - The Front Village: Country Kko Kko (Tak Jae-hoon, Shin Jung-hwan), Lee Yoo-jin/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Iconiq (Sugar), J? "Happy Together" Way to School - We Are Sprouts: Kang Susie, Yoo Chae-yeong, Lee Sung-jin (NRG)/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Iconiq (Sugar), J? "Happy Together" Way to School - Robot Taekwon V: Choi Soo-jong, Kim Yoo-mi, Ha Ji-won/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: Iconiq (Sugar), J? "Happy Together" SUMMER SPECIAL Way to School - Winter Night: Jung Seon-hee, Sung Si-kyung, Iconiq (Sugar)/Happy "Nip and Tuck" Battle: As One (Lee Min, Crystal)? "Molto Mario" Suga Di Razza? Sugat, walang paghilom? "Nagoya butsudan monogatari" Futsutsuka na oji desuga? "Fear" Ki Sugar Mill? "Sono toki rekishi ga ugoita" Tokugawa ieyasu sanpôhara no dai bakuchi: Yaburete manabu hasha no tetsugaku? "Sono toki rekishi ga ugoita" Tenjin sugawara no michizane seiji kaikaku ni taoreru? "Ultimate Albums" Blood Sugar Sex Magik? Brown Sugar? Sugar Inc.? Sugarcult: Action? Sugababes: Freak Like Me? Sugababes: Round Round? Sugababes: Stronger? 2002 Nokia Sugar Bowl? "Christine Cushing Live" Sugar Sugar? "Siskel & Ebert" Red Dragon/Punch-Drunk Love/Welcomg to Collinwood/Brown Sugar? "RoboRoach" Sugar Mommy/X-Pet? "Super Duper Sumos" Dance of the Sugar Plum Sumos? Sugandhavally? Sugandh Maati Ri? Sugar? "The Food Hunter" Costa Rica: Bananas/Sugar? "Sugar" Episode #1.1? "Sugar" Buttermilk? "Kamen Rider 555" Shinjitsu no Sugata? "Ozzy & Drix" Sugar Shock? "Da Capo" Sugao no kokuhaku? "Tokyo Mew Mew" Ao no mezame, mô hitotsu no sugata!? "Project X: Chôsensha tachi" Higan no ringo densetsu no shokunin tsugaru ni tatsu? "Gaia no yoake" Sugao no ura ni atsui tatakai: Nippon nerau gaishi kosume? Sugarplum Dreams: Staging the Nutcracker Ballet? A Spoonful of Sugar? "10-8: Officers on Duty" Blood Sugar Sex Magik? "The Great White Tower" Chichi no sugata? "Magpakailanman" Sa paghilom ng mga sugat: The Rizal Day Bombing Story? Sugababes: Too Lost in You? "Experience Live at the Sky Church" Sugar Ray, Vertical Horizon? Short on Sugar? Sugababes: Hole in the Head? "Sell This House" Sugar Land, TX: Paul & Laura Jacobs? More Sugar? Caña Brava: Wild Sugar Cane? Sugababes: Shape? 2003 Nokia Sugar Bowl? "Naruto" Sakura saku! Ketsui no ushirosugata? Kyonyû okami no nemidare sugata? Baby Bash: Suga Suga (feat. Frankie J)? "The Cramp Twins" Sugar Zombie/Beware the Rare Colossal Swamp Squid? Nitaboh? "Monkey Turn" Sasuga SG!? "Björn Bear" Nasse hittar en dammsugare? "Bewegte Männer" Sugardaddy? "Out There with Melissa DiMarco" Sugar Shocked? Sugar Creek Gang: Swamp Robber? "The Handler" Give Daddy Some Sugar? "SexTV" Sex in the South/Fashion Bibles/Sugar Parties? "Beyond the Glory" Sugar Ray Leonard? Sugar Valentine? Sugar Orange? Sugar? Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish? Sugar? On the Road with Sugar Ray? "Sweet Dreams" All About Brown Sugar? No Simple Sugar? Sugar Plum? Suga Free Feat. Katt Williams & Max Julien: Thinkin'? Sugarland: Baby Girl? Sugababes: In the Middle? Sugababes: Caught in a Moment? The 70th Annual Nokia Sugar Bowl? "Ninja Nonsense" Ninja, atsugaru no maki/Miyabi, koi wo suru no maki? "Naruto" Mitai, shiritai, tashikametai Kakashi sensei no sugao? "Naruto" Hokage no ayamachi Kamen ni shita no sugao? "The Proud Family" Suga Mama's Believers? "Monster" The Fifth Spoonful of Sugar? "The Secret Life of..." Secret Life of Sugar? "Grand Designs" The Modernist Sugar Cube, Pett Level, Sussex? "Beet the Vandel Buster" Ekuserion buredo! Uketsuga reta tamashi? Sugar Creek Gang: Secret Hideout? Sugar Creek Gang: Teacher Trouble? "Reservoir Chronicle: Tsubasa" Oni no sugao? "One Piece" Kamen o Totta CP9! Sono Odoroki no Sugao? "Postcards from Buster" Sugartime!: Hinesburg, Vermont? "Strawberry 100%" Panikku in mai rûmu/Dotô no natsugasshuku? Kenshô Sugamo ai: Hayafusa Hideto wo sagashite? The Sugar Curtain? Big Sugar? "Modern Marvels" Sugar? "The Slavery Business" Sugar Dynasty? "Soundstage" Trisha Yearwood with Special Guests Sugarland and Billy Currington? "Unwrapped" Sugar and Spice? "Sugar Rush" Celebration? "Favorite Foods USA!" Sugar? Sugar and Shit? Sugar Rush? Sugar Mountain? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.1? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.2? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.3? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.4? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.5? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.6? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.7? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.8? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.9? "Sugar Rush" Episode #1.10? Sugar Rush? Pepsi Max Downloaded: Stars Without the Sugar? "Pepsi Max Downloaded: Stars Without the Sugar" Girls Aloud? "Pepsi Max Downloaded: Stars Without the Sugar" McFly? "Pepsi Max Downloaded: Stars Without the Sugar" Ms. Dynamite? "Pepsi Max Downloaded: Stars Without the Sugar" Natasha Bedingfield? "Pepsi Max Downloaded: Stars Without the Sugar" Westlife? "CMT Crossroads" Bon Jovi & Sugarland? Sweet Sugar? Sugar and Snails? Brown Sugar? Riding with Sugar? Trick Daddy Feat. Cee-Lo Green and Lil' Kim: Sugar (Gimme Some)? Fall Out Boy: Sugar, We're Goin Down, Version 1? Fall Out Boy: Sugar, We're Goin Down, Version 2? Cuban Link Feat. Mýa: Sugar Daddy? Sugababes: Push the Button? Sugababes: Ugly? 2005 Nokia Sugar Bowl? "Living Smart" Addiction to Sugars and Flours? Sugar? "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Suga on My Cuffs? "Bleach" Hitsugaya, hoeru? "O'Grady" Sugar Hill? Kôdo eiji komandâzu: Tsugu mono tsugareru mono? Sugar Daddy? "Sharp" Like Sugar, Sometimes Like Salt? Sugarless? "Super Star Fleet Sazer-X" Iketsugareru omoi? "Aria the Natural" Sono sugao no hoshi tachi ha...? "Comedy Now!" Sugar Sammy? "Dr. Know" Sugar & Spice? Matsugane ransha jiken? "Novotny und Maroudi" Sugardaddy? "Animal Cops: Houston" Sweet as Sugar? "The Fabulous Life of" Sugar Daddies? Sugartown: Oi gabroi? "The Shopping Bags" Sugar, Internet Dating, Diapers, Calculators? "Ever Wondered About Food...?" Sugar? Hope & a Little Sugar? Sugar & Spice? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.1? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.2? The Sugar on Top? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.5? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.3? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.4? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.6? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.10? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.7? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.8? "Sugar Rush" Episode #2.9? "Desire" Sugar and Spice? "Tsha tsha" Sugar Daddy? "Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan" Dax, Pete, Nixa, and Sugar and Snowflake? "Food Network Challenge" Challenge: Sugar Showdown? "Food Network Challenge" Challenge: Sugar Skyscrapers? Sugababes Uncovered? "AOL Sessions" Sugarland? "Vodafone TBA" Sugababes? "Epic Fu" Sugar High, Dead vs. Alive, Brandon's Pitch? Sugar Hill Records: A Retrospective? "Honey, We're Killing the Kids" Sugar & Spite? Call Me Sugarplum? Cream and Sugar? Milk, Sugar, Cream & Air? Sugar Water? Sugarloaf? Sugababes: Red Dress? Sugababes: Follow Me Home? Sugababes: Easy? "The Top 5 Reasons You Can't Blame..." Marvin Hagler for Losing to Sugar Ray Leonard in 1987? Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories? "Bleach" Hitsugaya shutsugeki! Mori nonaka no teki okire? "Bleach" Hitsugaya no ketsui! Gekitotsu no toki semaru? "Bleach" Hitsugaya ugoku! Osowareta machi? Once Again Sugar & Spice? 