Friday, April 26, 2024

I Wonder What Hammurabi's Stance On Abortion Is...

Brought to you by Lemon Boomeringue Pie. Lemon Boomeringue Pie! Don't like the taste? Be sure to throw it away gently... Also brought to you by ...Oh Crap! My Taxes! Oh Crap! My Taxes!! Quick, let me get my... oh, right! I actually finished them already. But Lord and the Post Office help you if you see this and you're saying to yourself ...Oh Crap! My Taxes! No, April 15th is long, long gone, but you know what? For those of you who are fans of palindromes, particularly number palindromes, this whole week and a little bit beyond is one long ten-day gift, starting with April 20th, 2024... you know, 4/20/'24! 42024? Get it? Then the '0' becomes a '1', then a '2'... doesn't matter what that middle digit is! Ten days of number palindromes. But let's try to not think about wonderful imaginary numbers for a while, and focus instead on a place that cares a lot about black financial numbers... Hollywood. No being "in the red" for them... that's one of those old, antequated expressions that means losing money. Nothing to do with Native Americans... or does it? Anyway, that Civil War movie was #1 again, but by a nose... that's an old horse racing expression. I guess the judges count that whole forward half of a horse's head as its 'nose.' Anyway, we've got three debuts this week, and they're all within the Top 5, which will certainly please any local news anchors who still cover such things... see, they usually only cover the top five, unless there's a really big megabomb that everyone's picking on, like... dang. I just know there was one within the last year! The only one that comes to mind is 2022's Babylon... wow. So expensive and so long. And probably still available on MGM Plus (C)(TM)(R)! They've got a ways to go to catch up to Amazon (R)(C)(TM) and Hulu (C)(TM)(R) and Netflix (TM)(R)(C) and all the other big guys; I'm just sayin'. I do kinda like the plot of this new one, and of course it's a horror movie with the guts to go for an 'R' rating... metaphorical, possibly literal guts. Ick. Maybe not as much or as colorful as the R-rated version of Pearl Harbor guts, but we can't all have Michael Bay's big budgets, alas... ouch. Whatever you do, don't look at the FAQs. Historical accuracy. What more do you bloodsucking vampires WANT? Ooh! Which brings us back to our first debut this week... oops! SPOILER ALERT. I'll try not to give any more away. Let me just say this: we finally have the film that Orphan should have been. Pretty good gimmick, but... this new one is apparently a remake of an older film. The new WGA rules, however, apparently don't have to give them credit! Kinda like with that new Invisible Man movie. The movie's credits somehow forgot to include H.G. Wells! Move over, Grandpa: you can't handle the modern billionaire's home, and the long suffering trophy wife within.
Okay, gotta try and get back to this new one. Hmm! I wonder if the cast list is complete yet. Kinda small! Just sayin'. It's probably not ever going to be in the IMDb Top 4 of Giancarlo Esposito... he was in The Usual Suspects? Can't watch THAT again! Nor will this even probably be in the IMDb Top 4 of the only other name in the cast I know: Matthew Goode. Here, check out the character name of thespian William Catlett: Rickles. Not a terribly common name, is it? Now I HAVE to see the movie, if only to see if his character calls anyone a "hockey puck." And I really do hate to nitpick about the hard work everyone over at the IMDb does, but the film appears to have been edited by two distinct people: Michael P. Shawver, and Michael Shawwer. Um... one of these guys has a resumé that's much longer than the other. That's one way to tell. ANOTHER reason for myself to watch this movie. In the meantime, why don't you shower and I'll show her? Sorry. So wrong; so Name-ist. Which reminds me... nope! Still The Highlander. We all look forward to your next motion picture venture around the year... 2112? Whatever field it might be in. A guy can change a lot in 100 years! All right, I think I've paid enough attention to this one. I wonder what the title could be... maybe it's a name. Yeah, that must be it. It's been a while since I've looked for a name, so I think I'll try that. I mean, was it Abigail Abang? No? Well, how about Abigail Abanilla? Abigail Abanto maybe? Abigail Abazorius perhaps? Abigail Abban-Mensah quite possibly? Abigail Abbuehl maybe? Abigail Aboussafy possibly? Abigail Abraham perchance? Abigail Accettura peut-être? Abigail Achiri? Abigail Acosta? Abigail Adair? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adams? Abigail Adcock? Abigail Addai? Abigail Addison? Abigail Adedeji? Abigail Adjei? Abigail Adoptie? Abigail Adornato? Abigail Adriano? Abigail Agius? Abigail Agnes? Abigail Agnew? Abigail Agranat? Abigail Agudelo? Abigail Aguino? Abigail Ahern? Abigail Aimes? Abigail Ainsworth? Abigail Akzin? Abigail Alabi? Abigail Alamo? Abigail Alanguilan? Abigail Alarcon? Abigail Alder? Abigail Alderete? Abigail Alderson? Abigail Aldous? Abigail Alejo? Abigail Alek? Abigail Alexander? Abigail Alexander? Abigail Alfaro? Abigail Alfaro? Abigail Alfonso? Abigail Alfonso Palacios? Abigail Allam? Abigail Allen? Abigail Alling? Abigail Allison? Abigail Allwein? Abigail Allwood? Abigail Almaden? Abigail Almer? Abigail Alonso? Abigail Altrath? Abigail Alvarado? Abigail Alvarado? Abigail Alvarez? Abigail Alvarez? Abigail Alzona? Abigail Amana? Abigail Ameri? Abigail Amsden? Abigail Amsterdam? Abigail Anaba? Abigail Anderson? Abigail Anderson? Abigail Anderson? Abigail Anderson? Abigail Anderson? Abigail Anderson? Abigail Anderson? Abigail Anderson? Abigail Andjel? Abigail Andres? Abigail Andresen? Abigail Andrew Johansen? Abigail Anes? 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Abigail Fegan? Abigail Feinberg? Abigail Felce? Abigail Feldman? Abigail Fendler? Abigail Ferebee? Abigail Ferenczy? Abigail Fernandez? Abigail Fernandez? Abigail Ferrell? Abigail Ferrera? Abigail Ferreyra? Abigail Fiadziso? Abigail Fields? Abigail Findlay? Abigail Finley? Abigail Fischer? Abigail Fisher? Abigail Fisher? Abigail Fisher? Abigail Fisher? Abigail Fitzpatrick? Abigail Flamer? Abigail Fleck? Abigail Fleishman? Abigail Fletcher? Abigail Fletcher? Abigail Flint? Abigail Flippin? Abigail Florentino? Abigail Flores? Abigail Florido? Abigail Flowers? Abigail Flowers? Abigail Flynn? Abigail Foerstner? Abigail Folger? Abigail Followwill? Abigail Fontes? Abigail Ford? Abigail Fordham? Abigail Forloines? Abigail Forman? Abigail Forrister? Abigail Forrister? Abigail Forshaw? Abigail Forsman? Abigail Foster? Abigail Foster? Abigail Foster? Abigail Foulke? Abigail Fowler? Abigail Fox? Abigail Fox? Abigail Fraeman? Abigail Fraher? Abigail Franc? Abigail Francisco Macapagal? 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Abigail Grace Tallman? Abigail Gracia? Abigail Gracia? Abigail Graham? Abigail Graham? Abigail Graham? Abigail Graham? Abigail Graham? Abigail Grammer? Abigail Grande-Hemschoot? Abigail Grant? Abigail Grant? Abigail Gray? Abigail Green? Abigail Green? Abigail Green? Abigail Green? Abigail Green? Abigail Green? Abigail Green? Abigail Green? Abigail Green? Abigail Green-Dove? Abigail Greene? Abigail Greenspan? Abigail Greenwood? Abigail Gregory? Abigail Grenda? Abigail Greydanus? Abigail Griffiths? Abigail Griffiths? Abigail Grimes? Abigail Grimmett? Abigail Grimstad? Abigail Grindstaff? Abigail Grogan-Jarvis? Abigail Grosse? Abigail Grush? Abigail Gudgeon? Abigail Guerdat? Abigail Guerra? Abigail Guerrero? Abigail Guerrero? Abigail Guiver? Abigail Gullo? Abigail Gumbiner? Abigail Gutierrez C.? Abigail Guyer? Abigail Guyton? Abigail Guyton? Abigail Gwyneth Rizzo? Abigail H. Nedeau-Owen? Abigail H. Shearer? Abigail Haagen? Abigail Haase? Abigail Habdas? Abigail Haddock? Abigail Hadeed? 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Abigail Harrison? Abigail Harrison? Abigail Hart? Abigail Hart? Abigail Hartley? Abigail Hartman? Abigail Harvell? Abigail Harvey? Abigail Hassan? Abigail Hasson? Abigail Hastings? Abigail Hatfield? Abigail Hatherley? Abigail Hatherley? Abigail Hattensty? Abigail Hau? Abigail Haugen? Abigail Haughton? Abigail Hauslohner? Abigail Havens? Abigail Hawk? Abigail Hayden? Abigail Hayes? Abigail Haylett? Abigail Hays? Abigail He? Abigail He? Abigail He? Abigail Heath? Abigail Heath Richard? Abigail Heidenreich? Abigail Hein? Abigail Hein? Abigail Heiser? Abigail Hellam? Abigail Helm? Abigail Hemlock? Abigail Henderson? Abigail Hendrick? Abigail Hendricks? Abigail Henkin? Abigail Henninger? Abigail Henry? Abigail Henry? Abigail Hepner? Abigail Hercules? Abigail Heringer? Abigail Hernandez? Abigail Hernandez? Abigail Hernandez? Abigail Herrero? Abigail Herring? Abigail Herron? Abigail Hewings? Abigail Hewitt? Abigail Hewitt? Abigail Hicks? Abigail Higbee? Abigail Higgins? Abigail Hill? Abigail Hill? Abigail Hill? Abigail Hill? Abigail Hill? Abigail Hill? Abigail Hill? Abigail Hillary Jarrett? Abigail Hiller? Abigail Hilton? Abigail Hing Wen? Abigail Hinkley? Abigail Hirsch? Abigail Hitchcock? Abigail Hitchen? Abigail Hively? Abigail Hizon? Abigail Hobday? Abigail Hodge? Abigail Hodge? Abigail Hodgson? Abigail Hodgson Lorente? Abigail Hoekstra? Abigail Hoff? Abigail Hohmann? Abigail Hokanson? Abigail Hokanson? Abigail Holford? Abigail Holland? Abigail Hollick? Abigail Holmes? Abigail Holt? Abigail Holway? Abigail Honey? Abigail Honor? Abigail Hood? Abigail Hooi? Abigail Hook? Abigail Hook? Abigail Hoover? Abigail Hope Boatman? Abigail Hope Marconi? Abigail Hopkins? Abigail Horbachowski? Abigail Horgan? Abigail Horro Rodriguez? Abigail Horton? Abigail Horton? Abigail Hosmer? Abigail Hostetter? Abigail Hottel? Abigail Houck? Abigail Houghton? Abigail Hovey? Abigail Howarth? Abigail Howe? Abigail Howkins? Abigail Hubbard? Abigail Hubbell? Abigail Hudson? Abigail Hudson? Abigail Hughes? Abigail Hughes? Abigail Hulse? Abigail Hummel? Abigail Humphrey? Abigail Hunger? Abigail Hunt? Abigail Hunt? Abigail Hunt? Abigail Hunter? Abigail Hunter? Abigail Hunter? Abigail Hupp? Abigail Hurewitz? Abigail Hurst? Abigail Hurt? Abigail Hutchinson? Abigail Hyde? Abigail Hyndman? Abigail Hyndman? Abigail Hynes? Abigail Ibanez? Abigail Iglesias? Abigail Ileto? Abigail Ilog? Abigail Imiolek? Abigail Ireland? Abigail Irene? Abigail Iris Coryell? Abigail Isaac? Abigail Isaacs? Abigail Isom? Abigail Israel? Abigail Ita? Abigail Iversen? Abigail J. Harding? Abigail J. Simpson? Abigail J. Warwick? Abigail Jackson? Abigail Jackson? Abigail Jackson? Abigail Jackson? Abigail Jackson? Abigail Jackson-Gain? Abigail Jacobson? Abigail Jacobson? Abigail Jacobson? Abigail Jain? Abigail Jain-Johnson? Abigail James? Abigail James? Abigail Jameson? Abigail Jamison? Abigail Jamu? Abigail Janicki? Abigail Janvier? Abigail Jarrett? Abigail Jarrett? Abigail Jarve? Abigail Jay? Abigail Jay Flynn? Abigail Jaye? Abigail Jayne? Abigail Jayne Hinton? Abigail Jayne Martin? Abigail Jean? Abigail Jean Baptiste? Abigail Jean Hibbert? Abigail Jean Lucas? Abigail Jean-Baptiste? Abigail Jenkins? Abigail Jenkins? Abigail Jennifer? Abigail Jennings? Abigail Jimenez? Abigail Johns? Abigail Johnson? Abigail Johnson? Abigail Johnson? Abigail Johnson? Abigail Johnson? Abigail Johnson? Abigail Johnson? Abigail Johnson? Abigail Johnston? Abigail Johnston? Abigail Johnston? Abigail Johnston? Abigail Jolie? Abigail Jolly? Abigail Jones? Abigail Jones? Abigail Jones? Abigail Jones? Abigail Jordan? Abigail Jordan? Abigail Joseph? Abigail Joshi? Abigail Journey Oliver? Abigail Joven? Abigail Joy? Abigail Joy Float? Abigail Joyce Godfrey? Abigail Joyce Tan? Abigail Juan? Abigail Juarez? Abigail Judy? Abigail June Anderson? Abigail Junia? Abigail Jurewicz? Abigail K. Scott? Abigail K. Smith? Abigail K. Thompson? Abigail Kaczmarek? Abigail Kaelin? Abigail Kagle? Abigail Kakeldey? Abigail Kalikwani? Abigail Kalikwani? Abigail Kamara? Abigail Kammeraad-Campbell? Abigail Kampf? Abigail Kane Propst? Abigail Kanter? Abigail Karina DeVine? Abigail Karl? Abigail Karl? Abigail Kate Thomas? Abigail Kathryn Taylor? Abigail Kathryn Wilson? Abigail Katie Lambert? Abigail Katsen? Abigail Katz? Abigail Kaufer? Abigail Kawananakoa? Abigail Keel? Abigail Keever? Abigail Keiper? Abigail Kelleher? Abigail Kellermann? Abigail Kellet? Abigail Kellogg? Abigail Kelly? Abigail Kelly? Abigail Kelsen? Abigail Kende? Abigail Kende? Abigail Kennedy? Abigail Kenny? Abigail Kent? Abigail Kenyon? Abigail Kepler? Abigail Kerde? Abigail Kern? Abigail Kerr? Abigail Kessler? Abigail Kessler? Abigail Ketner? Abigail Keyes? Abigail Kiefner? Abigail Kilheffer? Abigail Killheffer? Abigail Killmeier? Abigail Kim? Abigail Kim? Abigail Kim? Abigail Kimber? Abigail Kinch? Abigail King? Abigail King? Abigail King? Abigail King? Abigail King? Abigail Kingsbury? Abigail Kinloch? Abigail Kinslow? Abigail Kintanar? Abigail Kleck? Abigail Klein? Abigail Klem? Abigail Kloeppel? Abigail Knepp? Abigail Knight? Abigail Knoettgen? Abigail Knol? Abigail Knox? Abigail Knudson? Abigail Kochunas? Abigail Koh? Abigail Koppenaal? Abigail Kot? Abigail Kraft? Abigail Kranjcevic? Abigail Krause? Abigail Kreitler? Abigail Krishna Padilla? Abigail Kruel? Abigail Kruger? Abigail Kubeka? Abigail Kubyshyn? Abigail Kuchis? Abigail Kugler? Abigail Kuklis? Abigail Kurejwowski? Abigail Kurtz? Abigail Kwan? Abigail Kwanna Combs? Abigail L. Booth? Abigail L. Coloma? Abigail L. Dyer? Abigail L. Enrech? Abigail L. Giadone? Abigail L. Sheaffer? Abigail L.S. Yardley? Abigail Lacy? Abigail Ladieu? Abigail Lafont? Abigail Lafrenz? Abigail Lai? Abigail Laight? Abigail Lake? Abigail Lamb? Abigail Lamb? Abigail Lambert? Abigail Lamontagne? Abigail Lane? Abigail Lane? Abigail Lang? Abigail Langford? Abigail Langham? Abigail Larsen? Abigail Larson? Abigail Larvin? Abigail Laskowski? Abigail Lassalle? Abigail LaTouche? Abigail Latta? Abigail Lauren? Abigail Laurent? Abigail Lauter? Abigail Lavin? Abigail Lavine? Abigail Law-Briggs? Abigail Lawlor? Abigail Lawrence? Abigail Lawrie? Abigail Lawson? Abigail Lawson? Abigail Layman? Abigail Lazaro? Abigail Lea? Abigail Leahy? Abigail Lecy? Abigail Ledesma? Abigail Ledezma? Abigail Ledford? Abigail Lee? Abigail Lee? Abigail Lee? Abigail Lee? Abigail Lee? Abigail Lee Justice? Abigail Lee Slater? Abigail Leech? Abigail Lees? Abigail Leese? Abigail Lehman? Abigail Leib? Abigail Leigh? Abigail Leland? Abigail Leman? Abigail Lemar? Abigail Lemkau? Abigail Lenderman? Abigail Lendrum? Abigail Lenox? Abigail Lenz? Abigail Leon? Abigail Leonard? Abigail Leonard? Abigail Lesley Cruz? Abigail Lester? Abigail Letchford? Abigail Levers? Abigail Levett? Abigail Levine? Abigail Levner? Abigail Lewis? Abigail Lewis? Abigail Lewis? Abigail Lewis? Abigail Licad? Abigail Liddell? Abigail Lieberman? Abigail Lieberman? Abigail Lieff? Abigail Lilley? Abigail Lim Aquino? Abigail Limuria? Abigail Lincoln? Abigail Linne? Abigail Lippert? Abigail Lipsitz? Abigail Lisbe? Abigail Liscoe? Abigail List? Abigail Littrell? Abigail Lleshi? Abigail Lockhart? Abigail Londer? Abigail London? Abigail Long? Abigail Long? Abigail Longstaffe? Abigail Longuet? Abigail Loos? Abigail Lootens? Abigail Lopez? Abigail Lord? Abigail Lordson-Banini? Abigail Loren Johnson? Abigail Loria? Abigail Lorick? Abigail Loughrey? Abigail Louise? Abigail Louise? Abigail Louise Jones? Abigail Louise Phillips? Abigail Loveday? Abigail Lovell? Abigail Lovick? Abigail Lowe? Abigail Lowe? Abigail Lowenberg? Abigail Lucas? Abigail Lucas? Abigail Lucas? Abigail Lucas? Abigail Ludrof? Abigail Ludrof? Abigail Lufkin? Abigail Luft? Abigail Luke? Abigail Lumsden? Abigail Lynam? Abigail Lynn Maloney? Abigail Lyon? Abigail M.? Abigail M. Bradley? Abigail M. Creighton? Abigail M. Knox? Abigail M. Schweter? Abigail Mac? Abigail MacDowell? Abigail Machado? Abigail Mack? Abigail MacQuarrie? Abigail Macrae? Abigail MacRae? Abigail MacVean? Abigail Magistrati? Abigail Magno? Abigail Mahony? Abigail Mahony? Abigail Maia? Abigail Maiden? Abigail Main? Abigail Mallia? Abigail Mallin? Abigail Mallory? Abigail Malloy? Abigail Mandell? Abigail Manery? Abigail Mann? Abigail Mannix? Abigail Mannox? Abigail Manns? Abigail Manson? Abigail Manuel? Abigail Mapp? Abigail Maramis? Abigail Maravalli? Abigail Marble? Abigail Marceluk Parker? Abigail Marcet? Abigail Marcus? Abigail Marean? Abigail Margulis? Abigail Marie? Abigail Marie? Abigail Marie? Abigail Marie? Abigail Marie Summers? Abigail Marie Young? Abigail Marisa Lowe? Abigail Marke? Abigail Markey? Abigail Markham? Abigail Markowitz? Abigail Markowitz? Abigail Marks? Abigail Marlowe? Abigail Marsan? Abigail Marsh? Abigail Marsh? Abigail Marshall? Abigail Marshall? Abigail Marshall? Abigail Marshall? Abigail Marshall? Abigail Marshman? Abigail Martens? Abigail Martin? Abigail Martin? Abigail Martin? 