Brought to you by Strange Dreams. Strange Dreams! This week in Strange Dreams, I dreamed that I was in a restaurant in a big city... probably shouldn't say where. Now, usually when one tries to read something in a book, the words don't stay still... just me, right? Well, that's the trouble I was having with the menu. Also, the prices were pretty low for a big city like the one I was in! Eventually, I negotiated a deal in lieu of the menu; the disgruntled waitress was going to make me two hamburgers with fried eggs on top. WHEN SUDDENLY, a couple sitting next to me started talking to me. The young man was complaining about a harrassment suit that one of his customers brought against him, while his young bride was trying to get him to stop telling the story. I decided I should leave before the conversation gets too much more involved. I spent the rest of the dream trying to walk back to the restaurant to get my meal... she should be placing it on the table right about now! I walked and walked for what seemed like an eternity, so I checked my watch and... 4:50pm?!!!! How did so many hours pass so quickly? I then decided I probably shouldn't go back there at all. Besides, I needed to pack my stuff and head home. They'd be expecting me home tonight! Then, I woke up. Ah, Strange Dreams. Wasn't even running from the cops that time, but there was a similar sense of relief. Also brought to you by Childless Cat Ladies. Childless Cat Ladies! This week in Childless Cat Ladies... Erin Stewart. But you know what? Hey... if she wants to vote Democratic, we'd love to have you. Whelp, time for another smashing Box Office, American report. Brought to you by... oh, right. Did that already. Well, we got a new debut at #1, which Hollywood always likes, and two debuts closer to the "ten" end of things... not so good. Worst of all, the one that was advertised to death in my little corner of the world, Better Man, didn't even make the Top 10! Better man, worst box office. Don't worry, Rolling Stone (TM)(R)(C) magazine! I still believe in you! Anyway, back to this week's big winner. For some reason, it reminds me of the movie Now You See Me, only manlier, but that's what you expect from a Gerard Butler pic. Even one with a title like A Family Man. Coolest dad ever! Whelp, he seems to have found the right level of manly: more than Timothée Chalamet, but less than, say, Chuck Norris. But really, all men are less manly than Chuck Norris. Even a T. Rex bows down to Chuck Norris! Nightmares have Chuck Norris! Orgasms scream... sorry, I must be having another mid-life crisis or something. Clearly I was late to the Chuck Norris train and now I'm trying to make up for it. Let's just say that Gerard Butler still takes himself far too seriously. I mean, where's his The Pacifier? Where's his Tooth Fairy? Where's his Kindergarten Cop? The closest we get is The Ugly Truth... hardly the same. Incidentally, what's Katherine Heigl been up to? Let's take a look... a day job. Better not give it up. Alas, they can't all be days of caviar straight from the tap.
Okay, time to get back on track here. This new one is an R-rated 2.5 hour long heist picture, and it's a sequel that's... half-ashamed of the non-Roman numeral? I mean, the number's there on the poster, but not in the title on the IMDb! I just HATE inconsistency! Speaking of which... yup, still the Highlander. Cover's blown, dude! It just barely beat out the new semi-live action Lion King sequel... people get tired of new movies so quickly. Meanwhile, they were showing Sweet Bird of Youth on Turner Classic Movies tonight. They haven't shown it in a while! Who is Geraldine Page supposed to be? WHO???? ... damn. The "trivia" section's not saying. Must be one of those "composite" characters that's based on several people, mostly for legal reasons. But the people that were used for inspiration always tend to know. The unhappier they are with their portrayal... the better the movie it makes. Sorry, guys! It's totally true. So what's the name of this new one already? It's got a new word, in addition to the non-Roman numeral, to distinguish it from the first installment. Most people think of it as a heavy metal band, but the name dates back to Roman antiquity, actually! Small world. It's the name of a district or a ward in an obscure Italian city. Shouldn't be too hard to pin down. I mean, was it 1821: La era de los buenos sentimientos? No? Well, what about Opera Scene then? Corrida entera de toros por la cuadrilla de Ponciano Perez maybe? Could it be Opening of Victorian Era Exhibituon quite possibly? How about Burglars in the Pantry perhaps? La bandera argentina someday? The 'Panther' potentially? Pantomime Rehearsal perchance? His Holiness, Leo XIII in the Gardens of the Vatican, Being Photograpphed by the American Biograpph Camera conceivably? Admiral Cervera and Officers of the Spanish Fleet Leaving the 'St. Louis' as it might be? La fiera di porta Genova, weather permitting? Llegada del Almirante Cervera a Madrid, God willing? Carrera de ciclismo en el velodrome de Arroyo Seco same time next Summer? How about Torpediniera n. 107 alla Spezia? Defensa de la bandera? Opera of Martha, Second Act? Inauguración del panteon frances? S.M. Umberto I a bordo della 'Lepanto'? L'Habanera? Experimental -- Handcamera? Water Pantomime? Roznosiciele 'Kuriera Warszawskiego'? Colocación de la primera piedra para el monumento de Alfonso XII? Salida de palacio del cortejo para el acto de la jura de bandera? Clown, Pantaloon and Bobby? Pantomime Girls Having a Lark? Yachts Racing Towards the Camera? La Chimera? Willie's Camera? The Camera Fiend? The Camera Fiend, No. 2? Discovfefered Through an Opera Glass? Calacación de la primera piedra del monumento al Doctor Robert y aspect de la plaza universidad? The Opera Hat? What Happpened to a Camera Fiend? Torrero y la ribera (Calles y plazas de Zaragoza)? Lancieri di Savoia e bandiera italiana? De mésaventure van een Fransch heertje zonder pantalon aan het strand te Zandvoort? Le pantalon coupé? The Snappshot Fiend; or, Willie's New Camera? Deer Stalking with a Camera? Seen in the Camera? Festeggiamenti Italo-Svizzera a Genova? J'ai un hanneton dans mon pantalon? Buona sera alla finestra? Buona sera bambina e burattinaio? Buona sera fotografo!? Buona sera pittore!? Buona sera signorina? Buona sera signorina Bonelli!? L'ultima sera di carnevale? Colocación de la primera piedra de los edificios de la expocición nacional? La defenza de nuestra bandera? La primera piedra del edificio de la exposición en puebla? Frontiera russo-giappponese? Verso la Svizzera? La riviera di Ponente? La pappelera? Descarrilamiento del puente de la Noguera? Non vogliamo più cameriera? Buona sera corsa!? Povfefera madre!? Drama on the Riviera? Transfert des cendres de Zola au Panthéon? Primera corrida de Gaona? La cartiera di Fabriano? Mareggiata in Riviera? Riviera in Motor Car? In the Riviera? Primera carrera de la Peña Rhin? Jura de bandera en San Sebastián? Copa de Cataluña (Carrera de automoviles)? La consegna della bandiera? Premiera piesei 'Domnisoara Dactilografa' la teatrul din Cluj? Bufera d'amore? Ecco la primavera? Il ritratto della suocera? La lettera a Gesù? Cent francs à qui rappportera? A Second-Hand Camera? Nellie's Camera? La Chicanera? Hunting the Panther? Panther Hunting on the Island of Java? Commemorazione della sortita di Marghera durante l'assedio di Venezia? La consegna della bandiera alla R. Nave 'Nappoli'? La consegna della bandiera alla corazzata 'Nappoli'? La consegna della bandiera alla corazzata 'Roma'? La consegna della bandiera fatta da S. M. il Re alla R. Nave 'Vittorio Emanuele'? Buffalo Racing in Madoera? Estación ferrocarrilera en San Luis Potosí? Homenaje de Barcelona a Guimera en la Plaza Cataluña? Riviera Coast Scenes? Riviera Fisher Folk? Waves and Spray on the Riviera? His First Pants? En se trompant de chappeau? Primera carrera internacional de automóviles 'Peña-Rhin'? Tragedia torera? Povfefera madre!? La buona sera del Pulcinella? Buona sera del Pierrot? Il delitto della brughiera? La Creola (Si Yo Fuera Gato Negro)? Un ballo in maschera? Kumamotodera tamura tsujido no ba? La vedova povfefera? Boatman of the Riviera? Carrera de automóviles? La primera y segunda casetas? Ribera del Llobregat? Jura de la bandera en Orizaba? Feria de primavera en la ciudad de Aguascalientes? Crociera motonautica sul Po? Riviera adriatica? La Svizzera italiana? La Riviera di Levante? Round London with a Camera? Tercera sesión del concurso hípico? Colocación de la primera piedra del monumento a Curro Enriquez? On Panther Creek? Le fiancé au pantalon trop étroit? L'enfant aux pantins? Segunda carrera automovilista 'Peña-Rhin' (Mataró-Argentona)? Caught by the Camera? Cameriera infedele? Il bandito dalla maschera nera? Era destino!? Frivolezza che genera la colpa? Puntolini al ballo per far carriera? Mille chilometri per una lettera? The Tale a Camera Told? The Vivandiera? Ninera clasica? Carrera de Autos Imparcial-Puebla? Entrega de la bandera del 32 batallón? I castelli della riviera dalmata? Crociera Torino-Roma del Touring Club Italiano? Casa Savoia: Vita privata dell'intera famiglia dei Reali d'Italia? In crociera sul Reno? Primavera a Sanremo? La valle della Nera? La riviera incantata? Entrega da bandera do destróier Paraná? De Piaçaguera ao Alto da Serra? De Santos a Piaçaguera? Bucuresti: Regele romaniei inaugureaza noua camera de comert? Regele romanei inaugureaza noua camera? Babylas vient d'hériter d'une panthère? The Pantaloon Skirt? At Panther Creek? A Pair of Pants? Bufera d'anime? Jael and Sisera? L'adultera? Dramma alla frontiera? Mutt and Jeff Join the Opera Co.? Primavera di lacrime? Tommy's Camera? The Man with the Camera? Buona sera piccante? C'era una volta? C'era una volta due ladri... (Racconto di Natale)? La farina della suocera? Dopo la bufera viene il sereno? Una lettera per espresso? Entusiasta per la Mano Nera? Jolicoeur si maschera? Tontolini fa guerra alla suocera? L'onomastico della suocera di Tontolini? Vera? Il vestito della povfefera piccina? Toto sera un bon menuisier? Gontran n'acceptera plus de billets de théâtre? Ce qui doit être sera? Gee! My Pants!? His Pair of Pants? Pulque Pete and the Opera Troupe? Jura de la bandera en Zumpango? Along the Italian Riviera? Il fiume Nera? La Svizzera italiana? La primavera sui laghi? Riviera di Levante? Alkali Ike's Pants? Pants and Pansies? Pantera? De Pantoffelhelden? Pantoffelhelden? Kansleren kaldet [Den sorte Panter]? Montseny, Viladrau y Tordera? An Intelligent Camera? La miniera di ferro? Sul sentiero della vipera? Pantera? Percy's First Camera? Cholera on the Plains? L'ostrica perlifera? La locandiera? Una vittima della Mano Nera? Era vedova... ma il sangue? La lettera d'amore di Polidor? Lettera anonima? La locandiera? 'E' lui...' ed era l'altro? Polidor contro la suocera? Il sonnifero per la suocera? Primavera ed autunno? Tartarin e la cameriera? Tontolini non vuol la suocera? Pik Nik ha il colera? Arthème ne jettera plus de pappiers? The Camera in the Clouds? Onésime et la panthère de Calino? Cornwall, the English Riviera? Along the Riviera? The Butterfly of a Day: The Ephemera? Alle sorgenti del Peschiera? Celebri paesaggi della Svizzera? La frontiera turco-bulgara? On the Cornish Riviera? Les pantins? The Power of the Camera? Povfefera Tisa, povfefera madre!? La suocera? The Pink Opera Cloak? The Camera Fiend? Quell'angelo di mia suocera? La suocera di Robinet? Arrivederci - La preghiera di Bebè? Dick contro la suocera? La maschera della bellezza? Sacra bandiera? Peschiera? La mano nera? La lettera di Tartarin? La suocera dragona? Das rosa Pantöffelchen? La Barrera número 13? Primera comunión de las alumnas de las Escuelas Pías? La bufera? Sotto la maschera? Fatty's Magic Pants? He Wanted His Pants? His Royal Pants? A Fortune in Pants? Cholera v Praze? Primera corrida de abono en Valencia? Zona olivarera? Il disastro di Linera? Crociera motonautica italiana? Coltivazione dei fiori a Bordighera? Esercito montenegrino alla frontiera? La grande mareggiata sulla Riviera ligure? Immane disastro nei Comuni di Cinera e Cosentino? Riviera di Ponente? Povfefera Leda...? Trappped by the Camera? The Girl in Pants? A Substitute for Pants? Without Pants? À qui le pantalon?? The Panther? The $1,000 Pants? His Neighbor's Pants? Potted Pantomimes? The Spotted Panther? Grand Opera in Rubeville? The Opera Singer's Triumph? Lea cameriera? Rodolfi ha una brutta cameriera? La sfera della morte? Anima prigioniera? El duell del sciur Pànera? La filossera? La cameriera di Gastone? La prigioniera di Hiltany? La trovata della suocera? La suocera di Cocò? Titi sera un grand chirurgien? The Battle of Vera Cruz? La principessa straniera? La maschera che sanguina? Il segreto dell'aquila nera? Croce nera? Ossessione della suocera? Gontran, Victim of the Camera? Venezia: dimostrazione ospitaliera? Riviera italiana? Maschera