Sunday, June 27, 2021

Auteur Watch - Jim Sturtridge

 Oh good!  A quick one.  Whelp, even though he's listed as Assistant Director on one short film, For the Birds, that's close enough for me.  But don't get me started with that phrase.  For one thing, all my Ornithology "friends" probably have a problem with it.  Eight-year-old Gabe may be wrestling with the meaning of mortality, but I'm a little farther along, and this heat wave is creeping into all my thoughts.  Wasn't Robert Downey Jr. working on something that was going to save us all?  Lemme look that up... okay, it's called the Footprint Coalition, and he wants to try and use nanobots and nanotechnology basically as an army of Roombas (TM) (R) (C) floating around in the sky, processing all the excess CO2... ooh!  Do we have subscript here?  CO2... that's about as good as that's going to get here.  Not bad!  And then, of course, there's the ocean, and the garbage patches within... my God.  You mean there's more than one?  'Fraid so, son... 'fraid so.  But hey, if a tree falls in the forest... I mean, what's the point of doing anything worthwhile if there's nobody watching?  But film is a whole sub-ecosystem unto itself, and certainly not exempt from the laws of Mother Nature, and we've got whole teams of film preservationists working hard to digitally save all this stuff... or, at least, starting with the stuff worth saving.  Some of these home movies from the '60s; I mean, they're sweet and all, but you gotta prioritize.  And if mankind's not going to last another fifty years, it kinda makes filmmaking in particular, and storytelling in general, indeed something for the birds.  G'night, everybody!  And remember, if you're a rapist that doesn't want to get caught, you might want to try and stay away from sharing your info on those DNA databases.  Just a thought.  Oh, and you'll probably have to kill your relatives, too, because they can catch you from partial matches as well.  Sleep tight!

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