Thursday, May 09, 2024

Boeing, Going... Gone?

Brought to you by Nola's Salon. Nola's Salon! See, because... never mind. Also brought to you by Nola's Saloon! Nola's Saloon! The only place to quench your thirst in the Old West. And... what? Wha'd I say? Okay, so this economy's not lifting all boats, I'll give you that. I guess that that's the key, though: get yourself a boat. It's like how the message of The Wizard of Oz is "There's no place like home," but it wouldn't be half as good without the trip to the Emerald City! And so, let us see what the Emerald City's home is up to this week. Well, everything old is new again, and coming in at second place with $8.1 million USD is the 1999 classic Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. I wonder how many theatres it was in! Variety (C)(TM)(R) probably knows... 2600! Love that number. That's $3,115.38 per theatre! that good? As Variety (TM)(R)(C) says, pretty good for a 25 year old movie that "is widely available to watch at home." Well, any Star Wars (C)(R)(TM) fan worth their weight in junk food is going to venture out to the air-conditioned multiplex, where these things are supposed to be seen. My only question is... why that one? Did they flip a coin? Or one of those weird Dungeons and Dragons (TM)(R)(C) dice? Oops! I'm two questions over already. Guess I wouldn't be much good at 20 questions, huh? Anyway, there's clearly a loophole in the IMDb's "Weeks Released" info, so technically we've only got two debuts this week. The first one is apparently already a disappointment, because sometimes it's not just enough that a film debut at #1. No, it's got to make more money than projected as well. Well, that 2015 Star Wars movie probably still stands as one of the biggest opening weekends ever. It's all downhill for J.J. Abrams now! What other '60s TV show could he possibly redo so successfully on the Silver Screen? He might have to move on to the '70s or the '80s for inspiration. Well, whatever he decides to do, he'll be busy producing for a long, long while. But let's try and get back to this new one which, according once again to Variety (C)(R)(TM), had 1) a hefty price tag, and 2) underperformed at the box office. Boy, those Barbie (TM)(R)(C) fans sure are fickle! There's OTHER movies out there TOO, you know! Nope, no matter what they tried, no matter the hippest ads in the trendiest markets, the hipsters said to themselves "I'll wait on this one." You know, when it's on DVD. That new old cinema-to-DVD pipeline is clearly being taken too much for granted. Now they should punish moviegoers that don't support their local global movie theatre! If it's not a hit, screw it. No DVD release. If it's not a #1 hit two weeks in a row, no DVD commentary with the stars and director. If it doesn't make $100 million domestic, no DVD extras, no Making Of documentary, etc. etc. And definitely no Blu-Ray (TM)(C)(R) either. And David Spade went to the premiere with a date, and said to himself, "I liked it the first time when it was called The Stunt Man!" Such a learned historian. Okay, so there's only seven plots. But isn't basking in the director's vision enough of a joy anymore? Take Pearl Harbor, for instance. Last seen on AMC just a few minutes ago, but absent from the immediate cable-scape for many a moon. It's not even December 7th, for Chr... Goodness Sake! I wonder what the occasion is! Well, the crew and cast is oh so vast, it must be someone's birthday. Emily Blunt is also in this new one. She's not trying as hard to get an Oscar (TM)(C)(R) as, say, Renée Zellweger was before she got it... hmm! Sometimes it's better not to win one. Just ask Kim Basinger or... any of the people in this article. As I've said many times before, there's only a very select few who are Oscar (TM)(C)(R) darlings and box office champs: James Stewart, Tom Hanks and Jennifer Lawrence are the only ones that come to mind. I don't think of Robert De Niro as a box office champ... but he definitely is compared to Harvey Keitel and Mickey Rourke. And Sylvester Stallone doesn't count, because even though the first Rocky won 3 Oscars (C)(R)(TM) (picture, director, editing?), Sly himself has only been nominated. That, and the Oscar-voting bloc is clearly quite racist. The individual members, of course, are enlightened, progressive people, just not as a voting bloc. Peter Finch won that year for Network. Sorry, Mrs. Yeager, there I go again. And I thought I was doing so well! All right, let's get this thing over with already. I can't seem to get anything done on time anymore! Okay, so what's the name of this new one again? I think the title's clever... just not clever enough. A shame, as the director of this one fancies himself on the cutting edge and all that. I mean... Dad jokes already? Really? Seriously? It's some kind of a bad pun; kinda sad. I mean, was it Pferd und Reiter Springen über ein Hindernis? No? Well, what about Summersault Dog then? XVlll Summer Olympic Games Los Angeles maybe? Could it be Street Scene in Winter in Montreal, Canada quite possibly? How about Niagara Falls in Winter: The Waterfall perhaps? Wintergartenprogramm someday? Spring Races, Epsom Downs potentially? South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. perchance? Pope Leo XIII Resting on His Way to His Summer Villa conceivably? Passing Summer House as it might be? V.R.C. Winter Meeting, weather permitting? The Fat Man and the Treacherous Springboard, God willing? The Treacherous Spring Board same time next Summer? How about A Mid-Winter Brush? Coaches Arriving at Mammoth Hot Springs? Panoramic View of Niagara Falls in Winter? How Tottie Coughdrop's Summer Suit Was Spoiled? The Summer Girl? Fun on a Springboard? Winter Sports in Scotland? Hooligan and the Summer Girls? Summer Life on the Thames? Winter Life in Sweden? Springtime in the Park? Fun in the Glenwood Springs Pool? Women Washing Clothes in Hot Springs? The Summer Exodus? Winter in Germany? The Spring Fairy? Past Shasta Spring, California? Miniature Railway at Wilmington Springs, Delaware? Springfield Fire Department? Panoramic View of Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park? Winter Sports on the Lake? A Midwinter Blaze? Winter Sport on Snake River, Nome? Down the Western Side of the Rockies in Winter? Königswinter to Cologne? The Pines of the Rockies in Winter? Spring Cleaning? Summer Snowball Fight? Summer Life on the Upper Thames? International Winter Sports? Circular Panorama of the Horse Shoe Falls in Winter? Winter Fairlyand: The Alps? The Fairy of the Spring? In the Springtime, Gentle Annie!? Trotting Match at Springfield Park, Wigan? The Summer Boarders? Building a British Railway: Coiling Spiral Car Springs? Midwinter Bathing, L Street Bath, Boston? The Springbokken Rugby Team? Great Rugby Match: England v. Springboks? Winter Sports: Ski Manoeuvres by Austrian Military? Winter Sports: Curling Contests in the Alps? Winter Sports: Swiss Snow Sports? Winter Sports: Fun with Jack Frost? Winter Sports: Ski Jumping at Grindelwald? Winter Sports at Adelboden? Over the Tyrolean Alps in Winter? Winter Sports? A Midwinter Night's Dream; or, Little Joe's Luck? A Winter Straw Ride? The Spring Fairy? The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring? In the Summer Time? Colorado Springs? Our Insect Summer Visitors? Universal Winter Sports? Winter in Switzerland? Tyrolean Alps in the Winter? Scottish Highlands in Winter? Happy Hampstead Winter Sports? The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring? The Spring Gun? Spring Cleaning? Spring Gardening? A Winter Day in the Country? Summer in North Europe? Summer Home for the School Children of Paris? Winter Manoeuvres of the Norwegian Army? Winter Time in Northern Europe? Niagara Falls in Winter? The Spring Lock? A Summer Idyl? Summer Boarders Taken In? Farmer Greene's Summer Boarders? German Spring Parade? Summer Sport? Summering in the Austrian Alps? Summers and Britt Training? Ein vergnügter Wintertag im Berliner Grunewald? Winter Sports in Hungary? Midwinter Sports? A Canadian Winter Carnival? Niagara in Winter Dress? Winter Sports and Games at Stockholm, Sweden, 1909? Winter Landscapes Round Stockholm, Sweden? Trollhatten in Winter? Stripping a Forest in Winter? Canadian Rockies in Winter? British Columbia: Canadian Winter Sports? British Columbia: Logging in Winter? British Columbia: Niagara in Winter? Winter Sports? The Thames in Winter? A Midsummer Night's Dream? Spring Heeled Jack? The Little Angel of Roaring Springs? Spring Has Come? The Wealthy Rival; or, A Summer Story That Needs No Explanation? Summers-Britt Fight Pictures? Johnny Summers v. Jimmy Britt? Welsh v. Summers? A Winter's Tale? Winter Horseplay? The Flowers That Bloom in Spring? Canadian Summer Resort? Winter Bathing in the West Indies? Winter Days in Sweden? In Winter's Grip? Winter in the High North? The Winter's Tale? A Summer Idyll? Dødsspringet? Mendelssohn's Spring Song? A Summer Flirtation? A Summer Tragedy? Summertime? Alaska's Adieu to Winter? Le flair de Nick Winter? Nick Winter et le perroquet de Mademoiselle Durand? Nick Winter, l'adroit détective? A Winter's Tale? A Winter Romance at Niagara Falls? A Widow Visits Springtown? The Summer Girl? A Trip from Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek? Hot Springs, Arkansas? The Birth of Spring Flowers? Summer Babies? Summer Work? Reedham Summer Festival Drill 1911? Flowers and Plants in Winter? Winter Sports at Lucerne? Winter in Switzerland? Winter in Northern Sweden? A Summer Adventure? Spring Cleaning in the House of Scroggins? Spring-Heeled Jack? The Spring Round-Up? Springy Has Taken an India Rubber Bath? The Love of Summer Morn? Summer Skies? Summer Madness? Judge Simpkins' Summer Court? Nick Winter et le vol de la Joconde? Le songe de Nick Winter? Comment Nick Winter connut les courses? Dick Johnson, le voleur gentleman, contre Nick Winter? Nick Winter contre Nick Winter? Nick Winter et l'affaire du Célébric Hôtel? Nick Winter et le courrier diplomatique? Nick Winter et le rapt de Mademoiselle Werner? Nick Winter et les faux-monnayeurs? Nick Winter et les vols de Primrose? Nick Winter, la voleuse et le somnambule? Nick Winter Turns a Trick? Un élève de Nick Winter? Tweedledum Tries Winter Sports? Det gamle Købmandshus? Planting the Spring Garden? Springing a Surprise? Miss Simkins' Summer Boarder? Spring Log Driving, Maine? Governor Wilson at His Summer Home? A Visit to Our President's Summer Home? A Winter Visit to Central Park, New York City? Winter Logging in Maine? Winter Sports at St. Moritz, Switzerland? Niagara Falls in Winter? Winter Sports in Norway? Winter on the Baltic Sea? Winter Landscapes in Finland? A Midwinter Trip to Los Angeles? Winter Sports and Pastimes of Coronado Beach? Efter Dødsspringet? The Last Rose of Summer? His 'Spring' Overcoat? The Spring Lock? All in Vain? An Indian Summer? All on a Summer's Day? A Summer Flirtation? Indian Summer? A Summer Idyl? A Summer's Day? A Midwinter Night's Dream? Nick Winter contre le banquier Werb? Nick Winter et le mariage de Miss Woodman? La résurrection de Nick Winter? How the 'Duke of Leisure' Reached His Winter Home? Humors of Summer? Summer Caricatures? The Spring of Life? The Good Old Summer Time? Hot Springs and Geysers of New Zealand? Summer in the North? The Rocky Mountains in Winter? The Yosemite Valley in Winter? Glimpses of Colorado in Winter? Winter Sports at Bodele? Winter in Upper Engadine, Switzerland? Winter Sports in Switzerland? Winter Sports at Are, Sweden? Winter Sports in the Swiss Alps? The Spring in the Desert? The Girl of the Hidden Spring? Wenn die Taxe springt? The Springtime of Love? A Midsummer Night's Dream? Indian Summer? In the Good Old Summer Time? Nick Winter et les as de trèfle? Encore Nick Winter!? Nick Winter et l'énigme du lac Némi? Nick Winter et le mystère de la Tamise? Winterflirt? A Winter's Tale? Europe's Winter Playground? Summer Love? Flowers That Bloom in the Spring? Some Spring Blossoms? Florida Historic Scenes and Florida in Mid-Winter? Advanced Styles for Fall and Winter, 1914-15? A Winter Holiday in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland? Winter Scenes in Switzerland? Glacier National Park in Winter? A Winter Excursion to the Falls of Tannforsen, Sweden? Springtime? Si's Wonderful Mineral Spring? Sweedie Springs a Surprise? That Spring Lock? Goodbye Summer? A Midsummer's Love Tangle? A Summer Resort Idyll? Nick Winter and the Lost Prince? One Winter's Night? Nick Winter et le professeur Mystère? An Old Fashioned English Winter? A Flyer in Spring Water? Brown's Summer Boarders? Winter Resorts? American Winter Sports? How Winter Flowers Bloom? That Springtime Feeling? The Springtime of the Spirit? The Angel of Spring? Spring Onions? A Breath of Summer? One Summer's Sequel? A Transaction in Summer Boarders? Nick Winter and the Masked Thieves? Nick Winter and the Mysterious Bank? Der springende Hirsch oder Die Diebe von Günstersburg? Nick Winter et la parure d'opale? Signs of Spring? Happifat Does Some Spring Planting? The Summer Girl? Pimple's Midsummer Night's Dream? Beauty Spots in America: Castle Hot Springs, Arizona? Summer Days Near San Diego, California? The Mainspring? Spring Fever? A Spring Chicken? A Spring Cleaning? The Springtime of Love? Midwinter Madness? The Hidden Spring? A Hard Cold Winter? One Summer's Day? Skiing on Colorado Springs? The Animals in Midsummer? Bei den Tiroler Kriegsadlern im Winter? Midwinter Sports in Quebec? The Beaver Prepares for Winter? The Mainspring? A Spring Idyl? Diskenspringeren? Summer Boarders? Summer Boarding? From Here to Summerland? A Summer Day in Skagway? Winter Scenes in Southern France? Springtime à la Carte? The Summer Girls? Spring Fever? Evolution of a Spring? Winter Sports at St. Moritz? Winter Sports? Spring Fever? Spring Fever? Such Is City Life in Summer? The Last Rose of Summer? Such Is Life in Midwinter? Springtime? Indian Summer? The Alchemy of Winter? Midsummer Madness? Winterstürme? The Last Rose of Summer? Spring? Summer Days? Nick Winter négy új kalandja? Spring Hats? Kansas City's Spring Clean-up? In the Silly Summertime? Summer Scenes? Spring Fever? On a Summer Day? Nick Winter et ses aventures? The Midsummer's Nightmare? In the Dear Old Summertime? King Winter? When Summer Comes? A Winter's Tale? Winter Pep? Im Winter auf dem Großglockner? Spring Cleaning? Mr. Newells dobbelte Faldskærmsudspring? Winterbesteigung des Sonnblick? Springtime? Roving Thomas at the Winter Carnival? Spring Fever? A Tough Winter? Winter Has Came? If Winter Comes? The Secret Spring? Spring Fever? Seff entspringt? A Midsummer Night's Scream? One Summer Day? Die Meisterspringer von Kürnberg? In the Good Old Summertime? When Winter Comes? Spring of 1964? Winter in the Engadine? The Last Rose of Summer? Winterstürme? Spring? When Winter Went? In the Good Old Summer Time? Summer Bachelors? Signs of Spring? Heralds of the Spring? Land of Eternal Summer? Wintersport im Schwarzwald? The Cry of Winter? Spring Fever? Springtime of Love? The Last Nose of Summers? A Midsummer Night's Steam? Her Summer Hero? Spring Has Came? Summer Knights? Dolomitische Majestäten. Landschaftsbilder aus Sommer und Winter? Springtime? A Midsummer's Day? Summertime? In Spring? Winter? Springtime Saps? So This Is Spring? Summer Saps? Madame Frances Alda Singing 'the Last Rose of Summer' and 'Birth of Morn'? Summer Harmonies? Sensation im Wintergarten? Summer? In the Good Old Summer Time? Winter? A Tough Winter? Konserven für den Winter - aber nur aus dem eigenen Betrieb? Spring Is Here? Mendelssohn's Spring Song? Summer Time? The Artist's Peril - Another Thriller - Grand Haven, Mich. 1931 Summer? Student Life in Merry Springtime? Spring Antics? Spring Is Here? Spring Shower? Summer Daze? The III Winter Olympics? Birds in the Spring? 'Tis Spring? Summer Lightning? Spring on the Farm? Midsummer Mush? Müller reist zum Wintersport? Nakinureta haru no onna yo? Spring in the Park? The Goddess of Spring? Springtime for Henry? Springboard Champions? Der Springer von Pontresina? Melody in Spring? The Life of Vergie Winters? Spring Fairy Tale? Spring in the Air? Summertime? One More Spring? Spring Tonic? Spring Night? Springtime Serenade? Voices of Spring? A Midsummer Night's Dream? Winter Night's Dream? Springtime in Holland? Paris in Spring? Acadian Spring Song? Palm Springs? Sunkist Stars at Palm Springs? To Spring? Violets in Spring? Winterset? Springtime in Vienna? Wintersonnenwende? Winter in the Woods? Jugend der Welt. Der Film von den IV. Olympischen Winterspielen in Garmisch-Partenkirchen? Spring Is Here? Summer Olympics at Berlin? Spring Festival? Harris in the Spring? Spring Handicap? The Last Rose of Summer? Springtime in the Rockies? Midsummer Madness? Porky's Spring Planting? Now That Summer Is Gone? Spring Meeting? Winter Sunshine? Winterreise durch Südmandschurien? Spring Madness? Wintersonne? Winter Carnival? Andy Clyde Gets Spring Chicken? Play in the Summer Breezes? A Midsummer Day's Work? Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever? Springtime in the Rock Age? A Case of Spring Fever? Spring Parade? Spring Offensive? The Saint in Palm Springs? The Medico of Painted Springs? Stranger Than Fiction 6371: Shampoo Springs? Spring Song? Springpojkar ä vi allihopa!? The Teachers on Summer Vacation? Arctic Springtime? Love Turns Winter to Spring? Once Upon a Summertime? Love Turns Winter to Spring? Oh, Gentle Spring? Springtime in the Rockies? Winterhulp? Wintertime? Winter Sports Jamboree? Terrain Difficulties in the East, Winter and Spring? Defensive Battle in Winter? Terrain Difficulties in the East, Winter and Spring? Summer on the Farm? Schwimmen und Springen? Ukrainian Winter Holidays? Springtime for Pluto? Summer Storm? Eskimo Summer? Suddenly It's Spring? Appalachian Spring? Springtime in an English Village? Speaking of Animals in Winter Quarters? Winterset? It Happened in Springfield? Springtime in Texas? Springtime for Thomas? Centennial Summer? Winter Wonderland? Springtime? Spring Meeting? A Midsummer Night's Dream? Return of the Spring? Suddenly It's Spring? If Winter Comes? Spring? Dover, Spring 1947? Paris in the Spring? Springtime in the Sierras? A Midsummer Night's Dream? Once Upon a Wintertime? Summer Holiday? Winter Draws On? Spring in Park Lane? The Spring Revue? "The Milton Berle Show" Guest Host: Jack Carter; guest stars: Cross & Dunn, Smith & Dale, The Three Winters Sisters? Arctic Borderlands in Winter? Winter-Olympiade St. Moritz? Spring in a Small Town? "Kraft Theatre" Spring Green? The Springtime of Others? Winter Meeting? The Vth Olympic Winter-Games St. Moritz 1948? Spring Song? It Happens Every Spring? In the Good Old Summertime? Quebec in Summertime? Winter Storage? Winter Capers? Spring, 1600? Spring Comes to Niagara? Winter Carnival? "Actor's Studio" Here Comes Spring? "Academy Theatre" Summer Comes to the Diamond O? "The Philco Television Playhouse" Summer Formal? Summer Day's Dream? An English Summer? Late Spring? "Theatre of Romance" Sometime, Every Summertime? Summer Is for Kids? Sea Rover's Summer? Bitter Springs? Summer Stock? It's Forever Springtime? A Midsummer Night's Dream Part 1? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Kay Thompson, Connee Boswell, Bobby Winters? Zirkuswinter? "Starlight Theatre" Much Ado About Spring? "Studio One" Torrents of Spring? "Sure As Fate" Ten Days to Spring? "Stage 13" Midsummer's Eve? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" Summer Lightning? A Midsummer Night's Dream Part 2? "Somerset Maugham TV Theatre" Winter Cruise? "Stars Over Hollywood" Winter Love? Spring-Heeled Jack? "Suspense" Summer Storm? Wintermärchen? Spring and Winter? Spring Fever? Spring and Winter? Springtime in the Netherlands? "The Stu Erwin Show" Springtime for Father? Bountiful Summer? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Eva Le Gallienne, Rise Stevens, Victor Borge, Byron Nelson, Lawrence Winters? "Not for Publication" Winter Rose? "The Big Picture" The Reds Launch Their Expected Spring Offensive? "The Ford Theatre Hour" Spring Again? "Kraft Theatre" The Spring Green? Spring at Marino? "Hands of Mystery" Some Spring Day? One Summer of Happiness? "Studio One" Summer Had Better Be Good? Dark Summer? A Midsummer Night's Dream Part 1/II? A Midsummer Night's Dream Part 2/II? "Celanese Theatre" Winterset? "Studio One" Wintertime? Early Summer? Summer Interlude? Youth in Summer Camps? Winter Wonders? "Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok" The Rock Springs Rustlers? "The Faye Emerson Show" Spring Cleaning? "The Fred Waring Show" Spring Music? Summertime Revue? "Summertime Revue" Judy Lynn? "Summertime Revue" Lina Romay? "Summertime Revue" Marilyn Day? "Summertime Revue" Jane Harvey? "Summertime Revue" Judy Johnson? "Summertime Revue" Betty Reilly? "Summertime Revue" Betty George? "Summertime Revue" Final Show - guest: Mary Mayo? "The Faye Emerson Show" Summer Theater? Hockey Stars' Summer? Summer in the Country? Springfield Rifle? Hockey Stars Summer? King Winter? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" Trip to Palm Springs? "Police Story" The Springfield, Massachusetts Story? Spring Comes to a Pond? Blue Bandanas in the Summer Wind? "Family Theatre" Springtime for Gramps? "The Schaefer Century Theatre" Mr. and Mrs. Spring? "The Big Story" Case of the Belated Spring? Campbell Summer Soundstage? Hallmark Summer Theatre? "Curtain Call" Summer Evening? "Curtain Call" The Summer People? "Kraft Theatre" Indian Summer? "Robert Montgomery Presents" Summer Story? "Robert Montgomery Presents" Unclouded Summer? "Suspense" Summer Night? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Cavorting Statue? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Return to Vienna? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" This Little Pig Cried? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Hit and Run? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" One Strange Day? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Swami? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" My Nephew Norvell? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Luckiest Guy in the World? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Ballerina? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Some Small Nobility? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Unfinished Business? "The Philco Television Playhouse" The Winter of the Dog? All Star Summer Revue? "All Star Summer Revue" Host: Dave Garroway; Guests: Georgia Gibbs, Yogi Berra, Mr. Ballantine, Oliver Wakefield, The Paul Steffin Dancers, The Acromaniacs, The Kanazawas, Dean Elliott & his Orchestra? "All Star Summer Revue" Hosts: Jean Carroll & Bert Wheeler; Guests: Vic Damone, Sidney Armus, Jack Cassidy, Jean Darling, Robert Barry, Hoctor & Byrd, Milton Frome, Richard Himber, Eleven Congressional Medal of Honor Heroes of Korea? "All Star Summer Revue" Hosts: Paul Winchell & Jerry Mahoney; Guests: Connee Boswell, Betty & Jane Kean, Mr. Ballantine, The Piero Brothers, The Three Rockets, Tommy Wonder & Margaret Banks, Oliver Wakefield? "All Star Summer Revue" Host: Jan Murray; Guests: Evelyn Knight, Betty & Jane Kean, Ben Wrigley, Hoctor & Byrd, Oliver Wakefield, The Trampoloonies? "All Star Summer Revue" Host: Walter O'Keefe; Guests: Buster Keaton, Rose Marie, Jimmy Dodd, Hoctor & Byrd? "All Star Summer Revue" Host: Dave Garroway; Guests: Pearl Bailey, The De Mattiazzis, Sinclair & Spaulding, Lee Marx, Mr. Ballantine? "All Star Summer Revue" Host: Jan Murray; Guests: Jimmy Savo, Dorothy Claire, Tommy Wonder & Margaret Banks, Les Dassie, Dean Elliott & his Orchestra? "All Star Summer Revue" Host: Roger Price; Guests: Ben Blue, Sid Slate, Sinclair & Spaulding, The Beverley Sisters, Wild Bill Davis Trio, Rudy Docky & his dogs? "All Star Summer Revue" Guests: Grace Hartman, Marty May, Jimmy Nelson, Ella Fitzgerald, Nelle Fisher & Jerry Ross, Jimmie Dodd? "All Star Summer Revue" Host: Lew Parker; Guests: Grace Hartman, Marty May, Sinclair & Spaulding, The Bell Sisters, Slim Gaillard, The Hanneford Family? The VI Olympic Winter Games, Oslo 1952? Winter Week-end? Winter Week-end: Revised? "The Adventures of Kit Carson" The Baron of Black Springs? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Forty Odd? "Private Secretary" Too Much Spring? "Mister Peepers" The Summer College Course? Winter Paradise? Winterurlaub mit dem FDGB? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Last Spring? "The Big Story" William Graves: The Springfield Leader and Press of Missouri? Summer Theatre? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Believe? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Darling Come Home? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Deception? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Exit Laughing? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Home Is Where Love Is? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Innocent Till Proven Guilty? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Johnny No-Name? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Last Spring? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Life Sentence? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Nemesis? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" No Scar? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" One Swell Guy? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Run Away? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Solitaire? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Something for an Empty Briefcase? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Ten Little Words? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Dark Room? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Happy Headline? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Man Who Knew O. Henry? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Meaning of Truth? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Promise? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Square Hole? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Too Little a Kiss? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" We Wanna Get Married? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Wonder in Your Eyes? "Kraft Theatre" The Summer Place? "The Revlon Mirror Theater" One Summer's Rain? "The Revlon Mirror Theater" Summer Dance? "Robert Montgomery Presents" A Summer Love? "Robert Montgomery Presents" Summer Tempest? "Summer Theatre" Dream Job? "Summer Theatre" Foo Young? "Chevron Theatre" Summer Night? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" All on a Summer's Day? Summertime U.S.A.? Summer with Monika? The Plague Summer? Winter in Canada? "Cowboy G-Men" Spring the Trap? Summer Night Theater? The Last Summer? "The Ford Television Theatre" The Summer Memory? "The Joe Palooka Story" Summer Daze? "My Little Margie" Vern's Winter Vacation? "The Blue Angel" Premiere Show - Jonathan Winters/Martha Wright? "The Blue Angel" Polly Bergen/Jonathan Winters? Where Winter Is King? "Goodyear Playhouse" Spring Reunion? "Ponds Theater" Spring 1600? "Studio One" The Cuckoo in Spring? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" A Kiss to Conquer? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" A Little Child Shall Lead Them? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" A Time for Hope? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Al Toolum and His Buddy Leo? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" An Eye for an Eye? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Break the Mirror? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Emma's Antenna? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" God's Children? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" I Remember, I Remember? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Journey to Java? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Lost: One Friday? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Marked Money? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" Reville for Two Angels? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Almighty Dollar? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Corner Druggist? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Golden Box? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Green Convertible? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Magnificent Lie? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Man of the House? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Shy One? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" The Test Case? "Campbell Summer Soundstage" XXXXX Isn't Everything? "Goodyear Playhouse" Star in the Summer Night? "Kraft Theatre" A Touch of Summer? "Robert Montgomery Presents" A Dream of Summer? "The Grove Family" Midsummer Madness? "Your Play Time" Summer Dance? "Kraft Theatre" A Hat for Winter? "Janet Dean, Registered Nurse" The Winters Case? "Bitte, in zehn Minuten zu Tisch" Bitte zu Tisch - aber erst im Winter - Erster Teil? "Bitte, in zehn Minuten zu Tisch" Bitte zu Tisch - aber erst im Winter - Zweiter Teil? Summer Holiday? "The Jo Stafford Show" Things We Did Last Summer? Memories of the Olympic Summer of 1952? Während es schneit - Ein winterlicher Bilderbogen mit Tanz und Musik? Last Spring? Summer Playhouse? "Mama" Nels & the Summer Camp? Das Stacheltier - Der Wintermantel? Summertime? "The Ford Television Theatre" Touch of Spring? "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" Spring Housecleaning? "Meet Millie" Springtime Hits Alfred? Fruits of Summer? "Screen Directors Playhouse" A Midsummer Daydream? "On Camera" One Summer's Rain? "The Colgate Comedy Hour" Guest Host: Merle Oberon; guest stars: Anna Maria Alberghetti, Robert Cummings, Spike Jones, Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, Jonathan Winters, the Wampus Baby Stars of 1955? "The Colgate Comedy Hour" host: Robert Paige; guest stars: Gordon MacRae, Harry Belafonte, Jonathan Winters, Ray Anthony, Fran Warren? "It's a Great Life" Winter Sports? Springtime in Holland? Winter in den Alpen? Kleine Winterreise in den Harz? "Our Town" Old Fashion Winter? "Our Town" Harbour in Winter? "The Loretta Young Show" The Last Spring? "Star Stage" Spring Over Brooklyn? The Summer Wind Blows? "Studio One" Summer Pavilion? "The Elgin Hour" Midsummer Melody? "Kraft Theatre" Summer's End? "Matinee Theatre" Midsummer? "Star Tonight" The Summer Road? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" Midsummer Fire? CBC Summer Theatre? "CBC Summer Theatre" The Return of Don Juan? Fantastic Summer? "CBC Summer Theatre" Captain Carvallo? "CBC Summer Theatre" The Rivals? "CBC Summer Theatre" Drought? "CBC Summer Theatre" Boy Makes Good? "CBC Summer Theatre" The Mark? "What's My Line?" Shelley Winters? "Neues vom Rond Point" Winter-Kollektionen 1955/56 der Pariser Haute Couture? "Topper" Topper's Spring Cleaning? Smiles of a Summer Night? A Summer Discord? "I Love Lucy" In Palm Springs? "The Tonight Show" Guest Host: Ernie Kovacs; Broadcast from the Coliseum of the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Massachusetts? "London Playhouse" Summer in Normandy? "Good Morning! with Will Rogers, Jr." Dick Summers? "Im Fernseh-Zoo - Was weiß man schon von Tieren..." Möwen und Wintervögel? "Im Fernseh-Zoo - Was weiß man schon von Tieren..." Vogelschutz im Winter? "The Chevy Show" Bob Cummings, Ethel Merman, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Jonathan Winters, Shirley MacLaine, Leo Durocher? "The Tonight Show" Live from Cleveland featuring guests Jonathan Winters, The Three Suns? "The Tonight Show" Gene Krupa, Peter Lawford, Jonathan Winters? "The Tonight Show" Yma Sumac, Jonathan Winters, Freddy Martin? "And Here's the Show" Beatrice Kay, Jonathan Winters? "The Jack Paar Show" Jonathan Winters? "Good Morning! with Will Rogers, Jr." Jonathan Winters? "The Tonight Show" June Christy, Jonathan Winters, Dave Brubeck? "The Tonight Show" Barbara Carroll, Jonathan Winters? "The Tonight Show" Jim Moran, Jonathan Winters, Sol Yaged? "Good Morning! with Will Rogers, Jr." Jonathan Winters.? Come Next Spring? "Front Row Center" Winter Dreams? Spring in the Heart? "Four Star Playhouse" The Rites of Spring? "The Jack Benny Program" Jack Dives Into Empty Swimming Pool in Palm Springs? "It's a Great Life" The Palm Springs Story? "The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show" Spring Byington? "The George Gobel Show" Spring Byington, Margaret Truman? "On Camera" Spring Song? General Electric Summer Originals? "General Electric Summer Originals" Great Lady? "General Electric Summer Originals" It's Sunny Again? "General Electric Theater" Summer Promise? "General Electric Summer Originals" Alias Mike Hercules? "General Electric Summer Originals" Blizzard Bound? "General Electric Summer Originals" Dawn at Damascus? "General Electric Summer Originals" Duel at Dawn? "General Electric Summer Originals" Jungle Trap? "General Electric Summer Originals" The Green Parrot? "General Electric Summer Originals" The Joe E. Brown Show? "General Electric Summer Originals" The Unwilling Witness? Summer Showboat? "Pacific 13" Summer Afternoon? Summer Showtime? Mountain Spring: The Flinders Range? Early Spring? "Ethel Barrymore Theater" Winter and Spring? "Medic" Awake to Spring? "Studio 57" Palm Springs Incident? "The Grove Family" A Spring Offensive? Passionate Summer? "The Alcoa Hour" Long After Summer? "Goodyear Playhouse" All Summer Long? "Studio One" Song for a Summer Night? "Matinee Theatre" Summer Cannot Last? "Matinee Theatre" Summer Pavilion? "Encounter" Somewhere Every Summer? Waldwinter? "Ethel Barrymore Theater" Winter and Spring? "Matinee Theatre" Winter in April? "Matinee Theatre" In Dread of Winter? "What's My Line?" Dimitri Tiomkin & Shelley Winters? "Neues vom Rond Point" Winter-Kollektionen 1956/57 der Pariser Haute Couture? Spring Voices? "Arthur Godfrey and His Friends" Spring Holiday? "Max Liebman Spectaculars" Paris in the Springtime? "Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall" Guests: Shelley Winters, Dennis O'Keefe, Jackie Miles, Dick Hyman? "Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall" Julius La Rosa, Gale Storm, Buddy Hackett, Tuesday Weld, David Winters, Aura Vainio, Matt Mattox? Spring Comes to Kashmir? Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Opening Ceremony? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 1? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 3? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 2? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 4? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 5? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 6? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 7? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 8? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 9? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 10? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 11? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Closing Ceremony? "Cheyenne" The Long Winter? "Gunsmoke" Spring Term? "Further Adventures of Spin and Marty" Summer Daze? "The $64, 000 Question" Giovanna Ferrara, Wilton J. Springer, Randolph Churchill? "Wide Wide World" Awakening of Spring? Hollywood Summer Theatre? The Jonathan Winters Show? "The Jonathan Winters Show" The Platters? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Polly Bergen? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Margaret Whiting? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Dorothy Collins? "The Jonathan Winters Show" The Chordettes? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Peggy King? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jane Morgan, Roger Williams? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Gisele MacKenzie? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Edie Adams, Jane Kean? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Don Connell, Marlis Johnson? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Marguerite Piazza? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Toni Arden? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Georgia Gibbs? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Carol Burnett? "Im Fernseh-Zoo - Was weiß man schon von Tieren..." Winterliche Gäste im Hamburger Hafen? "The Tonight Show" Connee Boswell, Jonathan Winters, Inez Giglio? "The Tonight Show" Shelley Winters, Kai Winding, J.J. Johnson? "The Tonight Show" Guest Host: Bill Cullen; Guests: Arlene Francis, Jonathan Winters? "Wide Wide World" Two Ways to Winter? "Wide Wide World" Portrait of an American Winter? "The Gay Cavalier" Springtime for Julia? "Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans" Winter Passage? Spring Reunion? Hot Summer Night? Summer Love? "ITV Play of the Week" The Springtime of Others? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" Going to Palm Springs? "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The End of Indian Summer? "Lux Video Theatre" Summer Return? "The Life of Riley" Summer Job for Junior? "ITV Play of the Week" Summertime? Summers Here? "Playhouse 90" Winter Dreams? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Jerry Lee Lewis, Shelley Winters, Anthony Franciosa, The Four Coins, Jodie Sands, Shai K. Ophir, Leona Gage? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Lou Costello, Pat Boone, Jonathan Winters, Abbey Lincoln, Fay DeWitt, Dulcie Cooper, The Ames Brothers? "The Tonight Show" Finale with guests Sammy Davis, Jr., George Gobel, Jonathan Winters, Audrey Meadows, Jayne Meadows, Peter Lawford, Buddy Hackett, Dave Garroway, Gene Krupa, Lionel Hampton, Hy Gardner, Milt Kamen? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Ginger Rogers, Edward G. Robinson, Phil Harris, the Andrews Sisters, Jonathan Winters, Mel Brandt? "The Tonight Show Starring Jack Paar" Guest Host: Jonathan Winters? "The Bob Hope Show" Cary Middlecoff, George Jessel, Sonny James, Shelley Winters? Summer Is an Adventure? "Travellers' Tales" Lapland Summer? "Probe and Night Beat" Sidney Poitier, Marjorie Winter? "The 20th Century-Fox Hour" Springfield Incident? "Rendezvous" Too Early Spring? "Dorchester Theatre" Spring - That Perpetual Enchanter? No Ordinary Summer? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" The End of the Summer? "ITV Television Playhouse" Dark Summer? "Theatre Night" Summer of the Seventeenth Doll? Summer's Christmas? "Dorchester Theatre" Theodore and the Summer Girl? "Matinee Theatre" Return in Winter? "What's My Line?" Spring Byington? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Springtime? "What's My Line?" Lew Hoad & Shelley Winters and Anthony Franciosa? "Neues vom Rond Point" Winter-Kollektionen 1957/58 der Pariser Haute Couture? One Summer's Day? Winter Carnival? "Cheyenne" Incident at Indian Springs? "Death Valley Days" Arsenic Springs? Spring Dance Festival? "Wide Wide World" Spring Jubilee? "Wide Wide World" Summertime? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Sarah Vaughan? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Andy Williams? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jill Corey? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Carol Burnett? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Dorothy Collins? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Eileen Rogers? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Helen O'Connell? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jaye P. Morgan? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Fran Warren? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jill Corey? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Russell Arms? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Gisele MacKenzie? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Betty Johnson? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Denise Lor? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Steve Lawrence? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Dorothy Collins? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jill Corey? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jeri Southern? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Eydie Gorme? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Eddie Safranski? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Frank Parker? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jack Haskell? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Helen O'Connell? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Episode #1.35? "Im Fernseh-Zoo - Was weiß man schon von Tieren..." Bei unseren Tieren im Winter? "Zorro" Zorro Springs a Trap? Spring and Saganaki? Springtime for Clobber? "On Camera" Spring Song? "The United States Steel Hour" Mid-Summer? "On Camera" Midsummer Sisters? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" Summer School? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Kirk Douglas, Joni James, Roy Hamilton, Jonathan Winters, The Hi-Lo's? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Tony Bennett, Jonathan Winters, Clara Ward & Her Gospel Singers, Ingrid Bergman and Curt Jurgens? "ITV Play of the Week" Winterset? "The Tonight Show Starring Jack Paar" Genevieve, Jonathan Winters, Florian Zabach, Betty Johnson? "The Tonight Show Starring Jack Paar" Tyrone Power, Peggy Cass, Jonathan Winters, Carol Burnett? "The Tonight Show Starring Jack Paar" Kaye Ballard, Genevieve, Jonathan Winters? Journey Into Spring? Trans-Canada Summer? Winter Construction? It Can Be Done? Eine Stadt zieht den Wintermantel an? Der Winter ist ein harter Mann? "Target" Piano to Thunder Springs? "Our Miss Pemberton" Spring Offensive? "Theatre Night" Breath of Spring? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" A Midsummer Night's Dream? The Last Day of Summer? "The Loretta Young Show" In the Good Old Summertime? "Men of Annapolis" Summer Cruise? "Studio One" The Last Summer? "Summer Theatre" The Night Goes On? "Encounter" End of Summer? A Midsummer Theatre? "A Midsummer Theatre" The Equalizer? "A Midsummer Theatre" Monsieur Mac-Greg-Or? "A Midsummer Theatre" The 11th Hour? "A Midsummer Theatre" A Dispute of Long Standing? "A Midsummer Theatre" The Colonel? "A Midsummer Theatre" Mary Ann? "A Midsummer Theatre" Trio? "Lux Playhouse" Coney Island Winter? "Rendezvous" In an Early Winter? "Theatre Night" Winter Wonderland? "Bitte, in zehn Minuten zu Tisch" Abschied vom Winter - Ein Frühlingsauflauf? Spring Dance Festival? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show # 15? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show # 2? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show # 3? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show # 4? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show # 5? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show # 6? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #7? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #8? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #9? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #10? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #11? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #12? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #13? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #16? Appalachian Spring? The Long, Hot Summer? "The Veil" Summer Heat? Winter Wonderland? Spring Parade? "The Candid Eye" Memory of Summer? Stay Alive in the Summer Arctic? Stay Alive in the Summer Bush? Ground Handling of Aircraft, Part 2: Winter Operations? Stay Alive in the Winter Arctic? Stay Alive in the Winter Bush? Winter Carousel? Winter Fashions? "Trackdown" The Winter Boys? "The Betty White Show" Spring? "The Mickey Mouse Club" Fun With Music Day - Summer Camp; Mickey Mouse Club Serials: Annette (episode 10)? "Für die Frau" Die neue Haarmode für Herbst und Winter? "The Alaskans" Winter Song? A Midsummer Night's Dream? Suddenly, Last Summer? A Summer Place? "Maverick" Maverick Springs? "The Ann Sothern Show" Springtime for Katy? "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour" Lucy's Summer Vacation? "The United States Steel Hour" Rachel's Summer? Hi, Summer!? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.1? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.2? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.3? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.4? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.5? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.6? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.7? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.8? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.9? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.10? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.11? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.12? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.13? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #1.14? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Charlton Heston, Peter Lawford, Jayne Meadows, Debra Paget, Jonathan Winters? "The Tonight Show Starring Jack Paar" Jonathan Winters, Jose Melis, Don Pardo, Jack Haskell, Betty White, Elaine Stritch, Maury Scher? Der Winterschläfer? Spring on the Farm? Internationales Skispringen? Eastside Summer? Farewell to Spring? The Torrents of Spring? "Armstrong Circle Theatre" Miracle at Spring Hill? "Goodyear Theatre" Wait Till Spring? "Rendezvous" London in the Spring? "Rendezvous" London in the Spring? "Theatre Night" And Suddenly It's Spring? Violent Summer? "Armchair Theatre" Hot Summer Night? "The DuPont Show with June Allyson" A Summer's Ending? "Armchair Theatre" Star in the Summer Night? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" The Exiles #2: The Long Summer? "ITV Television Playhouse" Summer Pavilion? The Withered Look of Summer? A Midsummer Night's Dream? "Startime" Summer Time? Winterset? Remembering Summer? "Remembering Summer" The Isle of Wight? Music for a Spring Night? America Pauses for Springtime? "The Voice of Firestone" Springtime in Paris? "Music for a Spring Night" Episode dated 17 June 1959? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show # 10? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #1? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #2? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Blair and Raitt Chevy Show with guests Pat Carroll and Howard Morris? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Blair and Raitt Chevy Show with guests Dorothy Kirsten and Alan Young? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Blair and Raitt Chevy Show with guests Gene Sheldon, Joel Grey and Conley Graves? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Blair and Raitt Chevy Show with guests Dorothy Kirsten, Larry Storch, and Barbara Heller? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #7? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #11? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" The Chevy Summer Show #12? "Rawhide" Incident at Barker Springs? Jazz on a Summer's Day? Swing Into Spring!? Summer of Decision? The End of Summer? Summer Sport? "Summer Sport" Episode dated 24 July 1959? "Bronco" The Burning Springs? Summer Dance Festival? "Unsere Nachbarn heute abend: Familie Schölermann" Winterzeit - Schlittschuhzeit? Winter Quarters? "The Alaskans" Spring-Fever? "Riverboat" The Water of Gorgeous Springs? "Biggles" Biggles Springs the Lock: Part 1? "Biggles" Biggles Springs the Lock: Part 2? "Biggles" Biggles Springs the Lock: Part 3? "My Three Sons" Spring Will Be a Little Late? "The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show" Remote from Drury College in Springfield? A Mistress for the Summer? "The Spike Jones Show" Summer Show #1? "The Spike Jones Show" Summer Show #2? "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" Big Plans for Summer? "ITV Play of the Week" All Summer Long? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #2.1? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #2.2? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #2.3? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #2.4? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #2.5? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #2.6? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #2.7? "Hi, Summer!" Episode #2.8? Summer in New York? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Patrice Munsel, Jonathan Winters, Phil Harris, The Buddy Cole Quintet, The North American Air Defense Command Band? "Candid Camera" Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, Jonathan Winters? "The Garry Moore Show" Christmas Show with guests Jonathan Winters and Louise O'Brien? "Thriller" Rose's Last Summer? Summer Incident? Winter Crossing at L'Isle-Aux-Coudres? Spring Affair? "The Loretta Young Show" Second Spring? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: The Critical Point? "The Millionaire" Millionaire Karen Summers? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: A Dream of Treason? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: An English Summer? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: Death of a Guest? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: June Evening? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: My Flesh, My Blood? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: The Devil's General? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: The Liberators? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: The Small Victory? "BBC Sunday-Night Play" Summer Theatre: You're a Long Time Dead? "Peridot Flight" Summer in Somerset? "The Robert Herridge Theater" The Summer of the Insistent Voices? "Remembering Summer" Southern Sweden? "Remembering Summer" North Cornwall? "Remembering Summer" Cruising in the Mediterrean? "Remembering Summer" Holiday Camp? "Remembering Summer" Majorca? "Remembering Summer" The Isle of Great Cumbrae? "Remembering Summer" Gloucestershire? "Remembering Summer" Mariazell? "Remembering Summer" Episode #1.10? Summerhouse? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.1? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.3? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.2? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.5? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.7? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.9? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.6? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.8? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.4? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.10? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.11? "Summerhouse" Episode #1.12? "What's My Line?" Shelley Winters (2)? "What's My Line?" Jonathan Winters? "Music for a Spring Night" Mr. Porter of Indiana? "Music for a Spring Night" Episode dated 9 March 1960? Spring Festival of Music: American Soloists? "Music for a Spring Night" Concert in the Park? "Music for a Spring Night" Episode dated 23 March 1960? "The Chevy Mystery Show" The Summer Hero? The Virgin Spring? "M Squad" A Grenade for a Summer's Evening? Thousand Islands Summer? Indian Summer? Flame in the Snow: An Official Film of the VIII Olympic Winter Games? CBS Sports Spectacular? Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 1? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 2? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 3? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 5? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 6? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 7? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 8? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 9? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 10? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Closing Ceremony? "The Bullwinkle Show" Cheerful Little Pierful or Bomb Voyage/Summer Squash or He's Too Flat for Me? "Bronco" Winter Kill? Springerl und Wampacher? "Youth 60" Somewhere Every Summer? "Somerset Maugham Hour" Winter Cruise/Mr. Know-All? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Opening Ceremony? "Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics" Day 4? "The Avengers" The Springers? "The Avengers" Dead of Winter? "The Yogi Bear Show" A Wooin' Bruin/Spring Hits a Snag/Duck Seasoning? The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone? "ITV Play of the Week" A Spring of Love? "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Summer Shade? "Play of the Week" All Summer Long? "The United States Steel Hour" Summer Rhapsody? "ITV Play of the Week" All on a Summer's Day? "Ichabod and Me" Summer Theater? "Ask Mr. Pastry" A Midsummer Knight's Dream? Summer Music Hall? "Hazel" Winter Wonderland? "The Garry Moore Show" Carol Lawrence, Jonathan Winters? This Is Alice Springs? "Surfside 6" Spring Training? Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring? The End of Summer? Summerskin? Eternal Summer? "Great Ghost Tales" Summer Rental? "ITV Television Playhouse" The Summer's Pride? Burst of Summer? Summer Circuit? "Summer Circuit" The Rosebush? "Summer Circuit" Chesley and the South Seas? "Summer Circuit" The Bandit? "Summer Circuit" My Sister's Marriage? "Summer Circuit" The Ends of Justice? "Summer Circuit" The Painted Door? Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring? "Dr. Kildare" Winter Harvest? "Omnibus" A Midwinter Night's Dream? "Encounter" A Winter Meeting? Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.1? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.2? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.3? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.5? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.13? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.6? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.11? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.4? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.14? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.16? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.8? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.7? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.9? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.15? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.12? "Summerhouse" Episode #2.10? Summertime? "Summertime" Episode dated 14 August 1961? "The Lawrence Welk Show" A Musical Welcome to Summer? "The Bell Telephone Hour" The Signs of Spring? The Springfields? "Bandstand" Clip show with performers: Col Joye, Wilma Reading, Johnny Rebb, The Allen Brothers, Pam Liversidge, Johnny Devlin, Patsy Ann Noble, John Summers? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" Meredith Willson, Shirley Jones, Jonathan Winters? Summer on Ice? Chronicle of a Summer? Summer and Smoke? House Building in Winter? "Bonanza" Springtime? "Sugarfoot" Trouble at Sand Springs? "Frontier Circus" Winter Quarters? "The Angry Gods" The Flowers of Spring? "The All New Truth or Consequences" Fashion Judges; Time Talking Offspring? Accent on Spring? Purex Summer Specials? "Alarm für Dora X" Der Fallschirmspringer? "The Beachcomber" Mr. Winters? "Top Cat" The Long Hot Winter? "Bootsie and Snudge" Spring, Spring, Spring? "Bachelor Father" Summer Romance? "Window on Main Street" A Job for Summer? A Monkey in Winter? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" Shelley Winters, Charlie Manna Erroll Garner, Pete Brady? "The Jack Paar Program" Woody Allen, Robert Merrill, Jonathan Winters? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" Maureen O'Sullivan, Tony Martin, John Bubbles, Fran Warren, Paul Winter Jazz Sextet? "The Merv Griffin Show" Jonathan Winters, Carol Channing, Woody Allen, Tommy Leonetti, Guy Lombardo? "Naked City" Five Cranks for Winter... Ten Cranks for Spring? "Naked City" Five Cranks for Winter... Ten Cranks for Spring? Accent on an American Summer? The Norman Summer? "Accent on an American Summer" An Artist's America? "Accent on an American Summer" The Sea Islands - Cradle of American Song? "Accent on an American Summer" The Fall of the City? "Accent on an American Summer" Jefferson and Monticello? "Canada at War" The Norman Summer? "Here and Now" Wintersong? "Ben Casey" Between Summer and Winter, the Glorious Season? "Bus Stop" Summer Lightning? "Studio 4" Summer Storm? Late Summer Affair? The Winter's Tale? "Ben Casey" Between Summer and Winter, the Glorious Season? The Rite of Spring? "The Bell Telephone Hour" Springtime in the Park? Summer of Decision? Wintercourse? "Tales of Wells Fargo" Winter Storm? O Segredo dos Springfield? "Frances Farmer Presents" Spring Reunion? "Sara and Hoppity" Sara Does the Spring Cleaning? A Summer Night? "Purex Summer Specials" The Problem Child? "Purex Summer Specials" The Edge of the Desert? Winter Journey? "Sunday Story" Edward Wilson of the Antarctic: Part 2 - The Winter Journey? "Snuffy Smith and Barney Google" Springtime and Sparkplug? "Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales" Spring Along With Itch? Summer Holiday? Summer Magic? "The New Loretta Young Show" It's Spring Again? "The Red Skelton Hour" A Midsummer Nut's Dream? "The Garry Moore Show" Barbara McNair, Jonathan Winters, Dorothy Loudon, Roy Castle? "It's a Man's World" Winter Story? "The Garry Moore Show" Carol Lawrence, Jonathan Winters, Dorothy Loudon, Marion Lorne? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" Shelley Winters, Larry Storch, Elizabeth Allen, William and Walker? "The Jack Paar Program" Alice Faye, Phil Harris, Jonathan Winters? "CBS Reports" The Verdict of the Silent Spring of Rachel Carson? "CBS Reports" The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson? "Telescope" A Winters' Tale? "Breaking Point" Last Summer We Didn't Go Away? "Armchair Theatre" Late Summer? "ITV Television Playhouse" They Don't Make Summers Like They Used To? Das Unbrauchbare an Anna Winters? "Friday Night" Plastic Mac in Winter? "The Rifleman" Requiem at Mission Springs? "Samstagnachmittag zu Hause" Ötztaler Skigaudi/Fuchsjagd/Midsummer Mush/Lassie/Film mit Karl Valentin/Olf Fischer? "To Tell the Truth" Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Sam Levenson, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 1? "To Tell the Truth" Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Sam Levenson, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 2? "The Andy Williams Show" Jane Wyman, Jonathan Winters, Red Norvo, the New Christy Minstrels, the Osmond Brothers? "The Beverly Hillbillies" Granny's Spring Tonic? Dry Summer? Winter Light? The Roman Springs on Mrs. Stone? Summer of '63? A Summer's Day? Winter Sealing at La Tabatière? Ten Bob in Winter? Winterquartier? "Leave It to Beaver" Summer in Alaska? Palm Springs Weekend? "The Dakotas" Sanctuary at Crystal Springs? "Bilanz der Saison" Winter 1962/63? Als Gast: Lawrence Winters? "Extrablätter" Berliner Wintergarten? "Hoppity Hooper" Ring-A-Ding Spring? Midsummer Nightmare? "Snuffy Smith and Barney Google" Barney's Winter Carnival? Hotspring Ghost? "ITV Play of the Week" A Midsummer Night's Dream? The Jonathan Winters Specials? "The Lucy Show" Lucy and the Winter Sports? "Taxi!" We've Got to Live in the Winter? "The Jonathan Winters Specials" Episode dated 9 November 1964? Wild Winters Night? "Z Cars" One Day in Spring Street? "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour" The Evil of Adelaide Winters? World of Yukar: The Life of the Ainu 100 Years Part II - Spring and Summer? The Hundredth Summer? "World War One" The Summer of Sarajevo? "The Great War" On the Idle Hill of Summer...? A Regular Bouquet: Mississippi Summer? World of Yukar: The Life of the Ainu 100 Years Part II - Spring and Summer? "Der Sport-Spiegel" Sündenböcke - Klagelied eines Fußballtrainers/Der Sportarzt: Verletzungen beim Wintersport? "Dr. Kildare" Onions, Garlic and Flowers That Bloom in the Spring? "The Doctors and the Nurses" Rites of Spring? "Victoria Regina" Spring? "Breaking Point" The Summer House? "Mike" One Swallow Does Not a Summer Make? "Victoria Regina" Summer? "Armchair Theatre" Unexpected Summer? "Thursday Theatre" Summer of the Seventeenth Doll? "Teletale" The Beautiful Summer? "Espionage" Do You Remember Leo Winters?? "Victoria Regina" Winter? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Springtime? "Kentucky Jones" Midsummer Madness? Last Summer by the Seaside? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Summer Show? "What's My Line?" Jonathan Winters (2)? "Animal Magic" Animal Magic in Winter? "Mode-Cocktail" Sommer, Sonne und Winterfreuden? "To Tell the Truth" Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Sam Levenson, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 3? "To Tell the Truth" Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Sam Levenson, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 4? "To Tell the Truth" Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Sam Levenson, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 5? "To Tell the Truth" Marty Allen, Phyllis Newman, Steve Rossi, Shelley Winters - day 1? "To Tell the Truth" Marty Allen, Phyllis Newman, Steve Rossi, Shelley Winters - day 2? "To Tell the Truth" Marty Allen, Phyllis Newman, Steve Rossi, Shelley Winters - day 3? "To Tell the Truth" Marty Allen, Phyllis Newman, Steve Rossi, Shelley Winters - day 4? "To Tell the Truth" Darren McGavin, Jan Murray, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 1? "To Tell the Truth" Darren McGavin, Jan Murray, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 2? "To Tell the Truth" Darren McGavin, Jan Murray, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 3? "To Tell the Truth" Darren McGavin, Jan Murray, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 4? "To Tell the Truth" Darren McGavin, Jan Murray, Phyllis Newman, Shelley Winters - day 5? "The Andy Williams Show" Jack Benny, Janet Leigh, Jonathan Winters? Vlaams Winterfestival te Knokke? "International Showtime" Munich Winter Circus? IX Olympic Winter Games, Innsbruck 1964? "Time to Remember" 1944-1945: The Last Winter? Springboard to the Sun? Nightspring Daystar? Summer Pageantry? Scott vs. Summers? Winter Rally? "ABC's Wide World of Sports" Summer Olympic Trials? Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Opening Ceremony? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 1? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 2? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 3? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 4? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 5? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 6? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 7? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 8? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 9? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 10? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 11? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Day 12? "Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games" Closing Ceremony? "The New Les Crane Show" Jackie Robinson, Shelley Winters, William F. Buckley Jr.? "Death Valley Days" Trial at Belle's Springs? "The Virginian" Felicity's Spring? "The Four Seasons of Rosie Carr" Spring at the Winged Horse? "Summer Playhouse" Mimi? "Summer Playhouse" Apartment in Rome? "Summer Playhouse" Satan's Waitin'? "Summer Playhouse" The Apartment House? "Summer Playhouse" The Human Comedy? "Summer Playhouse" The Jimmy Durante Show? "The Four Seasons of Rosie Carr" Summer in Matlock Street? Summer Storm Passage? "Sunday Story" Barnardo and His Children: Part 2 - John Summers? "The Villains" Red Hot Winter? "The Four Seasons of Rosie Carr" Long Winter Journey? "Bilanz der Saison" Winter 1963/64? "Neues vom Rond Point" Wintermode 1964/65? Springtime for Samantha? "The Famous Adventures of Mr. Magoo" Mr. Magoo's A Midsummer Night's Dream? The Truth About Spring? "The Farmer's Daughter" Crisis at Crystal Springs? "The Jack Benny Program" Rainy Day in Palm Springs? A Swingin' Summer? "ITV Play of the Week" Four of Hearts #4: Summertime Ends Tonight? "Summer Comedy Hour" Charley's Aunt? Summer Comedy Hour? "Summer Comedy Hour" Almost a Honeymoon? "Summer Comedy Hour" Dandy Dick? "Summer Comedy Hour" See You in Court? Winter A-Go-Go? "ITV Play of the Week" Winter in Ischia? "The Merv Griffin Show" Oscar Levant, Shelley Winters, Kathryn Grayson, Billy Joe Royal, Jackie Mason, Dr. Eustace Chesser, Allen & Rossi? "The Merv Griffin Show" Shelley Winters, Jean-Paul Vignon? "The Jonathan Winters Specials" Episode dated 28 June 1965? "The Jonathan Winters Specials" Episode dated 1 February 1965? "The Jonathan Winters Specials" Episode dated 22 February 1965? "The Jonathan Winters Specials" Jonathan and the Movies? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" Louis Nye, Jonathan Winters? "The Jonathan Winters Specials" Episode dated 10 May 1965? "Gestatten - Mein Name ist Cox" Springen gehört zum Handwerk? Crime on a Summer Morning? Summer in Mississippi? "ABC Scope" Harlem: Summer '65? "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" Winter Comes to Yellowstone? Mit halber Kraft und halber Fracht - Binnenschiffer im Winter? "Dr. Kildare" To Visit One More Spring? "Dr. Finlay's Casebook" The Eternal Spring? "Festival" A Spring Song: In Six Scenes? "Alexander Graham Bell" Sound of the Spring? The Long, Hot Summer? "Dr. Kildare" Lullaby for an Indian Summer? "The Long, Hot Summer" A Stranger to the House? "The Long, Hot Summer" A Time for Living? "The Long, Hot Summer" Bitter Harvest? "The Long, Hot Summer" Home Is a Nameless Place? "The Long, Hot Summer" Hunter to the Wind? "The Long, Hot Summer" No Hiding Place? "The Long, Hot Summer" Nor Hell a Fury? "The Long, Hot Summer" Run, Hero, Run? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Desperate Innocent? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Homecoming? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Return of the Quicks? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Twisted Image: Part 1? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Twisted Image: Part 2? "The Long, Hot Summer" Track the Man Down? "Armchair Theatre" I Loved You Last Summer? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Long Hot Summer? "Knock on Any Door" Dream of the Summer Night? Summer and Winter? "Television Club" The Brent Family: Colin and Shirley in Sweden Part 2 - The Summer House? "Festival" Summer of the Seventeenth Doll? Ein Wintermärchen? Winter Kept Us Warm? "Theatre 625" A Little Winter Love? Summer and Winter? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Salute to Winter? "Neues vom Rond Point" Wintermode 1965/66? "The Bell Telephone Hour" Festival of Spring? "Upbeat" Neil Darrow, the New Christy Minstrels, the Seventh Sons, the Spokesmen, the Springers, the Three Degrees, Mary Wells, Paul Butterfield and His Band, the Royalettes? "F Troop" The 86 Proof Spring? The Endless Summer? Summer Children? "CBS Sports Spectacular" Floyd Patterson vs. George Chuvalo? "The Magical World of Disney" Summer Magic: Part 1? "The Magical World of Disney" Summer Magic: Part 2? "Rawhide" The Winter Soldier? "Farming" Spring Harvest? "Story Parade" The World That Summer? "Purex Summer Specials" Child Molester released as "Child in Danger"? "Summer Playhouse" McGhee? "Fanfare" Summer 1965? "Adventure Unlimited" Summer Affair? "Sunday Story" No Road Back: Part 1 - Midsummer Day 1619? "Sunday Story" No Road Back: Part 5 - Midsummer Day 1643? Sommerferien im Winter - Der Sonne nachgereist? "The Wild Wild West" The Night of the Murderous Spring? Wild Wild Winter? "Hogan's Heroes" Hogan Springs? "My Mother the Car" It Might as Well Be Spring as Not? "Pardon the Expression" Rustle of Spring? The Dean Martin Summer Show? Summer Fun? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.12? "Summer Fun" Little Leatherneck? "Summer Fun" McNab's Lab? "Summer Fun" Pirates of Flounder Bay? "Summer Fun" Thompson's Ghost? "The World of Wooster" Jeeves and the Indian Summer of an Uncle? "Summer Fun" Kwimpers of New Jersey? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.1? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.3? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.4? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.10? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.2? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.5? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.6? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.7? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.8? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.9? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode #1.11? "Brian Rix Presents ..." Good Old Summertime? "The Bob Hope Show" Phyllis Diller, Pete Fountain, Jonathan Winters, Lee Marvin? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" (FROM LOS ANGELES) Danny Thomas, Don Rickles, Jonathan Winters? "Thirty-Minute Theatre" Magnolia Summer? "Die seltsamen Methoden des Franz Josef Wanninger" Der Winterurlaub? The Story of Springfields? Sudden Summer? Summer Sounds? Winter Wonderland? "Urlaub nach Maß" Winter in Skandinavien? "Urlaub nach Maß" Berlin ist eine Reise wert - auch im Winter? "Urlaub nach Maß" Libanon und Syrien im Winter? "Merry-Go-Round" Living Through the Winter? "Merry-Go-Round" Getting Away from Winter? "Dr. Kildare" A Sometimes Distant Spring? "Knock on Any Door" The First Day of Spring? "The Long, Hot Summer" A Time to Die? "The Long, Hot Summer" Blaze of Glory? "The Long, Hot Summer" Carlotta, Come Home? "The Long, Hot Summer" Crisis? "The Long, Hot Summer" Day of Thunder? "The Long, Hot Summer" Evil Angel? "The Long, Hot Summer" Face of Fear? "The Long, Hot Summer" From This Day Forward? "The Long, Hot Summer" Man with Two Faces? "The Long, Hot Summer" Reunion - Italian Style? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Intruders? "The Long, Hot Summer" The Warning? "A Farewell to Arms" That Summer There Were Many Victories? "A Farewell to Arms" We Knew the Summer Was Gone? "Broome Stages" High Summer and Harvest? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Springtime in the Rockies - Guest: Lil' Wally? "Seeing and Believing" The Tree Springs to Life? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Summer? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Summer Sounds? "What's My Line?" Shelley Winters (3)? "Jackanory" The Little House in the Big Wood: Part 1 - Stocking Up for Winter? "Gut gefragt ist halb gewonnen" Wintersportler gegen Sommersportler? "The Bell Telephone Hour" Songs of Spring? The Kraft Summer Music Hall? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Jimmy Boyd, Mimi Dillard, Richard Pryor? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Gale Garnett, Richard Pryor? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Cathie Taylor, Ruben Rodriguez & his Guadalajara Kings, Richard Pryor? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Joanie Sommers, Ken Greenwald? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Nancy Sinatra, Brian Foley, Flip Wilson? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Joe & Eddie, Richard Pryor? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Gary Lewis & the Playboys, Jacqueline Mayro, The Uncalled For 3? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Noel Harrison, The Uncalled For 3? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Rod McKuen, Richard Pryor, Le Grand Mellon? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" The Everly Brothers, Richard Pryor? "The Andy Williams Show" Polly Bergen, Jimmy Dean, Jonathan Winters? Freunde singen - Lawrence Winters zum Gedenken? "The Lucy Show" Lucy and Carol in Palm Springs? 10:30 P.M. Summer? Wij springen hoog, wij springen laag? A Celebration of Midsummer? The Garden of Eden in Winter? "The Virginian" One Spring Like Long Ago? "CBS Reports" LSD: The Spring Grove Experiment? "The Lost Peace" On the idle hill of summer (A.E. Housman)? "The Kraft Summer Music Hall" Jimmie Rodgers, The Uncalled For 3, Susannah Jordan? Summerhill? "The Merv Griffin Show" Shelley Winters, Orson Bean, Donna Jean Young, Bruce Scott? "The Merv Griffin Show" Dina Merrill, Shelley Winters, Jack Carter? Winter '64-'66? "Daktari" Operation Springtime? "Perman" The Phantom in Hotspring? How I Spent My Summer Vacation? "Mrs Thursday" Spring Time for Hunter? The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #7: A Brand New Scrubbing Brush? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #3: Death by Misadventure? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #4: Difference of Opinion? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #2: The English Climate? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #8: One Fat Englishman? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #6: The Small Rebellion of Jess Calvert? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #10: Travelling Light? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #11: The Man Who Understood Women? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #1: The Sleeping Partner? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #5: The Big Killing? "ITV Play of the Week" ITV Summer Playhouse #9: The Voysey Inheritance? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.1? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.3? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.4? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.5? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.6? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.8? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.9? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.12? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.2? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.7? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.10? "The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone" Episode #1.11? "The Dean Martin Summer Show" Episode dated 22 June 1967? The Jonathan Winters Show? "The Flying Nun" Wailing in a Winter Wonderland? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Milton Berle, Barbara Eden, Red Skelton, Ivan Dixon, The Doors? "The Red Skelton Hour" A New York Stripper Is Not Always a Steak? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" Bob Newhart (guest host); Shelley Winters, John Byner? At the Spring Sea-Ice Camp: Part 1? At the Spring Sea Ice Camp: Part 2? At the Spring Sea Ice Camp: Part 3? Group Hunting on the Spring Ice: Part 1? Group Hunting on the Spring Ice: Part 2? Group Hunting on the Spring Ice: Part 3? Stalking Seal on the Spring Ice: Part 1? Stalking Seal on the Spring Ice: Part 2? Farm Family in Spring? Hans Werner Henze: Summer of 1966? "NET Journal" Midsummer 1967? "NET Journal" April Is the End of Summer? 9 Days in Summer? "Man Alive" All on a Summer's Day? At the Winter Sea Ice Camp: Part 1? At the Winter Sea Ice Camp: Part 2? At the Winter Sea Ice Camp: Part 3? At the Winter Sea Ice Camp: Part 4? "Urlaub nach Maß" Winterurlaub an der See? Farm Family in Winter? "Urlaub nach Maß" Winterurlaub im Sauerland und in der Eifel? "Mystery Hall" Spring Trap? After Many a Summer? The Winter's Tale? "CBS Playhouse" The Final War of Olly Winter? The Winter's Tale? "The Lawrence Welk Show" April Showers I? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Salute to Spring? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Summer By The Shore - Guest: Jo Ann Greer? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Winter? "Mode-Cocktail" Winterfreuden und neue Skimodelle? "Gut gefragt ist halb gewonnen" Wintersport gegen Sommersport? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Fun in Wintertime? "The Groovy Show" Buffalo Springfield? "The Groovy Show" From Palm Springs featuring Don & the Goodtimes? A Midsummer Night's Dream? "The Andy Williams Show" The Kingston Trio, The Lennon Sisters, Liberace, Jonathan Winters? "Sing ein Lied mit Onkel Bill" Musikalische Reise in den Winter? Spring Night Summer Night? Spring Night Summer Night? "Boy Meets Girl" Long After Summer? Summer in the Fields? "Death Valley Days" Spring Rendezvous? "The Saint" When Spring Is Sprung? "The Forsyte Saga" Indian Summer of a Forsyte? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Dick Gautier, Miss Janet Blair, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Robert Morse, Sally Ann Howes, Mr. Jan Murray, Mr. Marty Allen & Mr. Steve Rossi.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Sandy Baron, Miss Zsa Zsa Gabor, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, David Hedison & Mr. Louis Nye.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Steve Allen, Mrs. Jayne Meadows, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Mr. Michael Landon, Mr. Ken Berry & Mr. Jan Murray.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Dick Gautier, Miss Janet Blair, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Robert Morse, Sally Ann Howes, Mr. Jan Murray, Mr. Marty Allen & Mr. Steve Rossi.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" MR. DICK GAUTIER, MISS JANET BLAIR, CHARLEY WEAVER, MISS SHELLEY WINTERS, ROBERT MORSE, SALLY ANN HOWES, MR. JAN MURRAY & MARTY ALLEN & STEVE ROSSI.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Dick Gautier, Miss Janet Blair, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Robert Morse, Sally Ann Howes, Mr. Jan Murray, Mr. Marty Allen & Mr. Steve Rossi.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Dick Gautier, Miss Janet Blair, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Robert Morse, Sally Ann Howes, Mr. Jan Murray, Mr. Marty Allen & Mr. Steve Rossi.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Sandy Baron, Miss Zsa Zsa Gabor, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, David Hedison & Mr. Louis Nye.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Sandy Baron, Miss Zsa Zsa Gabor, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, David Hedison & Mr. Louis Nye.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Sandy Baron, Miss Zsa Zsa Gabor, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, David Hedison & Mr. Louis Nye.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Sandy Baron, Miss Zsa Zsa Gabor, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, David Hedison & Mr. Louis Nye.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Steve Allen, Mrs. Jayne Meadows, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Mr. Michael Landon, Ken Berry & Mr. Jan Murray.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Steve Allen, Mrs. Jayne Meadows, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Mr. Michael Landon, Mr. Ken Berry & Mr. Jan Murray.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Steve Allen, Mrs. Jayne Meadows, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Mr. Michael Landon, Mr. Ken Berry & Mr. Jan Murray.? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Mr. Steve Allen, Mrs. Jayne Meadows, Charley Weaver, Miss Shelley Winters, Mr. Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Mr. Michael Landon, Mr. Ken Berry & Mr. Jan Murray.? "The Guns of Will Sonnett" Of Lasting Summers and Jim Sonnett? "The Symphonic Twilight" Leonard Bernstein Conducts: Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring? "Cirkus ABC" Parterrespringere? "Cirkus ABC" Tårnspring og dødsdrom? San Francisco Summer 1967? "Summer Playhouse" The Man Who Understood Women? Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood: Summer Wine? "The Merv Griffin Show" Tom Ewell, Shelley Winters, Murray Roman? "Skippy" Summer Storm? "Paulus de boskabouter" De wintervoorraad van Paulus? Ich - Axel Caesar Springer? "Ich - Axel Caesar Springer" Vom schweren Anfang? "Ich - Axel Caesar Springer" Männer werden gemacht? "Ich - Axel Caesar Springer" Seid nett zueinander? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss, Vic Damone, Dusty Springfield? "Green Acres" The Spring Festival? "The Red Skelton Hour" Cauliflower Ears That Bloom in the Spring, Tra-La? The Summer Brothers Smothers Show? "The Summer Brothers Smothers Show" Episode #1.2? "The Summer Brothers Smothers Show" Episode #1.6? "ITV Playhouse" Inventory for the Summer? "The Summer Brothers Smothers Show" Episode #1.1? "The Summer Brothers Smothers Show" Episode #1.3? "The Summer Brothers Smothers Show" Episode dated 4 August 1968? "Here's Lucy" Lucy and Miss Shelley Winters? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Smothers Brothers, Barbara McNair, Strawberry Alarm Clock? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss, Vic Damone, Dusty Springfield? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Mike Connors, Ann Miller, Vin Scully, the Craig Hundley Trio? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Boris Karloff, Agnes Moorehead, Marjorie McCoy, the Craig Hundley Trio? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Peggy Lee, Louis Nye, Oscar Peterson? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Chita Rivera, Oscar Peterson, Gitte Haenning? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jack Paar, Peter Graves, Gwen Verdon? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Art Carney, Connie Francis, Peter, Paul and Mary? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Ray Charles, Donna Jean Young, the Four King Cousins? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Vikki Carr, Robert Morse, Louis Nye? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Minnie Pearl, Milton Berle, Della Reese? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Edgar Bergen, Carmen McRae, Tom Jones? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Al Hirt, Buddy Ebsen, Susan Barrett? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Ella Fitzgerald, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., George Raft? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Nancy Sinatra, Fess Parker, The Young Saints? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Ella Fitzgerald, Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, The King Cousins? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Sally Field, Lana Cantrell? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Fran Jeffries, Jack Jones? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Godfrey Cambridge, Bobbie Gentry, Marilyn Michaels, Fess Parker? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Julie London, Paul Lynde? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Carol Burnett, Ed Ames, Peaches and Herb? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Godfrey Cambridge, Roy Clark, Rosie Grier, Minnie Pearl, Sugar Ray Robinson, The Association? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Tony Bennett, Buddy Ebsen, Aretha Franklin? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Merv Griffin, Audrey Meadows, Dana Valery, The Establishment, The Frivolous Five? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" (From Los Angeles) Peter Lawford, Jonathan Winters, Rose Marie, Shecky Greene? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Frank Gorshin? "The Merv Griffin Show" Shelley Winters, Dom DeLuise, Shani Wallis, Davis & Reese, Pat Lundy? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Patti Page, Dorothy Louden? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Kate Smith, The Cowsills, The Establishment? "NET Festival" The Rite of Spring? Springtime at Springfields? "Merry-Go-Round" This Time of Year - Preparing for Spring? "NET Festival" Prague, June 1968: A Summer of Music? Farm Family in Summer? Look at Life: Winter Blossoms? "Urlaub nach Maß" Winterliche Bildungsreise bis Sizilien? "Survival" Winter Stay Away from My Door? Farewell to the Summer Light? Time in Summer? "Summer 67" The End of Spring? "Jackanory" Summer Jackanory - The House at Pooh Corner: In Which a House Is Built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore? "Jackanory" Summer Jackanory - The House at Pooh Corner: Eeyore Finds the Wolery? "Jackanory" Summer Jackanory - The House at Pooh Corner: Piglet Does a Very Grand Thing? "Jackanory" Summer Jackanory - The House at Pooh Corner: Pooh Invents a New Game? "Jackanory" Summer Jackanory - The House at Pooh Corner: Rabbit's Busy Day? "Jackanory" Summer Jackanory - The House at Pooh Corner: Tigger Comes to Breakfast? "Jackanory" Summer Jackanory - The House at Pooh Corner: Tiggers Don't Climb Trees? "Jackanory" Tiffini's Magic Cabbage Adventure/The Summer's Magic? The Growing Summer? "The Growing Summer" Blood? "The Growing Summer" Danger? "The Growing Summer" Discussion? "The Growing Summer" Reenmore? "The Growing Summer" Return? "The Growing Summer" Stephan? "The Growing Summer" The Telegram? Summer 67? "Summer 67" The End of Spring? "Summer 67" The Forest in Early Summer? "Summer 67" Marshwood Vale? "Summer 67" A Cathedral and Its City? "Summer 67" The Isle of Wight in August? "Summer 67" A Village in the Downs - Harvest? "Animal Magic" Summer Search 2 - Summer in Wales? "Animal Magic" Summer Search 1 - Summer in Devon? "Animal Magic" Summer Search 3 - Summer in Norfolk? "Animal Magic" Summer Search 4 - Summer in Scotland? "Animal Magic" Summer on the Stour? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Summer? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Sounds of Summer? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Late Summer Nostalgia? "Jackanory" Farmer Boy: Part 1 - Winter? "Hallo, Freunde!" Der Wald im Winter? Before Winter Comes? A Midsummer Night's Dream? "Omnibus" Song of Summer? Last Summer Won't Happen? The Lion in Winter? "Boy Meets Girl" The Miracle Summer? The Summer We Moved to Elm Street? Summer Happenings U.S.A.? A Discussion of the Growing Summer? Feuerlöscher E. A. Winterstein? 19th Summer Olympic Games? 10th Winter Olympic Games? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Ice Hockey? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Opening Ceremony? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 1? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 2? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 3? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 4? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 5? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 6? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 7? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 8? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 9? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 10? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 11? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 12? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Day 13? "10th Winter Olympic Games" Closing Ceremony? Capricious Summer? "The Merv Griffin Show" Dusty Springfield, Anthony Newley, Samantha Eggar, Richard Attenborough, Stanley Myron Handelman, Leslie Bricusse, Lou Holtz? Der Springer? "The Dating Game" Dusty Springfield? Summer Love? "The World About Us" Seabird Summer? Mitten im kalten Winter? "Zur Nacht" John Dankworth: Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind? "The Merv Griffin Show" Shelley Winters, Barbara Eden, Sam Levenson, Hermione Gingold, Peter Duchin, Rip Taylor, Doris Lilly, Ruth Taylor, Dr. Joyce Brothers? "The Merv Griffin Show" Jonathan Winters, Joe E. Lewis, David Susskind, Jimmy Helms, Yvonne Constant? "Mannix" Return to Summer Grove? "Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines" Fly by Knights/There's No Fool Like a Re-Fuel/Springtime/Dog's Life/Strange Equipment/Coonskin Caper? It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown? "Cattanooga Cats" The Wee Greenie Goofie/Madrid or Busted/Lambsy Divey in Winter Blunder Land/What's the Motor with You? Where Was Spring?? "Mayberry R.F.D." Millie and the Palm Springs Golf Pro? "Mayberry R.F.D." Palm Springs Cowboy? "Mayberry R.F.D." Palm Springs, Here We Are? "Mayberry R.F.D." Palm Springs, Here We Come? "To Rome with Love" And One More Spring? "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" Sparkling Spring? "The Governor & J.J." Springtime for Maggie? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #1.1? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #1.3? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #1.2? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #1.4? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #1.5? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Dan Dailey, Bobbie Gentry, Stu Gilliam? "The Jonathan Winters Show" John Davidson, Phil Whitehawk? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Howard Duff, Juliet Prowse? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Kenny Rogers & the First Edition, Barbara Feldon, O.C. Smith, Jimmy Borges? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Bobby Van, Soupy Sales, Shani Wallis, The King Cousins? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Gypsy Rose Lee, George Lindsey, The Young Saints? "The Jonathan Winters Show" The Smothers Brothers, Marvin Gaye? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Brian Keith, Louis Nye, Buck Owens, Dana Valery, The Third Wave? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Ethel Merman, Steve Allen, The Third Wave? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" (FROM LOS ANGELES) Eddie Albert, Jonathan Winters, Jaye P. Morgan Diana Ross & the Supremes? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Barbara Eden, Edgar Buchanan, Jimmy Ellis, The King Cousins? "Der Kommissar" Die Waggonspringer? "Gardeners' World" A Salute to Spring? Unstructured for a Summer? Summer '68? The Zoo in Winter? "Urlaub nach Maß" Wintercamping? "Urlaub nach Maß" Winterlicher Tummelplatz Harz? "Merry-Go-Round" Ready for Winter? "Gardeners' World" Storing Vegetables for the Winter? "Insight" Snow in Summer? The Growing Summer? "Say Brother" Spring Special? "Jackanory" The Hartwarp Circus: Winter Quarters? Winterlegende? A Midsummer Night's Dream? The Picasso Summer? "Operation: Entertainment" Dusty Springfield, Ed Ames, Professor Irwin Corey, Colvin & Wilder, The Kane Triplets? Sounds of Summer: The Blossom Music Center with Pierre Boulez? The Spring Thing? Last Summer? Summer of '69? Dusty Springfield? Winter of the Witch? "The Big Valley" The Battle of Mineral Springs? "Dad's Army" No Spring for Frazer? "The Virginian" Crime Wave in Buffalo Springs? "The High Chaparral" Once on a Day in Spring? "The World About Us" Mzima: Portrait of a Spring? Sounds of Summer? "Sounds of Summer" New Orleans' second annual International Jazz Festival? "Sounds of Summer" Concord Jazz Festival? "Iron Lane" The summer of 63? Summer of Laura? "The Rosey Grier Show" Jonathan Winters, Lou Rawls? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Louis Nye, Steve Allen, Abby Dalton, Shirley Bassey, The King Cousins? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Barbara McNair, James Darren, Audrey Meadows, The Brooklyn Bridge? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Shelley Berman, Lainie Kazan, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Jane Powell, Mel Torme? "The Jonathan Winters Show" Vic Damone, Lynn Kellogg, Barbara Minkus? "Holiday" Winter Sports? "It's the Wolf" Winter Blunder-Land? Summer Love? "Here Come the Brides" The Last Winter? "Ich - Axel Caesar Springer" Der gemachte Mann? "Ich - Axel Caesar Springer" Der Königsmacher? "For the Love of Ada" Spring? "To Rome with Love" Spring Vacation? "Nancy" A Case of Spring Fever? "The Culture Vultures" Spring Fever? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #2.2? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #2.1? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #2.3? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #2.5? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #2.6? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #2.7? "Where Was Spring?" Episode #2.4? The Smothers Brothers Summer Show? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.1? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.2? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.4? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.3? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.5? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.7? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.6? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.9? "The Smothers Brothers Summer Show" Episode #1.8? "Steptoe and Son" A Winter's Tale? Mike and Bernie's Special: A Tale of Two Winters? "The F.B.I." Summer Terror? North with the Spring? "Aquarius" The Golden Harp/The Frank Muir Book? "Einige Tage im Leben des ..." Axel Springer? Springtime in the Ranges? Springleik frå Gudbrandsdalen? Midsummer Rock? "Survival" The Long Dry Summer? Summer in the City? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 11? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 13? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 12? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 10? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 9? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 6? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 7? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 5? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 3? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 8? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 4? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 1? "Gardeners' World" Madeira - Summer 1969: Part 2? "This Is Your Life" Mike and Bernie Winters? "Urlaub nach Maß" Im Winter nach Andalusien? Where Spring Comes Late? "Dr. Finlay's Casebook" A Late Spring? Dead of Summer? A Storm in Summer? "A Family at War" The Summer Before the War? Forgotten Summer? "Villette" The Long Summer? Een winterliefde? "Dr. Finlay's Casebook" Winter's Traces? "Jackanory" Moominland Midwinter: Part 5 - It's Spring!? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Springtime - Guest: Connie Eaton? "Here Come the Double Deckers!" Summer Camp? "Jackanory" The Wombles: The Midsummer Party? "Jackanory" The Runaway Summer: Part 1 - The Boy from the Sea? "Jackanory" The Runaway Summer: Part 2 - Against the Law? "Jackanory" The Runaway Summer: Part 3 - Wild Goose Chase? "Jackanory" The Runaway Summer: Part 4 - The Best Place in the World? "Jackanory" The Runaway Summer: Part 5 - The Storm and After? Summer Is Forever? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Father's Day/Summertime? "The Lawrence Welk Show" Summer Songs? "Jackanory" Moominland Midwinter: Part 1 - The Bewitched Bathing-House? "Jackanory" Moominland Midwinter: Part 2 - The Ancestor? "Jackanory" Moominland Midwinter: Part 3 - The Ski-Lesson? "Jackanory" Moominland Midwinter: Part 4 - The Hemulen? "Jackanory" Moominland Midwinter: Part 5 - It's Spring!? "Jackanory" The Village That Slept: Part 4 - A Winter in the Snow? "Jackanory" Sitting Bull: Part 2 - The Winter When 'Jumping Bull' Was Brought Home? "NBC Children's Theatre" The Wonderful World of Jonathan Winters? A Walk in the Spring Rain? "Music on 2" Winterreise (Winter Journey)? Spring and Port Wine? "Wenn die anderen Feiern - Geschichten von Sternen, Stars und einfachen Leuten" Winterreise von Kiel nach Norwegen? "Nanny and the Professor" Spring, Sweet Spring? Dark Spring? 1970 Hot Summer Special? "À l'affiche du monde" Johnny Winter: Ballade en hiver? First Arctic Winter Games? The Runaway Summer? "The Runaway Summer" Part 1? "The Runaway Summer" Part 2? "The Runaway Summer" Part 3? "The Runaway Summer" Part 4? "This Is Your Life" Jonathan Winters? "The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour" Summer Replacement Series Finale with guests The Grass Roots? "Ironside" The Summer Soldier? "Zur Nacht" Charles Baudelaire: Le jet d'eau (Der Springbrunnen)? People of the Seal, Part 1: Eskimo Summer? People of the Seal, Part 2: Eskimo Winter? "Cinema" Shelley Winters? "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" Winter Comes to Cougar Country? "Die Moden-Show" Pariser Herbst- und Wintermode 1971/72? Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring? "O'Hara, U.S. Treasury" Operation: Crystal Springs? Erika's Hot Summer? Summer in the City? "BBC Play of the Month" A Midsummer Night's Dream? Mississippi Summer? "Owen, M.D." The Long Days of Summer, Part 1? "Owen, M.D." The Long Days of Summer, Part 2? "Seeing and Believing" The Year's at the Spring? "Jackanory" The Balloon People: Part 5 - Midsummer Night's Battle? "Jackanory" The Armourer's House: Part 2 - Midsummer Magic? "The Flaxton Boys" 1928: All on a Summer's Day? "The Flaxton Boys" 1928: Goodbye, Summer... Goodbye? "Jamie" Summer Holiday? "The Lawrence Welk Show" A Salute to Summer? "Jackanory" The Bear's Winter House/The Bear's Water Picnic? "Reisen in Deutschland" Winter in den Mittelgebirgen - Harz, Hochsauerland, Fichtelgebirge und Schwarzwald? Rain for a Dusty Summer? Perry Como's Winter Show? "Alias Smith and Jones" Six Strangers at Apache Springs? Summer of '42? Winter Comes Early? One Brief Summer? Summertree? Summer Affair? Summer's Nearly Over? End of a Summer Day? Summer Is Forever? "Marcus Welby, M.D." False Spring? Sheriff of Rock Springs? "Bonanza" Winter Kill? "Farming" The Great Spring Offensive? Gravel Springs Fife and Drum? "Olympia-Magazin" Olympische Reiter-Wettbewerbe - Spring- und Dressurreiten? Sympathy in Summer? "Farming" Summer Milk? Wintermärchen? "The Merv Griffin Show" Burl Ives, Andy Griffith, Shelley Winters, Jack Jones? "Beppo und Peppi" Das Winterrad? Spring & Autumn? "Spring & Autumn" Pilot: Spring and Autumn? Emil, der Seitenspringer? "Both Ends Meet" The Spring Collection? "Strapetz" Riuck Springfield? "ITV Playhouse" The Long Lease of Summer? The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters? "Milligan in..." Milligan in Winter? "The Merv Griffin Show" Sidney Omarr, Shelley Winters, Gail Fisher, "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers, Rudi Gernreich? "Rollin' on the River" Edgar Winter, Everyday People? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.1? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.2? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.3? "The Merv Griffin Show" Laurence Harvey, Shelley Winters, Joe Flynn, Dr. David Reuben? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.4? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.5? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.6? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.7? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.8? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.9? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.10? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.11? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.12? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.13? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.14? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.15? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.16? Mzima: Portrait of a Spring? Autumn Through to Spring? "Merry-Go-Round" How It Works 2: Springs? Five Summer Stories? Robert Motherwell: Summer of 1971? Springhill? Indian Summer? That Certain Summer? "BBC Play of the Month" Summer and Smoke? "Circle of Fear" The Summer House? "Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law" Words of Summer? "Armchair Theatre" High Summer? "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" The Midsummer Dream of Chief Inspector Blossom? "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" A Summer Story? "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" Summer and Winter? "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" Summer and Winter? "Freewheelers" Midsummer? "The Spinners" The Spinners in Spring? "The Spinners" The Spinners in Summer? The Perry Como Winter Show? "New Zoo Revue" Winter? Sapporo Winter Olympics? Winter Soldier? Winter Garden? Summertime Killer? Winter Love? Winter Holiday? Yellow Springs: Magellan, Vanishing Point #1? A Little Summermusik? Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Opening Ceremony? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 1? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 2? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 3? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 4? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 5? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 6? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 7? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 8? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 9? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 10? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Day 11? "Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games" Closing Ceremony? "Crystal Tipps and Alistair" Spring Cleaning? "The Merv Griffin Show" From Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas: Dusty Springfield, Glen Campbell, Jan Murray, Jimmy Randolph, Gaylord & Holiday, Audrey Arno, the Follies Bergere Dancers? "Warrior of Love Rainbowman" Let's Spring the Trap! (Wana o Kakero!)? "Junior Showtime" Spring? Like a Summer Storm? NJPW New Summer Series? "The World About Us" People of the Seal: Eskimo Summer? "The Merv Griffin Show" Jim Backus, Shelley Winters, Gene Hackman, Lance Rentzel? "The World About Us" People of the Seal: Eskimo Winter? The Second Arctic Winter Games? "The Wombles" Spring Cleaning Time? "Rainbow" Seasons: Spring? "Mission: Magic!" Will the Real Rick Springfield Please Stand Up?? "Fables of the Green Forest" Spring Comes to the Green Forest? "Rainbow" Summer? "The Mouse Factory" Winter Fun? "Emergency +4" Winter Nightmare? "Milligan in..." Milligan in Spring? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #1.2? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #1.6? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #1.1? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #1.3? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #1.4? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #1.5? "The Paul Lynde Show" Springtime for Paul? "Last of the Summer Wine" Pâté and Chips? "Last of the Summer Wine" The Lost Key? "Milligan in..." Milligan in Summer? "Last of the Summer Wine" Hail Smiling Morn or Thereabouts? "Last of the Summer Wine" Inventor of the Forty Foot Ferret? "The Goodies" Winter Olympics? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #2.19? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.22? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.21? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.17? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.18? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.19? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #1.20? Ardent Summer? "Animal World" Kenya's Spring of Life? Spring? "Man Alive" Indian Summer? Too Long a Winter? "The Money Programme" Gathering Winter Fuel? Willow Springs? "The Bold Ones: The New Doctors" And Other Springs I May Not See? A Summer Without Boys? "Love Story" Mirabelle's Summer? "Centre Play" The Girls in Their Summer Dresses? "Away from It All" The Summer House? "Sam" The Beginning of Winter? "Clapper Board" Summer Releases? "The Midnight Special" Host: Chuck Berry; guests: Rick Derringer, the Edgar Winter Group, Fleetwood Mac, Shawn Phillips, Johnny Taylor, Muddy Waters? "The Midnight Special" Host: Mac Davis; guests: Mark-Almond, Chuck Berry, Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes, Ravi Shankar, The Edgar Winter Group? The Perry Como Winter Show? Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams? Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams? Lace of Summer? Summer Center? Winterfarbe II? "Last of the Summer Wine" Compo's Suit? "Last of the Summer Wine" The 30's Car? Last of the Summer Wine? "The Streets of San Francisco" Winterkill? "The $10,000 Pyramid" Shelley Winters & Jack Carter? "Music My Way" Dusty Springfield? The Wacky Weeki Wachee and Silver Springs Singing and Comedy Thing!? "Open Door" Spring is here and the time is right for planting in the streets/Academic Freedom? "Search" Summer Search: On the Road - Dorset? "Search" Summer Search: On the Road - The Peaks? "Search" Summer Search: On the Road - The Travelling Nation? "Search" Summer Search: On the Road - The Quiet Country? "Jackanory" Moominsummer Madness: The Dress Rehearsal? "Jackanory" Moominsummer Madness: A Dramatic First Night? "Jackanory" Moominsummer Madness: A Volcano Erupts? "Jackanory" Moominsummer Madness: Midsummer's Eve? "Jackanory" Moominsummer Madness: A Haunted House? NJPW Summer Big Fight Series? Winter and Summer? A Wet Summers Night? "Day at Night" Jonathan Winters in New York? "Day at Night" Jonathan Winters? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode dated 12 December 1973? "The Midnight Special" Host: Jose Feliciano; guests: Savoy Brown, The Staple Singers, Stories, Tower of Power, Johnny Winter? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #2.13? "The Merv Griffin Show" Hugh O'Brien, Shelley Winters, Joe Flynn? Winter and Summer? Winterlight? "Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman" The Coming of Spring? "Lone Wolf and Cub" Mid Winter Arrival? "Lone Wolf and Cub" Whistle of the Winter Wind? "Lone Wolf and Cub" Beginning of Winter? "ABC Afterschool Specials" Sara's Summer of the Swans? "Mirakuru shôjo Rimitto-chan" The Love Song That Calls for Spring? "Rainbow" Spring? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #2.1? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #2.2? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #2.3? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #2.4? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #2.5? "Spring & Autumn" Episode #2.6? "Second Time Around" Springtime for Zebedee? "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" Jonathan Winters/Susan Sarandon/Jack Anderson? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #2.22? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #2.3? "The Wacky World of Jonathan Winters" Episode #2.12? The Coldspring Project? "The Money Programme" Winter of Our Discontent? "Seven Faces of Woman" St Martin's Summer? "Fall of Eagles" Indian Summer of an Emperor? Karafuto 1945 Summer Hyosetsu no mon? The Longest Winter? "Clown Ferdinand" Ferdinand und die Winterfreuden? Funny Car Summer? Perry Como's Summer of 74? Winter Kill? The Gift of Winter? The Backpack Girls? Harrad Summer? Hot Summer in Barefoot County? The Spring and Fall of Nina Polanski? Summer Solstice? In Winterlight? Winter Solstice? "Outdoors with Liberty Mutual" Winter in the Farm? "Look Who's Talking" Mike and Bernie Winters? "Je später der Abend..." Hans Apel, Bernhard Wicki und Sylvie Winter? Der Springteufel? "Good Times" Springtime in the Ghetto? "M*A*S*H" Springtime? La nuit de Winterspelt? "Vienna 1900" The Spring Sonata? A Film of Their 1973 Spring Tour Commissioned by Christian World Liberation Front of Berkeley, California? "Jackanory" In Search of Unicorns: Part 1 - Spring and a Thinking Stone? "Jackanory" In Search of Unicorns: Part 2 - The Spring Rites? Oral Roberts Summer '74'? Apple Summer? Donna Summer: Lady of the Night? Donna Summer: Lady of the Night (Dutch TV show Version)? Donna Summer: The Hostage (German TV show version)? Donna Summer: The Hostage (Dutch TV show version)? "Seeing and Believing" Song of Winter? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 3 - Mr. Edwards Visits? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 5 - Christmas? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 8 - Christmas in May? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 6 - Seed Wheat? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 4 - No Trains? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 7 - A Daring Journey? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 1 - The First Blizzard? "Jackanory" The Long Winter: Part 2 - Heap Big Snow? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE PREDISCRIMINATED BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎۝ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD. THEY PUT DUCT TAPE OVER HIS MOUTH AND AROUND HIS HANDS AND THREW HIM IN THE LAKE. THEY BEAT HIS THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD FRIEND HALF TO DEATH WITH A BASEBALL BAT. WHEN I WAS TEN YEARS OLD, I WAS STILL TRYING TO NOT GET CAUGHT SELLING MY OWN BOOGERS IN A WHOLE CHAIN OF LUXURY DEPARTMENT STORES ACROSS THE U.S., AND TWO IN DUBAI AND KUWAIT... YOU KNOW, KIND OF A BOOG-INGDALE'S KIND OF A VIBE, BUT THIS TEN YEAR OLD, HE GETS LOOSE! HE SAVES HIS FRIEND FROM DROWNING! HE CARRIES HIM A MILE AND A HALF TO THE NEAREST HOUSE! DOES THIS MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO YOU? HAVE YOU NO HUMAN FEELING LEFT AT ALL? OH, I GUESS YOU DON'T CARE. I GUESS YOU HAVE NO HUMANITY LEFT AT ALL IN YOU. I GUESS... sorry, don't know where that came from. But I know where our next debut came from! Horror movie Heaven... straight from Horror Movie Heaven. Or do all horror movies come from Hell? I mean, even something like The Exorcist gives God some room in it. I'm just saying that even Hell has its softer sections. Remember that room where everyone gets the occasional break where they get to stand up? This new horror movie debut is one of those tepid PG-13 affairs, so it's not from the bowels of Hell... maybe from one of Hell's zits or Hell's tear ducts? Hell's dandruff? This thing doesn't look like a terribly expensive movie, so it's probably a tepid PG-13. In The Fellowship of the Ring, at least one orc gets beheaded. Expensive PG-13 movies get away with stuff like that. Comedies and horror movies tend to have modest budgets, and both types tend not to win Oscars (TM)(C)(R) so much. You gotta have some panache, some expensive production values and a showcase for the actors if you wanna get those gold statuettes for your work! And you probably have to make friends with some unsavory people... and that's just the busboys at Spago's!
Whelp, they've moved slightly away from the Ouija(TM)(R)(C) board on this one to another popular device of fortune tellers and what not... I may have given too much away already, but I'll try not to reveal any more. Judging from the cast and crew, this seems to be... a foreign production! Filmed in Belgrade, Serbia. And judging from the IMDb list, it seems to be a new hotspot for cheap productions, film-friendly taxes and perhaps even glorious financial incentives. As long as they've got neighborhoods that can pass for American suburbia! Also, for me it's just another depressing reminder of how far behind I'm falling. I looked through the cast and crew, and... nothing! I don't recognize any of the names... maybe I went over it too quickly. The star is a Kim Kardashian-ish gal named Avantika. And here's her Padma Lakshmi pose. All she has left to do now is host "Saturday Night Live" and she'll be in the Inner Fame Circle. Well, she got her producer phase out of the way early. Now that she's a bonafide celebrity, she's still concerned about people's rights... just, mostly her own right to career advancement. Same ballpark! Oh, I just don't want to get my heart broken again. Now, someone named Percy Hynes White has assault allegations against him, and it couldn't have come at a worse time. He's about to star in a movie with the coolest title ever! That was going to be the title of my autobiography, but... well, obviously I can't now! All right, I think I've spent enough time on this one... did I already wonder about the PG-13 rating? I did. Whew! That was close. All that's left now is the title... dang. I do recall that there's a five letter word in the title, and that it starts and ends with the same letter. Yeah, that oughta narrow things down a bit. I mean, was it US Presidential Sites Tour: 2020-2022? No? Well, what about Transformation by Hats, Comic View then? Elsie Jones maybe? Could it be Elsie Jones, No. 2 quite possibly? How about French Regiment Going to the Parade perhaps? Comic Costume Race someday? Going Away potentially? Hampstead Heath on Bank Holiday perchance? Rip's Toast to Hudson conceivably? Going to the Fire as it might be? Néron essayant des poisons sur des esclaves, weather permitting? Corrida de Sacos no Campo Grande, God willing? Going to the Post same time next Summer? How about Panorama of Susquehanna River Taken from the Black Diamond Express? Fall River Boat 'Priscilla'? Fall River Boat Train? Maxim Firing Field Gun? A Maxim Gun in Action? Teddington Lock, River Thames? 10 Mai 1897: M.S. Regele Calare ocupand locul pe Bulevard Pentru a prezida defilarea? The River Regatta Day? Entre Calais et Douvres? Comic Face? Comic Shaving? McKinley and Cleveland Going to the Capitol? Trout Poachers? Sauts de cheval en longueur? Eagle Dance, Pueblo Indians? Going Through the Tunnel? Canton River Scene? Going to the Yokohama Races? River Scene at Macao, China? Transport Ships at Fort Tampa? Pope Leo XIII Being Seated Bestowing Blessing Surrounded by Swiss Guards, No. 107? A Comic Ricksha Race? Moving Panorama of the River Bank? The Cuban Refugees Going to Breakfast? Train Ride by the Hex River Mountains? Sir Roger de Coverley? Going to the Yokohama Races? Express Train and Level Crossing? Departure of River Steamer on the Thames? Cricket Match at Trent Bridge? Irish Mail Train Going Through Rhyl Station? Scots Greys Entering Perth? Panorama of River Tamar? Race of Excursion Steamers on River Tamar? Hex River Scenery? Stars of the Cricket World? Troop Ships for the Philippines? Going to Jerusalem? Tickling the Soles of Her Feet? Socks or Stockings? The Runaway Knock and the Suffering Milkman? Danses russes: Sauts perilleux? Výjev z lázní zofínských? The River Zaan? Fraser River Valley? Co. 'L' Thirty-Third Infantry Going to Firing Line? Coaches Going to Cinnabar from Yellowstone Park? Tourists Going Round Yellowstone Park? Going to the Hunt? Scots Grey? Going to the Post? Going to the Firing Line? Bridging the Tugela River by Royal Engineers Showing Bridge Destroyed by the Boers? Thames River Scene? Escenas entre los bastidores del teatro nacional en Mexico? Local Scenes Bombay? Les krémos: Sauts perilleux? Chegada do Dr. Campos Sales no Arsenal de Marinha? Embarque do Dr. Campos Sales Para Petrópolis? Presentation of the New State Colours to the Scots Guards: Scots Guards with New State Colours? Presentation of the New State Colours to the Scots Guards: Review of Scots Guards by Her Majesty the Queen? Bluejackets Firing a Maxim Gun? Comic Costume Cycle Race? Liverpool from River Mersey? Liverpool from River Mersey? Presentation of the New State Colours to the Scots Guards: Arrival of Her Majesty the Queen? Presentation of the New State Colours to the Scots Guards: Review of Scots Guards, Company March? Presentation of the New State Colours to the Scots Guards: Scots Guards Band Leaving Windsor Castle? Scots Guards Firing Feu-de-Joie? Lord Wolseley Reviewing the Scots Greys and Highlanders? Scots Guards Entraining at Cape Town Docks? Canadian River Scene? Scots Guards Embarking? Scots Greys on Parade? Scots Guards Having Dinner at Cape Town Docks? Highlanders Saluting the Stars and Stripes and Union Jack? Scots Guards Leaving Windsor Castle? Arrival of Royal Scots Greys Band? Scots Guards Embarking on the Arcana? Comic Costume Race for Cyclists? Artillery and Scots Greys? Sauts d'obstacles par les Dragons? Club Exercises and Departure of Royal Scots Greys Band? Ship's Passengers Watching the Swells? Admiral Dewey and Mayor Van Wyck Going Down Riverside Drive? Ninin Dojoji? Comic Boxing Match? Uma Viagem de Núpcias Que Acaba Mal? British Capturing a Maxim Gun? Sauts périlleux par deux? Panorama of Both Sides of the River Seine? Going Into Action? Brook Trout Fishing? Scene in the Swiss Village at Paris Exposition? The Shah's Return from Paris? Swiss Village, No. 2? Entry of the Scots Guard Into Bloemfontein? A Chagada do Doutor Campos Sales de Buenos Aires? Maxixe no Outro Mundo? O Dr. Campos Sales Nos Funerais de Umberto I? Viagem do Doutor Campos Sales a Buenos Aires? Visita de Campos Sales ao Tenente-General Bartolomé Mitre, na Estância Jacinto, Argentina? Visita do Sr. Campos Sales ao Estabelecimento la Martona, em Canuelas, Argentina? Troops Going to South Africa? Modder River Drift? Artillery Crossing the River Vaal? Manning and Lowering Ship's Boats? Firing a Maxim Gun? Comic Costume Scramble? Panorama of River with Work Fire Float? Lord Lovat's Scots Passing Over the Highlands? Shanghai Shops and Opium Dens? Essex Regiment Going Into Action? Naval Guns Crossing the Vet River Drift? River Shannon at Killaloe? Course de taureaux: La cuadrilla entre dans l'arêne, mort d'un cheval? Sikhs' Camp in Shanghai? Maxim Gun Dril? Scenes on Mr. Smit's Ostrich Farm? Going to Bed with Difficulties? A Career of Crime, No. 2: Going the Pace? What the Bathing Girls Did to the Kodak Fiend? Clever and Comic Cycle Act? The Comic Grimacer? A Legal Hold-Up? Local Scenes Landing of Sir M.M. Bhownuggree? President McKinley and Escort Going to the Capitol? The Bridge of Sighs -- Pan-American Exposition? New York Sky-Line from East River and Battery? Panorama of Brooklyn Bridge, River Front, and Tall Buildings from the East River? Captain Nissen Going Through Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Falls? Chegada de Campos Sales em Benossy? Viagem Aérea do Balão Santos Dumont? Swiss Breeding Home of St. Bernard Dogs? Swiss Chalets on Shores of Lucerne Lake? Picturesque Swiss Village of Orsières? Swiss Cows Grazing on Alps? Swiss Railway Panorama? King and Queen Going on Board Ophir? Crowd on the River Bank? Royal Family Going Aboard for Lunch? Along the Pasig River Passing the Pirate's Lair? Going to Cloutsham Meet? Second Rajputs Bringing Maxim Into Action? Dance of David by Abyssinian Priests? Presentation of Colours to the Third Battalion Scots Guards? Going to the Fire and the Rescue? Going to Bed Under