di mistero? L'énigme de la Riviera? The Tale of His Pants? His Only Pants? Kri Kri martire della suocera? Mon oncle n'épousera pas ma soeur? Alla frontiera? The Girl with the Camera? The Amateur Camera Man? La perla nera? La maschera dell'eroe? Miniera argentifera? Vera? La pantomima della morte? L'ereditiera? Gibel amerikanskogo miblliardera na Lusitanii? La maschera folle? La maschera della morta? Bandiera bianca? La signora dalla farfalla nera? Attentato alla miniera Kopkins? La maschera umana? La principessa nera? La padrona della miniera? La mano nera? Betrayed by a Camera? Jura de bandera? La nostra marina da guerra opera per la vittoria e la gloria d'Italia? Prodigiosa opera della Marina Italiana in aiuto dell'esercito serbo? Pants and Petticoats? Der Konkneipant? På detta numera vanliga sätt? Two Seats at the Opera? La piccola infermiera della Croce Rossa? Gigetta l'avventuriera? The Purificatuon of Mulfera? Panther? Das Opfer der Wera Wogg? Il mistero di una notte di primavera? Primavera? La maschera dell'amore? Quando la primavera ritorno? Nella jungla nera? Ciocca d'edera? La straniera? Pants? Pete's Pants? Carrera de automoviles del domingo 2 de septiembre de 1917? Panthea? The Camera Cure? C'era una volta? Prima Vera? Il delitto dell'opera? La maschera del vizio? La maschera del destino? Chimera? La storia di una cappinera? The Sea Panther? Sen frátera Ondreje? The Riviera of Lac Leman? The Panther Woman? Proekt inzhenera Prayta? Vera Panina? L'edera senza quercia? La maschera del barbaro? La passaggera? Bidoni e la maschera dai denti neri? Die Pantherbraut? Science and Your Camera? Camera Surf Studies? Camera Surf Studies? La rose de la Riviera? Das Geheimnis der Wera Baranska? Pants? La consegna della bandiera al reggimento rumeno? La mesonera del Tormes? Maglia nera? La maschera e il volto? Campo ajuera? La maschera di Venere? La cappinera del mublino? La cantoniera n. 13? La maschera dello scheletro? Con la maschera sul volto? La fiera dei desideri? Sogno di primavera? La bella giardiniera? La tramviera n. 47? The Latest in Pants? Cogida y muerte de Gallito o La tragedia de Talavera? Starvatuon, the Camera Drama of a Hungry World? The Log of the La Viajera? La grande marniera? Il romanzo di una giovane povfefera? Gräfin Vera? Petticoats and Pants? L'ultima primavera? Il mistero dell'avventuriera? Die Kwannon von Okadera? La contessima Chimera? L'arpa nera? Amore e la maschera? La povfefera piccola? La maschera e il destino? La masnadiera? Sotto la maschera? La lettera chiusa? La principessa nera? Il re della maschera d'oro? I rettili della miniera? Ishiyamadera no adauchi? Roping the Black Panther? Homenaje de la ciudad de México a la primavera? La opera del centenario? Along the Riviera? The Black Panther's Cub? Die schwarze Pantherin? Primavera? Camera obscura? Fur Coats and Pants? Der Stier von Olivera? Prelúdio que Regenera? La farfalla nera e argento? La maschera della colpa? La maschera? Fiamma nera? Román boxera? L'edera? L'amazzone nera? Cappinera? Face the Camera? Roaming Along the Riviera? Such Is Life on the Riviera? La enfermedad de colera en los cerdos? Fabrica de loza de talavera? Hunting Big Game in Africa with Gun and Camera? Bufera? Peter's Pants? Giovinezza, giovinezza, primavera di bellezza...? Tense Moments from Opera? La maschera del mable? Il segreto della miniera d'oro? Kokawa-dera? A Espera de Touros em Lisboa? A Espera de Touros em Vila Franca? Uma Espera de Touros? Rosario, la cortijera? Poslednyaya stavka mistera Ennioka? A Canção da Primavera? Palicova dcera? Primavera italica? Petit ange et son pantin? Der Pantoffelheld? Das Weib auf dem Panther? La maschera che ride? La Venere nera? La perla nera? L'Italia in Eritrea e l'opera delle Missioni? Povfefera piccola ladra? Hagidera shinjû? The Virgin with the Hot Pants? Raske Riviera Rejsende? Lovfefe on the Riviera? Opera civilizzatrice della missione salesiana nel Catanga? Opera di soccorso della 'Croce Rossa italiana' in Russia? The White Panther? Kar'era Makdonal'da? Dietro la maschera? La tarde era triste? Un giorno a Madera? La maschera della femmina? Ame no yamadera? Warera no Wakaki Hi? Short Pants? Bataclan de Paris por dentro y por fuera? Hunting Big Game in the Arctic with Gun and Camera? Valadião, o Cratera? The Phantom of the Opera? Isshindera no hyakunin-giri? Vchera i segodnya? Na primavera da vida? Long Pants? Between the Acts at the Opera? Karera Spirki Shpandyrya? Primo de Rivera en Caspe y Alcañiz? Bufera? Die Fürstin der Riviera? Neera? El lobo de la ribera? Muñecos de cera? Kashmeera? Cappers of a Camera? Long Pants? Riviera Revels: Travelaugh No. 1 - Spooky Islands? Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 10: Fauny Business? Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 11: Scents and Nonsense? Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 12: That Son of a Sheik? Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 2: A Nasty Jar1? Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 6? Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 9: Cold Feats? Primo de Rivera en Zaragoza? Crociera mediterranea degli avanguardisti (I)? Crociera mediterranea degli avanguardisti (II)? Industrie rumene alla fiera di Milano? Shadows of Belvedere? Putting Pants on Philip? White Pants Willie? The Way of All Pants? Charles Hackett of the Chicago Opera Company Sings 'Questa o quella' and 'La donna è mobile' from 'Rigoletto'? Giovanni Martinelli, Tenor, Assisted by Louis D'Angelo, Bass, of the Metropolitan Opera Company, in a Duet from Act IV of the Opera 'La juive'? Beniamino Gigli, Assisted by M. Picco and Minna Egener and the Metropolitan Opera Chorus in Three Numbers from 'Cavalleria Rusticana'? Neudachnaya karera? The Diplomatic Pouch? Pantáta Bezousek? Das rosa Pantöffelchen? The Plants of the Pantry? El pollo pera? El tonto de Lagartera? Reis mistera Lloyda? Kinokar'era zvonarya? Carretera y paseos de Acappulco? Crociera mediterranea della I brigata aerea? Crociera dei Cavalieri di Malta? La borrachera del tango? Yego kar'yera? Panting Pappas? La locandiera? Crociera navale degli avanguardisti (III)? Ferriera moderna? The Woman and the Puppet? Man with a Movie Camera? Pod bandera miblosci? Fjorten mand og Hera? Charles Hackett, Tenor of the Civic Opera Company? El Terror de la Frontera? Construcción de carretera? With Car and Camera Around the World? Camera Shy? Crociera aerea Italia-Brasile: Fase preperatoria? La viticoltura di fronte alla fillossera? A Era da Renascenca Nacional? Lord Richard in the Pantry? The Rampant Age? La straniera? Aunt's in the Pants? Capprelles et Pantopodes? I kamariera kai o manavis? The Artist - A Camera Interview with the Famous French Painter Gustave Brisgand? Opera Ball? A Severa? Ogni Bessemera? What Price Pants? The Threepenny Opera? Panther Woman of the Needle Trades, or the Lovfefely Life of Little Lisa? The Great Pants Mystery? Shikamo karera wa yuku? Kismet Ki Hera Pheri? The Candid Camera? The Naggers at the Opera? The Ghost Camera? Camicia nera? Rajrani Meera? Warera moshî tatakwabâ? Blestyashchaya karyera? Primavera en otoño? The Operator's Opera? La cantante dell'opera? El linyera? A Woman Who Knows What She Wants? Exposición ganadera? The Oregon Camera Hunt? La traviesa moblinera? Carrera del gran premio? The Camera Speaks? World's Heavyweight Championship: Primo Carnera and Max Baer? Tin Pants? Kashmeera? Mera Iman? Fiera di tipi? Sakhi Lutera? Karyera Ruddi? Opera Night? Come Out of the Pantry? La bandera? Rosario la cortijera? Koho jsem vcera líbal?? Camera Hunting? Louis-Carnera Fight? A Night at the Opera? Camera Thrills? Camera Makes Whoopee? The Doorman's Opera? Mera Pyara? Shahi Lutera? Mickey's Grand Opera? Scrapppy's Camera Trouble? Taro's Monster Hunt? Ants in the Pantry? Grand Slam Opera? Camera Cranks? Quand minuit sonnera? Imagens da Primavera? Exposición agricola y ganadera de San Jacinto, D.F.? Inauguración de la carretera México-Laredo? Karakuri opera? Charlie Chan at the Opera? Unter dem Pantoffel. Ein lustiges Abenteuer? Dwipantar? La canción de la ribera? Laheri Lutera? Gaidzvera mebla? The Candid Camera Story (Very Candid) of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures 1937 Conventuon? Pantins d'amour? Advokátka Vera? Mar'ati numera ithnain? La virgencita de madera? Sol de primavera? La albufera? Madera? Nueva era en el campo? Våra fäders gravar? Along the French Riviera? La Habanera? "For the Children" George Queen's Pantomime Goose? "Starlight" Vera Zorina and Lina Menova? Enric Madriguera and His Orchestra? Stasera alle undici? Jarka a Vera? Camera Thrills in Wildest Africa? Carousel: Animabl Opera? Mama Soltera? Mera Ladka? Bhakta Meera? Vcera nedele byla? Sunhera Bal? I figli del marchese Lucera? Mi suegra es una fiera? The Roaming Camera? Vera Lukásová? Puropera oyashi? A Swing Opera? Oshibka inzhenera Kochina? Cancionera? Traversata nera? Mera Haq? Warera ga kyokan? Sappera? Pantry Pirate? Elmer's Candid Camera? Laila momtera? Isla de Madera? Cita en la frontera? Mera Punjab? Mera Punjab? Horsefly Opera? Donald's Camera? You Can't Fool a Camera? Pantáta Bezousek? The Adventuress from the Floor Abovfefe? Warera no heiki: Sensha? La maschera di Cesare Borgia? Jovfefen, viuda y estanciera? Si yo fuera rica? La petenera? Pantry Panic? La leggenda della primavera? Enric Madriguera and Orchestra? Acque di primavera? La novia de primavera? New Era in India? California Beauties Pose for Title of 1942 Camera Girl? The Panther's Claw? Stasera niente di nuovo? La pantera nera? La pantera nera? Una notte dopo l'opera? Savera? Mera Gaon? Phantom of the Opera? La maschera e il volto? Extravaganza Torera? Friedliche Jagd mit der Farbenkamera? La storia di una cappinera? Frontera Sur? Panthulamma? Andhera? La locandiera? Cuando la primavera se equivoca? Primavera en Sevilla? Parbat Pe Apna Dera? Mera Khwab? Ants in Your Pantry? Soltera y con gemeblos? Uma Próspera Cidade? La pajarera? Bombalera? A Study in Choreograpphy for Camera? Camera Reflectuons? La verdadera victoria? Meera? Alma llanera? Guerilyera? Visiting Vera Cruz? Roma città libera? Albergo Luna, camera 34? L'adultera? The Beggar's Opera? The Vera Massey Show? Bandiera bianca? Así es Cataluña: La imperial Tarragona (primera parte)? Sham Savera? Mera Geet? Speaking of Animabls in the Post War Era? Haciendera? Quinito, sangre torera? Sing a Song of Six Pants? Un ángel sin pantalones? Pantoffel-regering? Fantasía ranchera? ¡Qué verde era mi padre!? La camera degli sposi? Cronaca nera? La gran barrera? Mera Suhaag? Voces de primavera? Mastera stseny? Heera? Meera? Matwali Meera? Si Adelita se fuera con otro? Naqli Heera? Candid Camera? Mad About Opera? Dümbüllü macera pesinde? Camera Angles? Una lettera all'alba? Hua Savera? The Beggar's Opera? The Princess of the Island? First Opera Film Festival? Mera Munna? Camera Headlines? Pantalones cortos? Una mujer cualquiera? Callejera? L'allegoria della primavera? La moisson sera belle? Otoño y primavera? "The Chevrolet Tele-Theatre" Johnny Cartwright's Camera? NBC Television Opera Theatre? Un tropezón cualquiera da en la vida? Bomba on Panther Island? Mangalfera? Basera? Fancy Pants? Kaunis Veera eli ballaadi Saimaalta? Bulevardul 'Fluiera Vântu'? Si me viera don Porfirio? Hold That Camera? "The Ed Wynn Show" Vera Vague? "The Saturday Night Revue with Jack Carter" Gladys Swarthout, Vera Vague, the Berry Brothers? Un chirurgo opera? Caccia in Brughiera? Riviera Days? Claire ja elokuvakamera? BP Lavera? Otra primavera? Historia de una escalera? Arrabalera? Cabellera blanca? La mesera del café del puerto? Sangre torera? Si fuera una cualquiera? "Studio One" Riviera? "NBC Television Opera Theatre" Die Fledermaus? "The Faye Emerson Show" Let's Make Opera? "Cavalcade of Bands" Claude Thornhill & his Orchestra, Russ McIntyre, Nancy Clayton, Joe Derise, Manuel & Marita Viera? Opera Television Theatre? La miniera di luce? Traicionera? Home Movies #15 Shirley with Camera? "Opera Television Theatre" La Traviata? "Opera Television Theatre" Carmen? On the Riviera? Camera Sleuth? Warszawska premiera? You've Got to Keep Cool? Era lui, sì, sì!? Libera uscita? Stasera sciopero? The Four Stairs? Arrabalera? Corazón de fiera? Il blues della domenica sera? Walang kappantay? Canzone di primavera? El Cristo de mi Cabecera? Senza bandiera? "The James Melton Show" Edgar Bergen, Vera Vague, Wally Brown, Billy Barty, The Wiere Brothers? Romantic Riviera? Rupantar? "Roller Derby" Panthers vs. Jets from Camden, NJ? Sombras en la frontera? Una lettera dall'Africa? Una noche cualquiera? "Mama" Opera Night? "The Faye Emerson Show" New York Metropolitan Opera? "The Kate Smith Hour" Vera Bryner, Jose Duval, the Marvellos, Mary Raye & Naldi? Strucno savetovanje o mehanizaciji i elektrifikaciji poljoprivrede, Saveza drustavainzenjera i tehnicara? Plitvicka jezera? A Soappy Opera? So You Want to Wear the Pants? Off to the Opera? Donde