Big Trouble - Barry Sonnenfeld, call your mother... I'm sorry, my mistake. Good movie. Nice movie.
But Tim Allen? Seriously? What were you thinking, Barry? Call your sister.
Signs - M. Night Shyamalan, call your mother...
Taps - PONICSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Order (2003) - John Carpenter called. He wants his font back.
This Means War - Oh, McG... you know it's not going to be rated R. The trailers say it's not yet rated, but you'll make the necessary edits, and you know it.
The Grey - As in, Liam Neeson's hair! Oh, snap... Seriously, though, enough with the TV ads. I get it. You want a #1 opening weekend.
Chronicle - See you next Wednesday, Frank Oznowicz!
Inside Llewyn Davis - Only 730 days to go...
The Descendants - About Schmidt's Hawaiian Vacation?
Black Snake Moan - And finally, I've got my theme for this one. God bless facebook! Otherwise, I wouldn't have found this whole group dedicated to using movie titles to describe the last time you went to the bathroom, to put it slightly more politely.
The Neverending Story - Another one!
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Very Oscar worthy, and I don't mean Sesame Street's Oscar the Grouch.
Aguirre: The Wrath of God - Close enough
Harry Brown - Good Lord...
Green Hornet AND Green Lantern - Bad double bill
The Green Mile - Must have had peas!
Titanic - Okay, time to stop. I must be getting older.
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