2006 Nokia Sugar Bowl? Sugarfree: Kung Ayaw Mo Na Sa Akin? "AT&T Blue Room" Sugarland live from the Gibson Amphitheatre? "Cherub, the Vampire with Bunny Slippers" Buy Your Own Damn Sugar!? "basic brewing" 12-28-06 Basic Brewing Radio - Belgian Sugar Experiment? "Random! Cartoons" Sugarfoot? "Hayate, the Combat Butler" Hon wa suki desuga, utae dairyûgûjô? Cheeni Kum? "Planet Voice" Sugababes i Planet Voice? "The Shak" Sugar? "Taste of America" Beer/Shrimp and Grits/Maple Sugar Candies? Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.1? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.2? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.3? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.4? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.5? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.6? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.7? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.8? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.9? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.10? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.11? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.12? "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" Episode #1.13? "Will It Blend" Granulated Sugar Into Powdered Sugar? Sasurai shochô Kazama Shô'hei 7: Tsugaru hirosakijô satsujin jiken? "Adventures in Hollyhood" Sweet Sugar Love? "The Cook and the Chef" Sugar? Refining Sugar Land? Flour, Sugar, Tea? "Unwrapped" Sweet as Sugar? "48 Hours" The Sugarland Conspiracy? "Vlogbrothers" SUGAR HIGH!? "Neighbours" Sugar Hit? Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen? Sugata Sanshirô? "Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen" Episode #1.1? "Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen" Episode #1.2? "Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen" Episode #1.4? "Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen" Episode #1.5? "Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen" Episode #1.6? "Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen" Episode #1.7? "Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen" Episode #1.8? "Oishii Gohan: Kamakura Kasugai kometen" Episode #1.3? "Kid Fitness" Sugar the Sloth? "The Apprentice UK" Sugar Rush? "The Album Chart Show" Sugababes Special? Sugar Creek? Sugarhouse? "Honey, We're Killing the Kids" Sugar and Spice? "What's with That House?" Power Plant, Sugar Cube and Amusement Park Fun House? "What's with That House?" Fishing House; TV House and the Sugar Cube House? Sweeter Without Sugar? Sugar Cubes? Shadows Over Sugar? Cup a Sugar? O Nobre Deputado Sanguessuga? Sugarland: Everyday America? Beyoncé: Suga Mama? Sugar Your Teardrops? Sugarland: Stay? Sugababes vs. Girls Aloud: Walk This Way? Sugababes: About You Now? Sugababes: Change? 2007 Allstate Sugar Bowl? "Nikkei supesharu kanburia kyûden" Tasha no chikara wo tsukae!: Kakuyasu usugata terebi no majutsushi? "TV One on One" Sugar Ray Leonard? "Bleach" Hitsugaya, Karin and Soccer Ball? "Bleach" Hueco Mondo Moves Again! Hitsugaya vs. Yammy? "Bleach" The Invisible Enemy! Hitsugaya's Merciless Decision? "Bleach" The Nightmare Arrancar! Team Hitsugaya Moves Out? The Sugar Babies? "Naruto: Shippuden" Sasori no sugao? "Naruto: Shippuden" Tsuga re yuku mono? "Bleach" Hitsugaya chiru! Kudaketa Hyorinmaru? "Jon & Kate Plus 8" Sugar Rush? "Iron Chef America: The Series" Cora & Deen vs. Florence & Irvine: Sugar? "Dante's Cove" Blood Sugar Sex Magik? "Pokémon" Pokémon Contest! Yosuga Convention!!? "Max & Ruby" Ruby's Puppet Show/Sugar Plum Max/Max's Ant Farm? The Price of Sugar? "One Life" Sugar mummies? Suga Shug Commercial? Suga Shug Drive? "Minami-ke: Okawari" Aji wa daidai uke tsugarete iku mono? Sugai kun to kazoku ishi? "Minami-ke: Okawari" Sasuga ni yabaku natte kimashita? Jauna suga? "Sukippu bîto!" Arashi no sugao? Hell Girl: Three Vessels? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Ubawareta shôjo? "Zoku sayonara zetsubô sensei" Hyakumankai Iwareta Neko/Akazukin-chan, neru. Ki o Tsukete/Tsugaru Tsushin Kyoiku? Sugarland? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Caged Bird? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" The Rotten Fruit? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Elder Brother? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Cicada? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" My Teacher? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Liar? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Next Door? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Lost Inari? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" The Goldfish in the Mirror? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" The Blotted Page? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Mid-Summer Graph? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" The Six-Script Lantern? "Minami-ke" Sasuga ni Yabaku Natte Kimashita? "Porufi no nagai tabi" Kamen no sugao? "The Gym" Mama Wants Sugar? "Hannah Montana" No Sugar, Sugar? CandyGirl Video: Sugar Rush? Sugar & Spice & All Things Movies? Soy-n-Sugar? "Unnatural Causes" Bad Sugar? "Grand Designs" The Modernist Sugar Cube, Sneyd Park, Bristol? Sugababes: Girls - Behind the Video? "Casualty" Salt and Sugar? SMS Sugar Man? "Are We There Yet?: World Adventure" Turkey: Sugar Festival? Sugarland Live at Revival? "Live at Revival" Live at Revival: Sugarland? Sugar? Banda Girls in Who's Your Sugar Daddy? Gimme Sugar? "Feasting on Asphalt" Sugar on Isle One? "Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack" Final: Hijacked by Sugababes? Megami no sugao Kyoka? Megami no sugao Kyoka 2? Coded Soul: Uketsugareshi idea? Sugar.? Sugar? Sugarwater? Sugar? Sugar Granny? Sugar Wind? Sugar Rush? Fiévre de Sucre: Sugar Rush? Sugababes: Denial? Sugababes: Girls? Sugababes: No Can Do? Microazione #3 shoes and sugar? Sugarleaf: Everything is so Confusing? Sugar Cane? "Elite XC" ShoXC: Hamman vs. Suganuma II? "Bokura no jidai" Hiroyuki Nagato, Masahiko Tsugawa & Mayuko Tsugawa? "Nestle Nido Young Stars aka Nido Ye Tare Hamare" Education: Bullying, Education: Unscientific Sugar Intake Myths? "50 Cent: The Money and the Power" Turn S... Into Sugar? "Bleach" Ice and Flame! Fierce Fight of Amagai vs. Hitsugaya? "How It's Made" Carburetors/Air Conditioners/Sugar? "Emeril Green" Less Sugar, Just as Sweet? "Paula's Home Cooking" Sugar Shack? "Michiko to Hatchin" The Brown Sugar Outlaw? "Gimme Sugar" It's Party Time!? "Gimme Sugar" Damage Control? "Gimme Sugar" All Is Lost? "King of the Hill" Pour Some Sugar on Kahn? "'Til Death" Sugar Dougie? "Amazing Wedding Cakes" Laurel Wedding Cake/Ring Box Engagement Cake/Sugar Balls Wedding Cake? "Pokémon" Yosuga Collection! The Road to Becoming a Pokémon Stylist!!? "Pokémon" Yosuga Gym Match! Vs Melissa!!? "TCM Underground" Sugar Hill/Raw Meat? Sugarland Feat. Little Big Town & Jake Owen: Life in a Northern Town? The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.13? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.12? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.11? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.10? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.9? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.8? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.7? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.6? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.5? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.4? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.3? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.2? "The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries" Episode #1.1? "AT&T Blue Room" Sugarland? "basic brewing" 03-13-08 Basic Brewing Radio - Belgian Sugar Experiment II? "Samurai Sentai Shinkenger" Date Sugata go Samurai? "White Album" Ren'ai wa rikutsu janai. Sou katariau koibitotachi wa, shijin, hyouronka, tetsugakusha? Sugarcube? "Freefonix" Sugar's Night Out? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Street Corner of Malice? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Rabbit and Tortoise? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Trap of Temptation? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Inside the Straw? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Special Radio? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Snow, Moon, Flowers? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Hell Doctor vs. Hell Girl? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" The Back Front? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Flower and Moon? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Twilight Hill? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Mayfly? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Yuzuki? "Hell Girl: Three Vessels" Spiritual Locus? "Jewelpet" Bye Bye ( >_<) - Arisugawa-san? "I Survived" Sugat sa batas militar? "The Rotten Tomatoes Show" Fast & Furious/Adventureland/Sugar? "hart aber fair" Ewig Kind, häufig Macho, schließlich Sugardaddy - Sind denn Männer nie normal?? "It's Always Smoggy in L.A." Sugar? "Have I Got News for You: News... for You" Alexander Applies for a Job... In the Sugababes? Pass the Sugar? "CBS Dokyumento" Iraku zôha kettei no butaiura/Sadoru shithî no tatakai/Binradhin wo satsugai seyo? "Soundstage" Sugarland? Sugartown - I epomeni mera? "Simply Ming" Tamarind/Brown Sugar? "Tenkuu sanpo" Kasuga? "Plymouth Rock Studios: The Series" The Series Has a Sugar Rush? Sugat ng kahapon? Gimme Sugar: Miami? "Gimme Sugar: Miami" Bienvenidos a Miami? "Gimme Sugar: Miami" Mother Nature? "Gimme Sugar: Miami" The Tough Get Tougher? "Child Bride" Shyam and sugana get married? "Abby's Flying Fairy School" Sugar Plum Fairy Day? "Food Network Challenge" Sugar Adventures? Sugarland: Live on the Inside? Danko Jones: Sugar High? Sugarland? Sugar Boxx? "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" Sugar Rush? Sugar Park Tavern? Sugar Stick? Sugar Rush? Sugar Spice Short Tail? Sugar? Sugar Drop? Sugar? Coffee & Sugar? Flo Rida feat. Wynter Gordon: Sugar? Sugarcane? "Fan-Made Music Videos" Sugar, We're Goin' Down? Sugar? Sugababes: Get Sexy? Sugababes: About a Girl? 2009 Allstate Sugar Bowl? "The Tyra Banks Show" Sugar Daddies? Takeda Tetsuya no shuukan tetsugaku? "Nestle Nido Young Stars aka Nido Ye Tare Hamare" Education: Respect for Teachers and Family Elders, Nutrition: Sugar and Sugar Derivatives? "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" Michael Phelps/Paget Brewster/Sugar Ray? "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" Sugar? "Sex Decoy: Love Stings" Sugar Mama? "Bleach" Release! The New Getsuga Tensho? "Bleach" The Awakening Hyorinmaru! Hitsugaya's Fierce Fight? "Gimme Sugar" Bienvenidos a Miami? "Giada at Home 2.0" Sugar Rush? "Gimme Sugar: Miami" Love on the Rocks? "Gimme Sugar: Miami" Dark Comedy? "Gimme Sugar: Miami" Troubled Waters? "Gimme Sugar" Mother Nature? "Gimme Sugar" The Tough Get Tougher? "Gimme Sugar" Rock Bottom? "Ugly Betty" Sugar Daddy? "Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory" Shark Sugar? "The Othersiders" Santa Maria Sugar Factory? Madness: Sugar and Spice? Bob Sinclar Feat. Sugarhill Gang: LaLa Song? Sugar (sweet) Tooth (ache)? "Chicken Stew" Sweet Sugar Can Juice? "Chicken Stew" A Stick