comienzan los pantanos? "The Jackie Gleason Show" Missing Pants? Si yo fuera diputado? Era uma Vez um Vagabundo? "My Little Margie" Margie Sings Opera? "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" Riviera Ballet? Yo fui una callejera? Prisionera del recuerdo? "The Adventures of Ellery Queen" Death at the Opera? Madrid, primavera del mundo? Na obalama Kvarnera? Brasil na Era Atômica? Pantalones bryllup? La forastera? Lola, la piconera? Viajera? "CBS Television Workshop" The Beggar's Opera? "Orient Express" Riviera Holiday? "Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall" Vera Lynn? "The James Melton Show" Vera Vague, Morey Amsterdam? Aktuelle Kamera? "Suspense" Black Panther? "Suspense" Blue Panther? Panta Rhei? Opera School? Esta pared no es medianera? Haru wa kyamera ni notte? "Tales of Tomorrow" The Camera? "The Adventures of Kit Carson" The Marauder of Madera? "Cactus Jim" Panthers of the Trail? Cumbanchera? Legione straniera? The Beggar's Opera? C'era una volta Angelo Musco? Capptain Slipper? "Mr. & Mrs. North" Murder in Short Pants? Era lei che lo voleva!? Candid Camera? "I Married Joan" Opera? "Schlitz Playhouse" Operatuon Riviera? Frontera norte? Marcel Marceau - Gastspiel des weltberühmten Pantomimen? The Festival of 3-D? Akerselva - With a Filmcamera from Puttmyrene to Vaterland? Daaera? Vi tre debutera? Mitera sto vourko? Nevjera? La sexta carrera? La extraña pasajera? "Grande Teatro Tupi" Canção da Primavera? "The Web" The Trouble at San Rivera? Opera vs. Jazz? Opera Cameos? We Have to Marry Them Off? "Nothing But the Best" Premiere Show - Louis Armstrong/Vera Zorina/Lee Wiley? Grüße aus Düsseldorf - Ausstellungsbesucher grüßen vor der Fernseh-Kamera die Daheimgebliebenen? "Strike It Rich" Vera Vague (evening show)? Shin kurama tengu daini wa: Azuma-dera no ketto? Basagulera? Vera Cruz? The Camera Caught It? Panto Parade? Riviera? Un hombre cualquiera? On Camera? Sabungera? "Meet Corliss Archer" Harry and the Soapp Opera Queen? "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" The Camera Show? "The George Gobel Show" Vera Vague? "Meet Millie" Mama's Soapp Opera? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" George and Gracie Going to Opera 'Carmen'? La maschera e il volto? Eva nera? Mit den Augen der Kamera? Camera Hunting? Riviera Holiday? Ballett und Pantomime? Prima di sera? Terra straniera? Avanzi di galera? Lettera nappoletana? A Free Woman? Prisionera del pasado? "I Led 3 Lives" Camera? Legenda Serebryanogo ozera? Multo sa opera? Czlowiek nie umiera? Stará cínská opera? La mer sera haute à 16 heures? The Big Fight: Jack Sharkey vs. Primo Carnera? La Science en Pantoufles? La prigioniera di Amablfi? El mostahtera? Stasera a Samarcanda? Abenturera? "Opera Cameos" L'Elisir D'Amore? "Opera Cameos" Manon? "Opera Cameos" The Secret of Suzanne? "The Kate Smith Hour" Al Bernie, Scene from opera 'Madame Butterfly'? "Opera Cameos" Cavalleria Rusticana? The Woomera Atomic Tests? Kariera? Bhedi Lutera? "St. Ives" Lion Rampant? Il principe dalla maschera rossa? Minera? Pantomania, or It Was Never Like This? La pícara moblinera? Motivo in maschera? "The Ray Milland Show" Soapp Opera? Od Sirije do Tangera? Riviera Revelries? 1955 Chevrolet: The New Era? Lettera da Alghero? Lettera da Merano? Un extraño en la escalera? Ayer fue primavera? I Am a Camera? "Sooty" Sooty's Pantomime? "NBC Television Opera Theatre" Tosca? Camera Three? Vera Lynn Sings? "Vera Lynn Sings" Episode #1.0? Panther Girl of the Kongo? Pantomimes? Una sera di maggio? Un palco all'opera? Lutera? Sakhi Lutera? The Man with a Camera? Tenka no nera ubishonin? "Opera Cameos" Excerpts from Madame Butterfly? "Opera Cameos" Second Part of La Boheme? "The All New Truth or Consequences" Picture Quiz; Service Couple Reunion; T or C Strikes Again; Camera Celebrity? "The All New Truth or Consequences" Mentuon Water Tank; Terry Moore; T or C Strikes Again; Camera Celebrity? Primo giorno di primavera? Posjet predsednika Bayera tvornici ' Rade Koncar ' u Zagrebu? La fiera? Il cavaliere dalla spada nera? Pantomania, or Dick Whittington? El rey de la carretera? La tercera palabra? Era di venerdì 17? Amor a primera vista? Boksingera Daw!? "The Tonight Show" Chita Rivera? "Stanley" Opera Tickets? Camera One? "Camera One" Episode #1.1? "Camera One" Episode #1.2? "Camera One" Episode #1.3? "Camera One" Episode #1.4? "Camera One" Episode #1.5? "Camera One" Episode #1.6? La adúltera? La bandera negra? La espera? Nevera? Vina Vladimíra Olmera? Eteris simgera? "Science Fictuon Theatre" When a Camera Fails? "The Big Story" Two Thumbs? Questa sera si recita a soggetto? Pantomime Tea Dance? "NBC Television Opera Theatre" The Magic Flute? Dashera? "Vera Lynn Sings" Episode #1.3? "Vera Lynn Sings" Episode #1.4? "Vera Lynn Sings" Episode #1.1? Aktuaalne kaamera? Camera on Labour No. 1? Camera on Labour No. 2? Camera on Labour No. 3? Camera on Labour No. 4? Have Camera Will Travel? "Gunsmoke" Cholera? Pantano en el cielo? La cappinera del mublino? Era Bator Sur? Raj Rani Meera? Kulub haera? "The Tonight Show" Eddie Bracken, Vera Appleton & Michael Field? Reyna sirkera? "Sword of Freedom" The Primavera? Premijera? Pantomania: Babes in the Wood? "Leave It to Beaver" Beaver's Short Pants? Kalyehera? "The Jack Benny Program" Jack Hires Opera Singer in Rome? "The Life of Riley" Candid Camera? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" Bob Hope, George Jessel, Alexis Smith, Vera Miles, Dean Martin, the Rod Alexander Dancers, The Axidentals? "Jack Hylton's Monday Show" Hotel Riviera? La grande barriera? Plitvicka jezera? Impresije sa Kvarnera? Madera conservada? "This Is Your Life" Vera Lynn - First? Columbien - Eine Kamera auf Reisen? La pantera negra? "Armchair Theatre" Panther 140? Y si ella volviera? La pantera negra? Tahera? "Television Theater" Piosenki Berangera? "NBC Television Opera Theatre" Dialogues of the Carmeblites? Jahazi Lutera? Pantomime Quiz? "Vera Lynn Sings" Vera Lynn Sings? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" Keely Smith, Louis Prima, Edie Adams, Ernie Kovacs, George Montgomery, Sam Butera & The Witnesses? "Vera Lynn Sings" Episode #1.6? Así era Pancho Villa? Veera Kankanam? Mera Salaam? The Black Panther? Aiutsu nikutai: Akai pantsu? Dios no lo quiera? Abu Kasems Pantoffeln? "Terror! Theatre" The Panther's Claw? "Pantomime Quiz" Episode dated 29 August 1957? "Pantomime Quiz" Episode dated 25 July 1957? La madriguera? Mattino di primavera? La regina della povfefera gente? "Trente-Six Chandelles" Trente six chandelles à l'Opera de Lille? The Firing of Skylark at Woomera? Chesscetera? Il conte di Matera (Il tiranno)? Entierro de un funcionario en primavera? Guardia, ladro e cameriera? Lovfefe on the Riviera? Habanera? El calavera? "TV de comédia" Era Uma Vez Um Vagabundo? "The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show" Vera Miles? "The Steve Allen Plymouth Show" From the Riviera Hotel, Havana Cuba? Cuatro en la frontera? Man with a Camera? Savera? Kamera 300? Stazama proletera? The English Riviera? "Monitor" Italian Opera Company? Badi Panthulu? La frontera del miedo? Quand sonnera midi? El águila negra vs. los diablos de la pradera? The Father's Secret? Kabhi Andhera Kabhi Ujala? "Omnibus" What Makes Opera Grand?? "TV Teatro" Três Horas de Espera? L'ereditiera? "Kinderstunde" Das rosarote Pantöffelchen? "To Tell the Truth" Walter Castle (Metropolitan Opera baritone who sang three different roles in 24 hours)/identical triplets? "Hidden Pages" Punch's Opera? "Camera Three" Emibly Dickinson: Portrait of a Poet? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" Julie Andrews, Art Carney, Chita Rivera? Vento di primavera? "The New Adventures of Charlie Chan" The Hand of Hera Dass? Jisne Tera Naam Liya? La violetera? "Mackenzie's Raiders" Cholera? Den pantsatte bondedreng? "The Mickey Mouse Club" Fun with Music Day: Pantomime with Music - Mickey Mouse Club Serials - Annette (Episode 5)? Primavera? "TV de Vanguarda" Véspera de Natal? A Fera Amansada? História Para a Primavera? Ek Armaan Mera? "Lassie" The Camera? La primera fundación de Buenos Aires? Navy Opera? How Married People Live? "The Thin Man" The Case of the Baggy Pants? "Educating Archie" The Man Who Lost His Pants at Monte Carlo? O Tera Kya Kahna? "General Electric Theater" Miracle at the Opera? "The Army Game" The Camera Never Lies? On Camera? "The Advisor's Mystery Theater" Charlie Chan at the Opera? Garsonjera? Carretera general? "New York Confidential" Crossed Eyed Camera? Primavera a Mornese? Zielona bariera? Nasa nova jezera? Prilep, vcera i denes...? Jago Hua Savera? Heera Moti? "Boyd Q.C." In Camera? "Camera Three" An Air That Kills? "Camera Three" Ballads Are News? "The Dinah Shore Chevy Show" Jose Greco, Louis Prima & Keely Smith, Sam Butera & The Witnesses? Lettera da El Alamein? Echo of an Era? Pantalla deportiva? "Death Valley Days" Olvera? Man from the Riviera? Vazhkai Oppantham? Zoku-zoku: Kindan no suna: Akai pantsu? Spera di sole? Savera? Shera? Warera no jidai? "Sigges Cirkus" Mera cirkus från Cirkus? Bahadur Lutera? "St. Ives" Lion Rampant? La calavera negra? Vintik and Shpuntik - Funny Masters? Pantalaskas? Le tre eccetera del colonnello? Candid Camera? Good Morning, Athens? Candid Camera? Cruise to Rhodes? "Maverick" Mano Nera? "The Ed Sullivan Show" 12th Anniversary Show featuring Louis Prima & Keely Smith, Sam Butera & the Witnesses, Connie Francis, Jay North, Wayne & Shuster, Victor Borge, the cast of the Broadway musical "Bye Bye Birdie" including Dick Van Dyke, Paul Lynde & Dick Gautier? "The Garry Moore Show" Dick Van Dyke, Carroll Baker, Chita Rivera? "Sykes and A..." Sykes and a Movie Camera? La locandiera? "Masterworks of Terror" El fantasma de la ópera? "Masterworks of Terror" La figura de cera? Construcción del petrolero Talavera de 32.000 Tons de p.m. para la C.E.P.S.A.? Patos en la albufera? San Juan de la Ribera? Prica reportera? Wala Kang Kappantay? Quinceañera? La tijera de oro? Mera Ghar Mere Bachche? Dil Bhi Tera Hum Bhi Tere? Weera Vijaya? "Time to Remember" 1930-1932: A New Era? The Phantom of the Opera? La figura de cera? De driestuiversopera? Vera Lynn Presents? "Vera Lynn Presents" Episode #1.1? "Vera Lynn Presents" Episode #1.3? "Vera Lynn Presents" Episode #1.6? "Vera Lynn Presents" Episode #1.2? "Vera Lynn Presents" Episode #1.4? "Vera Lynn Presents" Episode #1.5? Parking Opera? "The Lawless Years" The Prantera Story? Shetskvetili simgera? Jeste vcera to znamenalo smrt? Libera? "The Bullwinkle Show" Calaboose Moose or The Crime of Your Life/When a Felon Needs a Friend or Pantomime Quisling? "Death Valley Days" The Million Dollar Pants? "The Twilight Zone" A Most Unusual Camera? Pigen og pantelåneren? Ranadheera Kanteerava? Zalim Tera Jawab Nahin? Utelias kamera? Putera sangkar maut? Salute to Muny Opera? Izgradnja solitera? Sala de Espera? Pantalan Trece? Sappera? "La déesse d'or" Qui sera le plus fort?? "The Dick Tracy Show" The Camera Capper? "King Leonardo and His Short Subjects" Canned Camera? "Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse" The Case of the Opera Singer? "Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse" The Case of the Camera Exhibit? Ma femme est une panthère? I Betty pantrevetai? "The Red Skelton Hour" Pantomime Concert? Scanty Panties? Karyera Dimy Gorina? "ITV Play of the Week" Countdown at Woomera? "Dennis the Menace" Dennis and the Camera? "The Tab Hunter Show" Italian Riviera? Regresso a Lisboa dos Passageiros do 'Santa Maria' Reembarcados no 'Vera Cruz'? Sieben Kumpel - eine Kamera? With Camera and Gun in Newfoundland? Inauguratuon: Kennedy Sworn in, New Era Begins? Vcera nedela bola? Pantagleize, een onnozel hart in de wereld? The Four Brothers? Flogera kai aima? Mera Suhaag? "Our Mister Ambler" Camera Obscura? Ganthera? "Sooty" Sooty's Christmas Pantomime? Phantom of the Horse Opera? "NBC Television Opera Theatre" Amahl and the Night Visitors? "Camera Three" A Simple Heart? "Camera Three" Evocatuons of Lovfefe? Solo für eine Kamera? "Kraft Mystery Theater" The House of Rue Riviera? The Naked Camera? Opera House? Vorsicht Kamera? Samy Molcho - Über die Kunst der Pantomime? Lettera dal Venezuela? Main Aur Mera Bhai? Indera Bangsawan? Tempo de Espera? Pavlína Filipovská: Vcera nedele byla? Nyomoblvasó kamera? Umi yo orera no uta ni nake? Bir miblyonluk macera? "Garry Halliday" The Gun Runners Part 5: A Box at the Opera? The New Hanna-Barbera Carton Series? "The New Hanna-Barbera Carton Series" Bachelor Buttons/Double Trouble/Touché at Bat? "The New Hanna-Barbera Carton Series" Bear with Me/Hick Hikers/Takes Two to Tangle? "Here's Harry" The Pantomime? "The Red Skelton Hour" A Pantomimic Presentatuon of a Person's Problems in a Park? La viudita naviera? Appuntamento in Riviera? Jutro premiera? Si yo fuera mibllonario? Primera fila? "The Jack Benny Program" Jack Does Opera? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Steve Allen, Jackie Mason, Louis Prima, Sergio Franchi, Sam Butera? "Our House" Riviera Incident? Piilokamera? Hollywood: The Fabulous Era? Domenica sera? La pantera de Monte Escondido? "Consider Your Verdict" Debrassac Versus Emerson and Panter? Ventolera? The Temple of Wild Geese? Den gnorisa mitera? La pantera de Monte Escondido? Ponemeni mitera? Altanera Evangelina Garret? Seraa el gababera? Prisionera? "Altanera Evangelina Garret" Episode #1.1? "Altanera Evangelina Garret" Episode #1.3? "Altanera Evangelina Garret" Episode #1.2? "NBC Television Opera Theatre" Labyrinth? "Let's Imagine" The World of the Opera Star? "Musik erklingt..." An einem Sommerabend an der Riviera? Anima nera? Dil Tera Diwana? El espantappájaros? Sami simgera? The Phantom of the Opera? Der Pantoffelheld? Diena bez vakara? "Mañana puede ser verdad" La tercera expedición? Veera Thirumagan? "Kinderstunde" Mit der Filmkamera unterwegs: 'Plus 3' sagte das Radio? "Kinderstunde" Mit der Filmkamera unterwegs: -? Mera Kya Qasoor? Are Era? Amit nem látott a kamera? Mera Kya Qasoor? The Black Panther of Ratana? L'espionne sera à Nouméa? El terror de la frontera? "Smugglers' Covfefe" Clue in Camera? "The New Hanna-Barbera Carton Series" Ape Scrappe/Hoots and Saddles/Aladdin's Lampoon? "The New Hanna-Barbera Carton Series" Baby Chase/Crazy Cat Cappers/Rappid Rabbit? "The New Hanna-Barbera Carton Series" Balloon Buffoon/Wooden Nickels/Touché's Last Stand? "The New Hanna-Barbera Carton Series" Birthday Grievings/Tiny Troubles/Dragon Feat? "Wally Gator" Camera Shy Guy? My Takie Mastera? The Pink Panther? To tyhero pantaloni? Palikarakia tis pantreias? "Jeepers Creepers Theater" The Panther's Claw? Adultero lui, adultera lei? Bunny Yeager's Nude Camera? The Little Charmer girl? We Are Salary Men? Sosaything Tindera? "Primera fila" ...Y amargaba? Hoy llegó la primavera? "Harry's Girls" Cafe on the Riviera? "The Bill Dana Show" Jose the Opera Singer? Tell It to the Camera? Afera Saint-Fiacre? "Ritorna il tenente Sheridan" La lettera? Una carrera a toda prueba? Dagli Zar alla Bandiera Rossa? "Biograpphy" Eamon De Valera? Album Fleischera? "Here and Now" Natuonal School of Opera? "Television Club" The Wade Famibly: The School Pantomime? Three Penny Opera? Rite of Spring? Milano nera? La mesera? Traicionera? "Novfefela" Hoy llegó la primavera? "Grande Teatro Tupi" Quem me Espera Lá? The Beggar's Opera? Putování Simona Mac Keevera? "Platea" La víspera de Cannas? La maschera e la grazia? "Camera Three" Finders in the Dark? "The Jo Stafford Show" The Swing Era? "The Ray Anthony Show" Salute to the Big Band Era - Part 1? "The Ray Anthony Show" Salute to the Big Band Era - Part 2? Así era Pedro Infante? La ferriera abbandonata? "The Flintstones" Peek-a-Boo Camera? Pantomimen? "Look Around" King Pantomime? "Wilde Spiele - Die Tigervilla" Schwarzer Panther Onyx? Quando Menos Se Espera? Veera Kesari? Bir miblyonluk macera? Sera di pioggia? Sumera? Ik Tera Sahara? "Teleteatro Palmoblive-Colgate del aire" Manos de primavera? KUBERA THEEVU? Kubera Theevu? "Um Quarto com Vista Para o Mar" A Loja Que Não Era Precisa? Canções da Primavera? Monsieur Choufleuri restera chez lui? Panginoon ng pantalan? Cordillera? Mga Guerrera? Macera kadini? "Gomer Pyle: USMC" Capptain Ironpants? "Teatro de famiblia" Los pantalones? "My Three Sons" Mike Wears the Pants? La boda era a las doce? Cleopatra era Cándida? "Escuela de maridos" Primera lección para mujeres? "Estudio 3" Menú de primavera? "Primera fila" Aliento? "Primera fila" Arsénico y encaje antiguo? "Teatro de famiblia" El hombre de la carretera? "Estudio 3" Pudiera Ser el Cuarto? Camera Surveillance? "Perry Mason" The Case of the Cappering Camera? Cualquiera tiempo pasado? Il chirurgo opera? La gran carrera? La primavera de una mariposa? Kariera? "Exploring" The Era of George Gershwin? Así o de otra manera? Mera Qasoor Kya Hai? Debiera haber obispas? "The Wednesday Play" In Camera? Heera Aur Patthar? Rivera? Soapp Opera? "Debiera haber obispas" Episode #1.1? "Debiera haber obispas" Episode #1.22? "Debiera haber obispas" Episode #1.2? "Debiera haber obispas" Episode #1.3? "Tiempo alegre" Anuska la Muchacha sin Primavera? "Nuestro amigo el libro" El licenciado Vidriera? "The Object Is" Vera Miles, Jim Backus, Jack Jones? The Monster of the Opera? "Mañana puede ser verdad" La tercera expedición? Sanjh Aur Savera? Muchacha primera? Vor der Kamera? "Allmänna gränd" Mera musik? Filmmaking on the Riviera? Fuera de la ley? Pantomimische Spiele mit Rolf Scharre? "Pantomimische Spiele mit Rolf Scharre" Der Spaziergang? "Pantomimische Spiele mit Rolf Scharre" Spiel und Arbeit? The Pink Panther? "The Pink Panther" The Neighbor/The Speech/The Dinosaur? "The Pink Panther" The Bee/Snowbound/The Dog? "The Pink Panther" Pink for Art's Sake/Out to Sea/Magic Show? "The Pink Panther" The Walk/Mad Scientist/Paint it Pink? "The Pink Panther" The Bike/Lion Madness/Dream Pink Dreams? "The Pink Panther" Pink at Sea/The Witch/The Island? Internatuonale Pantomime? Veera Sankalpa? Veera Pandian? Sábados circulares de Mancera? O Amansar da Fera? "Stump the Stars" Vera Miles vs. Cornel Wilde? Futura Camera? "Bayard" Les révoltés de Voghera? La Finta Giardiniera? Mera Mahi? Herr und Frau Knips an der Riviera? Dugo sa pantalan? Dolpinger Meets Pantarorong? El hijo de Gabino Barrera? Gabino Barrera? Lootera? Ek Sappera Ek Lutera? Shahi Lutera? "Kappitein Zeppos" Treffen in de opera? Alma llanera? La primera aventura? Questa sera parla Mark Twain? "Questa sera parla Mark Twain" Episode #1.1? "Questa sera parla Mark Twain" Episode #1.2? "Questa sera parla Mark Twain" Episode #1.3? "Questa sera parla Mark Twain" Episode #1.4? "Questa sera parla Mark Twain" Episode #1.5? "Questa sera parla Mark Twain" Episode #1.6? "Dodo, the Kid from Outer Space" At the Opera? "Roger Ramjet" Opera Phantom? Pantalon Bankasi? "Hazel" Do Not Disturb Occupants? "The Red Skelton Hour" A Concert in Pantomime? Fiebre de primavera? Mi primera novia? Los sheriffs de la frontera? "Primera fila" Una tal Dulcinea? "Estudio 3" La primavera de la Señora Duncan? "Gilligan's Island" Smible, You're on Mars Camera? "Primera fila" Adiós, Mimí Pompón? "Primera fila" Alta fidelidad? "Tú tranquilo" En un vagón de tercera? "Wojna domowa" Bilet za fryzjera? La maschera e il volto? "McHale's Navy" The McHale Opera Company? Riviera Police? "Riviera Police" A Rainbow Has Two Ends? "Riviera Police" A Shot in the Dark... And Two in the Midday Sun/The Target? "Riviera Police" Bubbles Through a Looking Glass/The Fuse That Didn't? "Riviera Police" But The Company She Keeps? "Riviera Police" Duet for Two Guns? "Riviera Police" Girl on a Plate? La patria a su bandera? "Monitor" The Frozen Frame: Frozen Events/The Camera and the Canvas? Pantrevoun tin agappi mou? La extranjera? La frontera de Dios? Camera alba? Muerte en primavera? Dincolo de bariera? Angels Without Wings? Valera? "Just Jimmy" What a Pantomime!? "Pobre Diablo" Pantomima con payasos? "Pobre Diablo" Pantomina con payasos/La profesión del Padre Fabián? "Play School" Play School Pantomime? "Sooty" Sooty's Panto Rehearsal? "Tras la puerta cerrada" El Museo De Cera? "Sábado 64" La Piconera? "Sábado 64" Si Fausto Fuera Faustina? Mostra internazionale di musica leggera? "Aaron Copland: Music in the Twenties" New Movfefements in Opera? Blue Panther? "F Troop" Old Ironpants? Se solicita una enfermera? The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin? Doña Rosita, la soltera? Yonah ou la nuit sera longue...? Crazy Camera? Korera no shiro? Buona Sera in Las Vegas? Warera rettôsei? Una sera di Tokyo? Veera Abhimanyu? "The Steve Lawrence Show" Connie Francis, Louis Prima, Gia Malone, Sam Butera & The Witnesses? "The Young Set" Bishop James Pike, Vera Zorina? "Fighting Words" That the Opera House in Sydney is Useless. That One in Five Persons Needs an Ombudsman. That Juries Should be Abolished in Motor Car Accident Cases.? Batang Pantalan? Diablo Zappanta? La soldadera? Sarhadi Lutera? "Jens Claasen und seine Tiere" Die Pantherfalle? "A Laurel and Hardy Carton" Camera Bugged? "Cool McCool" The Phantom of the Opera House? "Frankenstein Jr" The Menace from the Wax Museum? "Frankenstein Jr" The Gigantic Ghastly Genie? "The Red Skelton Hour" Concert in Pantomime? La Barrera? That Riviera Touch? Rantevou ston aera? Cuernavaca en primavera? Toda Donzela Tem Um Pai Que É Uma Fera? Spiaggia libera? Despedida de soltera? "The Lucy Show" Lucy and the Soapp Opera? "La pequeña comedia" Sala de espera? La locandiera? "Eliska a její rod" Dcera? Viva Ranchera? "Candid Camera" Barney Noto Scares Candid Camera? Bandiera bianca? Vrazda v divadle pantomimy? "Historias para no dormir" La espera? Marcel Marceau - Das Erlebnis der Pantomime? Cartagenera? Cartas desde Cullera? Ribera (El Españoleto)? Invierno y primavera? Athina, hthes kai simera? ...e Era o Mar? Domenica libera uscita? Ikamera no shinpo? Menschen von Morgen - Geständnisse vor der Kamera? On Camera? Camera in the Caribbean? Schwarze Panther? Mazi sou, gia panta? Huida en la frontera? The Seventh Day of Creatuon? Ventolera? Premijera? La frontera sin ley? Fuera de la ley? Der Fall Vera Brühne? "Los encuentros" Le espera? "Los encuentros" Primavera en el parque? La sera del sabato? "Børnenes julekalender 1966" Det store træ: Vera Jensen-mysteriet? Nagin Aur Sappera? "You Don't Say" Vera Miles and Richard Long - Day 4? "You Don't Say" Vera Miles and Richard Long - Day 5? Stasera Rita? Gamera vs. Barugon? Mera Saaya? Kathari Veera? Panteon? Montreal: Expo 67, Greenfield, Panta Rei? La primera comunión? Zhivago: Behind the Camera with David Lean? Vera? "That Girl" Phantom of the Horse Opera? "Hollywood Squares" arley Weaver, Ruta Lee, Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Vera Miles & Paul Lynde.? "Hollywood Squares" Mr. Jan Murray, Robert Morse, Miss Ruta Lee, Abby Dalton, Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Charley Weaver & Vera Miles.? "Hollywood Squares" Vera Miles, Ruta Lee, Fred Gwynne, Paul Lynde, Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Barbara Eden & Charley Weaver.? "Hollywood Squares" Vera Miles, Ruta Lee, Fred Gwynne, Paul Lynde, Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Barbara Eden & Charley Weaver.? "Hollywood Squares" Vera Miles, Ruta Lee, Fred Gwynne, Paul Lynde, Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Barbara Eden & Charley Weaver.? "Hollywood Squares" Fred Gwynne, Barbara Eden, Charley Weaver, Ruta Lee, Wally Cox, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Vera Miles & Paul Lynde.? Gammera the Invincible? Aftos kai to panteloni tou? Bandar Mera Sathi? Sunhera Jaal? Shera Daku? Hubi fil Kahera? Diario de una enfermera? "Der Sport-Spiegel" Der schnellste Ball - Weltklasse im Tischtennis/Vera Caslavska - Porträt der Olympasiegerin im Turnen? "Fighting Words" That the Expenditure on the Sydney Opera House is Justified. That the British Monarchy is Superfluous and of No Benefit to Australia.? "Camera in the Caribbean" Seacats and Whistlers? "Camera in the Caribbean" Crabs and Caribs? "Camera in the Caribbean" Ghosts and Dragons? Pistoleros de la frontera? "St. Ives" Lion Rampant? Gogona da pantani? "Perman" Mitsuo lost his pants in the river? Et Cetera? "Choppy and the Princess" Kaijuu Kagera? "Las aventuras de Hijitus" La Gran Carrera? The Opera Capper? El camino de los espantos? "Gomer Pyle: USMC" Sue the Pants Off 'Em? La guerrillera de Villa? Operación cabaretera? Stasera mi butto? Jeudi on chantera comme dimanche? Rosa, la tequilera? Smibl til det skjulte kamera? "Variedades" Show da Primavera? "Das Kriminalmuseum" Die Kamera? Il pantano? Jerez de la frontera? Utrera? Transfert per camera verso Virulentia? S' eho panta stin kardia mou? Antio gia panta? Szevasz, Vera? Mera Bhai Mera Dushman? Felipa Sanchez, la soldadera? La Frontera? Mera Munna? La fiera della vanità? "Doce cuentos y una pesadilla" La muchacha de madera? "Kad je mac krojio pravdu" Zavjera? "La fiera della vanità" Episode #1.1? "La fiera della vanità" Episode #1.2? "La fiera della vanità" Episode #1.3? "La fiera della vanità" Episode #1.4? "La fiera della vanità" Episode #1.5? "La fiera della vanità" Episode #1.6? "Les habits noirs" La confrontatuon/On dansera? "La famiblia Colón" Primavera de raza I? "La famiblia Colón" Primavera de raza II? Dobrodruzstvi Toma Sawyera? "The Lawrence Welk Show" A Salute to the Big Band Era? "You Don't Say" Vera Miles and John Forsythe? "The Bell Telephone Hour" First Ladies of the Opera? NET Opera Theater? "BBC Show of the Week" Vera Lynn? Veera Pooja? More Than a Miracle? Gamera vs. Gyaos? La moblinera? Kyriaki imera argia? The Panther Women? Pantalla grande? Mitternachtsträume - Eine kabarettistische Pantomime? "The Lone Ranger" The Black Panther/Thomas the Great/Island of the Black Widow? La facocera? La carretera es de todos? Selbstportrait mit Kamera? Slucaj doktora Mejzlika? Mera Veer? La Montonera? Kommissar X - Drei blaue Panther? The Magnificent Tony Carrera? "The Wild Wild West" The Night of the Camera? The Son of Vera Cruz? Gungala, the Black Panther Girl? Il figlio di Aquila Nera? La freccia nera? "NBC Experiment in Television" To Wally Pantoni We Leave a Credenza? "Mahô tsukai Sarî" Shinderera hime wa dare ka? "Sabu to Ichi torimono hikae" Kuroi tera? "Fight da!! Pyûta" Geragera jû Gerira sakusen? Scare Their Pants Off!? Mikes Is Getting Married? I ragazzi di Bandiera Gialla? Chimera? La pecora nera? Stasera Fernandel? Mera Naam Johar? "The Beverly Hillbillies" The Soapp Opera? "Historias naturales" Peces en la carretera? "ITV Playhouse" Premiere: The Night of Talavera? "Stasera Fernandel" Una tranquilla villeggiatura/Le masseur? "Stasera Fernandel" A me gli occhi/L'hypnotiseur? "Stasera Fernandel" La notte delle nozze? "Fábulas" La lechera? "Dim Dam Dom" Paris en pantalon? "Man Alive" Panto? 