Difficulties? Acrobatic Performance: Sells and Young? Akcja ratunkowa pogotowia? A Tight Corner? Foxy Grandpa Shows Boys He Is a Magician? Foxy Grandpa Shows the Boys a Trick or Two with the Tramp? Coasting on Sleds in the Stockholm Sport Park on Sunday? St. John's Guild. Going in Water.? St. John's Guild. Going to Salt-water Bath Room? The Great Local Derby: Accrington v Church Cricket Match? König Georg von Sachsen in Chemnitz am 10.9.1902? The Visit of the Duke of Connaught C-I-C Forces in Ireland and Prince Henry of Prussia to Cork Exhibition? Aller taget 1902 i Blaagaardsgade? The Swiss Carnival Procession at Zurich? République Argentine, manoeuvres de cavalerie, sauts d'obstacles? Ozumo katsudo shashin Konishiki no hitori Dohyoiri? Ozumo katsudo shashin osanban Shokkiri tobitsuki goninnuki? King Going to St. Paul's Cathedral? Japanese Flagship Asama Saluting Royal Yacht? Australians Going in to Field? Target Practice, and What Happened to Widow Flaherty? Where Are You Going to, My Pretty Maid? Comic Pictures in High Street, West Bromwich? Crews Practicing on River Lee at Cork Regatta? The Southern Belles and Cissy Heath in a Coon Dance? Miss Maud Gasweld et Arnold, sauteurs de tonneaux 2. Sauts d'une jambe? Miss Maud Gasweld et Arnold, sauteurs de tonneaux 3. Sauts perilleux? Fording the River Nile on Donkeys? Going to Market, Luxor Egypt? Going to the Fire? Delaware River Icebound? Employees Leaving Fall River Iron Works? Going to the Fire? Opening of New East River Bridge, New York? River Drive, Fairmount Park? Swiss Training and Breeding Home for St. Bernard Dogs? Dawson City Fire Department Going to a Fire? Feeding Brook Trout at the Pennsylvania State Fishery? The Peel River Indians with Their Dog Teams and Toboggan Sleighs on the Trail? Disposition of Slabs and Waste at Pt. Blakeley? A Pack Train in the Copper River Country? The River Shannon? A Swiss Carnival? Tourists Taking Water from the River Jordan? Salmon Seining on Columbia River U.S.F.C.? An East River Novelty? Trout Fishing, Landing Three Pounder? König Georg in Freiberg am 7.5.1903? Swiss Wrestling at Interlaken? Exercices d'armes et d'équitation: Sauts de barrières, chevaux en liberté? Exercices d'armes et d'équitation: Sauts de double haie? Exercices d'armes et d'équitation: Sauts de haie? Sauts à la perche (avec mouvements en arrière)? Girls Going to Lunch, National Cash Register Co.? Mr. Chalmers Going to Officers' Club, National Cash Register Co.? Going to the Fire? Comic Boxing and Wrestling? Beauty Spots of the North? Natives Crossing the Snowfed River Ravi? Feeding the Swans of the Upper Thames? Log Rolling on the River Nid? Panorama of the River Tyne? Panorama of the Fraser River Canyon? On the Bear River Horse Ranch? Trout Playing? Run Through the Fraser River Canyon? Scenes on the River Jhelum? Through the Fraser River Canyon on the C.P.R.? Tramway Rider from Shepherd's Bush to Southall? Trout Fishing? Dear Old Stars and Stripes, Goodbye? Comic Skater? Mrs. Taylor Going Over Horseshoe Falls in a Barrel? Swiss Family Robinson? David Devant, Conjurer? Jack's Four Footed Friend, Mike the Ship's Mascot? Bill Sykes Up to Date? Der Kaiser in Halle am 6. September 1903 - Ankunft Sr. Majestät des Kaisers und König Georg von Sachsen nebst Gefolge in Leipzig am 5. September 1903? David Devant's Laughable Hand Shadows? Chakushoku hassei ukidashi nihon katsudo daishashin? The Widow and the Only Man? Cowboys and Indians Fording River in a Wagon? Sauts de barrières par des officiers? Nichiro sensô katsudô shashin Nihon gun kinshu jonai hakai? Fishing Competition on the River Witham? Cars Going Full Speed Down Sna Fell? Panoramas of the River Dart: Dittisham to Dartmouth? Panoramas of the River Dart: Totnes to Dittisham? Pardos River and Penotal Gorge? Japanese Devotees Going in Procession? Stars of the Cricket World? Loaded Troop Ships Leaving Docks? Panorama of the River Fal? The River Dart? Bull Fight: Arena at Beziers? Car Climbing Steps of Crystal Palace? Royal Scots Guards Leaving Camp? Some Fancy Shots at Billiards? Capture and Execution of Spies by Russians? Exceeding His Legal Speed? Sours and Sweets? The River Pirates? Inauguration of President Roosevelt. President-Elect Roosevelt, Vice-President-Elect Fairbanks and Escort Going to the Capitol? Meran Fire Brigade Going to a Fire? L'arrivo del Duca di Aosta a Napoli? Cavalcade Descending Eagle Peak Trail, Yosemite Valley? Panorama from Moving Steamer on the River Thames, England? Trout Fishing, Rangeley Lakes? Sliding River Craft Over Boat Railway, River Thames? Ryojun kanraku katsudô shashin junigatsu nijuhachinichi niryuyama hodai shita ni niton in dainamaito? Treat to 5000 Poor Burnley Children? Comic Conjuring? A River Tragedy? Rover Takes a Call? A Comic Duel? The River Ozu, Japan? Winter Sports: Swiss Snow Sports? Repulsing an Attack by Artillery and Cycle Maxim Corps? The Streets of London: From East London Slums to Piccadilly? Going to the Fire, Showing Chief Sullivan During the Earthquake? Boating on the River Jordan? Hudson River Docks, New York? Taiiku shorei ozumo torikumi? Korakuen yokyo ozumo no jikkyô? Trout Fishing? The Humours of a River Picnic? La vengeance du clerc de notaire? The River Pirates? Paisaje entre Alvarado y Veracruz? Baignade, sauts de tremplin, match de water-polo? Inauguração do Viaduto da Central do Brasil Entre as Estações de São Diogo e de São Cristóvão? Cape Town to Hex River Mountains? Australia and New Zealand: Trip Up the River Avon? Missionary Life in India: Children's First Steps in Idolatry? Launching of the Salem in the Fore River Shipyards, Quincy, Mass. July 27, 1907? Tôkyô ozumo katsudô shashin? Our Band's Going to the Competition? L'oeil du maître? Going Away for a Holiday? A Tight Fix? Nihon kokuyu bugei no kazukazu? 'Mein letzter Hauch' aus 'Troubadour'? Ships of the Desert? Match Internacional de Futebol Entre Brasileiros e Argentinos? Match de Futebol Entre Ingleses e Fluminense? Going to Switzerland? River in Norway? River Avon? Swiss Alps? The West Coast of England: Beauty Spots of Devon? Swiss Peasants' Festival? Nihon engeki shinsho sakugoto hashi bankei? David Garrick? Twixt Love and Duty; or, A Woman's Heroism? The Merry Widow Waltz? The Vain Housemaid? Der fidele Bauer - 3. Duettino zwischen Liesl und Heinerle? When the Man in the Moon Seeks a Wife? Comic Serenade? Primeira Partida de Futebol Entre O S.C. Pelotas E O S.C. Rio Grande? 'Twixt Love and Duty? What a Razor Can Do? The Merry Widow Hat? The Merry Widow Waltz Craze? David and Goliath? Two Sides of the Wall? The 'Merry Widow' Hats? Madam Flirt and Her Adopted Uncle? Skits on Songs? Skits on Plays? Knock Me? Madam Is Capricious? I'm Going on the War Path? The Merry Widow at a Supper Party? Nihon no cho? Imori no kuroyaki? Futebol Entre Fluminense e Cruzador Ingles Amethyst? Through the Hood River Valley? Cremation on the River Ganges? The Grand Procession at the King of Siam's Jubilee? River Panorama? India: Along the River Hooghly? Crossing Siam on the River Menam? Beauty Spots of British Columbia? The River Thames? Beauty Spots in Ireland? India: Panorama of Benares from the River Ganges? Cetatea si locul de executie a celor 13 generali revolutionari? Cycle Rider and the Witch? Madam Sans Gene; or, The Duchess of Danzig? The Little Father; or, the Dressmaker's Loyal Son? Won't You Waltz the Merry Widow Waltz with Me?? Le trait d'union? Sheltered Under Stars and Stripes? Madam Lydia's Little Trick? Two Sides to a Story? The Loyal Indian? Soles e Coros? Wearybones Seeks a Rest, and Gets It? Eddie Is a Real Live One? Horibe yasubei takadanobaba ohako giri? Yagyû okako no gozen shiai? A Tramp Shows Heart? Rover Turns Santa Claus? L'oeil fatale? Trait de bonté de Napoléon Ier? Julie tient un bureau de placement? Hidaka iriai zakura? Adda River Rapids? Una tribù araba in Algeria? Feeding Seals at Catalina Isle? Una tribù araba in Tunisia? Match de Futebol Entre Coríntians (Da Inglaterra) e Paulistas? Inauguração da Linha de Barra Mansa a Angra dos Reis? Match no Velódromo Entre Botafogo e Palmeiras? Matches Entre Coríntians X Brasileiros? Druid Remains in Brittany? London and Its Life: Political, Legal and Journalistic London? Sports on the River Thames? Beauty Spots in South Devon? Dartmouth, River Dart and Dartmoor? On the River Avon, Stratford? The River Danube from Vienna to Kazan Pass? The Stars and Stripes? Seth's Temptation? Under the Stars and Bars? 'Twixt Red Man and White? Fänrik Ståls sägner? Anita Garibaldi? Twixt Love and Gold? David et Goliath? The Eagle and the Eaglet? Le trait d'union? Under the Stars and Stripes? The Widow of Mill Creek Flat? A Widow and Her Child? Knock Wood? Mysteries of Bridge of Sighs at Venice? The Swiss Guide? The Ship's Husband? He Stubs His Toe? Rigadin a l'oeil fascinateur? The Merry Widow Takes Another Partner? 'Twixt Loyalty and Love? Trust Those You Love? The Theft of the Diamonds? Ataka kanjincho? Atama hanbun? Ninin baori? Oyako no en? Combat entre blanc et noir? Rigadin entre duex âgés? A Widow Visits Springtown? The Return of 'Widow' Pogson's Husband? Everybody Saves Father? Nemours and the Banks of the River Loing, France? Comic Games in Singapore? Match de Football Entre Palmeiras e Paulistano? Dans les souks tunisiens? Nihon sankei ama no hashidate? The Valley of Aosta and the Great St. Bernard? Football entre os campeoes do Rio e de São Paulo? Match de football entre Americano versus São Paulo Athletic? Catastrofe ferroviaria en la linea del norte, entre Viladecans y Olesa? Picturesque Spots in North Wales? Historic Spots of Old London: Series 2? Historic Spots of Old London? Silas Marner? His Trust Fulfilled? David Copperfield? The Changing of Silas Warner? The Harsh Father? Jimmie Saves the Situation? Rover the Peacemaker? Souls Courageous? Iwami Jûtarô? Akita giminden? The Local Bully? Jenkins Stops Everything? Rover Is Jealous? The Theft of Mona Lisa? Loyal Love? The Dread of Microbes? Lone Star's Return? Red Star's Honor? Seine erste Liebe? Entre voisins? Nihon ginji? Das Ewige Märchen? Ninon de l'Enclos? Iwami shigetaro? Ishii tsuneemon? The First Rise of the Navigable Airship Schütte-Lanz in Mannheim? Whiffles, Cubic Artist? Dress Suits in Pawn? Along the River Nile? Beauty Spots in South Wales? The Velino River and Falls (Central Italy)? Excursion in the Swiss Alps? Catching Crocodiles on the River Nile? Nihon meisho kyushu no sansui? Nihon no sansui? Twixt Love and Ambition? Oppio fatale? On the Steps of the Throne? The Sands of Dee? Old Songs and Memories? The Widow Casey's Return? The Kodak Contest? Widow Jenkins' Admirers? The Strange Story of Elsie Mason? Lieutenant Daring and the Ship's Mascot? Professor Georg Brandes paa Universitetets Katheder? Mrs. Simms Serves on the Jury? Going to the Races? David and Saul? Souls in the Shadow? Entre deux feux? Nihon zaemon? Lagodzacy wplyw muzyki na nerwy? Twixt Love and War? The Wooing of Widow Wilkins? The Widow of Rickie O'Neal? Tightwad Almost Saves a Dollar? Mr. Poorluck's River Suit? Twixt the Devil and the Deep Sea? The Winning of Silas Pegg? David Garrick? Tommy Saves His Little Sister? I Am Going Out for a Shave? Songs of Childhood Days? Widow Winks? Tontolini fra acqua e fuoco? Duped by Determination? The Theft of the Secret Code? Le Noël de Silas Marner? Akita giminden? Asaka Sanshirô? Hakone reiken izari no adauchi? Nezumi komon azuma no shinkata? Nihon ginji? Nihon jigoma? Oheso no yadokae? Okano kinemon? Otoko ippiki? Zoku nihon jigoma kaishinroku? Souls in Torture? Das Elfte Gebot: Du sollst nicht stören deines Nächsten Flitterwochen? Tüzet kérek? Chegada do doutor Campos Sales a Buenos Aires? The River Pirates? The Elite Ball? Sixes and Nines? Going Some? The Widow from Winnipeg? Going for Father? Along the Banks of the River Eure? The River Wanganui? Quaint Spots in Cairo, Egypt? The River Clyde at Lanark, Scotland? Shooting the Rapids of the Pagsanjan River in Philippine Islands? Civic Parade, New York City? Interesting Scenes Abroad: The River Giuba? Some Spots in and Around Los Angeles, California? Breeding Trout by the Million? Fashion's Law in the Swiss Cantons? River Rhine, Germany? The River Romantic? Inauguración del Ferrocarril Arica - La Paz? Winter Sports in the Swiss Alps? Nihon meisho ginkakuji? Taisho ninen kanpeishiki? Taisho ninen korei kankanshiki? Des Alters erste Spuren? David Copperfield? The Tragedy of Big Eagle Mine? Seeds of Silver? The Capturing of David Dunne? David Garrick? Cohen Saves the Flag? Songs of Truce? Silas Marner? A Little Widow Is a Dangerous Thing? The Stars and Stripes Forever? Two Sacks of Potatoes? Two Sides to the Story? The Dread Inheritance? David Garrick? Fond Heart Saves the Day? A Widow of Nevada? The Dance at Eagle Pass? The Circuit Rider of the Hills? Widow Maloney's Faith? Le trait d'union? Going to Meet Papa? Two Souls with But a Single Thought; or, A Maid and Three Men? The Sands of Time? The Story of David Greig? The Dread of Doom? Iwami Jûtarô ichidaiki? Anita the Orphan? A Loyal Deserter? Seth's Woodpile? Going Home to Mother? Seeds of Wealth? The Vaudeville Star's Vacation? Stars in My Crown? A Soul's Tempest? Seeing Stars and Stripes? Twixt Love and Fire? The Widow and the Widower? Loyal Hearts? Anima feroce? Local Color? La passeggiata aerea di Bonifacio? Cissy entre gras et maigre? Two Sides to a Boat? Twixt Life and Death? Madam Satan? Arthème a égaré son épouse? Otoko no ude? Theodore Roosevelt with Rough Rider Friends? Mary Saves the Sculptor? Dolly Saves Her Grandfather? On the Steps of the Throne? Anima perversa? Going Some? Twixt Love and Fire? When Eddie Went to the Front? Twixt Love and Flour? Slippery Slim's Dilemma? Slippery Slim's Inheritance? Slippery Slim's Stratagem? Bill Saves the Day? The Widow of Red Rock? Beauty Spots in Italy? River Travel in Indo-China? The Redemption of David Corson? The Seats of the Mighty? Shep's Race with Death? Bra flicka reder sig själv? For the Honor of Old Glory; or, the Stars and Stripes in Mexico? The Going of the White Swan? Tight Shoes? Scars of Possession? David Garrick? The High Spots on Broadway? The Theft of the Crown Jewels? Silas Q. Pinch, Sensationalist? The Taint of an Alien? Trust Begets Trust? Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold? Scenes of the River Godavari? Caught in a Tight Pinch? David Gray's Estate? Local Color? Seeds of Chaos? Seeds of Jealousy? Seth's Sweetheart? Slim's Last Trick? Slim's Strategy? Nihon ginji? Arima Gennosuke? Madam Coquette? The Taint of Madness? Widow Muggin's Wedding? Mabel Seeks a Sweetheart? Elsie Venner? The Widow and the Twins? Who Seeks Revenge? Anima grande? Anima prigioniera? Ginger Seeks a Situation? 'Twixt Time and Tide? Fun on the Sands at Blackpool? Ishii tsuneemon? Seeds of Jealousy? The Sands of Life? Arima kainekô den? Chî kyodai nihon kureôpatorâ? Isami hada? Nihon kaibyo den? Nihon kigeki odorobo? Sands of Fate? Entre ruinas? Iwami Jûtarô? Anima Drawings? Algy seeks his Affinity? The Loyal Rebel? Colonel Heeza Liar Signs the Pledge? When Eddie Took a Bath? Going to the Dogs? Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in the Dread Society of the Sacred Sausage? The Widow Wins? The Eagle Owl? Roaring River Falls? Aloha Oe? Was She to Blame? or, Souls That Meet in the Dark? Both Sides of Life? A Soul's Tragedy? When Souls Are Tried? Souls Enchained? Det evige Had? Det graa Slots Hemmelighed? Der ewige Friede? David Owen Dodd, Boy Martyr of the Confederacy? When Ambrose Dared Walrus? David Harum? Broncho Billy Steps In? The Legal Light? On the Eagle Trail? Stars Their Courses Change? The Toast of Death? The Haunting of Silas P. Gould? Diana of Eagle Mountain? What the River Foretold? The Rider of Silhouette? Souls in Pawn? Alone in the City of Sighs and Tears? Slippery Slim's Wedding Day? A Theft in the Dark? L'oeil de la gantière? The River of Romance? The Parson Slips a Cog? Ishii genhachiro? Sands of Time? Slips and Slops? The Eagle and the Sparrow? Ima Simp's Dream? Rafferty Stops a Marathon? Rafferty Stops the War? The Rider of the Plains? Oliver Twist Sadly Twisted? Das erste Weib? When Stubs Leaves the Bowery? 'Twixt Cup and Lip? Going! Going!! Gone!!!? Silas Simple's Love Affair? Arima nekô sôdô? Isami hada? Oboro zuki? The Exile of Bar-K Ranch? Sowas kommt von sowas? Anema nova? Iwami Jútaro? Signs of Spring? Kapten Grogg i ballong? The River of Romance? Going to the Dogs? The Deacon Stops the Show? How Stars Are Made? Sein süßes Mädel? Going Straight? Fishing River Lampreys? Going Some in San Francisco? Going to Halifax? Beauty Spots in America: Castle Hot Springs, Arizona? Seeing Yosemite with David A. Curry? Protecting the Ships at Sea? The Stars and Stripes in Mexico? On the Steps of the Altar? The Ships That Meet? The Soul's Cycle? Souls in Bondage? Silas Marner? David Garrick? Silks and Satins? Local Color on the A-1 Ranch? The Fable of the Grass Widow and the Mesmeree and the Six Dollars? Going West to Make Good? Legal Advice? Scars and Stripes Forever? A Splash of Local Color? The Tight Rein? Jerry Ships a Circus? Silas at the Seaside? Her Soul's Song? Twixt Love and the Iceman? Two Seats at the Opera? The River Goddess? Widow Malone? Going Up? The Taint of Fear? Two Slips and a Miss? Anana secrétaire intime? The Swiss Sea Dog? Arima no nekô sôdô? Anima trasmessa? Tubby's River Trip? Going Up? Anima sola? Local Showers? De evige Flammer? The Powder Trust and the War? Peter the Comic Poet? Isami hada? Nihon ginji? Oboro no haru? Otoko ippiki? Lillis erste Liebe? Lottes erste Liebe? Truet lykke? Die ewige Nacht? Il Trust dei diamanti? Nihon zaemon? Quacky Doodles Sings the Pledge? Kapten Grogg vid Nordpolen? När Kapten Grogg skulle porträtteras? Going to the Sun? Making the Comic Section? Asama kazan? Nihon arupusu hakuba san? Nihon no shigatsu? Her Soul's Inspiration? Souls Adrift? Souls Triumphant? Souls in Pawn? The Chosen Prince, or the Friendship of David and Jonathan? Sands of Sacrifice? Entre Dois Amores? Souls United? Der erste Patient? I elfte timmen? Stars and Bars? Slips and Slackers? Jerry Saves the Navy? Treat 'Em Rough? 'Twixt Love and Desire? The Seeds of Redemption? David Craig's Luck? The Black Rider of Tasajara? Local Color? Local Color? Signs of Trouble? Steps to Somewhere? Anana antiféministe? Anana cherche un complet? Susie Slips One Over? The Golden Eagle Trail? La donna che aveva troppo cuore? Kapten Grogg och Kalle på negerbal? Arima ondo? Anima redenta? Tenichibô azûma kûdari? Iwami Jûtarô? Und stets kam was dazwischen? The Life Story of David Lloyd George? Scars and Bars? Picturesque Wales: Llangollen and Picture Spots in England? High Spots of Hawaii? Building the Eagle Boat? Madam Who?? The Shoes That Danced? The Spurs of Sybil? Ruler of the Road? Erste Liebe? Der ewige Zweifel? Skids and Scalawags? Spies and Spills? The Widow Dangerous? Earle Williams in a Liberty Loan Appeal? Sands of the Desert? A Tight Squeeze? Kapten Grogg och fru? Kapten Grogg gifter sig? Krümelchens erste Liebe? Erste Liebe: wahre Liebe? Scars of Love? Nihon zaemon? Nihon ginji? Nîhon kannon sandaî reigen? Akuma no shogai? Nihon kannon sandai reigen? Az iglói diákok? Kapten Grogg bland vilda djur? Going! Going! Gone!? Widow by Proxy? Anima allegra? Anita Jo? The River Gray and the River Green? Going Up? Hatching an Eagle a Day? Going Down to Buenos Aires? Going South? Trout Streams of the Adirondacks? Te hui aroha ki turanga? L'oeil de Saint Yves? The Sands of Time? Eerie Tales? The Eagle and the Fawn? The Case of a Doped Actress? Griff Swims the Channel? A Tight Fix? Hot Sands and Cold Feet? Kapten Grogg badar? Seeds of Dishonor? Rider of the Law? Treat 'Em Rough? Das ewige Rätsel? Twist Olivér? Anima tormentata? Ewige Schönheit? Iwami Jûtarô? Akita giminden? Yabanjin Azuma Terunosuke? Isami hada? Kaidan arima no nekô? Nihon geiko no odori? Nihon rodo mondai? Echte Perlen? Tötet nicht mehr? David and Jonathan? Il Trust degli smeraldi? Capitan Groog and Other Strange Creatures? The Hooch Ball? Behind the Signs on Broadway? Going Some? Conferencia entre Villa y el general Martinez? Stars of Stage and Screen? Rosanzerusu no nihon machi to yuden? Seeds of Vengeance? Der ewige Mönch im Banne der Musik? Das Geheimnis der sechs Spielkarten, 1. Teil - Karo 10? Knock on the Window, the Door Is a Jamb? A Ruler of Men? Casanovas erste und letzte Liebe? Die neuen Reichen? Going Straight? Mixed Twixt Wives? Captain Grogg on the Great Ocean? Treat 'Em Kind? Anima selvaggia? Ninon de Lenclos? Weiße Liebe, roter Haß? Iwami Jûtarô; kôhen? Arima no nekô arima kaîbyoden? Kirigakure Saizô to Iwami Jûarô? Anima di bandito? Maxim contro Karter? Iwami Juutarou? Iwami Jûtarô: zenpen? Spitzweg, der ewige Hochzeiter? The River of Light? The River of Stars? The Knock Out? Kapten Grogg skall fiska? Why Trust Your Husband? Der Mann ohne Namen - 7. Gelbe Bestien? Beauty Spots of America? Nihon arupusu judan? All Souls' Eve? All Sorts and Conditions of Men? Ships That Pass in the Night? Rytír Bledé ruze? Entre sombras? Akuma no gake? Das Geheimnis der sechs Spielkarten, 4. Teil - Pique Sieben? Das Geheimnis der sechs Spielkarten, 5. Teil - Herz König? Das Geheimnis der sechs Spielkarten, 6. Teil - Herz Dame? The Tragedy of a Comic Song? The Eagle Man? The Film Star's Perfect Day? Stars and Stripes? Elsie and the Brown Bunny? Ishii tsuneemon? Der Mann ohne Namen - 1. Der Millionendieb? The Rider of the King Log? Shams of Society? Trust Your Wife? Souls of Men? Der ewige Fluch? Der ewige Kampf? Der Mann ohne Namen - 2. Der Kaiser der Sahara? Der Mann ohne Namen - 4. Die goldene Flut? Der Mann ohne Namen - 5. Der Mann mit den eisernen Nerven? Der Mann ohne Namen - 6. Der Sprung über den Schatten? Das Geheimnis der sechs Spielkarten, 2. Teil - Pique Bube? Das Geheimnis der sechs Spielkarten, 3. Teil - Treff As? Alle Räder stehen still? Akoya to kagekiyo? Arima nekô sôdô? Iwami jutaro buyuden jakusha no yume? Izumi Saburô? Nihon meiyu no tabi daiippen? Nihon meiyû no tabi daisanpen? Okano kinemon to murakami kiken seichuroku? Okubo tonchi banashi? Conway - River of a Thousand Moods? Felix Saves the Day? Kapten Grogg har blivit fet? Elope If You Must? How the Swiss Boy Scout Spent His Vacation? Pugna Esportiva Entre os Combinados Brasileiro e Paraguiao? Kodachrome Two-Color Test Shots No. III? Nihon arupusu daikan? David Copperfield? Roger la Honte? A Soul's Awakening? Krzyk w nocy? La bâillonnée - Épisode 1: Entre deux haines? David Garrick? Momotaro-san otomo wo tsurete? Torchy Steps Out? Songs of Yesterday? Still Going Strong? The WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1922? Opvisning af Københavns Brandvæsen paa Christiansborg Slots Ridebane? Silas Marner? Georg Brandes? Heinrich Heines erste Liebe? Iwami Jûtarô? Ishii tsuneemon? Nihon ginji? Arima no neko? Akuma no muchi? Ninin Chôbei? Iwami Jûtarô? Nihon zaemon? The Message of Emile Coué? Going Up? Stephen Steps Out? Going South? The Elite of Hollywood? Hutch Stirs 'em Up? Noble Sissle and Eubie Blake Sing Snappy Songs? Loyal Lives? Scars of Jealousy? Otoko ga tsuma wo erabu toki? A Few Moments with Eddie Cantor, Star of 'Kid Boots'? Souls for Sale? Eubie Blake Plays His Fantasy on Swanee River? Tight Shoes? She Supes to Conquer? Capital Stirred by Biggest Hooch Raid? Scars of Hate? Souls in Bondage? The Knock on the Door? Nihôn mucha shugyô? Sechs Jahre in Sibirien? Oyako no tabiji? Akuma no kage? Itami no yûgure? Iwami Jûtarô to Ban Dan'emon? Iwami Jûtarô? Kanjinchô Ataka no seki? Hurricane Hutch in Many Adventures? Ten Scars Make a Man? Going to Congress? Lucha entre un tilcuate y una culebra de cascabel? Quaint Berne, the Swiss Capital? Going East? The Going of Cumming? Up the River with Molly? Onna ni amai otoko no mure? Chû to kô: Dai nihen - Yôrô no taki? Rider of Mystery Ranch? Hutch of the U.S.A.? Navin Bharat? Iwami Jûtarô? Izari katsugorô? Im Namen des Königs? Onna goroshi abura jigoku? Easy Going Gordon? Ko-Ko Steps Out? Going Good? Erste Hilfe bei Unglücksfällen? Vom unsichtbaren Königreich - Die innere Mission in den Nöten und Leiden des Alltags? Compagnie maritime belge Lloyd Royal S.A. - Trait d'union entre la Belgique et sa colonie? Cuba Steps Out? The River Nile? A Trip Along the River Murray? Snapshots of the River Murray? Otoko gokoro? Souls for Sables? Slums of Berlin? Saigo no ippei made? Hakaishi ga ibiki o suru koro? Songs of England? Songs of Ireland? Songs of Scotland? Songs of the British Isles? The Rider of the Pass? Going Great? Roger Wolfe Kahn Musical Number? Knock Out? On the River Conway? Med 'Hans Egede' til Grønland? Samyy Yuniy Pioner? Im Namen des Kaisers? Going the Limit? Nirin no yukiwarisô? Nihon meisho? Christmas Seals Ad? The Eagle of the Sea? Felix the Cat Seeks Solitude? Felix the Cat Spots the Spooks? Going West? Jerry Sacks a Saxophone? Aroma of the South Seas? Aloma of the South Seas? Going the Limit? Bet trekt de 100.000? Elsie in New York? Going Crooked? The River House Mystery? The River Road? High Spots in Switzerland? El Presidente Siles en Oruro? El Presidente Siles en Potosi? Otoko tai onna? Oyako jishî? Otoko ippiki? Going Crazy? Songs of France? Hoheit tanzt Walzer? Tight Cargo? WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1926? Songs My Mother Sang? Songs of the West Countree? Songs of Central Europe? Songs of Italy? Songs of Spain? Songs of the Northern States? Songs of Southern States? 