of Sugar-Coated Haws? "Fresh PreCure!" Odoroki no shinjitsu! Mebiusu no hontô no sugata!!? "The Undead Diaries" Sugar and Spice? No Sugar Added? "The Graham Norton Show" Lord Sugar/Pamela Stephenson/Lee Mack/James Blunt? "101 Dates" Cults, Sugar & Champagne? "Napoleon Bon Appétit" Sugar Cookies with Lemon Verbena? "Meet the Browns" Meet the Sugar Mama? "Itty P and DJ Model T's Dat's a RAP!" How Da Sugah Pimps Came to Be? "Freaky Eaters" Addicted to Sugar? "Celebrity Ghost Stories" Sugar Ray Leonard/Aida Tuturro Johnathon Schaech/Sharon Angela? I Have a Little Sugar? Sugar Pathways? "Dr. Phil" Sugar Mamas and Smart Women? "Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab" Sugar and Teeth? Live from SugarHill Studios? "Food Network Challenge" Flying Sugar? "Food Network Challenge" Sugar Destinations? "Food Network Challenge" Sugar Impossible? Great Big Sea: Live at Sugar Beach? Sugarland: Stuck Like Glue? "Upfront & Straightforward with Alan Roger Currie" Women who Love Financially Generous Tricks & Sugar Daddies (Open Forum Discussion)? Black, No Sugar? Like Sugar on the Tip of My Lips? Sugata? Sugababes: Camden Crawl Live? Significant Non-Happenings on Sugar-Hill? Cry for Me, Sugar? Milk Coffee and Sugar: Alien? Sugar Packet? More Coffe, Less Sugar? Sugar and the Tweetman? Castor Sugar? Sugababes: Wear My Kiss? Sugar Minott? "Actors Entertainment" Thespian Thoughts: Erica Mer Reviews the Play Sugar Daddy? "The Bridge" Brown Sugar? "American Dad!" The People vs. Martin Sugar? "CSI: Miami" Blood Sugar? "Bleach" Hitsugaya, the Desperate Hyoten Hyakkaso!? "Bleach" Hitsugaya, Enraged! Blade of Hatred!? "Bleach" The Final Getsuga Tensho!? Ichigo's Training!? "How Do They Do It?" Sugar, Fish Farming, Speed Suits? Cheyenne Cinnamon and the Fantabulous Unicorn of Sugar Town Candy Fudge? Yosuga No Sora? "Yosuga No Sora" Haruka na kioku? "Yosuga No Sora" Tsukazu hanarezu? "Yosuga No Sora" Akira hazukashi? "Yosuga No Sora" Harukazu hâto? "Yosuga No Sora" Yami akira kani? "Yosuga No Sora" Akirame naiyo? "Yosuga No Sora" Nao kuraki sora? "Yosuga No Sora" Tsumi na otomera? "Yosuga No Sora" Harukana omoi? "Yosuga No Sora" Harukana sora e? "Yosuga No Sora" Sorameku futari? "Yosuga No Sora" Tori no sorane wa? "Leo and Satan" Sugar Trip? "Spliced" A Taste of Friendship/Sugar Low? Save Me Some Sugar? Kankin gangu: Waisetsugari? "FoodCrafters" Sugar? When Piers Met Lord Sugar? "ESPN College Football" 2009 Allstate Sugar Bowl: Utah Utes vs. Alabama Crimson Tide? "Rock Estrada" Sugar Kane? "Player One Podcast" POP Ep.218: Sugar-Coated Shrieking Freaky Babies (Voicemail line: 713-893-8069)? "MuggleCast: the Harry Potter podcast" Episode 201: ButterSugarBeer? "basic brewing" 02-25-10 Mmmm Belgian Sugar Experiment - Basic Brewing Radio? "basic brewing" BBR 10-28-10 Alternate Priming Sugars - Basic Brewing Radio? "The Cigar Authority" The Cigar Authority Smokes Moscow City and Burt Sugar? "YooHoo and Friends" Sugar Rabies? Sugar Rush? "Pop Pixie" Caramel's Sugary Cupcakes? "Inanimate Insanity" Sugar Rush? "Spirited" Blood Sugar Sex Magik? "The Graham Norton Show" Sigourney Weaver/Prof. Brian Cox/Sandi Toksvig/Sugarland? Sugartown? "Sugartown" Episode #1.1? "Sugartown" Episode #1.2? "Sugartown" Episode #1.3? Hai! moshi moshi ohtsuka yakkyoku desuga? "The Colbert Report" Sugar Ray Leonard? "ACME Saturday Night" Jessica 'Sugar' Kiper? "The Graham Norton Show" Sir Cliff Richard/Lord Alan Sugar/Micky Flanagan/Kelly Rowland? "Starvival" The World's Worst Sugar Daddy? "Intergenerational Relationship Retreat" Sugar Daddy's Dilemma? "We the People with Gloria Allred" Cruise Ship Catastrophe/Sugar Daddy Paid the Rent? Sugarland: Blood, Love, Hope, Lust and Steam? The Sugar Bowl? "Tokyo Eye" Sugamo? Tsugaru hyakunen shokudou? Sugar Valentine 2? Sugar Shop? Bittersugar? "Bittersugar" Ame