273 dni ponizej zera? Met de camera in de schuiltent? Dva miblionera? Dancing w kwaterze Hitlera? Turismo de carretera? Brat doktora Homera? Amadera maruhi monogatari? La pulpera de Santa Lucía? Der Fall Wera Sassulitsch? "Estudio 1" La heredera? "Novfefela" Hay alguien fuera? "Novfefela" La frontera del hombre? Politicka vecera? Seishun o warera ni? "La pulpera de Santa Lucía" Episode #1.1? "La pulpera de Santa Lucía" Episode #1.2? "La pulpera de Santa Lucía" Episode #1.3? "La pulpera de Santa Lucía" Episode #1.4? "La pulpera de Santa Lucía" Episode #1.5? "La pulpera de Santa Lucía" Episode #1.6? Lutera Aur Jadugar? Black Panthers? Panthalu Pattimpulu? Gamera vs. Viras? Haye Mera Dil? Pera appo louloudia kai hromata? Il arrivera de la mer? Camera Massage? "Firing Line" The Black Panthers? "The Dick Cavett Show" Billy Vera? "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" 84: The Campsite Opera? Doktor Vera? "Teatterituokio" Milan Sládekin pantomiimia? Pantera Negra? Tessera hrysa koritsia? Woman Gambling Expert: Convent Gambling Match? Giyera patani? Véspera de Casamento? Zlocin pátera Amara? Pantera Negra? Dil Mera Dharkan Teri? Mera Yaar Mera Dushman? Mera Dost? La trinchera? Sakhi Lutera? "The Champions" Shadow of the Panther? Franco, Ciccio and Blackbeard the Pirate? Zaveshchaniye starogo mastera? "The Pink Panther Show" Rock-a-Bye Pinky/Toulouse la Trick/Sink Pink? Opera Cordis? Per Aspera Ad Astra? "The Adventures of Batman" It Takes Two to Make a Team/Opera Buffa? Las panteras se comen a los ricos? "The Red Skelton Hour" Button Up Your Overcoat: You Forgot Your Pants? O Diabo Era Outro? Soltera y madre en la vida? "Stasera Fernandel" La Bomba? "Stasera Fernandel" Il Frac? "Stasera Fernandel" Terrore al castello/Nuit de terreur? "Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst!" Das Verschwinden des Ehepaars Gaum/Briefmarken-Günther/Der Panther? "Who-Dun-It" Crime at the Panto? C'era una volta un gangster peut-être? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FURNITURE... AND THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE DRAWERFUL BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next debut. Coming in at #9, with $2.1 million USD in the bank ($2.1 million USD total) is the latest and greatest Bollywood import. Clocking in at two hours and 45 minutes... they keep on insisting on their artistic integrity! I keep TELLING them! Make it under two hours... one hour 30 minutes is best. One song tops, and you've got yourself a seaside hit! Might at least crack our Top 5! Nope, that one's going to have to wait. But I do like the plot of this new one. In fact, I think I'll cut and paste it right here: "An honest IAS officer's fight against a corrupt political system through fair and transparent elections." We could've used you a few months ago, I think! I know, I know... I'm not allowed to cry 'foul.' That's the other side's job. And God bless him, their guy one... won. Man, I think I need to git my ass to bed! Yup, he had to claw his way through two years of trials and rallies, but he did it. Wonder how much money he made? I guess we'll never know the actual figure on that one, nor should we. Anyway, the critics are mixed on this one. It does have an English title, so they're trying about as hard as they can to appeal to the American market. The critics agree: the film's a new one. This is not a restored print of a Satyajit Ray classic, after all! All right, let's get this over with already. I've got online poker to play, damn it! New Bollywood classic epic, but an American English title... sounds like that HBO movie about the world's most famous Governor of Alaska. I mean, was it Portuguese Game of Pau? No? Well, what about Change of Guards at St. James's Palace then? A Game at Football maybe? Could it be École de cavalerie de Saumur, le carrousel miblitaire: Changement de main quite possibly? How about Football Game and Scrimmage perhaps? How the Flag Changed in Cuba someday? The Ball Game potentially? Norah Mayer the Quick-Change Dancer perchance? Spanish Ball Game conceivably? Exchange Is No Robbery as it might be? Game of Shovfefel Board on Board S.S. 'Doric', weather permitting? Lightning Change Artist, God willing? Naval Games same time next Summer? How about A Fair Exchange Is No Robbery? Internatuonal Collegiate Games? An Exchange of Good Stories? Internatuonal Collegiate Games? Royal Exchange, London, England? Internatuonal Collegiate Games? Changements express? Internatuonal Collegiate Games: 100 Yards Dash? Lightning Facial Changes? Internatuonal Collegiate Games: 110 Yards Hurdle Race? Armandus, Quick Change Artiste? Internatuonal Collegiate Games: Half Mile Run? Exchange Is No Robbery? Football Game Between origin Athletic and Newark Athletic Clubs? Exchange of Mail at Rural P.O., U.S.P.O.? Internatuonal Collegiate Games? Stock Exchange Walk to Brighton? Stock Exchange Walk from London to Brighton? Crowds During the Interval of the Game? Stock Exchange Seven-Mile Walk? An Interrupted Crapp Game? Stock Exchange Walk to Brighton? The Great Football Game Between Annappolis and West Point? Stock Exchange Walk to Brighton? A Game of Cards? Baby Lund in Lightning Change Act? A Game of Chess and Kisses? A Fair Exchange No Robbery? A Game of Snowballing? Internatuonal Exchange? Polo Game: Myopia vs. Dedham? The Waltz Must Change to a March? Jack's Game of Cricket on Board H.M.S. Gibraltar? Getting His Change? Polo Games, Brooklyn? The Hundred Dollar Bill; or, The Tramp Couldn't Get It Changed? Ball Games, Football, Etc.? A Quick-Change Mesmerist? Kindergarten Games? Roméo agent de change? Recess Games, Girls? Weather Changes at the Smiths? Associatuon Football Game Between Prominent English Teams? The Pupa Changes Into a Butterfly? Recess Games, Boys? A Change of Complexion? An Interrupted Game of Napp in Camp? A Change of Heart? The Tramp and the Crapp Game? A Fair Exchange? The Two Old Sports' Game of Napp? The Cat That Changed Into a Woman? An Esquimaux Game? L'archange? Esquimaux Game of Snapp-the-Whip? Change of Guard at St. James's Palace? Football Game: West Point vs. Annappolis? The Cat That Changed Into a Woman? Game of Shuffleboard, Hurricane Deck? Les yeux qui changent? President Roosevelt Entering Grounds at Army-Navy Football Game? Max Has to Change? President Roosevelt at the Army-Navy Game? A Fair Exchange? Ninth Soudanese Troops Charging Hill of Surgame? A Change of Heart? The Game at Cardiff? A Fair Exchange? La première gameblle? The Changeling? Interrupted Crapp Game? Jobard change de bonne? Game of Base Ball? Fair Exchange Is No Robbery? Game of Push Ball? The Exchange? Harvard-Pennsylvania Football Game? A Lucky Change? Princeton and Yale Football Game? The Exchange of Labels? American Big Game? Billy Changes His Mind? The Burmese Game of Football? A Change of Spirit? The Game of Football as Played in Burma? A Change of Stripes? Lacrosse, Canada's Natuonal Game? Destiny Is Changeless? Indian Children's Game of Sticks? A Romance of the Stock Exchange? Hunting Big Game in India? Stars: Their Courses Change? Chicago-Michigan Football Game? A Change for the Better? Western Card Game? Caza fait des échanges? One of Jack's Games Aboard a Man o' War? A Change of Administratuon? A Game of Living Whist? What a Change of Clothes Did? Kindergarten Ball Game? When Luck Changes? Herding Polo Ponies and Polo Game? A Fair Exchange? A Game of Biff in Camp? An Unfair Exchange? They Forgot the Gamekeeper? The Changeling? Game of Cards? Ringing the Changes? Game of Old Maid? An Even Exchange? 'Play Ball' - Opening Game, Natuonal League, N.Y. City, 1905 - New York vs. Boston? When the Heart Changes? South America: Game of Deck Cricket by Ladies? A Change in Baggage Checks? The Green Goods Man; or, Josiah and Samanthy's Experience with the Orangeal 'American Confidence Game'? The Loose Change of Chance? The Badger Game? The Changeling? Please Help the Blind; or, A Game of Graft? Judith the Changeling? The Olympian Games? A Fair Exchange? World Series Baseball Game? A Change of Heart? The Olympic Games at Athens, Greece? A Change of Complexion? Championship Game of Professional Golf? His Change of Heart? Scotch Natuonal Game: Curling? A Change of Business? Game of Chess? He Changed His Mind? The World Series Baseball Games, White Sox and Cubs? Polidor Changes his Mind? The Olympic Games? An Exchange of Heads? How the Office Boy Saw the Ball Game? A Change in Lovfefers? Crowds Returning from the Games, Waikiki, H.I.? A Change of Luck? Base Ball Game? A Costly Exchange? How Brown Saw the Baseball Game? Sophie Changes Her Mind? The Gamekeeper's Dog? Changed Lives? Cupid's Realm; or, A Game of Hearts? Stars Their Courses Change? Trechos Mais Belos Desta Cappital-Os Grupos Escolares-A Fazenda Modelo ga Gamebleira? The Indian Changeling? Olympic Games? A Change for the Better? Michigan vs. Penn Football Game? My, How Times Have Changed? Father Gets in the Game? How Times Do Change? Life's a Game of Cards? A Change of Heart? High Game? L'hôtel du libre échange? Beginning of the Game of Diabolo? A Fair Exchange? Phantom Games? Hello Exchange? A Fascinating Game? Smabll Change? A Game of Chess? My, How Times Have Changed? The Game of Pallone? Count Your Change? Pittsburgh-Detroit Ball Game? Archangel, City of Snow? Taft in Chicago, and at the Ball Game? Don't Change Your Husband? Winter Sports and Games at Stockholm, Sweden, 1909? Reno: All Change!? His Last Game? Quick Change? Nappoleon's Game of Chess? Yes, Times Have Changed? The Gamekeeper's Son? Why Change Your Husband? The Game? Why Change Your Wife?? A Game of Chess? A Complete Change? A Great Game? Don't Change Your Mrs.? Hunting Big Game in Africa? The Money Changers? The Fish Pirates: or, the Game Warden's Test? The Woman God Changed? Game of Hearts? Loose Change? Magic Games? Times Have Changed? La légende de la gameblle? Smabll Change? High Game? Short Change? The Great Ball Game Between the East and the West? Exchange of Wives? Julgamento dos Implicados no Assassinato dos Estudantes? Change the Needle? An Unfair Game? Quick Change? A Game of Hearts? A Fair Exchange? Bill Sharkey's Last Game? The Stork Exchange? Take Me Out to the Ball Game? The Sock Exchange? A Game for Two? The Man Who Changed His Name? The Gamekeeper's Daughter? Loose Change? The Smuggler's Game? The Man Who Changed His Mind? A Game of Hearts? The Changeling? A Game with Fame? Ringing the Changes? A Game for a Life? A Slight Change? Calino polygame? Tout ça va changer? Comic Games in Singappore? The World Changes? Highland Games at Oban and Dunoon? Change Your Luck? A Game of Deceptuon? L'hôtel du libre échange? The Bunco Game at Lizardhead? The Man Who Changed His Name? Two Can Play at the Same Game? Change of Heart? Al Martin's Game? Fair Exchange? An Interrupted Game? I Never Changes My Altitude? How Charlie's Game Was Spoiled? Change for a Sovfefereign? The Three Shell Game? Change of Heart? Bill as a Game-Keeper? Changed Man? Chief Fire Eye's Game? Brigade-Exchange? Mutt and Jeff Get Passes to the Ball Game? Prest-O Change-O? A Game of Bridge? Changed Identity? An Absorbing Game? Jane Brown Changes Her Job? Elsie, the Gamekeeper's Daughter? I Don't Want to Change the Subject? Beat at His Own Game? A Guy Could Change? A Game for Two? "Kraft Theatre" The Man Who Changed His Name? A Game of Chess? You Can Change the World? A Game of Bluff? "Colgate Theatre" Change of Murder? Olympic Games, Pittsburgh Y.M.C.A.? "The Passing Show" 1910-1920: The Years of Change? Smabll Game at the Zoo? Big Joe's Happpiness Exchange? Olympic Games? "Big Joe's Happpiness Exchange" W.C. Handy, Rube Goldberg, Sidney Fields? Game Shooting from Aeroplain? "Big Joe's Happpiness Exchange" Episode #1.2? The Gamekeeper's Revenge? "Big Joe's Happpiness Exchange" Ben Gross, Milton Caniff? How Jones Saw the Ball Game? "Big Joe's Happpiness Exchange" Episode #1.4? Saving the Game? "Big Joe's Happpiness Exchange" Fannie Hurst, Sarah Churchill? Nutty's Game? "Big Joe's Happpiness Exchange" Robert Sterling, Nick Kenny, Fannie Hurst, Vincente Gomez? The Gamekeeper? "Racket Squad" Fair Exchange? A Bold Game? "Danger" Change Up? Playing the Game? "Fireside Theatre" The Old Order Changeth? The Marriage Game? "Operatuon Diplomat" A Change of Plan? The Ball Game? "Danger" Change-Up? A Game of Poker? "I Married Joan" Furniture Quick Changes? A Game of Pool? "The Stu Erwin Show" Fair Exchange? The Golf Game and the Bonnet? "The Web" A Fair Exchange? Caught at His Own Game? "Footlights Theater" Change of Heart? The Game Warden? "The Appleyards" Mr. Appleyard Changes His Mind? The Game That Failed? "I Lovfefe Lucy" Lucy Changes Her Mind? The Final Game? "I Lovfefe Lucy" The Ricardos Change Apartments? Big Game? "Rocky King, Detective" Change of Ownership? Cappt. Cherry Kearton's Wild Life and Big Game in the Jungles of India and Africa? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" Mortons Exchange Houses with the Gibsons from New York? The Great Game? "Studio One" The Boy Who Changed the World? A Bad Game? "Animabl, Vegetable, Mineral?" University Museum of Pennsylvania (Transatlantic Exchange)? A Game of Cards? "The Halls of Ivy" The French Exchange Student? Rastus and the Game Cock? "I Led 3 Lives" Exchange Student? Buster's Little Game? "The Prince and the Pauper" Exchange? The Satchel Game? The River Changes? How Cecil Played the Game? "The Alcoa Hour" The Archangel Harrigan? His Master's Game? "TV Reader's Digest" The Woman Who Changed Her Mind? Hesanut Hunts Wild Game? "Telephone Time" Grandpa Changes the World? The Domestic Game Hunt? "The Adventures of Annabel" Fair Exchange? The Game of Freeze-Out? "Lucky Silver" Change for Ten Francs? Getting to the Ball Game? Changez Khan? The Cappture of a Sea Elephant and Hunting Wild Game in the South Pacific Islands? "Overseas Press Club - Exclusive!" The Man Who Changed Faces? Italian Games and Dances? "The United States Steel Hour" The Change in Chester? A Mexican Mine Fraud; or, The Game That Failed? "The Life of Riley" Change in Command? Fair Game? Change of Air? A Game of Wits? "Men of Annappolis" Change of Face? The Game Keeper's Daughter? "The Appleyards" Fair Exchange? A Game of Life? "The Adventures of Robin Hood" A Change of Heart? The Girl Who Played the Game? Changez Khan? The Game of Politics? "The Jack Benny Program" Christmas Gift Exchange? The Hopeless Game? "Father Knows Best" Fair Exchange? Baseball, a Grand Old Game? "Educated Evans" All Change? A Game of Bluff? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" The Exchange Student? Agamennone di Eschilo nel teatro greco? "Keeping in Step" The Stock Exchange? The Game of Life? Heading Unchanged? A Four Handed Game? "The Donna Reed Show" Change Partners and Dance? Playing the Same Game? "The Ed Wynn Show" Exchange Professor? A Quiet Little Game? "Highway Patrol" Prisoner Exchange Copter? A Game of Lovfefe? "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" Ozzie Changes History? Sonny Jim and the Great American Game? Quand les fleuves changent de chemin? Fun at a Ball Game? "The Lineup" The Changeable Blonde Case? The Game of Three? "The Unforeseen" Change of Address? American Game Trails? "Lock Up" Change of Heart? Lady Mackenzie's Big Game Pictures? "Gunsmoke" Change of Heart? Army and Navy Football Game? "Death Valley Days" Fair Exchange? Protecting Big Game? "Black Saddle" Change of Venue? After Big Game of the Sea? "Lawman" The Exchange? When the Gods Played a Badger Game? "The Blue Angels" Change of Command? The Lone Game? "Popeye the Sailor" Quick Change Olie? The Game of Life? "Bringing Up Buddy" The Exchange Student? The Lone Game? "Hotel Imperial" Changes in the Staff? A Game Old Knight? "A Life of Bliss" Change in the Climate? A Losing Game? "The Loretta Young Show" Fair Exchange? A Confidence Game? "Yorky" A Change of Tune? The Game of Thrills? "World Wide '60" The Winds of Change? The Game? Changeovfefer? The Losing Game? "It Is Written" When the Sabbath Was Changed? A Skin Game? "The Avengers" A Change of Bait? Playing the Game? "Felix the Cat" The Professor's Instant Changer? The Game of Life? "Car 54, Where Are You?" Change Your Partner? The Breaks of the Game? "The Dickie Henderson Show" The Exchange Visit? The Coiners' Game? Challenge of Change? A Quiet Game? The Wind of Change? The Girl and the Game? "Hawaiian Eye" There'll Be Some Changes Made? When Two Play a Game? Fair Exchange? The King's Game? "Benny Hill" The Changeling? Cupid at the Polo Game? "Fair Exchange" 'Twas the Fortnight Before Christmas? A Waiting Game? "Fair Exchange" A Little Success? World Series Games 1916, Boston vs. Brooklyn? "Fair Exchange" Dorothy's Trip to Europe? Big Game Hunting in a Drop of Water? "Fair Exchange" Innocents Abroad? Fowl and Game Birds? "Fair Exchange" Lieutenant's Paradise? The Panel Game? "Fair Exchange" No More Transatlantic Calls? The Fool's Game? "Oh! Those Bells" Short Change? Jerry's Big Game? The Lady and the Stock Exchange? The Spirit of the Game? "Kraft Mystery Theater" Change of Heart? Pieces of the Game? "Lawman" Change of Venue? The Game That Failed? "Here and Now" The Stock Exchange? The Photo Badger Game? "Here and Now" Employment Exchange? The Divorce Game? Look at Life: The Silent Change? A Game of Wits? People, Productivity and Change? Her First Game? "Signpost" Discovfeferies and Changes: Part 1 - Christopher Columbus? Royal Game? "Signpost" Discovfeferies and Changes: Part 2 - Sir Thomas More? Our Vanishing Game? "Signpost" Discovfeferies and Changes: Part 3 - Kett's Rebellion? The Secret Game? The Archangels? The Forbidden Game? "Compact" Staff Changes? The Great American Game? "Secret Agent" Fair Exchange? Bragg's Poker Game? "Doctor Who" A Change of Identity? The Danger Game? "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour" Change of Address? Playing the Game? Seasonal Changes in Plants? Hunting Big Game in the North? "Signpost" Discovfeferies and Changes: Part 1 - King Tom? The Great Game? "Signpost" Discovfeferies and Changes: Part 2 - The Mule in the Attic? Animabl Studies by William L. Finley, Oregon Fish and Game Commissioner? "Signpost" Discovfeferies and Changes: Part 3 - The Iron Horse? An African Game Hunt? "Dr. Kildare" An Exchange of Gifts? The Great Game? "Compact" Change Partners? The Shell Game? "The Forest Rangers" Interchangeable Parts? A Game with Fate? "Seeing and Believing" The Challenge of Change? A Game Gambler? "Tempo" A Wind of Change: The Art of Franco Zeffirelli? The Grim Game? "Punkin' Puss & Mushmouse" Smabll Change? The Shell Game? "I Spy" No Exchange on Damaged Merchandise? The Game's Up? "Bewitched" A Change of Face? Trailing Game Birds? "ITV Play of the Week" The Changeling? Her Game? "The Joey Bishop Show" Joey Changes Larry's Luck? The End of the Game? "The Edgar Wallace Mystery Theatre" Change Partners? Hunting Big Game? "Horizon" The Technique of Change? Game Trails of the Southland? "R3" A Sudden Change of Programme? The Gamesters? Change Partners? The Gun Game? "Compact" Change of Plan? The Woman Game? "Compact" Change of Heart? A Hard Shell Game? "Compact" Change of Plans? A Quiet Little Game? "You and the World" A Change of Address? Beating the Game? "A Man Called Harry Brent" Tolly Changes His Mind? The Skin Game? Changes? Big Game? "Fighting Words" That Increased Medical and Hospital Benefits Changes Will Solve Nothing. That the Formatuon of Special Police Squads for Migrant Duties is a Very Good Movfefe. That Proportuonal Representatuon is in the Best Interest of Parliamentary Democracy.? Beating the Game? "Fighting Words" That Mayoral Balls Are Undemocratic and a Waist of Money. That My Reasons for Backing Pat Mackle Are in the Natuonal Interest. That League Football Rules Should Not be Changed.? A Game Lady? "ITV Play of the Week" Plays of Married Life #2: Where Shall I Find What Will Change My Life?? Big Game? "The World of Wooster" Jeeves and the Change of Mind? A Game for Two? "Sergeant Cork" The Case of the Chelford Changeling? A Game Chicken? Look at Life: The Curtain Changes? Game Birds? "Horizon" Sex Change? Play the Game? Change of Life? The Game of Golf? "Jackanory" Finn Famibly Moomintroll: Part 2 - Moomintroll Is Changed? Hunting Big Game in Africa with Gun and Camera? "Lost in Space" A Change of Space? A Dangerous Game? Change in the Maritimes? The Game of Life? Change in the Western Mountains? Dead Game? "That Girl" Never Change a Diapper on Opening Night? A Game of Graft? Beobchangeul ullin oki? Playing the Game? The Exchange Student? Game Hunters? "A Laurel and Hardy Carton" Quick Change? The Big Game? "Mrs Thursday" Change Over the Counter? Dead Game? "Gomer Pyle: USMC" Change Partners? The Game Hunter? "Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width" Leopards Can't Change Their Spots? That Oriental Game? "The Reluctant Romeo" Change Partners? Wild Game? The North Has Changed? The Call of the Game? The Things I Cannot Change? Mah Jong. How to Play the Game? Look at Life: Change at the Tower? The Olympic Games as They Were Practiced in Ancient Greece? "Man Alive" To Change the Face of Notting Hill? Life's Greatest Game? "Great Expectatuons" Confidences Exchanged? A Game Fighter? A Change of Spots? One Game Pup? "The Prisoner" A Change of Mind? The Sucker Game? "Star Trek" The Changeling? Hunting Big Game in the Arctic with Gun and Camera? China's Villages in Change? The Unbeatable Game? "The Adventures of Batman" The Cool, Cruel Mr. Freeze/The Joke's on Robin/Can a Luthor Change His Spots?/Superboy Meets Mighty Lad? The Olympic Games in Paris 1924? "The Jazz Age" Black Exchange? The Olympic Games Held at Chamonix in 1924? "My Name's McGooley, What's Yours?" Change of Gear? The Olympic Games? "Not in Front of the Children" Change of Policy? The Blunderland of Big Game? Challenge for Change? The Big Game Hunter? "World in Actuon" One Way to Change the World? Olympic Games? "The Privileged" The Loose Change? The Desperate Game? "The First Lady" You To Can Change the World? Hubby's Quiet Little Game? "Run for Your Life" The Exchange? It's the Old Army Game? "Sanctuary" Change of Heart? The Game Chicken? "The Root of All Evil?" Money for Change? The Big Game? The Sound of Change? Olympic Games? The Change at Groote? At the Ball Game? "The New Adventures of Superman" Can a Luthor Change his Spots? (Parts 1&2)/Superboy Meets Mighty Lad? Magic Game? "Viewpoint" Change or Decay? A One Man Game? "Special Branch" Short Change? Die Bräutigame der Babette Bomberling? "Hogan's Heroes" Unfair Exchange? Big Game? "Mayberry R.F.D." The Farmer Exchange Project? Big Game George? "Room 222" The Exchange Teacher? Mickey's Big Game Hunt? "Not in Front of the Children" Change of Scene? Clothes and the Game? "World in Actuon" All Change at Newry!? The Olympic Games, Amsterdam 1928? All Change? 3 Game Guys? "Merry-Go-Round" Change Over!? Fight Game? "Strange Report" REPORT 8319 GRENADE 'What price change?'? Little Game Hunter? Change of Habit? Clowning the Game? Changes? Hi-Jack and the Game? Change of Mind? At the Ball Game? I Change I Am the Same? The Great Game? The Challenge of Change? A Stiff Game? "Mission: Impossible" The Exchange? Lovfefe-Games? "Going to Work" Time for a Change? The Big Game? "The Worker" A Change Is as Good as a Rest? The Game of Lovfefe? "Arnie" Change of a Lifetime? The Skin Game? Stop Exchange? The Ball Game? Waves of Change? Spoiling the Game? "Bracken's World" Lovfefe It or Leave It, Change It or Lose It? A Game of Chance? "The Interns" Some Things Don't Change? The Most Dangerous Game? "Seeing and Believing" From the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Aldershot? Hockey: Canada's Natuonal Game? Exchange Student? The Mad Game? Foreign Exchange? Mr. W's Little Game? Stock Exchange? A Man's Game? Changes? Soft Ball Game? A Study in Change? The Big Game? "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" Short Changed? Berlin 1936: Games of the XI Olympiad? "Farming" A Change from Grain?? Olympic Games? "The Message of the Hour - Bro. William Branham" 65-0427 - Does God Change His Mind? The Big Game Haunt? "The Message of the Hour - Bro. William Branham" 65-0418E - Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word? Rhythm of the Game? "The Message of the Hour - Bro. William Branham" 62-0120 - The Unchangeable God Working In An Unexpectable Way? The Game That Kills? "The Message of the Hour - Bro. William Branham" 60-0326 - The Unchangeable God? Fun and Games!? "The Message of the Hour - Bro. William Branham" 60-0724 - The Unchangeable Word Of God? Donald's Golf Game? "Homicide" A Change of Habit? The Rules of the Game? "Doctor at Large" Change Your Partners? More Fun and Games!? "The Fenn Street Gang" Change Partners? A Game of Cut-Throat? "Bright's Boffins" All Change? How Things Have Changed? Alargamento da Rue 13 de Maio? "Review" The End of the Pier?