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Abigail McLoughlin? Abigail McMahan? Abigail McMains? Abigail Mcnair? Abigail McNaughton? Abigail McNeely? Abigail McNulty? Abigail Mcveigh? Abigail Meckski? Abigail Meddis? Abigail Medellin? Abigail Meehan? Abigail Mehr? Abigail Mei? Abigail Meinen? Abigail Melbye? Abigail Melia? Abigail Mella? Abigail Mellinger? Abigail Mellor? Abigail Mendoza? Abigail Mendoza? Abigail Mendoza? Abigail Mentzer? Abigail Merced? Abigail Merrick? Abigail Merrit? Abigail Merschman? Abigail Mertens? Abigail Mesa? Abigail Metcalf? Abigail Metcalfe? Abigail Metcalfe? Abigail Meyer? Abigail Michael? Abigail Michael-Almeida? Abigail Michaud? Abigail Middleton? Abigail Mieszczak? Abigail Miguez? Abigail Miles? Abigail Millar? Abigail Millar? Abigail Miller? Abigail Miller? Abigail Miller? Abigail Miller? Abigail Miller? Abigail Mills? Abigail Milner? Abigail Milnor-Sweetser? Abigail Mintee? Abigail Mittel? Abigail Mobbs? Abigail Molina? Abigail Moncrieff? Abigail Monet? Abigail Mont? Abigail Montejo? Abigail Montes? Abigail Montiel? Abigail Moon? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moore? Abigail Moorhead? Abigail Morales? Abigail Morales? Abigail Morell? Abigail Morey? Abigail Morgan? Abigail Morgan? Abigail Morgan? Abigail Morgan? Abigail Morgan? Abigail Moritz? Abigail Moronkeji? Abigail Morris? Abigail Morris? Abigail Morrison? Abigail Morrison? Abigail Morrow? Abigail Morton? Abigail Mosier? Abigail Moss? Abigail Moura? Abigail Moyer? Abigail Mufson? Abigail Mukasa? Abigail Mukherjee? Abigail Muldoon? Abigail Mullen? Abigail Mullins? Abigail Mumkin? Abigail Munoz? Abigail Murphy? Abigail Murphy? Abigail Murphy? Abigail Murphy? Abigail Murray? Abigail Murray? Abigail Musick? Abigail Mustelier Bisset? Abigail Myers? Abigail Myers? Abigail Myers? Abigail Nadeau? Abigail Nakken? Abigail Napolitano? Abigail Nash? Abigail Natali? Abigail Nathan? Abigail Navah? Abigail Neal? Abigail Neale? Abigail Neale-Wilson? Abigail Nelson? Abigail Nesbitt? Abigail Netcott? Abigail Neuberger? Abigail Neuhoff? Abigail Newlin? Abigail Newman? Abigail Newton? Abigail Ng? Abigail Niall? Abigail Niall? Abigail Nichol? Abigail Nichols? Abigail Nicholson? Abigail Nicholson? Abigail Nicoletto? Abigail Niehaus? Abigail Nieminen? Abigail Nieto? Abigail Nilsen? Abigail Njopera-Pedler? Abigail Noah? Abigail Nocum? Abigail Noel? Abigail Nofadera? Abigail Nohara? Abigail Nolet? Abigail Nolte? Abigail Norman? Abigail Noy? Abigail Nulty? Abigail Nutty? Abigail Nyenke? Abigail Nyman? Abigail O. Abel? Abigail O'Branovich? Abigail O'Brien? Abigail O'Connell? Abigail O'Daniel? Abigail O'Daniel? Abigail O'Donnell? Abigail O'Neal? Abigail O'Neall? Abigail O'Neill? Abigail O'Reilly? Abigail Oaks? Abigail Oaks? Abigail Oaks? Abigail Obanewa? Abigail Ocheibi? Abigail Odudu? Abigail Offei-Addo? Abigail Ogden? Abigail Ogg? Abigail Ogg? Abigail Oghene? Abigail Ohler Bower? Abigail Okonkwo? Abigail Oladele-Watson? Abigail Oleck? Abigail Olegski? Abigail Olivar? Abigail Olivar? Abigail Oliver? Abigail Oliver? Abigail Oliver? Abigail Olson? Abigail Onuh? Abigail Orellana? Abigail Orilla? Abigail Orille? Abigail Orlando? Abigail Ortiz? Abigail Orton? Abigail Ory? Abigail Osborn? Abigail Overland? Abigail Overstreet? Abigail Owen? Abigail Owusu Boateng? Abigail Owusu-Boateng? Abigail Owusua Boateng? Abigail Oyinkasola? Abigail Ozual? Abigail P. Bates? Abigail Padgett? Abigail Pagan? Abigail Page? Abigail Page? Abigail Page? Abigail Pahnke? Abigail Paige? Abigail Paige Murphy? Abigail Painter? Abigail Palent Sidaway? Abigail Pallant-Sidaway? Abigail Palmer? Abigail Palmerin? Abigail Palomino? Abigail Pamela Feely? Abigail Panares? Abigail Pannier? Abigail Paresi? Abigail Parke? Abigail Parker? Abigail Parker? Abigail Parker Brown? Abigail Parmenter? Abigail Parr? Abigail Parsons? Abigail Parsons? Abigail Paslidis? Abigail Pasterz? Abigail Patrick? Abigail Patrick? Abigail Patrick? Abigail Patterson? Abigail Patton? Abigail Pauga? Abigail Paur? Abigail Payet? Abigail Payne? Abigail Peace? Abigail Peach? Abigail Peach? Abigail Pearson? Abigail Pearson? Abigail Pedraza? Abigail Pengilley? Abigail Penrhyn-Lowe? Abigail Pereira? Abigail Pereira? Abigail Pereira de Arajo? Abigail Pereira Nunes? Abigail Perez? Abigail Perez? Abigail Perez? Abigail Perez? Abigail Perez? Abigail Pergau? Abigail Pergi? Abigail Perkiss? Abigail Permenter? Abigail Perry? Abigail Pesta? Abigail Peters? Abigail Peters? Abigail Peterson? Abigail Peterson? Abigail Petrilla? Abigail Pettigrew? Abigail Pettijohn? Abigail Phelps? Abigail Phillips? Abigail Philpott? Abigail Phipps? Abigail Phiri? Abigail Pickersgill? Abigail Pidgeon? Abigail Pierce? Abigail Pikor? Abigail Pilbrow? Abigail Pilgrim? Abigail Pimental? Abigail Pimpo? Abigail Pink? Abigail Pinto Correia? Abigail Pionso? Abigail Pistoni? Abigail Pitman? Abigail Platock? Abigail Platts? Abigail Plener? Abigail Pniowsky? Abigail Podbielski? Abigail Pogatshnik? Abigail Pogrebin? Abigail Pogrebin? Abigail Pogson? Abigail Pol? Abigail Politt? Abigail Poorman? Abigail Pope? Abigail Pope? Abigail Poplin? Abigail Porter? Abigail Porter? Abigail Porter? Abigail Portner? Abigail Portwin? Abigail Posadas? Abigail Pote? Abigail Pothoff? Abigail Potter? Abigail Poulton? Abigail Pouncey? Abigail Prade? Abigail Pratt? Abigail Press? Abigail Priddle? Abigail Primm? Abigail Pritchard? Abigail Prosser? Abigail Prudames? Abigail Pruden? Abigail Pruett? Abigail Pruneda? Abigail Pucker? Abigail Pulido? Abigail Putman? Abigail Quandt? Abigail Quarles? Abigail Quayle? Abigail Quezada? Abigail Quick? Abigail Quinlan? Abigail R. Filipiak? Abigail R. Valdez? Abigail Raderman? Abigail Radwell? Abigail Radwick? Abigail Rae Orellosa? Abigail Raetz? Abigail Raile? Abigail Rainey? Abigail Rains? Abigail Rambaaya? Abigail Rameriz? Abigail Ramirez? Abigail Ramirez? Abigail Ramirez? Abigail Ramsay? Abigail Ramsdale? Abigail Ramsey? Abigail Randall? Abigail Raney? Abigail Rankin? Abigail Rapaport? Abigail Ratchford? Abigail Raubal? Abigail Rawlings? Abigail Ray? Abigail Ray? Abigail Ray? Abigail Ray Davidson? Abigail Raye? Abigail Rayne? Abigail Rayner? Abigail Rea? Abigail Read? Abigail Reed? Abigail Reed? Abigail Reed? Abigail Rees? Abigail Reese? Abigail Reeve? Abigail Regan? Abigail Reilly? Abigail Reisinger? Abigail Remaley? Abigail Reno? Abigail Retaldo? Abigail Retaldo? Abigail Revasch? Abigail Reyes? Abigail Reyes? Abigail Reyes? Abigail Reynolds? Abigail Reytblat? Abigail Rheem? Abigail Rhine? Abigail Rhinehart? Abigail Rhode? Abigail Ribbans? Abigail Rice? Abigail Rich? Abigail Richards? Abigail Richards? Abigail Richardson? Abigail Richardson? Abigail Richie? Abigail Ridsdill-Smith? Abigail Riegel? Abigail Rieger? Abigail Riley? Abigail Rios? Abigail Rivera? Abigail Rivera? Abigail Robbins? Abigail Robedeau? Abigail Roberts? Abigail Roberts? Abigail Roberts? 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Abigail Rosen? Abigail Rosen? Abigail Rosen Holmes? Abigail Rosenberg? Abigail Rosina? Abigail Ross? Abigail Rosser? Abigail Roth? Abigail Rotholz? Abigail Roumelis? Abigail Rowe? Abigail Rowland? Abigail Royce? Abigail Ruane? Abigail Rudd? Abigail Rudolph? Abigail Ruiz? Abigail Ruiz? Abigail Ruschaupt? Abigail Russ? Abigail Russel? Abigail Ruth? Abigail Rutzky? Abigail Ruz? Abigail Ryan? Abigail Ryhajlo? Abigail Rylance-Sneddon? Abigail S. Anderson? Abigail S. Best? Abigail S. Clarke? Abigail S. Daniels? Abigail S. Ong? Abigail Sabel? Abigail Saccone? Abigail Saenz? Abigail Saevitzon? Abigail Saguy? Abigail Sakari? Abigail Salazar? Abigail Salcido? Abigail Sales? Abigail Salico? Abigail Salm? Abigail Salmon? Abigail Salmon? Abigail Sample? Abigail Sams? Abigail Samson? Abigail Samuels? Abigail San? Abigail San? Abigail San Giva Yee? Abigail Sanchez? Abigail Sanders-Wells? Abigail Sanderson? Abigail Sandigan? Abigail Sandoval? Abigail Sanford? Abigail Santamaria? Abigail Santmyer? Abigail Santos? Abigail Santos? Abigail Sapp? Abigail Sarabacha? Abigail Sargant? Abigail Sauder? Abigail Savage? Abigail Savill? Abigail Savopoulos? Abigail Sawyer? Abigail Saxon? Abigail Sayre? Abigail Scarfe? Abigail Scates? Abigail Schaaff? Abigail Schaffer? Abigail Scheuer? Abigail Schmid? Abigail Schmid? Abigail Schmidt? Abigail Schmidt? Abigail Schmitz? Abigail Schoenberg? Abigail Schor? Abigail Schories? Abigail Schories? Abigail Schornick? Abigail Schorsch? Abigail Schrader? Abigail Schumann? Abigail Schwab? Abigail Schwarz? Abigail Schwarz? Abigail Schwarz? Abigail Schwarz? Abigail Scollay? Abigail Scott? Abigail Scott? Abigail Scott? Abigail Scott? Abigail Scott? Abigail Scott? Abigail Scott Paul? Abigail Scrimshaw? Abigail Seabrook? Abigail Seabrooke? Abigail Searer? Abigail Searle? Abigail Searls? Abigail Seaton? Abigail Segall? Abigail Seldin? Abigail Selinger? Abigail Selzler? Abigail Selznick? Abigail Semple? Abigail Seuaciuc-Osorio? Abigail Severance? Abigail Severance? Abigail Sewell? Abigail Seymour? Abigail Seymour Koch? Abigail Shackelford? Abigail Shaffer? Abigail Shafran? Abigail Shah? Abigail Shante Perry? Abigail Shapansky? Abigail Sharp? Abigail Sharp? Abigail Sharpe? Abigail Shaw? Abigail Sheerer? Abigail Sheets? Abigail Sheiner? Abigail Sheldon? Abigail Shelley? Abigail Shelton? Abigail Shelton? Abigail Shepard? Abigail Shepherd? Abigail Sheraton? Abigail Sherezade? Abigail Sherlock? Abigail Sherrod? Abigail Shields? Abigail Shields? Abigail Shinstine? Abigail Shistine? Abigail Shouler? Abigail Shrader? Abigail Shrier? Abigail Shuhart? Abigail Shultz? Abigail Shumway? Abigail Shuppy? Abigail Shyazy? Abigail Sibley? Abigail Sie? Abigail Siefer? Abigail Silverio? Abigail Simmons? Abigail Simon? Abigail Simons? Abigail Simpson? Abigail Sims? Abigail Sims? Abigail Sinar? Abigail Sinclair? Abigail Slama-Catron? Abigail Slazenger? Abigail Slider? Abigail Slinger? Abigail Slone? Abigail Slotkin? Abigail Smart? Abigail Smith? 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Abigail Steinberg? Abigail Steinberg? Abigail Stephens? Abigail Stephenson? Abigail Stephenson? Abigail Stern? Abigail Stewart? Abigail Stewart? Abigail Stewart? Abigail Stewart? Abigail Stewart? Abigail Stewart? Abigail Stokes? Abigail Stone? Abigail Stone? Abigail Stone? Abigail Stone? Abigail Stone? Abigail Stones? Abigail Stopher? Abigail Storiale? Abigail Storiale? Abigail Stowe? Abigail Strachan? Abigail Strange? Abigail Stratford? Abigail Stretton? Abigail Stricker? Abigail Stroman? Abigail Stucker? Abigail Suarez? Abigail Such? Abigail Sullivan? Abigail Sullivan? Abigail Sullivan? Abigail Summa? Abigail Sumrie? Abigail Sun? Abigail Sussman? Abigail Sussman? Abigail Sutherland? Abigail Sutton? Abigail Swagart? Abigail Swallow? Abigail Swanda? Abigail Swann? Abigail Swanson? Abigail Swartvagher? Abigail Sweeney? Abigail Swintek? Abigail Switzer? Abigail Swoap? Abigail Szymanski? Abigail Taber? Abigail Tamayo? Abigail Tan? Abigail Tan-Gamino? Abigail Tan-Giroud? Abigail Tang? Abigail Tannebaum? Abigail Tanner? Abigail Tara-Lilly Kent? Abigail Tarttelin? Abigail Tarun? Abigail Tatum? Abigail Taubman? Abigail Taunton? Abigail Taussig? Abigail Taussig? Abigail Tay? Abigail Taylor? Abigail Taylor? Abigail Taylor? Abigail Taylor? Abigail Taylor? Abigail Taylor-Sansom? Abigail Tebrock? Abigail Teed? Abigail Tejeda? Abigail Temple? Abigail Teran? Abigail Teravskis? Abigail Tetteh? Abigail Thaw? Abigail Thayer? Abigail the Pig? Abigail Thernstrom? Abigail Theroux? Abigail Thomas? Abigail Thomas? Abigail Thompson? Abigail Thompson? Abigail Thompson? Abigail Thompson? Abigail Thompson? Abigail Thompson? Abigail Thomsen? Abigail Thomson? Abigail Thorn? Abigail Thorpe? Abigail Thurston? Abigail Tikunoff? Abigail Timmins? Abigail Timmins? Abigail Timmis? Abigail Timney? Abigail Titmuss? Abigail Toal? Abigail Toapanta? Abigail Todd? Abigail Toman? Abigail Tomey? Abigail Tomlin? Abigail Tompa? Abigail Townsend? Abigail Townson? Abigail Toyne? Abigail Tracy? Abigail Trafford? Abigail Travis? Abigail Treglia? Abigail Trenk? Abigail Trice? Abigail Troutman? Abigail Trowbridge? Abigail Tucker? Abigail Tucker? Abigail Tuite? Abigail Tulenko? Abigail Tulis? Abigail Tully? Abigail Turner? Abigail Turner? Abigail Turner? Abigail Turner? Abigail Turrisi? Abigail Tyler? Abigail Tyner? Abigail Udden? Abigail Uden? Abigail Uhles? Abigail Umstead? Abigail Upson? Abigail Urban? Abigail Urbik? Abigail Uttley? Abigail Vaerewyck? Abigail Valentin? Abigail Valle-Linden? Abigail Valte? Abigail Van Alyn? Abigail Van Blarcom? Abigail Van Buren? Abigail Van Dyke? Abigail Van Horn? Abigail Van Patten? Abigail Van Patten? Abigail Van Patten-Freeman? Abigail Van Vleet? Abigail Vaquez? Abigail Vargas? Abigail Vargas? Abigail Varley? Abigail Varrie? Abigail Vasquez? Abigail Vasquez? Abigail Vasquez Duarte? Abigail Vaughan? Abigail Vaughn? Abigail Vela? Abigail Velasco? Abigail Velasquez? Abigail Verhaeghe? Abigail Vibat? Abigail Viduya? Abigail Villanueva? Abigail Vincent? Abigail Vine? Abigail Visser? Abigail Vizcardo? Abigail Vollnhofer? Abigail Vosper? Abigail Voss? Abigail Vuu-Nguyen? Abigail Wade-Gledhill? Abigail Wagner? Abigail Wahl? Abigail Wahl? Abigail Wahlig? Abigail Wake? Abigail Wakerley? Abigail Walden? Abigail Walker? Abigail Walker? Abigail Walker? Abigail Walklett? Abigail Wallen? Abigail Wallis? Abigail Walsh? Abigail Walsh? Abigail Walter? Abigail Walters? Abigail Walton? Abigail Wang? Abigail Ward? Abigail Wardle? Abigail Waring? Abigail Warkentin? Abigail Warner? Abigail Washburn? Abigail Washington? Abigail Wasil? Abigail Waters? Abigail Watson? Abigail Watts? Abigail Waxman? Abigail Way? Abigail Weatherill? Abigail Webb? Abigail Webb? Abigail Webb? Abigail Webber? Abigail Webster? Abigail Webster? Abigail Webster? Abigail Weg? Abigail Weinick? Abigail Weinstock? Abigail Weintraub? Abigail Weissert? Abigail Welch? Abigail Welch? Abigail Welch? Abigail Weller? Abigail Welles? Abigail Wells? Abigail Welsford? Abigail Wendland? Abigail Werling? Abigail West? Abigail West? Abigail West? Abigail Western? Abigail Wheatley? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail White? Abigail Whitley? Abigail Whitlock? Abigail Whitnall? Abigail Whitney? Abigail Whitney? Abigail Whitney? Abigail Wick? Abigail Wieland? Abigail Wieser? Abigail Wiggins? Abigail Wilber? Abigail Wilensky? Abigail Wiley? Abigail Wiliamson? Abigail Wilkinson? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williams? Abigail Williamson? Abigail Wilmore? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wilson? Abigail Wimer? Abigail Windham? Abigail Winter? Abigail Wirtz? Abigail Wisdom? Abigail Wisdom? Abigail Woelk? Abigail Wolcott? Abigail Wolf? Abigail Wolff? Abigail Woltering? Abigail Wong? Abigail Wood? Abigail Woodberry? Abigail Woollard? Abigail Wrapson? Abigail Wray Bennett? Abigail Wren Tuten? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wright? Abigail Wurster? Abigail Wylie? Abigail Yacovva? Abigail Yap? Abigail Yartey? Abigail Yates? Abigail Ybarra? Abigail Ycasas? Abigail Yee? Abigail Yoa? Abigail York? Abigail York? Abigail Yorke? Abigail Young? Abigail Young? Abigail Young? Abigail Young? Abigail Youngman? Abigail Zaat? Abigail Zahasky? Abigail Zaragoza? Abigail Zavala? Abigail Zbikowski? Abigail Zealey? Abigail Zealey Bess? Abigail Zealy? Abigail Zha? Abigail Zita Seshie? Abigail Zoe Lewis? Abigail Zsiga? Abigail Zuercher? Abigail Zufelt? Abigail ï¿?lvarez? Abigail-James Froehle? Abigail-Jane Carse? Abigail-Louise Ockwell? Abigaile? Abigaile Ball? Abigaile Browne? Abigaile Gagnon? Abigaile Johnson? Abigaile Mackenzie? Abigaile Sands? Abigaile Slocum? Abigaille Ozrey? Akua Abigail Gyabi? Alejandra Abigail Rincon? Ana Laura Abigail? Asmara Abigail? Ayisha Abigail Issac? Cantika Abigail? Caroline Abigail Lewis? Chris Abigail Drea? Christina Abigail Garcia? Cithlaly Abigail? Elizabeth Abigail? Emerson Abigail Graham? Emily Abigail Holt? Enos. Abigail? Eva Abigail Mendoza? Franceska Abigail Basalo? Frankie Abigail Pye? Funke Abigail Akinlagun? Genesis Abigail? Gloria Abigail? Graciella Abigail? Habigail H? Hana Abigail Abada? Hannah Abigail? Hannah Abigail Miller? Holden Abigail Osborne? Ibnu Salma Abigail? Itzel Abigail? Jadelyn Abigail Bacalso? Jan Abigail Silvoza? Jessica Abigail Adams? Julieta Abigail Malagon Carrillo? Kate Lynn Abigail? Khristine Abigail Lingbaoan? Kirsten Abigail Smith? Kudakwashe Abigail Gopo? La Iglesia de Abigail? Lacey Abigail? Laura Abigail Helsby? Lauren Abigail? Leah Abigail Shifrel? Lenka Muchovaabigail Shaffran? Lily Abigail Walker? London Abigail Dimitri? Lucia Abigail Rauda? Lucy Abigail Kent? Ma. Abigail Camantigue? Ma. Abigail Mendiola? Marie Abigail Atienza? Marie Abigail Lim? Marisol Abigail Cortez Vasques? Mayra Abigail? Nacion Abigail Dominga? Nasha Abigail? Natalie Abigail Ross? Nathalie Abigail Tiznenko? Olivia Abigail? Patience Abigail Iseriehen? Peter Abigail? Petra Abigail Gugler? Rahman Abigail? Resa Abigail Nepomuceno? Robert Abigail? Rosie Abigail Smith? Ruth Abigail Rodriguez? Sage Abigail? Sandy Abigail Reyes? Sara Abigail Alvarez? Sarah Abigail Santos? Shaira Abigail P. Dela Cruz? Shanayaabigail? Solange Abigail de Castro? Stefani Abigail Hernandez? Tania Abigail Mugica? Taylor Abigail Rice? Thayer Abigail Lund? Wendy Abigail? Yuliana Abigail Arellano Salomon? Zury Abigail Carino? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE NONDISCIPLINABLE BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎۝ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the n... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD. THEY PUT DUCT TAPE OVER HIS MOUTH AND AROUND HIS HANDS AND THREW HIM IN THE LAKE. THEY BEAT HIS THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FRIEND HALF TO DEATH WITH A BASEBALL BAT. WHEN I WAS TEN YEARS OLD, I WAS STILL TRYING TO NOT GET CAUGHT EATING MY OWN BOOGERS. I TRIED COLLECTING THEM IN SECRET, BUT SOMEHOW THEY WOULD CONSTANTLY GET STOLEN... DAMN BOOG-LARS, BUT THIS TEN YEAR OLD, HE GETS LOOSE! HE SAVES HIS FRIEND FROM DROWNING! HE CARRIES HIM A MILE AND A HALF TO THE NEAREST HOUSE! DOES THIS MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO YOU? HAVE YOU NO HUMAN FEELING LEFT AT ALL? OH, I GUESS YOU DON'T CARE. I GUESS YOU HAVE NO HUMANITY LEFT AT ALL IN YOU. I GUESS... sorry, don't know where that came from. But I know where our next debut came from! That swell guy Guy Ritchie. A bunch of erudite, scruffy criminals pulling off a big heist... a MacGuffin that one of the characters will undoubtedly ask "What... is that?"... great soundtrack? Other stylistic flourishes? As far as I can tell from the trailer, this is not your Disney (TM)(R)(C) Guy Ritchie. A considerably smaller budget this time, and the risk of the dreaded R-rating. For maximum box office, PG-13 is the rating you want... not this week, of course, but most of the rest of the year. Also, this new one is not a whimsical fantasy like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. No, this one is trying to be an historical drama-comedy about a ragtag group of misfits fighting the Nazis during World War II. I hate to ask it so early, but... didn't they already make Inglorious Basterds? How is this going to be different? Oh, I know: I think the women in this one are even more bad-ass. Particularly in combat and what not. And the whole affair doesn't take as long! Two hours instead of two and a half. On the other hand, I'd be very surprised if there's an Oscar-winning performance in this new one. The star is Henry Cavill. You know, the new Superman... at least for now. The only film left to make is of Bizarro World, and Superman's greatest nemesis: a combination of Joker and Superman... Jokerman? Super Joke? I just ... really can't keep track of all the current incarnations of all the superheroes out there anymore. But it would be interesting to look into how many non-Superman roles the guy's got now. Busy guy! Like when Daniel Craig was busy with all those James Bond pictures. Well... hmm! Nothing in between Skyfall and Spectre! It's like the guy's got a life or something! Incidentally, when's that new James Bond pic coming out? And who's it going to be? Stay tuned here for the answers. What we know so far: someone named Ian Fleming will be working on the script. Interesting... All right, let's try and get this over with. I'm really close to finishing this by Friday night. It's almost like I don't even have the time to procrastinate anymore! I'm concrastinating! Whatever that means. I know this new one has a five word title. How hard could that be to find? I mean, was it The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? No? Well, what about Amour de bonne et sergent then? Regent Street from Piccadilly Circus maybe? Could it be A Charge of the Insurgents quite possibly? How about Return of the Canadian Contingent perhaps? Second Canadian Contingent Leaving Halifax someday? Return of the Canadian Contingent potentially? Convention of Railroad Passengers Agents perchance? Leaping Dogs at Gentry's Circus conceivably? République Argentine, défilé du genie as it might be? Review of the Indian Contingent, weather permitting? République Argentine, défilé de marins, God willing? République Argentine, défilé d'artillerie marine same time next Summer? How about Kejserinde Dagmar ankommer til Gentofte? An Insurgent Band in Cover? In the Springtime, Gentle Annie!? German Contingent and Negro Children? Foreign Contingents Leaving Strand Hall? The Pirates of Regent Canal? The Attack on the Agent? The Cart Parade, Regent's Park? On an Argentine Sugar Plantation? Manual of a Perfect Gentleman? L'harmonie des sergents de ville? Les nouveaux agents de Paris? These Gentlemen Are with Me? Bronco Beating in the Argentine? L'agent a le bras long? L'agent 324 a du chagrin? Two Gentlemen of the Road? Indian Contingent at Hampton Court? An Officer and a Gentleman? Jimmy Lester, Convict and Gentleman? Trixie and the Press Agent? Danny Donovan, the Gentleman Cracksman? A Gentleman for a Day? Willy court après son argent? An Officer and a Gentleman? A Trip to the Argentine? Die Finsternis und ihr Eigentum? The Return of Gentleman Joe? The Gentleman Without a Residence? The Gentle Art of Fishing? A Embaixada Brasileire na Argentina? The Gentle Art of Burglary? The Mark of a Gentleman? What Would a Gentleman Do?? Colonel Newcombe, the Perfect Gentleman? La farfalla nera e argento? Die Finsternis und ihr Eigentum? Bezoek aan de steden Brugge-Gent-Oudenaarde-Ieper-Zeebrugge-Oostende? Los misterios del turf argentino? Gentlemen the Chorus No. 1? Gentlemen the Chorus No. 2? A Missão Argentina no Rio? Six Gentlemen in a Row? The Spell of Amy Nugent? Enemy Agents Meet Ellery Queen? Ten Gentlemen from West Point? Los ladrones somos gente honrada? King Arthur Was a Gentleman? Six Gentlemen in a Row? Federal Agents vs. Underworld, Inc.? "Tele-Comics" Rick Rack, Secret Agent? Gentleman Jekyll and Driver Hyde? "Suspense" The Gentleman from America? "Kraft Theatre" Mr. Mergenthwirker's Lobblies? "Sara Crewe" The Indian Gentleman? Government Agents vs Phantom Legion? "The Cisco Kid" Foreign Agent? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Episode #1.2? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Episode #1.3? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Episode #1.4? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Episode #1.5? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Episode #1.6? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Episode #1.7? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Episode #1.8? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Episode #1.9? "Ladies Before Gentlemen" Final Show? The Gentleman in Room 6? No Haunt for a Gentleman? "Gruen Guild Theater" Perfect Gentleman? The Two Gentlemen of Verona? La domenica della buona gente? "Racket Squad" The Gentler Sex? "Cavalcade of America" Gentle Conqueror? "The Pepsi-Cola Playhouse" Gentlemen's Affair? "Robert Montgomery Presents" The Gentleman? "Medallion Theatre" The Gentle Deception? "The Gentle Falcon" Richard's Queen? "The Gentle Falcon" Farewell Richard? Los agentes del quinto grupo? "The Explorer" The Gentle Fighter? Hasshû yûkyôden: Genta abare gasa? Los ladrones somos gente honrada? "Schlitz Playhouse" The Gentle Stranger? "Schlitz Playhouse" The Press Agent? "Kraft Theatre" The Gentle Grafter? "Star Tonight" The Gentleman Caller? "Brave Eagle" The Gentle Warrior? "Circus Boy" The Gentle Giant? "Noah's Ark" The Gentle Peril? "Matinee Theatre" The Gentleman Caller? The Soldier and the Gentlewoman? Precursores de la pintura argentina? La regina della povera gente? "Zorro" Agent of the Eagle? "Aprite: Polizia" Un gentiluomo nell'imbarazzo? "Matinee Theatre" The Contingent Fee? The Gypsy and the Gentleman? "The Californians" Gentleman from Philadelphia? Agenten im Schatten einer Partei? "Special Agent 7" Border Masquerade? "Special Agent 7" Male Order? "Special Agent 7" Material Witness? "Special Agent 7" Stone Deaf? "Special Agent 7" The Hi-Graders? "Special Agent 7" The Longshoreman? "Special Agent 7" The Payoff? "Special Agent 7" The Trap? "Behind Closed Doors" Double Agent? "Spy-Catcher" The Gentle Gestapo Man? "Grande Teatro Tupi" O Argentino? "World of Giants" Special Agent? "Camera Three" The Stout Gentleman? "Bringing Up Buddy" Gentlemen Callers? "Overland Trail" Most Dangerous Gentleman? "Acapulco" The Gentleman from Brazil? "Our American Heritage" Gentleman's Decision? Pesci d'oro e bikini d'argento? "Storyboard" The Gentleman from Paris? Argentina paraiso de la pesca? Chamada de Toda a Gente? "Here and Now" Theatrical Agent? "L'inspecteur Leclerc enquête" L'agent double? "The Sentimental Agent" Express Delivery? "The Sentimental Agent" Finishing School? "The Sentimental Agent" The Beneficiary? Un paseo por la Argentina? "Suspense" Last Race, Ginger Gentleman? "The Saint" The Gentle Ladies? Tri chlapi v chalupe: Dirigent? Oh! Those Most Secret Agents? The Enemy Agent and You? "Secret Agent" The Colonel's Daughter? "Secret Agent" The Galloping Major? Espionage in Tangiers? "Secret Agent" Loyalty Always Pays? "Secret Agent" The Black Book? Agent 3S3: Passport to Hell? Agente X 1-7 operazione Oceano? "The Magic Boomerang" Gentleman Jackaroo? "Une chambre à louer" Plaie d'argent? El barco y su gente? "A Poor Gentleman" Part One? "A Poor Gentleman" Part Two? "Secret Agent" The Mirror's New? Agent 505 - Todesfalle Beirut? Requiem for a Secret Agent? The Big Blackout? "Secret Agent" The Hunting Party? "Secret Agent" The Paper Chase? Il vostro super agente Flit? 07 con el 2 delante (Agente: Jaime Bonet)? Five Gents on the Spot? "Geheimagent Tegtmeier" Die harmlosen Gäste? "Geheimagent Tegtmeier" Eine entwaffnende Affäre? "Geheimagent Tegtmeier" Der tote Chef? "Geheimagent Tegtmeier" Die braven Mädchen? "Softly Softly" The Gentle Touch? "Court Martial" Judge Them Gently? The Two Gentlemen of Verona? "Gentle Ben" Fish and Chips? "Águias de Fogo" O Agente? "Lagardère" Le bal du Régent? "No Hiding Place" Gentle Persuasion? "Get Smart" The Expendable Agent? Golden Eyes Secret Agent 077? "Gentle Ben" The Haunted Castle? "Gentle Ben" Ben the Champ? "Gentle Ben" Code Name: Disaster? "Gentle Ben" Flapjacks for Breakfast? Dorita y Pepe and Argentina? Testimonios de hoy... Autores argentinos? "Floris" De man van Gent? Strike Everywhere: Agent Never Miss? "Gentle Ben" Boom's Land Boomerang? "Gentle Ben" The Warden's Apprentice? "Les Globe-trotters" Cordillière Des Andes (Argentine) - Pour Une Poignée De Dynamite? "Gone Tomorrow" The Gentle Drama? Pierre de Ronsard, gentilhomme vendômois? "Sol et Gobelet" L'agent sucré? "Parkin's Patch" Two Gentlemen Standing? "Estudio 1" El burgués gentilhombre? Antes que llegue la gente? Percy McPhee: Agent des Grauens (6. + 7. Folge)? Edy Sexy, o Agente Positivo? "Bachelor Father" Gently Does It? "Juegos para mayores" Gente divertida? "Ciclo de teatro argentino" Amarillo? "Division 4" A Continental Gentleman? "Matlock Police" A Perfect Gentleman? "The Regiment" A Gentleman's War? "La buena gente" Episode #1.1? "La buena gente" Episode #1.2? "La buena gente" Episode #1.3? "Set of 6" Argent Special? "Iron King" Gentaro Travels Alone? Historia Argentina: La Nacion Desmembrada? "Teatro argentino" Un distinguido ciudadano? Luanda e a Sua Gente? "John Halifax, Gentleman" Episode #1.5? "John Halifax, Gentleman" Episode #1.1? "John Halifax, Gentleman" Episode #1.2? "John Halifax, Gentleman" Episode #1.3? "John Halifax, Gentleman" Episode #1.4? "Bonny!" The Detergent Is Urgent? A Gente que Nós Somos? Il Sergente Rompiglioni diventa... caporale? "Rising Damp" The Perfect Gentleman? Asturias, sus gentes, sus cosas? The Streetwalker and the Gentleman? "Zwickelbach & Co." Der Doppelagent? Gente da Praia da Vieira? "Luke's Kingdom" The King's Gentleman? "Apostrophes" Les communistes français changent-ils?? Gente Fina É Outra Coisa? Dove volano i corvi d'argento? Gentile Giants of the Pacific? "Teatro estudio" La hermosa gente? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.1? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.2? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.3? "Estudio 1" La hermosa gente II? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.4? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.110? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.5? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.6? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.7? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.8? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.9? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.0? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.10? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.11? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.12? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.13? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.14? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.15? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.16? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.17? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.18? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.19? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.20? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.21? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.22? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.23? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.24? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.25? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.26? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.27? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.28? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.29? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.30? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.31? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.32? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.33? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.34? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.35? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.36? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.37? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.38? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.39? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.40? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.41? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.43? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.42? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.44? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.45? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.46? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.47? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.48? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.49? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.50? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.51? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.52? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.53? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.54? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.55? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.57? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.56? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.58? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.59? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.60? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.61? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.62? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.63? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.64? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.66? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.65? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.67? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.68? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.69? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.70? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.71? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.72? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.73? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.74? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.75? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.76? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.77? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.78? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.79? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.80? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.81? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.82? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.83? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.84? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.85? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.86? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.87? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.88? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.89? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.90? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.91? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.92? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.93? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.94? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.95? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.97? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.96? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.98? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.99? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.100? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.102? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.101? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.103? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.104? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.105? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.107? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.106? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.108? "Gotita de gente" Episode #1.109? Los superagentes no se rompen? "Prince Regent" Father and Son? "Prince Regent" Mad for Love? "Prince Regent" Milk and Honey? "Prince Regent" Defeat...and Victory? Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hot? Med Danmarks regentpar i Kina? "Sterrenslag" Negentien Regen en zeventig? "Son of Svengoolie" Invisible Agent (1942)? "The Gentle Touch" Maggie's Luck? "The Gentle Touch" Something Blue? "The Gentle Touch" The Ring? "Zé Gato" O Agente Americano? Verändern kann man eigentlich wenig? "Belle and Sebastian" The Gentleman? Ingenting att bråka om, Johansson? "The Gentle Touch" The Hit? David Gentleman: Ideas and Illustrations? "Horizon" Gentlemen, Lift Your Skirts...? "Cover" Weaving Coats for Gentlemen? "The Sophisticated Gents" Episode #1.1? "The Sophisticated Gents" Episode #1.2? "The Sophisticated Gents" Episode #1.3? Ted Nugent: Heads Will Roll? "Fantasy Island" The Perfect Gentleman/Legend? Gente Fina É Outra Coisa? "Pedro e Paulina" Gente Fina? An Officer and a Gentleman? "Bird of Prey" Printout Urgent? Don Baldomero y su gente? Agent 000 and the Deadly Curves? "The Gentle Touch" Private Views? Av dig blir det ingenting? The Two Gentlemen of Verona? "Carson's Law" The Perfect Gentleman? "Perman" A Kind, Gentle Girl? "Marie Pervenche" La filière argentine? "The Gentle Touch" Exit Laughing? "The Gentle Touch" Finders, Keepers? "The Gentle Touch" Losers, Weepers? "The Gentle Touch" Mad Dog? "The Gentle Touch" The Conference? "The Gentle Touch" Wise Child? "Apostrophes" L'argent et le pouvoir? "Pound Puppies" Secret Agent Pup? Los superagentes contra los fantasmas? Oko Warao: gente de Curiara? Agente 0013: Hermelinda linda II? "The London Programme" Estate Agents? Ted Nugent: Little Miss Dangerous? Ragnar Hare: Sven minns ingenting? Cizia Zykë, gentilhomme de fortune? Agent Orange: Policy of Poison? The Age of Intelligent Machines? Av måneskinn gror det ingenting? "Divorce Court" Pagent vs Pagent? "La voz humana" Gente encantadora? Gli incubi di Dario Argento? While My Guitar Gently Weeps? "Lady Lady" Two Little Gentlemen? "Viewpoint '87" Treat Me Gently? "Gente de Sucesso" Henrique Neto? "A Gentlemen's Club" Visiting Time? "A Gentlemen's Club" The Actor? Diálogos en el noroeste argentino? "Gentlemen and Players" Box Clever? "Gentlemen and Players" White Knights? "Love Connection" The Skinny-Dipping Gentleman? "Apostrophes" Le pouvoir et l'argent? "Gente de Sucesso" Alexandre Quintanilha? "Gente de Sucesso" Mário Ruivo? "Gente de Sucesso" Olga Roriz? "Gente de Sucesso" Omar Karim? "Best of British" English Gentlemen? "Gentlemen and Players" Black Gold? "Gentlemen and Players" Inside Track? The Gentle Doctor: Veterinary Medicine? "The Bill" Officers and Gentlemen? Perfect Gentlemen: One More Chance? Hablando se entiende la gente? "Dirigenti i muzikasi" Dravska spojnica? I grandi registi: Dario Argento? Intelligent Hoodlum: Black and Proud? Bolt: Cats Aren't All That Bad...? "Maguy" La bourgeoise gentille femme? "Dobrodruzství kriminalistiky" Pinkertonova detektivní agentura? Dario Argento: Master of Horror? The People at Universal? "Mundo da Lua" Gente Grande? "Newton's Apple" Murder Mystery/Ted Nugent/Bats? "Agentur Herz" Perleberg heißt er? "Agentur Herz" Stunde der Sünder? "Kids Incorporated" Secret Agent Girl? "Les Volbecs" Gris argent: Peur? "Premiers baisers" L'argent de poche? "Out All Night" Gentleman's Agreement? "Livrofolie" Arsène Lupin, gentleman cambrioleur? "The Secret Agent" Episode #1.1? "The Secret Agent" Episode #1.2? "The Secret Agent" Episode #1.3? "Agentur Herz" Die romantische Tochter? "Agentur Herz" Ganz von vorn? "Agentur Herz" Schein und Sein? "Mr. Bogus" Secret Agent Bogus? "Samson en Gert" De dirigent? Die Finsternis und ihr Eigentum? "Nico d'Obra" O Prédio Inteligente? "Eisenbahn-Romantik" Eigentlich war's nur Schrott? "The Real West" Indian Agents? "Kidsongs" Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!? "The London Programme" Football Agents? Se a Gente Nova Soubesse? "Käpt'n Blaubär Club" Die Agentenratte? Cerro Rico, la febbre dell'argento? "Aus heiterem Himmel" Henriks Eigentor? "Otvorena vrata" Tajni agent 007? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.1? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.10? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.11? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.12? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.13? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.14? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.15? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.16? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.17? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.18? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.19? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.2? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.20? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.21? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.22? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.23? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.24? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.25? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.26? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.3? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.4? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.5? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.6? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.7? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.8? "Só Para Inteligentes" Episode #1.9? 1818: Year of the Insurgents? The Actor and the Agent? "Eisenbahn-Romantik" Eigentlich war's nur Schrott? En filosof och en gentleman? "Sai de Baixo" Proposta Indigente? "Sherman Oaks" The Beauty Pagent? Terror en el cine argentino? "Blue Reef Adventures" Gentle Giants? Het is de Schraapzucht, gentlemen? La gente ya no escribe? "Você Decide" Molambo de Gente? Francis Tregian, Gentleman und Musiker? A Champion and a Gentleman? "I Am Weasel" I.R. Gentlemans? "Agent Aika" Utsukushi ki eijento? "Agent Aika" TAKE OFF POSITION? "Capital" L'argent de la justice? Danza argentina en los 60? Sandy Hawley: The Gentleman Jockey? La gentileza de los desconocidos? "Blue's Clues" Magenta Comes Over? Jeremy Healy & Amos: Argentina? "Ace London" O Agente X? "Sooty & Co." Estate Agents? Un argentino en New York? "The Bill" Time Gentlemen Please? "State Coroner" Officers & Gentlemen? "Behind the Music" Ted Nugent? Nick Fury: Agent of Shield? "Sai de Baixo" Gente Indecente? "Oppassen!!!" Een leugentje om bestwil? "El partido del siglo" Gento? "Teleshow" Mariah Carey en Argentina? "Línea 900" Peligro: gente trabajando? "Secret Agent Man" TKO Henry? "Secret Agent Man" The Breach? "Secret Agent Man" The Elders? "Secret Agent Man" The Face? "Secret Agent Man" Uncle S.A.M.? "Agent natsionalnoy bezopasnosti 2" Rossan? "Agent natsionalnoy bezopasnosti 2" Smertnik? Knot Agents 2: In Training? "The Fearing Mind" Gentleman Caller? "Argentosoma" Death and the Maiden? "Argentosoma" The Meeting and Hatred? "Argentosoma" Answers and the Past? "Argentosoma" The Past and Crimes? 008 - Agent wider Willen? "Brava Gente" O Casamento Enganoso? "Time Gentlemen Please" Bar Humbug? "Time Gentlemen Please" Hoppy Birthday...? "Time Gentlemen Please" King Barsteward...? "Time Gentlemen Please" Monkey's Uncle...? "Time Gentlemen Please" Never Confused...? "Laulava sydän" Agents is rock!? Vad tänker du på? Ingenting? "Fast ein Gentleman" Der Gockl? "Fast ein Gentleman" Der Papa? "Fast ein Gentleman" Tierisch verliebt? "Brotherly Love" Time Gentlemen Please? "Strange Dawn" Disappear, Gentle Visage? "Le dessous des cartes" Argentine? Blue's Clues: Magenta Comes Over? "Secret Agent Man" Unaired pilot? Agora é com a gente? Argentinien - Eine kleine Länderkunde? "Jackie Chan Adventures" Agent Tag? "Detective Conan" Boy Genta's Misfortune? The Agent Who Stole Christmas? "Brava Gente" História de Carnaval? "Agente 700" La maldición de Atapuerta? "Agente 700" Atraco heavy? "Un gars, une fille" Déménagent? "Un gars, une fille" Emménagent? "Brava Gente" Armas E Corações? "Brava Gente" Bilac Vê Estrelas? Historias de Argentina en vivo? Al gran pueblo argentino salud? In the Company of Agents? "Gutta på tur" Til Argentina? "0800" Gentechnik-Debatte in der EU? "Blue's Clues" Magenta Gets Glasses? "Redes" Trabajos crepusculares, trabajos emergentes? Argentina Youth vs China Youth? "Blackfly" Not So Gentle Ben? "Die D.I.A. Show" Der Gentechniker? "Argentosoma" Alone and by Myself? "The Estate Agents" Female Temp? "The Estate Agents" Night Out? "The Estate Agents" Talk Show? "Time Gentlemen Please" Beer Necessities? "Time Gentlemen Please" The Slopranos? "Brava Gente" Loucos de Pedra? "Residencial Tejo" A Agente Secreta? Ana Hatherly: A Mão Inteligente? "The American Embassy" Agent Provocateur? And Now Ladies & Gentlemen? "Inside Base Camp" Ted Nugent? Argentine, une démocratie en danger? The Adventures of Agent Emes? "Agent natsionalnoy bezopasnosti" Vremya 'Ch'? CMT Total Release: Montgomery Gentry? Historia de la television argentina? A Alma e a Gente? "Secret Agent Men" I R.O.B.E.R.T.? Gentle Ben 2: Black Gold? "Mujin Wakusei Survive" Gentle Melody? 'Highlander 2': Seduced by Argentina? "Love by Design" Gentleman's Lounge? Ces animaux qui nous dérangent? "Viden om" Den intelligente bydel? The Gentleman Don La Mancha? El Premio de la Gente? A League of Ordinary Gentlemen? "In a Fix" Gentlemen's Den? Gente común en lugares comúnes? Right Now Ladies and Gents? Agent Under Fire: Night Incursion? "Secret Agent Men" Episode #2.4? "Bleach" A Gentle Right Arm? "Gente" Especial monográfico: Boda Real? UK National Lottery: News Agent? "100 argentinos dicen" Episode #1.1? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.10? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.11? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.12? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.13? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.14? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.15? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.16? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.17? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.18? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.19? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.20? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.21? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.22? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.23? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.24? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.25? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.26? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.3? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.4? "Gente di mare" L'Ultima Spiaggia? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.6? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.7? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.8? "Gente di mare" Episode #1.9? "Spur & Partner" Das Eigentor? "Secret World of Magic" Argentina? "Travel with Rick Steves" 21 Argentina and Travel Writing? "Travel with Rick Steves" 2 Egypt, Travel Agent 101? "Bob the Builder" Divergent Thinking? "Negima!" Nisi credidentis, non intelligentis? Choice: The Henry Morgentaler Story? The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse? "Camilo Em Sarilhos" Gente Moderna? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Alien? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Con-Artist? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Deception? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Destiny? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Dollface? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Endgame? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Kidnap? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Mask-In-A-Can? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Microdroid? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Replication? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Songbird? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Stealth? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Supernatural? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Trainspotting? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Whistler? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Wombat? "Scooter: Secret Agent" Operation: Aphrodite? "Casados con hijos" 100% Argento? "Fonda Susilla" Agente Cero Cero? "Murder in Suburbia" Estate Agents? Esa gente encantada son temibles? Agent Orange: The Last Battle? Lo que la gente cuenta? "The Daily Habit" Chris Gentry? "Super Agent" The Shoe Contract? "Super Agent" Meet the Parents? God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen? William Powell: A True Gentleman? "Buenos días Argentina" Episode #1.1? "Buenos días Argentina" Episode #1.2? "Buenos días Argentina" Episode #1.3? "Totally Spies!" Super Agent Much?? "Al exito TV" Gente guapa? "Sotto Cinque" A Gentleman Occupation? Fast Karate for the Gentleman? "What's Wrong with...?" Intelligent Design? "Casados con hijos" Rocky Argento? "Video Game Vault" Intelligent Qube? The History of Argentine Tennis? "Seattle Creation Conference" Intelligent Design? "Wild Florida" Florida's Gentle Giants? "La urgenta" Parinti si copii? "La urgenta" În goana trenului? "La urgenta" Alba - Neagra? "La urgenta" Viata bate filmul? "La urgenta" Curatenie de Craciun? As a Gentleman Would Say? Ginger Gora and the Gentles? Levis Sykes - Double Agent? "Foxworthy's Big Night Out" Montgomery/Gentry? "Heroes Under Fire" Urgent Fury? "Gente como tú" Episode #1.1? David Hasselhoff: Secret Agent Man? "Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast" AT43 - Travel to Argentina (part 1)? "Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast" AT44 - Travel to Argentina (part 2)? "Gente di mare" Lo smemorato? "Gente di mare" Fuga dall'incubo? "Gente di mare" Roulette russa? "Gente di mare" La caccia? "Gente di mare" Il matrimonio? "Gente di mare" In trappola? "Risk Takers" Border Patrol Agents? Agent 07: Against All Odds? "Blue's Clues" Magenta's Coming Over? "Seguro y urgente" Marido bravo? "Seguro y urgente" El secuestrado? "Seguro y urgente" Cumpleaños feliz? "Comedy Showcase" Ladies and Gentlemen? "Seguro y urgente" El Modelo? "Seguro y urgente" Dinero sucio? "Seguro y urgente" El Muerto? "Sunrise Earth" Argentinean Seal Pups? Fronteras argentinas: Ojos de cielo? Fronteras argentinas: Tracción a sangre? Affaire Nazigold - Die Argentinien-Connection? Alda Teodorani racconta Dario argento? Topi Sorsakoski & Agents 2007? "Gente de mente" Episode #1.1? Robert Hanssen: Double Agent Revealed? "Sekai no shasô kara" Gento? O Agente de Filipe II? Agent Provocateur: She Lost Control? "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" Argentina? Esta tarde con esta gente? Agent Unprejudiced: How can you?? "Time Agent" The Lone Troop? "Time Agent" The Mortis Code? "Pulya-dura: Vozvrashchenie agenta" Episode #1.1? "Pulya-dura: Vozvrashchenie agenta" Episode #1.2? "Pulya-dura: Vozvrashchenie agenta" Episode #1.3? "Pulya-dura: Vozvrashchenie agenta" Episode #1.4? "Agentki" Emerytura, czyli seks bomba? "Agentki" Paparazzi, czyli naga prawda? "Agentki" Pogromcy duchów, czyli kazamaty? "Agentki" Nudziarz, czyli wielkie pieniadze? "Agentki" Cud, czyli samopomoc mundurowa? "Agentki" Prymus, czyli klin klinem? "Agentki" Sknerus, czyli dziwni lokatorzy? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.1? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.2? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.3? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.4? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.5? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.6? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.7? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.8? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.9? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.10? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.11? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.12? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.13? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.14? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.15? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.16? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.17? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.18? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.19? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.20? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.21? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.22? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.23? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.24? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.25? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.26? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.27? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.28? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.29? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.30? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.31? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.32? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.33? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.34? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.36? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.35? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.37? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.38? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.39? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.40? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.41? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.42? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.43? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.44? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.45? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.46? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.47? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.48? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.49? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.50? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.51? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.52? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.53? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.55? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.54? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.56? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.57? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.58? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.59? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.60? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.61? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.62? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.63? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.64? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.65? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.67? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.66? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.68? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.69? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.70? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.71? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.72? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.73? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.74? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.75? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.77? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.76? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.78? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.79? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.82? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.80? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.81? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.83? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.84? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.85? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.86? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.87? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.89? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.88? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.90? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.92? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.91? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.93? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.94? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.96? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.95? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.97? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.98? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.99? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.100? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.101? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.102? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.103? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.104? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.105? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.106? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.107? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.108? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.109? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.110? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.111? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.112? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.113? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.114? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.115? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.116? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.117? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.118? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.119? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.120? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.121? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.122? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.123? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.124? "Valentino, el argentino" Episode #1.125? "Ramdam" L'argent se fait rare? "Inspector George Gently" Bomber's Moon? "Die Spurensucher" Missionare und Agenten? Agent Orange: 30 Years Later? Der Bekannteste Geheimagent Der Welt? "Double Agents" The Open Day? La tierra sin su gente? Starz Inside: Ladies or Gentlemen? "Rudy Maxa's World" Mendoza, Argentina? Las buenas gentes de España? 505 Dias, la transicion Argentina? "VeggieTales FitnessHof" Der argentinische Gurkentanz? "Player One Podcast" POP Ep.93: Summer of Tangents (Voicemail line: 713-893-8069)? Pulya-dura 3: Agent dlya naslednitsy? "Time Agent" The Fallen Hero? Agent 07: Wages of Sin? Runnin' Wild... From Ted Nugent? "Chicken Stew" Secret Agent Weasel? "Whatever Happened To?" Undercover Agents? "50 to Death" Intelligent Design? "Gay's Anatomy" Please Be Gentle? "Agents of Cracked" The End? La gente vuole ridere... ancora!? "The Actor Diaries" The Agent? "The Southern Gentlemen" Special Love? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.1? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.10? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.11? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.12? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.13? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.14? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.15? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.2? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.3? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.4? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.5? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.6? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.7? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.8? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.9? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.16? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.17? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.18? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.19? "Axe the Agent?" Episode #1.20? Adatanuyatsu: Sakamoto Ryuuma no genten? "Im Bann der Pferde" Argentinien? "South Base" The Agent Trap? "Tactik" L'argent fait le bonheur?? "Chef at Home" Argentinean Burgers? Agent X: The First Mission? "Midnyte" Do Not Go Gentle? Sex Pistols: Agents of Anarchy? "The Industry" JB's Undercover Agent? Time to Fire Your Agent? Lo que la gente vive? Tiziano Ferro/Kelly Rowland: Breathe Gentle? The Estate Agent's Bad Day? "Ancient Discoveries" Ancient Secret Agents? "Special Agent Oso" Hopscotch Royale/Goldringer? "The Garfield Show" Catnap/Agent X? Mac Miller: Ladies and Gentlemen (Freestyle)? "Fast Karate for the Gentleman" 03/25/09 - FIRST GENTLEMAN ANGRY!!? "Time Agent" The New Member? "Time Agent" Redemption of Mortis? "Time Agent" The Nightmare Forest? "Time Agent" Best Kept Secret? The Gentleman's Guide to Villainy? "Més dinamita" Gent amb fums? "The Gentlemen's League" The Combine? "My Mother/Agent" It's SHOE Biz? "My Mother/Agent" Tucked and Plucked? "Revenge Office" Kuidas vähendada mehe intelligentsi?? "Agents of Cracked" Molotov Shock-Tale? V.I.E. Vida Inteligent a l'Espai? "Inspector George Gently" Gently Evil? "Agent osobogo naznacheniya" Ugoschenie stroptivogo? "The Unfinished Nation" Divergent Paths? "For Your Home" Gentlemen's Quarters? The Gentleman Takes His Leave? Ladies and Gentlemen: Biddie Schitzerman? Our Gentleman of the Wings? Agente Chuck Barría: Mission Olavarría? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.1? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.2? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.3? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.4? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.5? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.6? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.7? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.8? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.9? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.10? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.11? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.12? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.13? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.14? "House Crashers" Secret Agent Lounge? "Monsters Inside Me" Double Agents? "Special Agent Oso" Colors Royale/Cleanfingers? FVVA: Femme, villa, voiture, argent? "Bricolatge emocional" La sexualitat intel·ligent? "Vista Point" Buenos Aires, Argentina? "Family on the Road" Argentina? "Vous les femmes" Besoin d'argent? "Comic News Insider" Episode 308 - Scott Thompson (Kids in the Hall, The Hollow Planet) & John Lucas (Conan the Barbarian, Fear Agent)? Pulya-dura 5: Izumrudnoe delo agenta? Agent 07: Tangents and Parallels? "Lucky Fred" Agent Alpha One? Il processo di Artemisia Gentileschi? "The Gentlemen's League" Super Bowl? How to Be a Gentleman? "Marcy" Marcy Does an Agent? "Fortunes" La thune de l'Argentine? "CollegeHumor Originals" Nicolas Cage's Agent? "Conan" The Gentile's Bar Mitzvah? "New Tricks" The Gentleman Vanishes? "InSecurity" Agent Oo La La? "I.C.I.R.U.S." Best Secret Agent Ever!? "Agents of Cracked" Adpocalypse Now? "Nona El Mazouna" Urgent Marriage? "The Southern Gentlemen" Natural Wonderment? "Inspector George Gently" Goodbye China? The Gentle Way: Brett Wolf? Birth of a Slit? Ladies and Gentlemen, Jordan Rock? "X:enius" Die intelligenten Roboter kommen? Juan, el primer astronauta argentino? "Gente da Minha Terra" Algarve? "Gente da Minha Terra" Ribatejo? "Gente da Minha Terra" Minho? "Gente da Minha Terra" Beiras? "Gente da Minha Terra" Trás-os-Montes? "Gente da Minha Terra" Alentejo? "Gente da Minha Terra" Açores? "Gente da Minha Terra" Madeira? "Gente da Minha Terra" Estremadura? "Gente da Minha Terra" Extras? Hidalgo. Maestro, párroco e insurgente? "Bed of Roses" Insurgent Activity? "Anna" Eigentor? Generator Rex: Agent of Providence? "Vivo en Argentina" Darío Grandinetti? "Vivo en Argentina" Mariano Torre? "Vivo en Argentina" Alejandro Dolina? "Vivo en Argentina" Claudia Lapacó? "Vivo en Argentina" Eduardo Blanco? "Vivo en Argentina" Fernán Mirás? "Vivo en Argentina" Gabriel Rolón? "Vivo en Argentina" Malena Solda? "Vivo en Argentina" Mirta Busnelli? "Vivo en Argentina" Nazareno Casero? "Vivo en Argentina" Luciano Cáceres/Quino? "Vivo en Argentina" Rita Cortese? "Vivo en Argentina" Gustavo Santaolalla? "Vivo en Argentina" Patricio Contreras? "Vivo en Argentina" Rafael Ferro? "Vivo en Argentina" Betiana Blum? "Vivo en Argentina" Jorgelina Aruzzi? "Vivo en Argentina" Carlos Belloso? "Vivo en Argentina" Diego Peretti? "Vivo en Argentina" Eleonora Wexler? "Vivo en Argentina" Tomás Fonzi? "Vivo en Argentina" Adriana Barraza? "Vivo en Argentina" Mike Amigorena? "Vivo en Argentina" Sebastián Wainraich? "Vivo en Argentina" Roly Serrano? "Vivo en Argentina" Andrea Campbell? "Vivo en Argentina" Mauricio Dayub? "Vivo en Argentina" Boy Olmi? "Vivo en Argentina" Georgina Barbarossa? "Vivo en Argentina" Felipe Pigna? "Vivo en Argentina" María Fiorentino? "Vivo en Argentina" Episode dated 22 November 2011? "Vivo en Argentina" Daniel Araoz? "Vivo en Argentina" Santiago Mitre? "Vivo en Argentina" Esteban Prol? "Beau Knows Outdoors" Argentina Trout? "The Starmind Record" Agent Drakenmeyer? Two Ladies and a Gentleman? Confessions of an Espionage Agent? The Bad Real Estate Agent? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.15? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.16? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.17? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.18? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.19? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.20? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.21? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.22? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.23? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.24? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.25? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.26? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.27? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.28? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.29? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.30? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.31? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.32? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.33? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.34? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.35? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.36? "Gent de paraula" Episode #1.37? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.1? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.2? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.3? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.4? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.5? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.6? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.7? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.8? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.9? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.10? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.11? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.12? "Gent de paraula" Episode #2.13? "Living Smart" Emotionally Intelligent Marriages? "Guitar Shop TV" Ted Nugent? "Q&A" Islam, Israel and Insurgents? "My Strange Addiction" Eats Detergent/Strongman? "Chuck" Chuck Versus Agent X? O Mundo vs Danilo Gentili? "Argentinos por adopción" Costa Atlántica? "Argentinos por adopción" Santa Cruz? "La Argentina según Perón" Infancia? The Search for Agent Z? "Action Dad" Agents of MEH? "Action Dad" Agents Gone Child? "Action Dad" Xendra: Freelance Agent? Peixonauta: Agente Secreto Da O.s.t.r.a.? Ladies and Gentlemen... Marie Osmond? Agent Ranjid rettet die Welt? "Lascars" La Couleur de l'argent? Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen? "Paulilu Mixtape" Illiterate Lit Agent? "Wave Goodbye" Agents & Aliens? "Gentlemen's Dwelling" Stratford Upon Harlem? "Gentlemen's Dwelling" The Cold Wars? "Mobsters" Jimmy 'The Gent' Burke? "Gentlemen's Dwelling" Pitching a Tent!? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.3? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.2? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.17? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.16? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.15? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.14? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.13? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.11? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.9? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.7? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.6? "Agents" Our Dinner with Ed? "Agents" Another Second Time Around? "Secret Agent Man" Scene 3? "Secret Agent Man" Episode #1.2? Ne plach po mne, Argentina!? "Gentrified" The Burger That's Bare? "Gentrified" Everything's New, Brand New? "A Gentleman's Dignity" Episode #1.21? "We are not from yesterday" Agenti? - Die jüdischen Kontingentflüchtlinge? "Turning Point" The Gentle Barn? "Mobsters" Jimmy 'The Gent' Burke? Gentilly or Not to Be? Clarín - Un invento argentino? "Infrarouge" L'argent de la résistance? "Foundations in Creation" Intelligent Design? "Scobel" Gentests: Hoffnung oder Fluch?? La destrucción del orden vigente? "Dahoam is Dahoam" Schattenhofers Eigentor? "Vivo en Argentina" Florencia Torrente? "Vivo en Argentina" Nora Carpena? "Vivo en Argentina" Episode dated 3 January 2012? "Vivo en Argentina" Carola Reyna? "Vivo en Argentina" Julio Chávez? "Vivo en Argentina" Gloria Carrá? "Vivo en Argentina" Paloma Contreras? "Vivo en Argentina" Andrea Bonelli? "Vivo en Argentina" Cristina Banegas? "Vivo en Argentina" Diego Reinhold? "Vivo en Argentina" Emilio Disi? "Vivo en Argentina" Silvina Garré? "Vivo en Argentina" Virginia Innocenti? "Vivo en Argentina" Juana Molina? "Vivo en Argentina" Gastón Pauls? "Vivo en Argentina" Armando Bó? "Vivo en Argentina" Marta Minujín? Nelson Sargento: Mémoria do Samba? Lobotomy Gone Wrong: Mr Gentle? "Excused" Do Gentlemen Prefer Blondes?? "The MakeShift" Secret Agent Shades? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Leeds? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Brighton? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Radcliffe? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Balham? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Altrincham? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Dorking? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Riccall? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Harrogate? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Milford? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Wakefield? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Llanharan? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Pinner? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Llandaff? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Watford? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Bristol? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Croydon? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Bristol? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Swansea? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Orpington? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Waterlooville? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Gosforth? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Edinburgh? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Sittingbourne? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Winnersh? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Dartford? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" York? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Mid-Calder? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Gravesend? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Newcastle? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Reading? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Watford? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Penicuik? "Phil Spencer: Secret Agent" Mersey? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE OVERDISCIPLINING BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎۝ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on 2... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD. THEY PUT DUCT TAPE OVER HIS MOUTH AND AROUND HIS HANDS AND THREW HIM IN THE LAKE. THEY BEAT HIS THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FRIEND HALF TO DEATH WITH A BASEBALL BAT. WHEN I WAS TEN YEARS OLD, I WAS STILL TRYING TO NOT GET CAUGHT CREATING MY OWN THEME HOTEL WHERE FAMOUS CELEBRITIES SPEND THE NIGHT AND LEAVE A SOUVENIR BOOGER, MAYBE HAVE SOME VITAL STATS OF SAID CELEBRITIES: HEIGHT, WEIGHT, WHAT THEY HAD TO EAT THE NIGHT BEFORE, AND OF COURSE THEY'D ALL SIGN MY BOOGER GUESTBOOK, BUT THIS TEN YEAR OLD, HE GETS LOOSE! HE SAVES HIS FRIEND FROM DROWNING! HE CARRIES HIM A MILE AND A HALF TO THE NEAREST HOUSE! DOES THIS MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO YOU? HAVE YOU NO HUMAN FEELING LEFT AT ALL? OH, I GUESS YOU DON'T CARE. I GUESS YOU HAVE NO HUMANITY LEFT AT ALL IN YOU. I GUESS... sorry, don't know where that came from. But our last one is another animé entry whose plot is about half whimsical. I don't see it becoming another Pokêmon, but hey. The American public can't handle too much excitement around here! Oh... apparently it's based on a successful manga, which became a successful TV show. That's according to The Guardian. Does Charlie Hebdo review movies? Or TV shows? Well, I'm an old fart now, and "manga" used to be Italian for "let's eat!" I... I guess it's pronounced slightly differently. Ooh! I just remembered. I wonder if the library has that animé series my friend wanted me to watch? It's on Netflix (TM)(C)(R)... you can leave comments on the library's website now? Man, I feel so old. I don't even like using Yelp (TM)(R)(C)! I think I got banned from that, actually. But hey, thanks to me, the oil change place no longer tells you to leave them feedback on Yelp (C)(TM)(R)! Aren't there, like, only three different national chains of oil change places anyway? It's all out warfare on Yelp (R)(C)(TM), my friends. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE... what can I tell ya? Animé is not my thing in general, and this animé in particular is ... also not. What awkward sentence construction! Well, I'm getting sleepy now. When you get older, you fall asleep one body part at a time. Right now, my left eyelid is falling asleep. But I am again growing accustomed to going to bed late. I think I'll miss that the most. But I'll give the devil his due on this one: this animé is embracing the "family" formula, if only in title. All the greats are about family. The Wizard of Oz. The Godfather. Plan 9 From Outer Space... maybe watch Ed Wood for context. Film is a highly collaborative medium. All right, let's get this one over with now. What's the name of this manga-turned-TV series-turned-film again? Something about spies or codes or families... I guess they wanted to cover all the bases, just to be safe. I mean, was it L'Histoire du Vietnam à travers celle d'une famille, 1945-1975? No? Well, what about Finale of 1st Act, Hoyt's 'Milk White Flag' then? The Tramp: Milk White Flag maybe? Could it be Carmen Romero Rubio de Díaz y familiares en carruaje en el paseo de la reforma quite possibly? How about Grupo en movimiento del general Diaz y de su familia perhaps? Déjeuner de famille someday? Fred Holder and Family potentially? Repas en famille perchance? Boxing Contest Between Tommy White and Solly Smith conceivably? Happy Family as it might be? New York, Whitehall Street, weather permitting? Repas en famille, God willing? Die deutsche Kaiser-Familie same time next Summer? How about The Queen and Royal Family? Queen Victoria and Royal Family at State Garden Party? Home Life of a Hungarian Family? Hunting White Bear? Lying in State and Funeral Procession of Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone: Royal Family Leaving the Abbey? Transport 'Whitney' Leaving Dock? Squad in White Shirts? The Blue and White Niles? Execution of the Spanish Spy? Agoust Family of Jugglers? A Happy Family? Family Troubles? The Golding Family? Miss Jewett and the Baker Family? Queen and Royal Family Entering Their Carriages? Whitehall? Down Whites Road, Port Elizabeth? Shooting a Boer Spy? Family Jars? A Happy Family? Dick Whittington? Family Troubles? Children of the Royal Family of England? Children of the Royal Family of England? Baile familiar? Kongefamilien i Fredensborg? Kongefamilien i Fredensborg II? White Horse Rapids? Discharging a Whitehead Torpedo? Exploding a Whitehead Torpedo? Indiana Whitecaps? Landing of Sir George White at Southampton? Sir George White's Arrival? Sir George White's Return from Ladysmith? Reception of Sir George White and H.M.S. Powerful Naval Brigade? Arrival of Sir George White at Portsmouth? Sir George White Leaving the London Hippodrome? Sir George White Arriving at the National Bazaar? Sir George White's Welcome Home? Sir George White's Presentation of a Charger? Execution of a Spy? Family Troubles? H.N. Marvin's Family? H.N. Marvin's Family? The Tramp Gets Whitewashed? Rescue of a White Girl from the Boxers? White Flag Treachery? The Cragg Family? F.S. Gibbs and Family? F.S. Gibbs and Family? Faust Family of Acrobats? Uma Familia Feliz em Botafogo? King Edward, Duke of York and Royal Family? Royal Family Going Aboard for Lunch? Escena familiar en una torre de Sarria? Royal Family Arriving at Whippingham Church? Panoramic View of the White Pass Railroad? Panoramic View of the White House, Washington, D.C.? Launch of the White Star Liner Celtic? President McKinley Leaving the White House for the Capitol? Egg Rolling at the White House? State Carriages and Prince of Wales in Whitehall? King's Procession Passing Along Whitehall? Prince of Wales's Procession in Whitehall? Great Traffic of Whitehall? Rudge and Whitworth, Britain's Best Bicycle? Black and White Hair Dance? Snow White? Never Interfere in Family Troubles? Ricardo Family of Acrobats No. 1? Ricardo Family of Acrobats No. 2? Ricardo Family of Acrobats No. 3? Ricardo Family of Acrobats No. 4? Ricardo Family of Acrobats No. 5? Private Picture, Families of H.N.M. & H.C.? White Wings on Review? United States Mail Leaving Dawson City for White Horse? Captain Allard Shooting White Horse Rapids? Panorama of White Horse Rapids? Through Tunnel on the White Pass Route? Through White Horse Rapids? Tunnel Scene of the White Pass Route? Two Miles of the White Pass & Yukon Railroad? Behaviour of the White Rat? White Rat at His Toilet? The Whitebait? Railway Panorama Between Kilroot and Whitehead? Whitehall? The White Rats? A Scrap in Black and White? Assassinat de la famille royale de Serbie? Swiss Family Robinson? La sainte famille? Whitewashing a Colored Baby? Perzina's Happy Family? Whittier School, Calisthenics, Missouri Commission? White Star S.S. Baltic Leaving Pier on First Eastern Voyage? Tribes of the Interior Trading with the White Man? Coaching in the White Mountains? Manchester Catholics Whitsuntide Procession? Shooting a Russian Spy? The Capture of a Russian Spy by the Japanese? Spy's Execution? Children and White Rats? Whitewashing the Policeman? The Postman Whitewashed? I.B. Dam and the Whole Dam Family? Een plezierreis van een Leuvensche familie van Leuven naar Brussel per spoor? Grupo de señoritas de las principales familias de Orizaba? Lang (Anton) and Family, Oberammergau? White Rat and Young? Whitstable Natives? Train on the White Pass & Yukon Railway? Whit Monday Races at Filey? Panorama from a Moving Train on White Pass & Yukon Railway, Alaska? The Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog? The White Caps? Black and White; or, the Mystery of a Brooklyn Baby Carriage? Whitsuntide Fair at Preston? White Fox Motor Boat? The Streets of London: Tower of London and Whitechapel? The World Series Baseball Games, White Sox and Cubs? The Female Spy? Bobby and His Family? Thaw-White Tragedy? The Unwritten Law: A Thrilling Drama Based on the Thaw-White Tragedy? Laplander Family, Gratli Family, Norway? The Spy: A Romantic Story of the Civil War? A Family Outing? White Man's First Smoke; or, Puritan Days in America? The White Slave? Mother-in-Law at the White City? The White Shoes; or, Looking Out for His Banknote? A White Crime? Black-White? Light-Fight-White? La familia Duran? Family of Cats? The Great White Fleet Visits the Antipodes? The French Spy? Un fils de famille? La famille Durand à la mer? Saved by the Telegraph Code? The Lovers' Telegraphic Code? Sauvée par le code télégraphique? The White Squaw? A Pair of White Gloves? The Two Traveling Bags; or, the Adventures of Percy White and Pauline Wells? A Comedy in Black and White? The Mystery of the Bride, in Black and White? Bobby White in Wonderland? The White Chief? The White Farm at Crichel? Black and White Rats and Mice? Laying the Keel of the White Star Liner Olympic? A Trip to the White Sea Fisheries? The Prussian Spy? The Girl Spy: An Incident of the Civil War? The Spy? The Spy? The Spy's Revenge? The Friend of the Family? La famille emballée? Mafia, the Secret Society; or, Sicilian Family Honor? Grip in the Family? Sam Not Wanted in the Family? Mélanie est de la famille? Tragedy in the Family? Lines of White on a Sullen Sea? A White Man? Iona, the White Squaw? A White Lie? The Two Mr. Whites? Whitler's Witless Wanderings? The Trail of the White Man? White to Black? Football en famille? Lijkplechtigheid ter ere van de leden van de koninklijke familie? Infusoire holotriche de la famille des philasteridea? O Presidente do Estado e Seus Familiares? The Facori Family? Calatoria familiei regale pe Dunare? The Confederate Spy? The Girl Spy Before Vicksburg? Lieutenant Rose and the Foreign Spy? The Further Adventures of the Girl Spy? Bumpkin's Patent Spyopticon? The Japanese Spy? The Love Romance of the Girl Spy? A Russian Spy? The Honor of His Family? A Family of Vegetarians? Levi and Family at Coney Island? His New Family? A Family Quarrel? La famille Bringue a hérité? La famille Panouillard à Luna-Park? The Terrors of the Family? A Family Feud? A Family Outing? A Family Feud? Famille de Héros? White Roses? 'Twixt Red Man and White? Black and White? The Great Black VS White Prize Fight? Red Wing and the White Girl? The White Princess of the Tribe? A White Lie? The White Captive of the Sioux? White Man's Money, the Indian Curse? Farmer Jenkins' Visit to White City? White Doe's Lovers? The White Squaw? White Fawn's Devotion: A Play Acted by a Tribe of Red Indians in America? Dorothy's Family? Llegada de la familia del primer mártir de la revolución Aquiles Serdán? Voiajul familiei regale pe Dunare? Tunis, Africa: 'The City of White'? St. Joseph's Catholic Whit Procession, Blackburn? Private Menagerie of G. Tyrwhitt Drake, Esquire, F.Z.S? The Kineto Coronation Series: State Coach and Escort Re-Entering Whitehall? On the White Wings in the Solent? The Little Spy? The Spy? The Code of Honor? The White Medicine Man? The White Rose of the Wilds? Two White Roses? Spy Fever? A Sioux Spy? A Girl and a Spy? The Foreign Spy? Spyridion pou porevesai?? Spyridion Baby? O Spyridion hamaileon? A Happy Event in the Poorluck Family? The Old Family Bible? The Family Pet's Revenge? The Spender Family? Family Troubles? A Friend of the Family? Rigadin aime la vie de famille? Rigadin rêve de la vie de famille? Un père de famille par occasion? La scodella del nonno? The White Red Man? The White Medicine Man? Sergeant White's Peril? White Brave's Heritage? At the White Man's Door? The White Squaw? As Your Hair Grows Whiter? Tweedledum's White Suit? The White Chief? White Fawn's Peril? White Fawn's Escape? The White Tulip? A Hitherto Unrelated Incident of the Girl Spy? A Family Mixup? How a Horseshoe Upset a Happy Family? La famille Van Petegem à la mer? A Little Family Affair? All in the Family? The White Aprons? The Chaffinch and Her Family? The White Heron? The Equine Spy? A Divided Family? The Family Next Door? The Family Tyrant? The Woman in White? A White Lie? The Redemption of White Hawk? White Roses? The Wooing of White Fawn? Ofia, the Woman Spy? The French Spy? The Foreign Spy? Two Brothers and a Spy? The Daughter of the Spy? The Spy Mania? Was He a German Spy?? Yvonne, the Foreign Spy? The Gypsy Spy? For the Honor of the Family? A Happy Family? Carl Von Gordon's Family? Ferdie's Family Feud? The Honor of the Family? Her Polished Family? Patouillard promène sa famille? Les extraordinaires exercices de la famille Coeur-de-Buis? Family Jars? La famille Purotin au théâtre? La famille Purotin en villégiature? The Bliggs Family at the Zoo? The Gun Fighter's Family? Cunégonde reçoit sa famille? The Signal Code? The Theft of the Secret Code? Before the White Man Came? A White Indian? The Woman in White? Before the White Man Came? Chief White Eagle? A Symphony in Black and White? The White Savior? White Dove's Sacrifice? The Peculiar Nature of the White Man's Burden? The Winning of White Dove? The White Hope? White Cloud's Secret? The Big White Chief? His Lordship's White Feather? The White Brother's Test? White Fawn? A White Lie? White Treachery? The White Bonnet? A White Man's Way? The White Man's Vow? White Fawn's Hopes? A Exma. Familia Bueno Brandão? Le carnaval de la famille Gourdiflot? The Mexican Spy? Dick Whittington and his Cat? He Ruins His Family's Reputation? The Hardup Family's Bluff? A White Rose? Jean and Her Family? A Day with a Hindoo Family? A Foreign Spy? Sans famille? Den kære Familie? His Code of Honor? The White Slave; or, the Octoroon? The White Feather? The Voyage of the Bourrichon Family? Pauline Cushman, the Federal Spy? The Spy's Defeat? A Girl Spy in Mexico? Belle Boyd, a Confederate Spy? The Girl Spy's Atonement? The Northern Spy? The Foreign Spy? The Waters of Death; or, the Spy's Daughter? The Family's Honor? His Imaginary Family? A Friend of the Family? For the Family Honor; or, The Heart's Highway? A Curious Family? The Family Jar? A Family Mixup? Sweet, Familiar Faces? A Large Family? A Family Affair? Old Mammy's Secret Code? The Code of the U.S.A.? Chappie's Code? Black and White? The Inside of the White Slave Traffic? Red and White Roses? A Modern Dick Whittington? The White Vaquero? The White Squaw? Black and White? Snow White? White Lies? White Man's Firewater? The White Witch? Black and White? The Ghost of the White Lady? The Man in the White Cloak? The White Glove Band? A Spy for a Day? The Fable of the Family That Did Too Much for Nellie? His Wife's Family? The White Stocking? The Whitewashers? Whitewashing the Ceiling? The White Hand Society? The Giants-White Sox Tour? The Criminal Code? The Legend of Snow White? The Spy? The Aviator Spy? A Mexican Spy in America? Our Enemy's Spy? The Baby Spy? The Emperor's Spy? Winky Goes Spy Catching? The Spy's Fate? The Great Spy Raid? The Master Spy? The German Spy Peril? Saved from the Spy? The Spy? Constable Coppem and the Spy Peril? Spy Catchers? Countess Holgska, the Norwegian Spy? The Slippery Spy? Skazka o spyashchei i tsarevne i semi bogatryakh? The Family Skeleton? For the Family Honor? Family Troubles? The Athletic Family? La famille Boléro? A Two Family Affair? The Family Outing? The Family Record? The Family Solicitor? Winky Becomes a Family Man? Making Good with Her Family? Strength of Family Ties? Pat Flannagan's Family? A Family Intermingle? A Family Feud? The Stolen Code? Codes of Honor? The Going of the White Swan? The White Mouse? The White Rose? Perils of the White Lights? White Lies? The White Slave Catchers? The White Feather? The Mystery of the White Car? Almost a White Hope? White Roses? Black and White? The White Mare? The White Hope on Championship? Thorns of the Great White Way? The White Ghost? Oda; or, the Mystery of the White Rose? The White Lie? White Water? The White Pirate? White Dove's Sacrifice? The White Wolf? Den sorte familie? Familiar Reptiles? The White Pearl? The White Scar? The Family in Mexico? The Family's Taste in Modern Furniture? The Cellar Spy? Droppington's Family Tree? Sonny Jim and the Family Party? The White and Black Snowball? Whitewashing William? The Patriot and the Spy? The Family Cupboard? A Royal Family? En famille? The Family Divided? The White Goddess? The White Sister? The White Terror? The White Hope? The White Light of Publicity? The White Mask? The Family Stain? Tish's Spy? The Girl and the Spy? The Spy's Sister? Vot vspykhnulo utro? The Spy's Ruse? Pimple, the Bad Girl of the Family? Scandal in the Family? The Jarr Family Discovers Harlem? A Dignified Family? The Family Adopts a Camel? A Family Picnic? The Family Doctor? The Family Bible? A Family Mixup? Familien Pille som Spejdere? Eine kleine Familienangelegenheit? Hausdame aus bester Familie gesucht? The Celestial Code? The Old Code? The Secret Code? The Vampires: The Red Codebook? The Little White Violet? The White King of the Zaras? A White Feather Volunteer? Some White Hope?? The White Hand? Black and White? The White Trail? The White Star? Snow White? The Family Visits Florida? Charlie's White Elephant? Schmidt the Spy? The Youngest in the Family? The White Turkey? Familia del ingeniero Constantino Perez Duarte y vistas del mineral del chico? Unfamiliar Fishes? A Day with Governor Whitman? The Black Sheep of the Family? Saving the Family Name? According to the Code? The Code of Marcia Gray? The White Rosette? The White Boys? The Fable of the Fearsome Feud Between the First Families? The Head of the Family? The Family Secret? A Family Affair? For His Family's Honor? Familie Möllmann? The Code of His Ancestors? The Code of Honor? The Code Letter? The Code of the Mounted? The Code of the Hills? His Moral Code? The Coward's Code? The Greenville Code? The White Alley? His White Lie? The White Man's Squaw? Casey the White-Wing? The Trapping of 'Peeler' White? A Milk White Flag? Snow White? Charlot II y su familia? The White Man's Law? The International Spy? The Master Spy? Colonel Heeza Liar, Spy Dodger? White Hope? Flora the International Spy? The Boss of the Family? His Family Tree? A Family Flivver? Red, White and Blue Blood? The Family Honor? The Moral Code? The Single Code? The Mysterious Mrs. Musslewhite? The White Raven? The Great White Trail? Whither Thou Goest? Cy Whittaker's Ward? The Spy? The Spy? The Fable of the Film Fed Family? Breaking the Family Strike? The White Trail? Snow White? The Little White Girl? Red, White and Blew? Landing a Spy? Swat the Spy? Der Stolz der Familie? The Long White Trail? A White Wilderness? Over the White Pass? White Water and Windy Willie? Madame Spy? The Family Skeleton? The Secret Code? Code of the Yukon? God Bless Our Red, White and Blue? The White Man's Law? The White Lie? Spying the Spy? Fun with the Family? A White Man's Chance? Rigadin et le code de l'honneur? Whitewashed Walls? Intrede van de koninklijke familie in Gent na de wapenstilstand? The White Elephant Militant? Tulagi: A White Spot in a Black Land? The People in White? Eine junge Dame aus guter Familie? Her Code of Honor? The Unwritten Code? The False Code? The Little White Savage? The Man Who