ni nureta futari? "Bittersugar" Ai ga afureteru? "Bittersugar" Ai no tamerai? "Bittersugar" Amai himitsu? "Bittersugar" Doronumana onnnatachi? "Bittersugar" Koi ni kogarete? "Bittersugar" Natsu no ayamachi? "Bittersugar" Otona ni naru natsu? "Bittersugar" Shuui okure no onna? "Bittersugar" Unmei no hito? "Dr. Phil" Sugar Baby Students? "Star Confessions" The Sugar Mercado Confession? Sugar? "Food Network Challenge" Sugar Inventions? "Food Network Challenge" Sugar and Candy Fashion? "History Extra podcast" Voices of veterans and the debate on sugar? "Live from the Artists Den" Elvis Costello and the Sugarcanes? "B-Sides" Gettin' Sugar High (Halloween Rap)? "Ariel & Zoey & Eli, Too" AZE2 are Sugar Station? Big Sugar: Roads Ahead? Big Sugar: Little Bit a All Right? "What's Up Orange County" Cheryl Burke, Derek Hough, Alexis Bellino, Sugar Ray Leonard? "EconTalk" Taubes on Fat, Sugar and Scientific Discovery? Sugar Boo? Sugarland: The Incredible Machine? "Kid in a Candy Store" Suckers, Sugar Art, Cotton Candy? "Judge Karen" Hey Cuz: I'm Not Your Sugar Mama!? Sugar High? "Sugar High" LA Desserts: Chillin' with Chocolate? "Sugar High" Boston Desserts - Doughlicious!? "Sugar High" Chicago Desserts Something Old, Something Bold, and Something Rock'n'roll!? "Sugar High" Dallas Desserts - Down Home and Made from Scratch? "Sugar High" New Orleans Desserts - Fire, Ice, and Bacon!? "Sugar High" Philadelphia Desserts Phreakin' phenomenal!? "Food(ography)" Sugar? "Cooking for Real" Sugar, Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice? "Judge Karen's Court" Hey Cuz: I'm Not Your Sugar Mama!? "Chow Ciao! With Fabio Viviani" Mama's Sugar Cookies? Sugarwheels? Sugar and Spice: Yorkshire Vice? Sugarhook? Sugartown? Sugar & Santos? Olive and Mocha: Fast Times at Sugar High? White Sugar in a Black Pot? Sugar? Sugar Candy? Sugar Beach? Sugar Check? The Sugarcane Labyrinth? Sugar, Silence, Rain and Mittens? Stuttgart 21: Sugar? Sugarbaby? Sugar? Sugarplum? Homer's Sugar Mound? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE DOUZIAMES BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎۝ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the n... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD. THEY PUT DUCT TAPE OVER HIS MOUTH AND AROUND HIS HANDS AND THREW HIM IN THE LAKE. THEY BEAT HIS THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FRIEND HALF TO DEATH WITH A BASEBALL BAT. WHEN I WAS TEN YEARS OLD, I WAS STILL TRYING TO NOT GET CAUGHT USING MY OWN BOOGERS TO MANUFACTURE MY OWN LINE OF DOOHICKEYS... YOU KNOW, BOOG-HICKEYS, BUT THIS TEN YEAR OLD, HE GETS LOOSE! HE SAVES HIS FRIEND FROM DROWNING! HE CARRIES HIM A MILE AND A HALF TO THE NEAREST HOUSE! DOES THIS MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO YOU? HAVE YOU NO HUMAN FEELING LEFT AT ALL? OH, I GUESS YOU DON'T CARE. I GUESS YOU HAVE NO HUMANITY LEFT AT ALL IN YOU. I GUESS... sorry, don't know where that came from. But I know where our next debut came from! ...oh, wait. We're all done! And not a moment too soon. Only a few hours for the whole cycle to start again. Looks like that lucky guy Guy Ritchie will be back on top again... just barely, and the world of Gekijô-ban animé will score another American box office coup. And of course, Donald Trump will continue his reign as the World's Most Annoying Criminal Trying To Get Back Into The White House. The courts will continue to handle him with oversized kid gloves, while he continues to drag them down into the gutter with him. I never thought I'd say this, but Kudos to Mike Johnson for getting one thing done. Sorry, Dude, but the era of the 2-Year term Speaker of the House has been suspended for a while. GOOD NIGHT NURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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