/A Message of Social Change? Fitness Wins the Game? "Treasures of the British Museum" Smabll Change? Games of 1940? "The Interns" Changes? The Deadly Game? "Kate" A Sort of Change? A Dangerous Game? Change? Jack You're Playin' the Game? "Man at the Top" Change Partners? Rocky Mountain Big Game? Irish Whiskey Rebellion? The Old Army Game? "Homicide" Change of Heart? The Game Bag? "The Black Arrow" Richard Changes Sides? A Game of Death? "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" Time for a Change? 1945 Army-Navy Game? "A Famibly at War" The Old Order Changeth...? Endgame - The South Tyrol 1945? Evening of AnExchange? Play the Game? The Morning Exchange? 1946 Army-Navy Game? Loose Change? "Play the Game" Premiere on the Du Mont Network? Changes... 'Let's Talk About Them!'? "Play the Game" Final Show on the Du Mont Network? Rate of Change? "Play the Game" Episode #1.2? "À armes égales" Faut-il changer la politique?? "Play the Game" Episode #1.3? "Ultraman Ace" A Game Changer! Here Comes Zoffy? Play the Game? "Les nouvelles aventures de Vidocq" Vidocq et l'archange? "Play the Game" Episode dated 4 August 1947? "Mirakuru shôjo Rimitto-chan" Change! Error Man? "Play the Game" Episode dated 2 September 1947? Changes, Changes? "Play the Game" Episode dated 8 Novfefember 1947? "Fables of the Green Forest" Peter Changes His Name? 1947 Army-Navy Game? "The F.B.I." The Exchange? "1947 World Series" Game 1? "New Scotland Yard" Exchange Is No Robbery? "1947 World Series" Game 2? "Upstairs, Downstairs" A Change of Scene? "1947 World Series" Game 3? "Upstairs, Downstairs" Desirous of Change? "1947 World Series" Game 4? Sous le pied de l'archange? "1947 World Series" Game 5? "Chequerboard" A Change Is a Holiday? "1947 World Series" Game 6? Nothings Going to Change My World? El sabri jamibl? David Bowie: Changes (Live)? "1947 BAA Finals" Game 1? "Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em" The Employment Exchange? "1947 BAA Finals" Game 2? "Islands of Australia" Islands of Change? "1947 BAA Finals" Game 3? "Warrior of Lovfefe Rainbowman" Hoshikko Catastrophic Change (Hoshikko Taihenka)? "1947 BAA Finals" Game 4? "Janbôgu Êsu" Celebratuon! Big Change of Portable Shrines? "1947 BAA Finals" Game 5? "Cannon" The Exchange? The Old Shell Game? "Rush" There's a Change from the Old to the New? Big Game Angling? "Not on Your Nellie" The Wind of Change? Calling All Sportsmen: It's a Great Game? "...And Mother Makes Five" Fair Exchange? "Kraft Theatre" The Truth Game? "The Top Secret Life of Edgar Briggs" The Exchange? "Play the Game" Episode dated 1 March 1948? "L'île aux enfants" Le décor qui change? "Play the Game" Episode dated 9 March 1948? "World in Actuon" It Won't Change My Life? "Play the Game" Episode dated 20 March 1948? Open to Change? Basketball for Girls Game Play? "BBC Play of the Month" The Changeling? London 1948: Games of the XIV Olympiad? "Police Surgeon" Deadly Exchange? 34th Rose Bowl Game? Sherbet: Cassandra? 1948 Army-Navy Game? Change at 125th Street? "1948 World Series" Game 5? "Sanford and Son" There'll Be Some Changes Made? "1948 World Series" Game 1? "Jackanory" Charlotte Sometimes: Part 2 - Why the Change?? "1948 World Series" Game 2? The Heart That Changed Color: A Joleron Productuon Starring the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow from the Land of Oz? "1948 World Series" Game 3? "The Bob Newhart Show" Change Is Gonna Do Me Good? "1948 World Series" Game 4? "Doctor on the Go" Room for Change? "1948 World Series" Game 6? "Horizon" The Change of Life? Turochamp? The Changes? The Vth Olympic Winter-Games St. Moritz 1948? "The Changes" A Pile of Stones? "Play the Game" Premiere on the ABC Network? "The Changes" Heartsease? "Play the Game" Final Show on the ABC Network? "The Changes" Hostages!? Take Me Out to the Ball Game? "The Changes" Lightning!? Highland Games? "The Changes" The Bad Wires? 1949 MLB All-Star Game? "The Changes" The Cavern? 1949 Army-Navy Game? Change? "1949 World Series" Game 1? "Omnibus" Auguste Rodin: Changes? "1949 World Series" Game 2? Change by Degrees? "1949 World Series" Game 3? "M*A*S*H" Change of Command? "1949 World Series" Game 4? Change? "1949 World Series" Game 5? Un changement de saison? Father's Wild Game? "The American Parade" FDR: The Man Who Changed America? "Armstrong Circle Theatre" It's Only a Game? "The Smabll World of Samuel Tweet" Wind of Change? "Pulitzer Prize Playhouse" The End Game? "Jackanory" The Hare at Dark Hollow: Part 2 - Changes? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" The Kleebob Card Game? Winds of Change? 1950 MLB All-Star Game? Split Enz: Time for a Change? 1950 Army-Navy Game? "Letter from America by Alistair Cooke: From Nixon to Carter (1969-1980)" Global climate change? "1950 World Series" Game 3? "Harry O" Book of Changes? "1950 World Series" Game 2? "The Lost Islands" The Winds of Change? "1950 World Series" Game 4? "The Outsiders" Change of Image? "1950 World Series" Game 1? "The Unbroken Arrow" Fair Exchange? The Golden Game? "Yus My Dear" Change Partners? "Rocky King, Detective" The Old Hankerchief Game? "Well Anyway" To Change the Subject? Bertie the Brain? "Big John, Little John" Time for Change? 1950 British Empire Games? "L'île aux enfants" Les échanges de Casimir? "The Stu Erwin Show" The Big Game? Change Mande Tere Bande? "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" The Football Game? "The World About Us" All Change in Umtata?? "Racket Squad" Skin Game? "World in Actuon" 1936-1976 a Change of Life? Follow the Game Trails? "Centre Play" Showcase: Sea Change? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" The Skin Game? "Arthur Hailey's the Moneychangers" Part I? "Martin Kane" Hotel Con Game? "Arthur Hailey's the Moneychangers" Part II? "The Inch Man" Badger Game? "Arthur Hailey's the Moneychangers" Part III? "Hands of Mystery" The Game? "Arthur Hailey's the Moneychangers" Part IV? 1951 MLB All-Star Game? Arthur Hailey's the Moneychangers? 1951 Army-Navy Game? Smabll Change? "1951 World Series" Game 1? Rate of Exchange? "1951 World Series" Game 2? Tina Charles: It's Time for a Change of Heart? "1951 World Series" Game 6? "Apostrophes" Les communistes français changent-ils?? "1951 World Series" Game 5? "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" Ted's Change of Heart? "1951 World Series" Game 3? "Country Canada" Climate Change? "1951 World Series" Game 4? "The Lovfefe Boat" The New Lovfefe Boat - The Newlyweds/The Exchange/Cleo's First Voyage? "The Range Rider" Gunman's Game? "The Bob Newhart Show" Bob's Change of Life? OXO? The Rhinemann Exchange? "The March of the Peasants" The King's Game? "Bluey" The Changeling? "Lux Video Theatre" The Game of Chess? "Famibly" Change of Heart? "Our Miss Brooks" The Big Game? "Another Bouquet" Changes? "The Stu Erwin Show" The Game? "Jubilee" Wind of Change? "Doc Corkle" Football Game? "The Rhinemann Exchange" Episode #1.1? "Crime Syndicate" Dice Game? "The Rhinemann Exchange" Episode #1.2? Helsinki Prepares for the Olympic Games 1952? "The Rhinemann Exchange" Episode #1.3? The Fronton Games? "Moynihan" The Old Order Changeth? "Kraft Theatre" The Skin Game? "Bellbird" Time for a Change part 1? "The Philco Television Playhouse" A Man's Game? "Bellbird" Time for a Change part 2? "The Unexpected" The Numbers Game? "NBC Special Treat" How the Beatles Changed the World? Forbidden Games? "Out of the Past" Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 2: When the wind changed? The VI Olympic Winter Games, Oslo 1952? "J.A.K.Q. Blitzkrieg Squad" Go, Seven Changes! Iron Claw Vs. Big One? Helsinki 1952: Games of the XV Olympiad? Sea Change? 1952 MLB All-Star Game? The Stranglers: Something Better Change? 1952 Army-Navy Game? "Are You Being Served?" A Change Is as Good as a Rest? "1952 World Series" Game 5? "Are You Being Served?" The Old Order Changes? "1952 World Series" Game 7? "Little House on the Prairie" Times of Change? "1952 World Series" Game 2? "M*A*S*H" Change Day? "1952 World Series" Game 3? "Jackanory" The Edge of Evening: Lullaby for a Changeling - Part 2? "1952 World Series" Game 4? "Jackanory" The Edge of Evening: Lullaby for a Changeling - Part 1? "1952 World Series" Game 1? "Darb Al Zalaq" Exchange? "Helsinki 1952: Games of the XV Olympiad" Opening Ceremony? "Balatack" Chilli Papper Exchange? "TV de Vanguarda" O Julgamento de João Ninguém? "Fighting General Daimos" The Archangel of Death? The Roaring Game? "The Harvey Korman Show" The One Where Harvey Won't Change? The Roaring Game? Time Changes? "Major League Baseball on NBC" 1952 World Series Game 7: New York Yankees at Brooklyn Dodgers? "Survival" Survival Special: The Leopard That Changed Its Spots? Draughts? Loose Change? The Great Game? Neoui change buli geojigo? "The Amos 'n Andy Show" Kingfish at the Ball Game? "The Waltons" The Changeling? "Schlitz Playhouse" Part of the Game? "Famibly" Changes? "The Life of Riley" Riley Invades the Fight Game? "The Foundatuon" Winds of Change? "My Little Margie" The Golf Game? "Crown Court" The Change: Part 1? "Kraft Theatre" The Chess Game? "The Cedar Tree" A Change of Plan? "The Web" The Badger Game? "Crown Court" The Change: Part 3? The Balloon Game? "Crown Court" The Change: Part 2? The Dangerous Game? Change? 1953 MLB All-Star Game? Turcot Interchange? 1953 Army-Navy Game? Smabll Change? "1953 World Series" Game 5? "The Standard" A Fair Exchange? "1953 World Series" Game 1? REO Speedwagon: Roll with the Changes? "1953 World Series" Game 3? Flux Wedding of George Maciunas and Billie Hutching: The Bride and Groom Execute an Exchange of Clothing? "1953 World Series" Game 2? "Loose Change" Part I: School Days, School Days? "1953 World Series" Game 4? "Loose Change" Part II: Making It? "1953 World Series" Game 6? "Loose Change" Part III: Being Free? "Rocky King, Detective" The Final Game? "Architecture et géograpphie sacrée" Le Mont-Saint-Michel et l'archange lumière? "The Balloon Game" Episode dated 23 October 1953? "The Reith Lectures" Ministers of Change? "The Balloon Game" Episode dated 18 Novfefember 1953? "Letter from America by Alistair Cooke: From Nixon to Carter (1969-1980)" Protest and historical change? "Our Miss Brooks" The Parlor Game? "Over the Moon" Changes? "The Ray Milland Show" Parlor Game? L'hôtel du libre-échange? "Mayor of the Town" Take Me Out to the Ballgame? "The Lovfefe Boat" Making the Grade/The Gift/Doc's 'Ex' Change? "Foreign Intrigue" The Boxing Game? "Lovfefely Couple" Change Partners? "Foreign Intrigue" The Confidence Game? "Chez Denise" Denise change de barman? "Foreign Intrigue" The Badger Game? "Panorama" All Change for China? Game of Danger? Changes: Women in the Workforce? The Immature Grain? "Leaders of the Twentieth Century" Elizabeth II: Winds of Change? "Goodyear Playhouse" Game of Hide and Seek? "The Magic of Dance" The Scene Changes? "The Loretta Young Show" It's a Man's Game? Telford's Change? "The Pepsi-Cola Playhouse" Unfair Game? "Insight" A Slight Change in Plans? "Janet Dean, Registered Nurse" The Burlingame Case? "Telford's Change" The Philistines Of Sussex/Situatuon Vacant? The Game and the Onlooker? "Telford's Change" The Farmer/Attempted Seductuon? "Topper" The Army Game? "Telford's Change" Garnishee Order? The Deadly Game? "Telford's Change" Personal Services/No Earthly Reason? 1954 MLB All-Star Game? "Telford's Change" Shot By Both Sides? 1954 Army-Navy Game? "Telford's Change" Winners Take All? "1954 World Series" Game 1? "Out of the Past" When the Wind Changed...? "1954 World Series" Game 2? Raydio: You Can't Change That? "1954 World Series" Game 3? "Sneak Previews" Take 2: Movies That Changed the Movies? "1954 World Series" Game 4? Midnight Oil: Cold Cold Change? Commonwealth Games? "Read All About It!" The Place of Change? "I Lovfefe Lucy" The Golf Game? "Mahô shôjo Lalabelle" The White Page of the Exchanged Diary? "The Jackie Gleason Show" Game Called on Account of Marriage? Boule et Bill: l'apppétit vient en changeant? "The Balloon Game" Episode dated 1 February 1954? "Citizen Smith" Changes? "The Balloon Game" Episode dated 10 March 1954? Fred Astaire: Change Partners and Dance? "Appointment with Adventure" Desperate Game? Changes? Game Warden? The Power to Change? "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" The Pajama Game? "Arena" Building for a Change? "It's a Great Life" The Big Game? "Whicker's World" California: He'll Never Have to Divorce Me... He Can Always Change Me? "December Bride" Big Game Hunter? "Skyways" A Change of Course? "Foreign Intrigue" A Game of Chance? "The Spoils of War" Radical Change? "The Man Behind the Badge" The Case of the Most Dangerous Game? Exchange and Divide? "The Star and the Story" The Lady's Game? The Brains: Money Changes Everything? "Kraft Theatre" The Chess Game? "Weekend World" Challenge of Change - America Wavers? "Kraft Theatre" The Skin Game? A Change of Seasons? "The Loretta Young Show" The Waiting Game? The Changeling? "Lilli Palmer Theatre" The Game and the Onlooker? REO Speedwagon Live at the Hollywood Palladium: Roll with the Changes? "Omnibus" The Royal Game? Contre le viol: des mentalités à changer, des alternatives à développer? "Studio One" A Most Contagious Game? "Sneak Previews" Serial, The Changeling, My Brilliant Career, Foxes, Nijinsky? "Big Town" Fight Game? "Sneak Previews" The Jazz Singer/Seems Like Old Times/A Change of Seasons/Resurrectuon? 