Turned White? The White Heather? Trois familles? The Call of Bob White? Die das Licht scheuen...! Aus dem Tagebuch des Meisterdetektivs Ferry White? Ein Mädchen aus guter Familie? The Hidden Code? The Mint Spy? A Family Affair? The White Dove? The White Moll? Whitechapel? Gira politica del General Obregon al sur del país con escenas familiares? Family Trees? Origin of the Family Tree? Before the White Man Came? The Family Honor? Black Is White? The White Circle? White Youth? The White Squaw? The White Rider? Familjens traditioner? Er bleibt in der Familie? Bunker Alfa Vault - CODE (The Last Day on Earth)? White Lies? Antarctica: On the Great White Trail South? White Meat? White and Unmarried? The White Hen? Royal Family of Swaziland? John Greenleaf Whittier? The Family Closet? A Family Affair? Kongefamiliens Hjemkomst fra Island og Grønlandsfærden, den 30.Juli 1921? The Code of the West? Code of Texas Storm? The White Mouse? The White Horseman? The White Masks? White Oak? White Eagle? The Family Album? The Head of the Family? A Shaky Family Tree? Some Family? Family Affairs? The White Blacksmith? The White Rat? First Families of America? White Magic? White Hands? White Shoulders? White Hell? Squirrelville's Family Album? Es bleibt in der Familie? The White Messenger? White and Yellow? Walt Whitman? The White Hope? Die Königin von Whitechapel? M'Lord of the White Road? Family Troubles? Under the White Robe? He pito whakaatu I te noho a te maori I te tairawhiti? The White Flower? The White Rose? The White Sister? White Wings? White Tiger? The Secret Code? Eva Puck and Sammy White? The Social Code? White Slippers? Family Life? A Family Row? Family Fits? The Great White Way? The White Sheep? A White Wing Monkey? The Great White Silence? The Family Secret? Code of the Sea? White Man? White Shadows? The White Sin? The White Panther? President Coolidge, Taken on the White House Grounds? The White Moth? One of the Family? The White Man Who Turned Indian? Code of the Wilderness? The Last White Man? The Northern Code? White Fang? The Old Family Toothbrush? The Family Entrance? Familiar Foods from Foreign Folk? White Paper? Sans famille? The White Desert? The White Monkey? White Water Men? The White Wing's Bride? The White Lie? Code of the West? The White Outlaw? White Thunder? The White Manitou? White Mice? The Family Album? Family Album? The Family Upstairs? The Family Picnic? The White Black Sheep? Fighting the White Slave Traffic? White Water? Code of the Northwest? Familie Schimeck - Wiener Herzen? The White Slave? White Heat? Code of the Cow Country? White Flannels? White Pants Willie? Little Snow White? Code of the Range? White Gold? White Pebbles? Familientag im Hause Prellstein? Die Familie ohne Moral? The Head of the Family? The Family Group? Family Frolics? Code of the Air? The Old Code? The White Stadium? The Code of the Scarlet? White Shadows in the South Seas? The Family Picnic? The Cockeyed Family? The Family Meal Ticket? The Code of the Mounted? The Iron Code? Dorothy Whitmore? Love in Black and White? Frances White? The White Faced Fool? White Flame? The Birth of White Australia? The White Hell of Pitz Palu? White Elephant? La famille Klepkens? White Cargo? Code of the West? The Woman in White? The Spy? A Bad Boy from a Good Family? Beaver Family? The Familiar Face? The Head of the Family? Meet the Family? Reklamefilm til Illustreret Familiejournal? The Red Coat's Code? The Little White House? Jack White with the Montrealers? Frank Whitman: That Surprising Fiddler? Jack White and His Chateau Madrid Club Entertainers? White Lies? Whiting and Burt? Woman Warrior White Rose? The White Outlaw? The Iris Family? One Family? The Royal Family of Broadway? The Family Ford? Spyashchaya krasavitsa? The Son of the White Mountain? Code of Honor? Convict's Code? The Criminal Code? Frank Orth and Ann Codee in 'Imagine My Embarrassment'? Jack White Talking Pictures? Black and White? Clara Barry and Orval Whitledge in 'Jest for a While'? Black and White? The Family Shoe? My Wife''s Family? Thrilling Movie - Rescue and Desertion White Caudle and Price Photos by Migsie Richardson? The Spy? The Saftest of the Family? Honor of the Family? White Renegade? White Shoulders? Family Feuds? La famille Charbonnois? The Code of Honour? Bob-White? White Venom? Dick Whittington? Divorce in the Family? The Western Code? The Penal Code? White Eagle? White Zombie? Edgar Wallace's White Face the Fiend? In the Family? Snow-White? The White Sister? Ringende Menschen. Die Tragödie einer Familie? New Zealand: The White Man's Paradise? Spy? Spy 77? Head of the Family? I Was a Spy? Ranger's Code? The Fighting Code? Gabriel Over the White House? White Woman? Family Troubles? Das Familienalbum? White Majesty? White Ensign? The White Parade? Famille nombreuse? I Spy? Madame Spy? George White's Scandals? Men in White? White Heat? White Lies? Sans famille? A Happy Family? His Family Tree? Code of the Mounted? The Silent Code? George White's 1935 Scandals? Familie Schimek? De familie van mijn vrouw? La famille Pont-Biquet? The Dressel Family? The White Lilac? The White Cockatoo? One Big Happy Family? Ein Mädel aus guter Familie? Capt. Grant's Family? White Death? Dick Whittington's Cat? The Wacky Family? Code of the Range? White Fang? White Hunter? Familienparade? The Family That Was a Carousel? Spy of Napoleon? Family Meeting? White Legion? The White Angel? Familjens hemlighet? The White Hope? The Happy Family? The Lonely White Sail? Navy Spy? The Jones Family in Borrowing Trouble? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? White Bondage? The Andersson Family? The White Coons Concert Party? Will C. Pepper's White Coons? "Will C. Pepper's White Coons" Episode #1.1? "Will C. Pepper's White Coons" Episode #1.2? "Will C. Pepper's White Coons" Episode #1.3? "Will C. Pepper's White Coons" Episode dated 17 May 1937? I Married a Spy? White Slaves? Lancer Spy? A Family Affair? Dick Whittington and His Cat? "Theatre Parade" Whiteoaks? Smashing the Spy Ring? On the Great White Trail? White Banners? The Higgins Family? The Lady in White? Murder in the Family? Película Familiar? Fuentes Family Ranch? Red, White, and Blue Champions? The White Chateau? White Secrets? The Spy Ring? Code of the Rangers? Television Spy? One Mother's Family? Mr. Peanut and His Family Tree? Confessions of a Nazi Spy? They Made Her a Spy? Chicken Wagon Family? The Jones Family in Hollywood? The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair? Code of the Cactus? Code of the Streets? Lincoln in the White House? Mystery of the White Room? La famille Duraton? The Royal Family of Broadway? Convict's Code? Happy Family? Familien på Borgan? The Oppenheim Family? The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt? The Family Next Door? Code of the Fearless? Code of the Secret Service? Four Girls in White? Familie auf Bestellung? Loews Christmas Greeting (the Hardy Family)? White Boat? U-Boat 29? The Swiss Family Robinson? Meet the Family and Come Home to Tea? Swiss Family Robinson? You Nazty Spy!? The Sagebrush Family Trails West? Gun Code? Spy for a Day? Familjen Björck? Snurriga familjen? The Briggs Family? Nicholas Brothers Family Home Movies? Happy Families? The King of the White Elephant? Familien Olsen? A Rainy Day with the Bear Family? Bullet Code? White Eagle? White Sails? Lew White at the Organ? My Wife's Family? Familienanschluß? Familien Hansen sylter? Kongefamilien på Sorgenfri Slot? El haragán de la familia? Spy gekimetsu? Madame Spy? My Favorite Spy? Speaking of Animals and Their Families? Code of the Outlaw? The Secret Code? Soldiers in White? Black Sheep of Whitehall? The White Eagle? Spy Ship? Spy Smasher? Blue, White and Perfect? White Cargo? The White Cliffs of Dover? Confusions of a Nutzy Spy? Seein' Red, White 'n' Blue? Spy Train? One Ham's Family? Paramount Victory Short No. T2-4: The Aldrich Family Gets in the Scrap? White Savage? Un enredo de familia? Family Troubles? How to Fly the P-47: Pilot Familiarization? Family Feud? Grey, White and Blue? La famille Durambois au match de football? La famille Durambois s'entraîne pour l'insigne sportif? La famille Durambois au Comptoir suisse? Code of the Prairie? The Unwritten Code? Familie Buchholz? Three Is a Family? Familien Gelinde? 3 Men in White? The White Cliffs of Dover? ¡Qué familia!? Code of the Lawless? George White's Scandals? White Pongo? Little White Lie? Panik i familien? White Rhapsody? The Taras Family? The White Gorilla? Family Antics? White Treasure? Black and White? The White Fang? Gunman's Code? Familles de droites et familles de paraboles? Ranch in White? White Tie and Tails? You and Your Family? Swiss Cheese Family Robinson? Code of the West? The Shop at Sly Corner? Familien Swedenhielm? The Family Upstairs? The Strange Case of Blondie White? Under White Sails? The White Devil? Whither Japan?? Code of the Saddle? "Public Prosecutor" The Case of The Family Affair? White Face? Family Honeymoon? The Woman in White? Girls in White? Operation White Tower? Your Family? "Kraft Theatre" The Royal Family? "Kraft Theatre" The Criminal Code? "Kraft Theatre" The White-Haired Boy? "Meet the Press" Whittaker Chambers? Hog Family Supreme? Esprit de Famille? "Chicago Cubs Baseball" New York Yankees vs. Chicago White Sox? "Chicago Cubs Baseball" New York Yankees vs. Chicago White Sox - Saturday? Toute la famille était là? "Casper" ed White and Boo and Puss 'N' Boos? Radar Patrol vs. Spy King? Lawless Code? Mr. Whitney Had a Notion? La familia Pérez? The Aldrich Family? Family Affairs? The Family Genius? "The Goldbergs" Family Photograph? "Family Affairs" Henry Breaks the News? "Family Affairs" Linda and the Love Racket? "Family Affairs" Tony Buys a Hypnotist? "Family Affairs" Marion Digs for Gold? "Family Affairs" Bunty Makes a Book? "Family Affairs" Linda Lays a Ghost? "Family Affairs" Tony Cultivates Some Swedes? "Family Affairs" Henry Tries His Hand? "The Family Genius" Episode dated 9 September 1949? Dick Whittington? Whitehall Wonders? Fitness Is a Family Affair? White Magic? White Fortress? "Fireside Theatre" The Spy/The Postmistress of Laurel Rim? Una familia de tantas? One Man's Family? Family Theatre? Family Life? "Family Theatre" The Denver Express? "Fireside Theatre" Friend of the Family? White Paws? Whiteoaks? The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" John Loder, June Lockhart, Eugenie Baird? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" Charles Laughton, Eddie Albert, Allyn McClerie? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" Walter Hampden, Mindy Carson? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" Hoagy Carmichael, Valerie Bettis? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" Cedric Hardwicke, Victor Borge? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" Hoagy Carmichael, Mady Christians? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" Diana Lynn? White Heat? Family Circles? The White Rocker? "We, the People" Peter Lorre, Spyros Skouras, George Hackenschmidt, Stanley Rochinski, Lois Hunt? "The Aldrich Family" Episode #1.1? "One Man's Family" Episode #1.1? Familie M? "We, the People" Eve Arden, Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr., Charles Atlas, Yma Sumac, Earl Blackwell, Arch Whitehouse? "Captain Video and His Video Rangers" Code of Honor? Counterspy Meets Scotland Yard? Code of the Silver Sage? The White Tower? Star of the Family? "Star of the Family" Premiere Show with guests Morey Amsterdam and The Ink Spots? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.2? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.3? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.4? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.5? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.6? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.7? "All Star Revue" Edith Piaf, Ben Wrigley, The Hanneford Family, Monsieur Choppy? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.8? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.9? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.10? "Family Affairs" Henry's Folly? "Family Affairs" Ah! The Peace of It All? "Family Affairs" A Slight Case of Hyacinths? "Family Affairs" Tony and the Fatal Dart? "Family Affairs" The Laughing Cavalier? "Family Affairs" Pigging It? "The Ken Murray Show" Butterfly McQueen/Peggy Ryan/Ray McDonald/The Von Trapp Family? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.11? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.12? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.13? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.14? "Star of the Family" Episode #1.15? Familie Benthin? A Family Affair? The Fighting Lady's Family? Army Information Film AIF No. 7: Code of Conduct - To Resist? La familia Vila? The Prudential Family Playhouse? "The Ford Theatre Hour" The Royal Family? "The Prudential Family Playhouse" Biography? "The Prudential Family Playhouse" Call It a Day? "The Prudential Family Playhouse" Dodsworth? "The Prudential Family Playhouse" Over 21? "The Prudential Family Playhouse" The Barretts of Wimpole Street? "The Prudential Family Playhouse" Three Men on a Horse? "Starlight Theatre" The Face Is Familiar... But? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" The Family Reunion? The White Line? The White Hell of Pitz Palu? The White Cat? "The Ford Theatre Hour" The White-Headed Boy? "Starlight Theatre" Two White Horses? "Starlight Theatre" White Mail? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" Connie Haines? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE OVERDISCOURAGING BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎۝ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next day... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD. THEY PUT DUCT TAPE OVER HIS MOUTH AND AROUND HIS HANDS AND THREW HIM IN THE LAKE. THEY BEAT HIS THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FRIEND HALF TO DEATH WITH A BASEBALL BAT. WHEN I WAS TEN YEARS OLD, I WAS STILL TRYING TO NOT GET CAUGHT EATING MY OWN BOOGERS, BUT THE DAMN BOOGER PATROL WAS ALWAYS TOO SWIFT FOR ME. THEY'D SWOOP IN WITH THEIR BILLY CLUBS AND THEIR BOOGER NETS AND THEIR FINGER TRAPS... DAMN BOOGER STORMTROOPERS, BUT THIS TEN YEAR OLD, HE GETS LOOSE! HE SAVES HIS FRIEND FROM DROWNING! HE CARRIES HIM A MILE AND A HALF TO THE NEAREST HOUSE! DOES THIS MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO YOU? HAVE YOU NO HUMAN FEELING LEFT AT ALL? OH, I GUESS YOU DON'T CARE. I GUESS YOU HAVE NO HUMANITY LEFT AT ALL IN YOU. I GUESS... sorry, don't know where that came from. But I know where our fourth debut came from!!!... oh, right. Only three this week! Whoopsie Von Poopsie. Well, that's about all the damage I can do to Hollywood this week... they'll get me back for it one of these days. I always try to end these things with a little bit of home spun wisdom, but... I barely have the energy to focus on the presidential race and the criminal trials of certain former presidents. But if he does get back in to the White House, wisdom will go the way of 300 baud modems. The supercomputers with their A.I. will do the thinking for us! Maybe we are destined to become batteries, floating in a bath of pink goop in tall towers, all kinds of wires sticking in us, who knows? GOOD NIGHT EVERY BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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