5.000 km. i Kajak - København-Konstantinopel? Fänrik Ståls sägner? Abola Rani? Akuma no shotai? Med ackja och ren i Inka Läntas vinterland? River of Doubt? Stars and Stripes? Local Talent? Signs of Spring? George Steps Out? Die innere Mission in den Nöten und Leiden des Alltags? Ferrocarril sud-pacifico entre Guadalajara y Mazatlan? The River of Suds? Vom Reiche der sechs Punkte? Gakusei gonin otoko renaihen? Gakusei gonin otoko hottanhen? Isami hada? Swiss Movements? Sodas and Shebas? Winnie Steps Out? Charles Hackett of the Chicago Opera Company Sings 'Questa o quella' and 'La donna è mobile' from 'Rigoletto'? Bert Lewis, Accompanied by Jack Carroll at the Piano, Sings 'I Wonder How I Look When I'm Asleep' (and Others)? Gendai nihon bungaku junrei? Spurs and Saddles? Rider of the Law? Mientras la aldea duerme? Kvick som Blixten? Die Dollarprinzessin und ihre sechs Freier? Trust Your Wife? Anita o il romanzo d'amore dell'eroe dei due mondi? Die Frau ohne Namen - 1. Teil? Die Frau ohne Namen - 2. Teil? Akuma no hoshî no shita nî? Gakusei gonin otoko ranmanhen? Sos.dem. Työläisnuorisoliiton liittojuhlat Hämeenlinnassa 5-6 p. kesäk. 1927? Ships of the Night? Buster Shows Off? Buster Steps Out? Der erste Kuß? La última semana del general Alvaro Obregon entre nosotros? Entre los Hielos de las Islas Orcadas? The River of Doubt? When Skies Are Blue? Seeds of Freedom? Shi nihon no kenji? Onna goroshi abura jigoku? Asaka Sanshirô? Iwami Jûtarô? Otoko ni goyojin? Eagle of the Night? The River Woman? The River Pirate? Senhorita Agora Mesmo? A She Going Sailor? Songs and Impressions? David Garrick? Six Girls and a Room for the Night? Souls Aflame? Entre as Montanhas de Minas? Kanak Kanta? Heut tanzt Mariett? Another Columbus Sails West? Nejen na zemi? Yanky Clippers? Nihon manga: Taro san no boken satsuei? Going Places? The River Driver? Soins d'urgence avant l'arrivée du médecin? The River of Romance? Azuma otoko? The Duke Steps Out? Silks and Saddles? Skinner Steps Out? Going Ga-Ga? A Rider of the Sierras? Tight Places? Songs of the South Seas? I Lift Up My Finger and I Say Tweet Tweet? Charles Hackett, Tenor of the Civic Opera Company? Eddie Lambert? Jay Velie in Songs of Love? Emile Grimshaw Banjo Quartette? Avila y América? Natun Janma? Trust der Diebe? Otoko kinsei? Otoko oppiki? Swiss Cheese? Ajita Purota shohi kumiai no maki? A Tight Squeeze? Entre platos y notas? Crociera aerea Italia-Brasile: Fase preparatoria? La aldea maldita? Souls in Bondage? Azuma kouta? Going Wild? Never Trust a Woman? The Widow from Chicago? Madam Satan? Tony Sarg's Marionettes in the Orient? Elsie Percival and Ray Raymond? Souls in Pawn? Going Places? Otoko ippiki dokyô no yaibâ? Otoko wa hitsuyô yo? Nihon gankutsuo: zenpen? Nihon gankutsuo: kôhen? Tötet die Stubenfliege? A Swiss Trick? Swiss Movements? Ameya tanuki? Mickey Steps Out? Ich bleib bei Dir? Strange As It Seems #3? David Golder? The Theft of the Mona Lisa? Ai yo jinrui to tomo ni are - Zenpen: Nihon hen? Aféra plukovníka Rédla? Yasubei ohako giri? Âi ni uyûru machi? Local Boy Makes Good? Rider of the Plains? Ships of Hate? Une histoire entre mille? Stars of Yesterday? Aroma of the South Seas? Rodney Steps In? Hoover Board's Dry Law Stirs Nation? Poema imeni osvobozhdeniya? Kanak Kesari? Sainik Ke Saitan? Madam Techku? Junkyô kesshi nihon nijûroku seijin? Tenbinbô otoko ippiki? Strange As It Seems # 15? Strange As It Seems #14? Strange As It Seems # 12? Strange As It Seems # 11? Strange As It Seems #10? Strange As It Seems # 9? Strange As It Seems # 8? Strange As It Seems # 7? Strange As It Seems # 6? Srange As It Seems # 5? The Rider of Death Valley? The River House Ghost? Tu seras Duchesse? A Tight Corner? The Widow in Scarlet? Entre noche y día? Olhão Industrial? Olhão Industrial? Olhão Industrial e Comercial? Trout Fishing? Strange As It Seems #18? Islande, escale entre deux mondes? Ao Redor do Brasil? Das erste Recht des Kindes? Anchieta Entre o Amor e a Religião? Old Songs for New? The Heath Is Green? The Local Bad Man? Strange As It Seems #16? Strange As It Seems #17? Strange As It Seems #19? Die erste Instruktionsstunde? Eagle of the Caucasus? Awara Shahzada? Strange As It Seems # 17? Aloha Oe? Going to Blazes? Acqua cheta? Going Straight? Strange As It Seems #26? Strange As It Seems #27? Strange As It Seems #28? Strange As It Seems #29? Strange As It Seems #30? Strange As It Seems #31? Strange As It Seems #32? Ausländischer Besuch im neuen Deutschland? High Spots of the Far East? Wonder Spots of the World? Spies at Work? Roger la Honte? Akiba no shozo? Sekaî no senritsu kôkubôhen nihon moshi kushû wo ukureba? Going Hollywood? The Hitch Hiker? Eddie Duchin & Orchestra? Strange As It Seems #33? Seine erste Liebe? Nihon no shiki? Suits to Nuts? The Eagle and the Hawk? Madam Chen? Âsagiri otoko no uta? Elmer Steps Out? Songs of the Organ? Going Spanish? Hrích mládí? Anita v ráji? Stars in the Making? Dokud mas maminku? Strange As It Seems #38? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #1? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #2? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #3? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #4? Souls in Conflict? Der ewige Traum? Mr. Kobin Seeks Adventure? Theft of Sight? Osayo koisugata? Yu guang qu? Ishii tsuneemon? Kanzaki azuma kudari? Nihon gankutsuo shippu jinraihen? Nihon gakutsuo tenchi meidohen? Otoko no okite? Three Songs About Lenin? David Harum? Going Bye-Bye!? The River Wolves? Strange As It Seems #39? Strange As It Seems #1? Strange As It Seems #2? Strange As It Seems #30? Swiss Trip? John Atkins Saves Up? Strange As It Seems #36? Strange As It Seems #37? Nihon josei no uta? The River of Death? Meikin kishû asama sanrokû no makî? Going Highbrow? The Rider of the Law? Stars Over Broadway? Hitch Hike Lady? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #8? Larsson i andra giftet? Trust the Navy? The Widow from Monte Carlo? Hoheit tanzt Walzer? The River House Mystery? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #10? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #11? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #12? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #14? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #15? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #16? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #9? Die ewige Maske? Shunkinsho: Okoto to Sasuke? Otoko no uta yakuza no okite? Buddy Steps Out? Iglói diákok? David Copperfield? Der Kosak und die Nachtigall? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #13? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #17? David O. Selznick: 'Your New Producer'? Sticken, stopfen, flicken, nähen - Alles geht im Handumdrehen? Arena Humsti Bumsti? 1935 Swiss Grand Prix? Unaru tetsuwan? Steve Steps Out? The Boss Rider of Gun Creek? Hitch Hike to Heaven? I-Ski Love-Ski You-Ski? Sunkist Stars at Palm Springs? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #22? Little Boy Blue? The King Steps Out? Sines de Relance? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #18? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #19? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #20? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #21? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #24? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #25? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #27? River Hoogli? Ewige Wache? The River of Thrills? Madam Fashion? A Woman of Guangzhou? Arima neko sôdô? Yasubei ohako giri? Stars on Parade? Bawab el amara? Red River Valley? Silks and Saddles? Nosotros somos así? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #23? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #26? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #31? Skits 'n' Sketches? Harry Reser and His Eskimos? Going Native? The Stars Can't Be Wrong? Inn Signs Through the Ages? Nihon san shûkan no tabi? The Show's the Thing? 1936 Swiss Grand Prix? Going on Two? David Livingstone? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #28? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #29? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #30? Les loups entre eux? Anata to yobeba? Mama Steps Out? The Sheik Steps Out? The Toast of New York? Stars Over Arizona? Rhythm Saves the Day? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #39? Father Steps Out? Duvod k rozvodu? Mr. Wong of Guangdong? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #36? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #37? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #41? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #42? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #43? Ecole Decroly - l'ermitage? Nihon josei dokuhon? Iwami Jûtarô? Guang Chang Long en chou ji? Arima neko? Music-Hall Cavalcade: Stars of Yesterday and Today? The Life of Emile Zola? Souls at Sea? Ship's Concert? Shoes with Rhythm? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #35? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #38? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #40? Comic Artist's Home Life? Roger Wolfe Kahn and His Orchestra? The Old Lady Shows Her Medals? Ruhe ist die erste Bürgerpflicht? Pension Elise Nottebohm? David Mendoza & His Orchestra? Paddle Steamer: Down River in 1850? River Folk? 1937 Swiss Grand Prix? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #33? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #34? "Starlight" Ord Hamilton: Songs at the Piano? "Starlight" Elsie Carlisle? Otoko no tsugunai zenpen? Otoko no tsugunai kohen? Abara dôjô? Ketto · Fujino otoko date? Kaikoku Taro Shin nihon tou banzai? Yakko no Takohei: Otomo wa tsuyoi ne? Mr. Boggs Steps Out? Going Places? Ray Kinney and His Royal Hawaiian Orchestra and the Aloha Maids? Songs and Bullets? Swiss Miss? Songs and Saddles? Out Where the Stars Begin? Stars in Stripes? Going Places with Lowell Thomas, #60? Gorky 1: The Childhood of Maxim Gorky? Jane Steps Out? We're Going to Be Rich? Historic Sites and Resorts Along the Normandy Coast? Nihon no shôgakkô? Ahora seremos felices? Nuren Jing? Kanzaki azuma kudari? Kênkabayashî nihon gini? The Stars Shine? Red River Range? 1938 Swiss Grand Prix? Rupor Jhumko? "Starlight" Elsie Carlisle and Sam Browne? Sales Slips? Going Places with Graham McNamee, #69? Going Places with Graham McNamee, #58? Going Places with Graham McNamee No. 70? Mr. Chedworth Steps Out? Rosor varje kväll? Bir kavuk devrildi? Going Places with Graham McNamee, #59? Going Places with Graham McNamee, #60? Going Places with Graham McNamee, #66? River Thames Yesterday? The River Clyde: A Survey of Scotland's Greatest River? Abuna Messias (Vendetta africana)? Exile Express? Stars and Stripes? Artie Shaw's Class in Swing? Community Sing: Songs of Romance? Community Sing: Songs of the West? Eddie Carroll and His Orchestra? 1939 Swiss Grand Prix? Spies of the Air? Im Namen des Volkes? The Swiss Family Robinson? Okayo no kakugo? Gozonji azuma otoko? Yangtze River Fleet? Swiss Family Robinson? The Stars Look Down? Mr. Duck Steps Out? 'Taint Legal? Knock Knock? Swiss Ski Yodelers? Going Places with Graham McNamee, #72? Henry Steps Out? Miente y serás feliz? The Man Who Seeks the Truth? Der ewige Jude? Meet the Stars #1: Chinese Garden Festival? Souls in Pawn? Kaibyô abura jigoku? Kedok ketawa? Xiao Guang Dong? Tugboat Annie Sails Again? Entre gallos y medianoche? Spots Before Your Eyes? Going Places with Graham McNamee, #79? Der ewige Quell? Sjors van de Rebellenclub met vacantie? Oyako kujira? Hysterical High Spots in American History? Aloma of the South Seas? Father Steps Out? Hollywood Steps Out? The Lone Rider Ambushed? The Lone Rider Crosses the Rio? The Lone Rider Fights Back? The Lone Rider Rides On? The Lone Rider in Ghost Town? Red River Valley? Ships with Wings? Picture People No. 4: Stars Day Off? Tight Shoes? Tåget går klockan 9? Meet the Stars #7: Meet Roy Rogers? Meet the Stars #8: Stars Past and Present? Meet the Stars #4: Variety Reel #2? Meet the Stars #2: Baby Stars? Meet the Stars #5: Hollywood Meets the Navy? Meet the Stars #6: Stars at Play? Meet the Stars #3: Variety Reel #1? Nihon eiga-shi? Bauten im neuen Deutschland? Going Places with Graham McNamee, #88? Bampton Shows the Way? Otoko no hanamichi? Orizuru shichihenge: Kôhen? The Lone Rider in Frontier Fury? Szüts Mara házassága? Entre pitos y flautas? Red Skins and Red Heads? Who Sheds His Blood? Picture People No. 1: Stars in Defense? Mr. Proudfoot Shows a Light? Sechs Tage Heimaturlaub? Aloha Hooey? Alona on the Sarong Seas? Eagle Squadron? The Goose Steps Out? The Lone Rider and the Bandit? The Lone Rider in Cheyenne? Rock River Renegades? Thunder River Feud? Treat 'Em Rough? Los ladrones somos gente honrada? Ace of Aces - The Story of Eddie Rickenbacker? La aldea maldita? Going to Press? Red River Robin Hood? America Sings with Kate Smith? Georg Stage? Otoko no iki? Mr. Muggs Steps Out? Socks Appeal? Stars on Horseback? La dama de Elche y las palmeras? All Sails Set? Der ewige Klang? Seeds of Freedom? Toast of Love? Kerek Ferkó? These Stars Are Mine? The Little Ships of England? Ikari no umi? David Bek? Going Home? Stars on Parade? Songs of the Range? Der Mann, dem man den Namen stahl? Ships' Internal Communications? Roger Touhy, Gangster? Going My Way? Mystery of the River Boat? Ships and Men? Stars and Violins? Mp. Adama i Ewy? Long Shots or Favorites? Nihon kengô den? River Gang? Two Local Yokels? River Ribber? Radio Stars on Parade? My Widow and I? Eddie Green's Laff Jamboree? Entre hermanos? La amada inmóvil? Tsogt taij? Eadie Was a Lady? Going to Glory... Come to Jesus? Stars Over Texas? Stars in Your Eyes? La revanche de Roger la Honte? Seeds of Destiny? Songs in Greece? Soins aux yeux? Loyal Heart? Roger la Honte? Freddie Steps Out? Red River Renegades? Susie Steps Out? Stars on Parade? Shaw's 90th Birthday Broadcast? The Hitch Hikers? Swiss Tease? Swiss Cheese Family Robinson? Wings for Roger Windsock? So You're Going on a Vacation? So You're Going to Be a Father? Onde a Terra Acaba e o Mar Começa...? "Eye Witness" How TV Shows Are Produced? Tu seras vedette? Ramer Sumati? Natun Khabar? Smoky River Serenade? The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap? Singing Stars of Tomorrow? Arthur Askey on Going to the Dentist: The Appointment? Arthur Askey on Going to the Dentist: The Journey? Arthur Askey on Going to the Dentist: The Waiting Room? 1947 Swiss Grand Prix? Akuma no kanpai? "Stump the Stars" Debut on Los Angeles television station KTLA? Fort 27? Soup's On? Going Places? The Comic Strips of Television? Going to Blazes!? River Lady? Tex Granger: Midnight Rider of the Plains? The Judge Steps Out? Powder River Gunfire? Madame Sousou? Spurs of Gold? Los viejos somos así? River Patrol? Crimen entre bastidores? "Public Prosecutor" The Case of the Comic Strip Murder? Akcja Narodów Zjednoczonych? Steps of the Ballet? I Sagas värld? "Actor's Studio" The Widow of Wasdale Head? "The Philco Television Playhouse" The Old Lady Shows Her Medals? Otoko o sabaku onna? Old Songs for New? River Melodies? Képek az épülö Zalából? Speaking of Animals: Tain't So? 1948 Swiss Grand Prix? Ship's Reporter? Stars on Parade? Motion Picture Stars Attend Premiere of 'Call Northside 777'? Comic Book Land? Songs of Romance? Hatch Up Your Troubles? Knock on Any Door? Powder River Rustlers? Rusty Saves a Life? Sands of Iwo Jima? Radar Patrol vs. Spy King? Jolson Sings Again? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Mary McCarty, Jack E. Leonard, Eddie Arcaro? "Inside U.S.A. with Chevrolet" David Niven? Skeena River Trapline? Tibet proibito? Nihon yaburetaredo? Your Local Council? Secreto entre mujeres? Também Somos Irmãos? Otoño y primavera? "The Philco Television Playhouse" The Druid Circle? "Suspense" The Comic Strip Murder? Rover and Me? "Colgate Theatre" The Old Lady Shows Her Medals? A Man's Tears? Shining with Bounddless Radiance? "Cavalcade of Stars" Premiere with guest stars Peter Lorre, Joan Edwards? "Cavalcade of Stars" Henny Youngman, Ethel Smith? "Cavalcade of Stars" Janet Blair, Zero Mostel? "Cavalcade of Stars" Gladys Swarthout, the Dunhills, Mimi Benzell? "Cavalcade of Stars" Vivian Blaine. Georgia Gibbs, Phil Foster, the Treniers? "Cavalcade of Stars" Luba Malina, Ray Malone? "Cavalcade of Stars" Paul Winchell, Donald Richards, Joan Edwards, the Clark Brothers? "Cavalcade of Stars" Hazel Scott, Jackie Miles? "Cavalcade of Stars" Connee Boswell, Carlos Ramirez? "Cavalcade of Stars" Kitty Carlisle, Tito Guizar, Jean Carroll? "Cavalcade of Stars" Cab Calloway, Marie McDonald, Gil Lamb? "Cavalcade of Stars" Ella Logan, Maurice Rocco? "Cavalcade of Stars" Carol Bruce, Josh White, Alice Pearce? "Cavalcade of Stars" Bert Lahr, Mata & Hari, the DeCastro Sisters? "Cavalcade of Stars" Vivian Blaine, Zero Mostel? "Cavalcade of Stars" Marilyn Maxwell? "Cavalcade of Stars" Mimi Benzell? "Cavalcade of Stars" Vivian Blaine. Mata & Hari? "Cavalcade of Stars" Kay Starr? "Cavalcade of Stars" Pearl Bailey? "Cavalcade of Stars" Kitty Kallen, The Four Step Brothers? "Cavalcade of Stars" Victor Borge, Thelma Carpenter? "Cavalcade of Stars" Gali-Gali Luxor, Milt Douglas, Willie Shore? "Cavalcade of Stars" Kitty Kallen, Bert Wheeler, Donald Richards, Rudy Cardenas? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jackie Coogan, Hal LeRoy, Lina Romay? "Cavalcade of Stars" Pinky Lee, Ilona Massey? "Cavalcade of Stars" Vera Vague, Joan Merrill? "Cavalcade of Stars" Smith & Dale, the DeMarco Sisters? "Cavalcade of Stars" Monica Lewis, Jack Durant? "Cavalcade of Stars" Paul Winchell & Jerry Mahoney, Hazel Scott? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jean Carroll? The Morris B. Sachs Amateur Hour? "The Paul Whiteman's Goodyear Revue" Charles Laughton, Eddie Albert, Allyn McClerie? Souls of Sin? 4 Songs by the 4 Gentlemen? Red River Valley? 1949 Swiss Grand Prix? Agaza fel gahannam? Studs' Place? Main Abla Nahin Hoon? "Let There Be Stars" Pilot? Onna koroshi abura jigoku? "We, the People" Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Harold Russell, Dr. David Bradley? "We, the People" Harold E. Stassen, Earle Sande, Vanessa Brown? "We, the People" Eddie Waitkus, Ralph Kiner, Sarah Vaughn, Ned Dearborn, Leo M. Cherne? "We, the People" Sonny Tufts, Charles Yale Harrison, Eddie Waitkus, Al Barlick, Kyra Petrovskaya? Speaking of Animals in Going Hollywood? Le radar conjugal? No Sad Songs for Me? Stars in My Crown? The Toast of New Orleans? So You're Going to Have an Operation? "The Popsicle Parade of Stars" Groucho Marx? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Mimi Benzell, Frieda Wing, David Burns, Mickey Deems, Herkie Styles, The Dunhills? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Patti Page, The Deep River Boys, The Three Suns? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Eddie Bracken, Linda Lee Jones, Tommy Hanlon Jr.? "Your Show of Shows" Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca, Burgess Meredith, Gertrude Lawrence, Robert Merrill? "Your Show of Shows" Robert Merrill, Mischa Elman, Burgess Meredith, Sid Caesar? "Your Show of Shows" Rex Harrison, Clifford Guest, Robert Merrill, Imogene Coca, Sid Caesar? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Host: Melvyn Douglas? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.6? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.7? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.8? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.10? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.11? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.12? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.13? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.1? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.2? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.3? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.4? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Hostess: Nanette Fabray; guest star: Marguerite Piazza? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.6? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.7? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.8? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.9? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.10? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.11? "Your Show of Shows" Henry Morgan? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.13? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.14? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.15? "Your Show of Shows" Marguerite Piazza? "Your Show of Shows" Charles Coburn? "The Colgate Comedy Hour" Revenge with Music with Eddie Cantor? "The Colgate Comedy Hour" Host: Eddie Cantor; Guests: Danny Thomas, Ed Wynn, Sigmund Romberg? "The Stu Erwin Show" Mr. Lamont Stays All Night? "The Saturday Night Revue with Jack Carter" Victor Borge, Eddie Bracken, Virginia O'Brien? "The Saturday Night Revue with Jack Carter" David Niven? "Mama" Mama and Madam Zodiac? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Donald O'Connor, Joyce Holden, Gwen Carter, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Lou Bring & his Orchestra? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Luba Malina, The Baird Marionettes, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Helen Traubel, Candy Candido, Shaw and Lee, George Moore, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth? "The Popsicle Parade of Stars" Fanny Brice? "The Popsicle Parade of Stars" Milton Berle? "Abe Burrows' Almanac" Johnny Coy, Walter Dehoman, the Deep River Boys? "The Peter Lind Hayes Show" David Niven? The Angry Street? Cuando acaba la noche? Entre tu amor y el cielo? A politikai tiszt a csapat lelke? Nihon ni okeru shintai shougaisha no ichishoukei? Donde nacen los pobres? Earning Money While Going to School? Söyleyin Anama Aglamasin? Stars Over Hollywood? "Armstrong Circle Theatre" Local Stop? "Stars Over Hollywood" A Model Young Lady? "Stars Over Hollywood" Girl or Ghost? "Stars Over Hollywood" Landing at Daybreak? "Stars Over Hollywood" Christmas for Sweeney? "Stars Over Hollywood" Midnight? "Stars Over Hollywood" My Rival Is a Fiddle? "Stars Over Hollywood" Never Trust a Redhead? "Stars Over Hollywood" Not a Bad Guy? "Stars Over Hollywood" Rock Against the Sea? "Stars Over Hollywood" Showdown? "Stars Over Hollywood" Small Town Story? "Stars Over Hollywood" Some Small Nobility? "Stars Over Hollywood" Texas Parson? "Stars Over Hollywood" This Little Pig Cried? "Stars Over Hollywood" Winter Love? "Stars Over Hollywood" Grady Everett for the People? "Stage 13" The Stars in Their Courses? "Stars Over Hollywood" Beauty Is a Joy? Ships That Pass? Home, Tweet Home? "Cavalcade of Stars" J. Carrol Naish, Kyle MacDonnell, Louis Nye, Carl Reiner? "Cavalcade of Stars" John Garfield, Kim Stanley, Paul Winchell & Jerry Mahoney? "Cavalcade of Stars" Gloria DeHaven, Eddie Fisher? "Cavalcade of Stars" Ella Fitzgerald, Kate Murtagh, Mary Raye & Naldi? "Cavalcade of Stars" Richard Tucker? "Cavalcade of Stars" Connie Haines? "NBC Television Opera Theatre" Scenes from Puccini's Madam Butterfly? "Cavalcade of Stars" The Modernaires, Evelyn Farney? "Cavalcade of Stars" Chico Marx? "Cavalcade of Stars" Frances Langford, The Four Step Brothers? "Cavalcade of Stars" Mindy Carson, Leo DeLyon? "Cavalcade of Stars" Robert Merrill, The Mello-Larks? "Cavalcade of Stars" Andy Russell, Della Russell, Patricia Bowman, Stan Freeman? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jane Pickens, Buck & Bubbles? "Cavalcade of Stars" Guest Host: Bert Wheeler; Guest Star: Johnny Coy? "Cavalcade of Stars" Guest Host: Jackie Miles; Guest Star: Betty Bruce? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jerry Lester debut as host; guest stars: Janis Paige, Dorothy Jarnac, Baccaloni? "Cavalcade of Stars" Connie Haines, Maurice Rocco? "Cavalcade of Stars" Janet Blair? "Cavalcade of Stars" Chester Morris, Kyle MacDonnell, Dizzy Gillespie? "Cavalcade of Stars" John Loder, Gertrude Niesen, Bert Gordon? "Cavalcade of Stars" Kyle MacDonnell, Bert Wheeler, Jerry Wayne? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jackie Robinson, Kyle MacDonnell, Johnny Johnston, Gali-Gali? "Cavalcade of Stars" Sam Levenson, Kyle MacDonnell? "Cavalcade of Stars" Smith & Dale, the Four Step Brothers, Mimi Benzell, Leonard Sues? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jack Pearl & Cliff Hall, Joan Edwards, Elsa & Waldo? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jackie Robinson, Mindy Carson? "Cavalcade of Stars" Keye Luke, Ray Malone, Susan Miller, Carl Ravazza? "Cavalcade of Stars" Kitty Kallen, Larry Storch? "Cavalcade of Stars" Vivian Blaine, Carlos Ramirez, Jackie Miles? "Cavalcade of Stars" Anna Maria Alberghetti, Wally Brown, Beatrice Kay, Leonard Sues? "Cavalcade of Stars" Georgia Gibbs? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jackie Gleason debut as host; guest stars: Rose Marie, the DeCastro Sisters? "Cavalcade of Stars" Bert Wheeler, Dorothy Clare, Billy Daniels? "Cavalcade of Stars" Andy and Della Russell, Clarence Stroud? "Cavalcade of Stars" Victor Borge, Frances Langford? "Cavalcade of Stars" Smith & Dale, Gracie Barrie & the Beachcombers? "Cavalcade of Stars" Vivian Blaine, Bert Wheeler? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jane Pickens, Milt Douglas, Roger Price? "Cavalcade of Stars" Joey Bishop, Thelma Carpenter? "Cavalcade of Stars" Della & Andy Russell, Mickey Deems? "Cavalcade of Stars" Guy Raymond, Nadine Conner? "Cavalcade of Stars" The DeMarco Sisters? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jan Peerce, Professor Irwin Corey, Marion Colby? "Cavalcade of Stars" Bert Wheeler, Eileen Barton? "Cavalcade of Stars" Blanche Thebom, Betty & Jane Kean? "Cavalcade of Stars" Gene Barry, Eddie Fisher? "Cavalcade of Stars" Jan Peerce, Eugenie Baird? "Cavalcade of Stars" Joey Bishop, Lucille Norman? "Cavalcade of Stars" Dick Haymes? "Cavalcade of Stars" Eddie Fisher, Betty & Jane Kean? "Cavalcade of Stars" Earl Wrightson, Beverly Tyler? "Cavalcade of Stars" Johnny Coy, Thomas L. Thomas? "Cavalcade of Bands" Eddie Duchin & his Orchestra, Constance Moore? "Cavalcade of Bands" Eddie Duchin & his Orchestra, Ray Anthony, Jackie Miles, Dancing De Marlos, Viola Lane, Charlotte Fayne? "Stump the Stars" Geraldine Brooks, Virginia Field, Regis Toomey, Otto Kruger? "Lights Out" A Toast to Sergeant Farnsworth? Madam the Maid: La Serva Padrona? The Eagle and the Hawk? Radar Secret Service? Rider from Tucson? David Harding, Counterspy? "Stump the Stars" Marilyn Maxwell, Ella Raines, Walter Brennan, Howard Da Silva? Somos Dois? Steps of Age? Local 100? "Formula 1" 1950 Swiss Grand Prix? "Eloise Salutes the Stars" Elsa Maxwell & Shepard Traube? Songs for Sale? Wakasama samurai torimonochô: nazo no nômen yashiki? Studs' Place? "Songs for Sale" Premier? "Songs for Sale" Episode #1.2? "Songs for Sale" Episode #1.3? "Songs for Sale" Episode #1.4? "Songs for Sale" Episode #1.5? "Songs for Sale" Episode #1.6? "Songs for Sale" Episode #1.7? "Songs for Sale" Episode #1.8? "Songs for Sale" Episode #1.9? "Maggi's Private Wire" Anita Colby? "Stump the Stars" Richard Ney, Florence Bates? "Mohawk Showroom" David Street? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.9? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #1.16? "Stump the Stars" Benefit show for the March of Dimes? "Stump the Stars" Lola Albright, Jeanne Cagney, Douglas Dumbrille, Marc Lawrence? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Host: Macdonald Carey; Guests: Marguerite Piazza, Jan Peerce? Die neuen Herren von Lützkendorf? David at Goliath? "Treasure Island" Going Ashore? A Swiss Miss? Tweet Music? River of Steel? David and Bathsheba? Snake River Desperadoes? Tweet Tweet Tweety? Songs of Erin? Ernie in Kovacsland? "Lux Video Theatre" Local Storm? "Lux Video Theatre" The Old Lady Shows Her Medals? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.18? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.19? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.20? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.21? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.22? "Your Show of Shows" Sarah Churchill? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.24? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.25? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.26? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Host: Tom Ewell? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.28? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.29? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.30? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Host: John Conte? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.32? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.33? "Your Show of Shows" Wendy Barrie, Paulette Goddard? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.35? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.36? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.37? "Your Show of Shows" Laraine Day, Cesare Siepi? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #2.39? "Your Show of Shows" Wendell Corey? "Your Show of Shows" Marguerite Chapman? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.3? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.4? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.5? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.6? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.7? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.9? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.11? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.12? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.13? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.14? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.15? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.16? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.17? "The Colgate Comedy Hour" Host: Eddie Cantor; Guests: Basil O'Connor, Estelle Sloan, Dave Powell, Lee Fairfax, Joe Marks? "The Colgate Comedy Hour" Host: Eddie Cantor; guest star: Cesar Romero? "The Colgate Comedy Hour" host: Bob Hope; guest stars: Eddie Bracken, Marilyn Maxwell, Bob Crosby, Toni Arden, Georgie Price, Frank Faylen? "The Saturday Night Revue with Jack Carter" Phil Silvers, Kathryn Murray, Kitty Kallen, Anita Alvarez? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Margaret Truman, Al Norman, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano? "Ernie in Kovacsland" Episode #1.1? "All Star Revue" Host: Ed Wynn; Guests: Eddie Cantor, Georgia Gibbs, Richard Himber, Lucienne & Ashour, the Ivanovs, the Dick Barstow Dancers? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Helen Traubel, The Baird Marionettes, Harris & Anders, Jack Albertson, Dort Clark, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Don Ameche, Patricia Wheel, Ben Wrigley, Trini Reyes, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Carmen Miranda, Ben Wrigley, Betty Garde, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano? "Hollywood Theatre Time" Barbara Shows the Town? Three Steps North? "The Adventures of Ellery Queen" Death Spins a Wheel? "Treasury Men in Action" The Case of the Swiss Watches? "TV Club" Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson? "TV Club" Betty Garrett, Eddie Mayehoff? Doroga imeni Oktyabrya? Képek a Mátra és a Bükk vidékéröl? Das ewige Spiel? Toast to Love? Entre abogados te veas? Going Steady?? Fireside Arena Theatre? "Fireside Theatre" Going Home? "Stars Over Hollywood" Autumn Flames? "Stars Over Hollywood" Cutie Pie? "Stars Over Hollywood" Hand on My Shoulder? "Stars Over Hollywood" Moon on Wires? "Stars Over Hollywood" My Nephew Norwell? "Stars Over Hollywood" Nor Gloom of Night? "Stars Over Hollywood" Old Mother Hubbard? "Stars Over Hollywood" Pearls from Paris? "Stars Over Hollywood" Pretty Boy? "Stars Over Hollywood" Prison Doctor? "Stars Over Hollywood" Son of the Rock? "Stars Over Hollywood" Tails for Jeb Mulcahy? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Ace of Spades? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Devil You Say? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Iron Mask? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Kirbys? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Return of Van Sickle? "Stars Over Hollywood" When the Devil Is Sick? "Stars Over Hollywood" Yang Yin and Mrs. Wiswell? "Studio One" Shake the Stars Down? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" David Garrick? "Stars Over Hollywood" Conqueror's Isle? "The Big Story" Ernie Hood, Reporter? "The Big Story" Nolen Bulloch, Reporter? "Mark Saber" The Case of the Toast to Murder? "Stars Over Hollywood" It Happened in Heaven? "Stars Over Hollywood" Never Laugh at a Lady? "Stars Over Hollywood" Stepdaughter? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Second Mrs. Sands? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Ageless? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Last Letter? "Stars Over Hollywood" A Letter from Home? "Stars Over Hollywood" The Housekeeper? Otoko no aishu? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #3.11? "What's My Line?" Eddie Arcaro? "Cavalcade of Stars" Christmas Party? "Cavalcade of Stars" Joan Carroll, Fran Warren? "Cavalcade of Stars" Richard Tucker, Jackie Miles, Marion Colby? "Cavalcade of Stars" Mimi Benzell? "Cavalcade of Stars" Bert Wheeler? "Cavalcade of Stars" Georgia Gibbs, Art Lund? "Cavalcade of Stars" James Gleason, Maureen Cannon, Florence Desmond? "Cavalcade of Stars" Morey Amsterdam, Kay Armen, Jane Pickens, Carlos Ramirez? "Cavalcade of Stars" Liberace, Milton Douglas, Borrah Minnevitch's Harmonica Rascals? "Cavalcade of Stars" Carlos Ramirez, Joey Bishop, Fran Warren? "Cavalcade of Stars" Betty & Jane Kean? "Cavalcade of Stars" Blanche Thebom, Maurice Rocco? "Cavalcade of Stars" Hazel Scott, Eugene Conley? "Cavalcade of Stars" June Havoc, Jackie Miles, Carl Ravazza? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.31? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.32? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.33? "Cavalcade of Stars" June Valli, Billy Daniels, Jimmy Nelson? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.35? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.36? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.37? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.38? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.39? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.40? "Cavalcade of Stars" The Ames Brothers? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.42? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.43? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.44? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.45? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.46? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.47? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.48? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #2.49? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #3.1? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #3.2? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #3.3? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #3.4? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #3.5? "Cavalcade of Stars" Bread? "Cavalcade of Stars" Razor Blades? "Cavalcade of Stars" Alice's Anniversary? "Cavalcade of Stars" Earl Wilson, Georgia Gibbs? "Cavalcade of Stars" The New Television Set? "Cavalcade of Stars" Ralph Threatens to Leave? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #3.13? "Cavalcade of Stars" Alice and Ralph Get Dressed for a Date Last Night? "Cavalcade of Stars" The Ring Salesman? "Cavalcade of Stars" The Quiz Show? "Cavalcade of Stars" Episode #3.18? Stars Are Born? "The Range Rider" Last of the Pony Express? Never Trust a Gambler? Eddie Peabody and Sonny Burke's Orchestra? The Queen Steps Out? Toast to Our Brother? Cavalcade of Broadway: Eddie Condon's? "Formula 1" 1951 Swiss Grand Prix? Going Places with Betty Betz? "In the News" Culture of Local Firemen? "Eloise Salutes the Stars" Vincent Sardi? "Eloise Salutes the Stars" Douglas Leigh? River Solo Flows? "Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok" The Widow Muldane? "The Range Rider" Bad Medicine? "The Range Rider" Big Medicine Man? "The Range Rider" Dead Man's Shoe? "The Range Rider" Diablo Pass? "The Range Rider" Dim Trails? "The Range Rider" False Trail? "The Range Rider" Gunman's Game? "The Range Rider" Gunslinger in Paradise? "The Range Rider" Harsh Reckoning? "The Range Rider" Hidden Gold? "The Range Rider" Indian Sign? "The Range Rider" Marked Bullets? "The Range Rider" Marked for Death? "The Range Rider" Pack Rat? "The Range Rider" Red Jack? "The Range Rider" Right of Way? "The Range Rider" Sealed Justice? "The Range Rider" Six Gun Party? "The Range Rider" Stage to Rainbow's End? "The Range Rider" Ten Thousand Reward? "The Range Rider" The Baron of Broken Bow? "The Range Rider" The Crooked Fork? "The Range Rider" The Fatal Bullet? "The Range Rider" The Flying Arrow? "The Range Rider" The Ghost of Poco Loco? "The Range Rider" The Golden Peso? "The Range Rider" The Grand Fleece? "The Range Rider" The Hawk? "The Range Rider" The Range Rider? "The Range Rider" The Secret Lode? "The Range Rider" Western Fugitive? "Red Ryder" Whiplash? "The Range Rider" Gun Point? Oboro kago? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.23? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.24? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.25? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.26? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.27? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.5? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.1? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.2? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.3? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.4? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.6? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.7? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.8? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.9? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.10? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.11? "Songs for Sale" Sarah Vaughan, Alan Dale? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.13? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.14? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.15? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.16? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.17? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.18? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.19? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.20? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.21? "Songs for Sale" Episode #3.22? "Showtime, U.S.A." Sketches from Broadway shows produced by Vinton Freedley? "Songs for Sale" Episode #2.1? "Songs for Sale" Mitchell Filler, Irving Caesar? "Songs for Sale" Episode #2.3? "Rocky King, Detective" The Comic Strip? "Crawford Mystery Theatre" Public Prosecutor: THE CASE OF THE COMIC STRIP MURDER? "The Faye Emerson Show" Legal Aid? "Eloise Salutes the Stars" Ralph Edwards? "Garroway at Large" Eddie South? "Ernie in Kovacsland" Final Show? "It's Time for Ernie" Premiere? "It's Time for Ernie" Final Show? Hockey Stars' Summer? Canadian Talent Showcase No. 4: Songs by Gisele with Gisele MacKenzie? "The Steve Allen Show" Roger Price, Errol Garner? "The Big Story" Ernie Wood, reporter on the Alameda (California) Times-Star? Ôsumô Retsu-sen fu? "Wrestling from Marigold" Chief Lone Eagle vs. Rudy Kay? "The Gabby Hayes Show" The Story of Dr. David deLeon, Surgeon General of the Confederate Army? The Cases of Eddie Drake? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" Shoot the Works? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" Murder Ad-lib? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" Murder by Proxy? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" The Man Who Was Nobody? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" Hush, Hush? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" Orpheus and His Loot? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" Sleep Well, Angel? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" Suggestion: Drop Dead? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" The Brass Key? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" The Man with the Stomach Ache? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" A Hole in the Head? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" Murder in 3/4 Time? "The Cases of Eddie Drake" The Judas Coin? Ramar of the Jungle? "Tales of Adventure" Roger Sudden: Part 1? "Tales of Adventure" Roger Sudden: Part 2? "Tales of Adventure" Roger Sudden: Part 3? "Tales of Adventure" Roger Sudden: Part 4? "China Smith" Curse of the River Gods? "Huckleberry Finn" The Widow Douglas's? Songs That Live? Going! Going! Gosh!? Radar Men from the Moon? The Snows of Kilimanjaro? Hockey Stars Summer? The Ernie Kovacs Show? The Eddie Albert Show? So You're Going to the Dentist? Seuls au monde? Da nao Guang Chang Long? "The Bob Hope Show" Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca, Jimmy Durante, Rex Harrison, Lili Palmer, Eddie Cantor, Faye Emerson, Janis Paige, Jinx Falkenburg, Ted McCrary, Lex Barker, Arlene Dahl? "Hallmark Hall of Fame" The Story of Roger Williams? "My Little Margie" Margie Sings Opera? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Hostess: Marilyn Maxwell? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Host: Jack Palance? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.4? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.18? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.19? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Host: Binnie Barnes? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.22? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.23? "Your Show of Shows" Arlene Francis? "Your Show of Shows" Margaret Lindsay? "Your Show of Shows" Leo Genn? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.27? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.28? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.29? "Your Show of Shows" Jose Greco, Richard Hayes? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.31? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.32? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.33? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.34? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.36? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #3.39? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.5? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.6? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.7? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.8? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.9? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.11? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.12? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.13? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.14? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.15? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.16? "Your Show of Shows" Guest Hostess: Glynis Johns? "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" David the Babysitter? "The Amos 'n Andy Show" Kingfish Sells a Lot? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" Gracie Thinks George Is Going to Commit Suicide? "The Jackie Gleason Show" Morton Downey, Anita Kert Ellis; The Honeymooners - Question Mark? "Your Show of Shows" Episode #4.1? Zwischen Nylon und Chemnitz? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Frank Sinatra, Fifi D'Orsay, Candy Candido, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano, Roy Bargy & his Orchestra; Sheilah Graham? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Margaret Truman, Phil Harris, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano? "All Star Revue" Host: Tallulah Bankhead; Guest: David Niven, George Jessel, Vaughn Monroe, Paul Hartman, Patsy Kelly, Phil Foster, Ron Fletcher, Meredith Willson & his Orchestra? "All Star Revue" Host: Jimmy Durante; Guests: Lily Pons, Candy Candido, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano, Roy Bargy & his Orchestra? "The Kate Smith Evening Hour" Eddie Foy, Jr., Fred Allen, Maria Tallchief? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE PREDISCRIMINATOR BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎۝ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next debut... oh, right! Forgot again already. Only the two this week, and that damn Star Wars movie. See? People don't like the new stuff! Give 'em the old classics... maybe not Godfather 3. Well, it's usually at this point that I like to leave my loyal readers with a nugget or two of wisdom, but... really, you must be pretty hard up if you're looking to a blogger for wisdom! All I got is the usual: don't give up, keep trying, eat right and exercise, yadda yadda. Just remember that things don't always work out. For instance, if you take the letters in the name "Donald Trump," you can almost spell "one damp turd." GOOD NIGHT EVERY BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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