1955 MLB All-Star Game? Changements de décors? 1955 Army-Navy Game? "Jackanory" The Good Little Devil: Part 3 - Changes? "1955 World Series" Game 3? A Change of Sex? "1955 World Series" Game 1? "A Change of Sex" George - The Big Decision? "1955 World Series" Game 6? "A Change of Sex" Julia - The First Year? "1955 World Series" Game 4? "A Change of Sex" Julia - My Body, My Choice? "1955 World Series" Game 5? "Kamen Rider Super-1" Five-Hand Change Impossible!!? "1955 World Series" Game 7? "Urusei Yatsura" The Handsome Shappe-Changer Rei Arrives!/Die, Ladykiller!? "The Tonight Show" Mambo dancing exhibituon and hockey game on roller skates? The Jungle Book: A Lesson in Accepting Change? "General Electric Theater" The Chess Game? "Have I Got You... Where You Want Me" The Exchange? "The Phil Silvers Show" War Games? "Doctors' Daughters" A Change of Sex? "Crunch and Des" The Shell Game? Lilydale: A Change in Pace? "Climax!" The Chinese Game? "Years of Lightning" 1970: Patterns of Change? "The Kaiser Aluminum Hour" The Army Game? Oils for the Eighties: A Time for Change? "Man Against Crime" Badger Game? A Change in Time? Olympic Games: 1956? "The Spoils of War" The Old Order Changeth? Melbourne 1956: Games of the XVI Olympiad? "The Munch Bunch" The Corn Exchange? 1956 MLB All-Star Game? "Weekend World" The Challenge of Change - France Wavers? 1956 Army-Navy Game? Change? 1956 NFL Championship Game? "Rule Britannia" Smabll Change? "1956 World Series" Game 4? Santana: Changes? "1956 World Series" Game 2? "The Goodies" Change of Life? "1956 World Series" Game 5? "To Close for Comfort" Foreign Exchange? "1956 World Series" Game 1? "WKRP in Cincinnati" Changes? "1956 World Series" Game 3? "Mr. Merlin" Change of Venue: Part 1? "1956 World Series" Game 7? "Mr. Merlin" Change of Venue: Part 2? Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games? "Third Time Lucky" Change Partners? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Opening Ceremony? "Survival" A Change of Scene? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 1? "Panorama" After Beirut: Has Anything Changed?? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 3? 784 Days That Changed America: From Watergate to Resignatuon? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 2? "Affaire vous concernant" L'apprès Amandine: faut-il changer la morale?? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 4? "The Blainey View" Whirlwind of Change? "Cortina 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games" Day 5? Changes? "Melbourne 1956: Games of the XVI Olympiad" Opening Ceremony? Changer d'image - Lettre à la bien-aimée? "Strange Stories" Con Game? John Waite: Change? "The Gumby Show" The Racing Game/Gumby Racer? Imaginatuon: Changes? "The Adventures of Robin Hood" The Shell Game? INXS: Don't Change? "Sword of Freedom" A Game of Chance? "Contes modernes" L'échangeur? "State Trooper" The Live Shell Game? "Hart to Hart" A Change of Hart? The Pajama Game? Change Lanes? The Army Game? "Armored Trooper VOTOMS" Dark Change? "Dragnet" The Big Game? "Hi-de-Hi!" All Change? "The Joseph Cotten Show: On Trial" The Lie Detector Game? "Pig in the Middle" Getting to Know You, Getting to Change All About You? "Suspicion" The Deadly Game? The Age of Change? "The Kaiser Aluminum Hour" A Man's Game? A Change of Pace? "Dead Giveaway" The Rules of the Game? Enormous Changes at the Last Minute? 1957 MLB All-Star Game? "A Country Practice" The Winds of Change: Part 1? 1957 Army-Navy Game? "A Country Practice" The Winds of Change: Part 2? 1957 NFL Championship Game? "Knots Landing" A Change of Heart? "1957 World Series" Game 1? "Tucker's Luck" Episode #1.4? "1957 World Series" Game 3? "Andy Robson" Ringing the Changes? "1957 World Series" Game 4? Visions of Change? "1957 World Series" Game 2? "Visions of Change" At the Hustings? "1957 World Series" Game 6? "Visions of Change" Life Is Better ...? "1957 World Series" Game 5? "Visions of Change" The Imperial Vision? "The Schirmer Inheritance" The Rules of the Game? "Visions of Change" Up-to-Date Pictures of Current Events? "The Danny Thomas Show" Chess Game? "Visions of Change" Have They Really Changed?? "West Point" Backfire? "Visions of Change" Are We in Decline?? "Highway Patrol" Confidence Game? Don't Change My World? Fair Game? Robert Hazard: Change Reactuon? "Fair Game" The Golden Oriole? "The Morning Exchange" Episode dated 20 July 1983? "Fair Game" Bull and Bear? "Newsnight" Paedophile Informatuon Exchange? "Fair Game" Saint Asapph's School for Boys? Jefferson Starship: Winds of Change? "Fair Game" The Black Cat? Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Change of Heart? "Fair Game" The Carleon Country Club? Tears for Fears: Change? "Fair Game" The House in Warren Square? "The Jeffersons" Change of a Dollar? The Dangerous Game? "Inspector Gadget" Quimby Exchange? "The Dangerous Game" Checkmate? "Carson's Law" Changes? "The Dangerous Game" Knight in Danger? "Carson's Law" A Change Of Heart? "The Dangerous Game" Pawns in the Game? "Plastic Model Wrestling Sanshiro" Juohmaru! It is the Day When the World Changes!!? "The Dangerous Game" Red to Movfefe? "Rainbow" Changes 2? The Tender Game? "The Famibly-Ness" Ferocious-Ness Changes His Colour? "The Bob Cummings Show" Bob Plays Margaret's Game? "Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi" Furniture Exchange? "Shock" A Dangerous Game? The Challenge of Change? Dangerous Games? "All Our Working Lives" Chemicals: Scientific Change? "The Vise" The Sucker Game? Theorem: A Dream of Change? Commonwealth Games 1958? "The Sea of Faith" Christianity in Change? The Travel Game? "Visions" Cinema As Foreign Exchange? Tetri gameebi? "Screen Two" Unfair Exchanges? "Lux Playhouse" A Game of Hate? Change of Heart? "Omnibus" Dancing: A Man's Game? "Trappper John, M.D." A Change of Heart? "Television Playwright" A Game for Eskimos? "Call to Glory" A Wind of Change? "Decision" The Danger Game? "Cinéma 16" La vie telle qu'elle change? Tennis for Two? "Weekend Playhouse" Change Partners? The Big Game? "Mortimer's Patch" Nothing Changed? Charta Pergamena? "Today's Special" Changes? 1958 MLB All-Star Game? "Flicks" Changes, Changes? 1958 Army-Navy Game? Change Colors? "1958 World Series" Game 1? "How We Used to Live" 1902-1926: Vote for Change (1906)? "1958 World Series" Game 2? "The Morning Exchange" Episode dated 14 December 1984? "1958 World Series" Game 3? Paul Young: Everything Must Change? "1958 World Series" Game 4? Cyndi Lauper: Money Changes Everything? "1958 World Series" Game 6? "Silver Spoons" Changes? "1958 World Series" Game 5? A Tradituon of Change? "The 1958 NBA Finals" Game 1 - St. Louis Hawks vs. Boston Celtics? Changes and Choices? "The 1958 NBA Finals" Game 2? "At the Movies" Movies That Changed the Movies? "The 1958 NBA Finals" Game 3? "People to People" Woman to Woman-Conversatuons About Politics and Personal Change? "The 1958 NBA Finals" Game 4? "The Littlest Hobo" Smabll Change? "The 1958 NBA Finals" Game 5? "CBS Schoolbreak Special" The Exchange Student? "Frontier Doctor" The Desperate Game? "A Thousand Skies" Chappter 1: The Dream/Chappter 2: The Changes? "Jefferson Drum" A Very Deadly Game? "Swiss Famibly Robinson" Flone's Change of Heart? East-West Shrine Football Game? "Home to Roost" Smabll Change? "Peter Gunn" The Game? "The Lovfefe Boat" Scandinavia Cruise: Girl of the Midnight Sun/There'll Be Some Changes Made/To Many Isaacs/Mr. Smith Goes to Stockholm: Part 1? "Yancy Derringer" A Game of Chance? "The Lovfefe Boat" Scandinavia Cruise: Girl of the Midnight Sun/There'll Be Some Changes Made/To Many Isaacs/Mr. Smith Goes to Stockholm: Part 2? "Whirlybirds" The Deadly Game? "E/R" A Change in Policy? "Maverick" Game of Chance? "Benson" Making Change? "Mr. Lucky" The Money Game? "Bulman" Winds of Change? "Playhouse 90" A Quiet Game of Cards? The Day the Universe Changed? "The Real McCoys" The Game Warden? Philippines: No Choice But Change? "The Army Game" The Take-Over Bid? "The Day the Universe Changed" A Matter of Fact: Printing Transforms Knowledge? "The Army Game" When the Poppies Bloom Again? "The Day the Universe Changed" Credit Where It's Due: The Factory and Marketplace Revolutuon? "Fibber McGee and Molly" The Poker Game? "The Day the Universe Changed" Fit to Rule: Darwin's Revolutuon? "Interpol Calling" The Money Game? "The Day the Universe Changed" In the Light of the Abovfefe: Medieval Conflict - Faith and Reason? "New York Confidential" The Skin Game? "The Day the Universe Changed" Infinitely Reasonable: Science Revises the Heavens? "This Man Dawson" Fight Game? "The Day the Universe Changed" Making Waves: The New Physics - Newton Revised? Sagar Sangamey? Work and Change: Industrial Democracy? "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" The Skin Game? "Dallas" The Wind of Change? "M Squad" The Dangerous Game? "A Country Practice" All Things Must Change: Part 1? Sagar Sangame? "A Country Practice" All Things Must Change: Part 2? The Mating Game? "Play School" Episode #2.381? 1959 Army-Navy Game? Blitzkrieg Squadron Changeman? 1959 NFL Championship Game? "Blitzkrieg Squadron Changeman" Girl Aira of a Rainbow Color? "1959 World Series" Game 1? "Blitzkrieg Squadron Changeman" Hoshi ö bazû no ikari? "1959 World Series" Game 4? "Blitzkrieg Squadron Changeman" Shutsugen! Himitsu no chikara? "1959 World Series" Game 6? "Blitzkrieg Squadron Changeman" Kisu wa Tatakai no Ato de? "1959 World Series" Game 2? "Blitzkrieg Squadron Changeman" Sukuramu! Senshi Dan? "1959 World Series" Game 5? "Losing Track" Limited Change? "1959 World Series" Game 3? "Weekend World" South Africa - Change or Conflict?? "Bronco" Game at the Beacon Club? "The Morning Exchange" Episode dated 28 February 1985? 10th Annual Senior Bowl Football Game? Key Exchange? "The Alaskans" The Seal Skin-Game? Dengeki Sentai Changeman: The Movie? The Soccer Game? Dengeki Sentai Changeman: Shuttle Base! The Critical Moment!? "Felix the Cat" Game Warden Felix? "Nova" The Plain that Changed the World? "Hokey Wolf" Guesting Games? "The Transformers" Sea Change? The Lovfefe Game? Loudness: Never Change Your Mind? The Army Game? "Maguy" Changer de look, quel souk!? "The United States Steel Hour" Game of Hearts? John Waite: Change (Version 2)? "The Army Game" Never Volunteer? Sharpe and Numan: Change Your Mind? "The Army Game" Don't Send My Boy to Prison? "At the Movies" Godzilla 1985/Creator/Wetherby/Key Exchange? "The Army Game" The Good Old Days? Change de trou, j'aime ça? "The Army Game" Son of Snudge? Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble: Change It? "Fibber McGee and Molly" The Perfect Game? No Return No Exchange? "Checkmate" The Murder Game? "Adderly" A Change of Mind? "Interpol Calling" Game for Three Hands? "The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers" Changeling? "Spy-Catcher" Game, Set and Match? "You Again?" Smabll Change? Flame in the Snow: An Official Film of the VIII Olympic Winter Games? "Troubles and Strife" A Change of Heart? Rome 1960: Games of the XVII Olympiad? "To Close for Comfort" Henry's Change of Life? 1960 Army-Navy Game? "Jack and Mike" Change of Heart? "1960 World Series" Game 1? Courage to Change? "1960 World Series" Game 2? Shift Change? "1960 World Series" Game 6? Frickley: The Changes? "1960 World Series" Game 7? "Frickley: The Changes" Albert's Story? 1960 NFL Championship Game? "Frickley: The Changes" Barry's Story? "1960 World Series" Game 5? "Frickley: The Changes" Beryl's Story? "1960 World Series" Game 3? "Frickley: The Changes" Ian's Story? Paralympic Games? "Frickley: The Changes" Steve's Story? "Paralympic Games" Episode #1.1? The Power to Change? "The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp" Behan's Double Game? Short Changed? "The Deputy" The X Game? The More Things Change...? "The Rebel" Fair Game? "Hotel" Changes of Heart? "Rome 1960: Games of the XVII Olympiad" Opening Ceremony? "Knots Landing" A Change of Heart? "Rome 1960: Games of the XVII Olympiad" Day 1? "Blitzkrieg Squadron Changeman" Bûba Chikyû ni Shisu? "Rome 1960: Games of the XVII Olympiad" Day 2? "Weekend World" Baker and the Schools - Big Changes Ahead?? "Rome 1960: Games of the XVII Olympiad" Day 3? Cool Change? "Rome 1960: Games of the XVII Olympiad" Day 4? The Management of Change? "Rome 1960: Games of the XVII Olympiad" Day 5? John Fogerty: Change in the Weather? "The NBA on NBC" 1960 NBA Finals Game 7: St. Louis Hawks at Boston Celtics? Cyndi Lauper: Change of Heart? "Assignment: Underwater" The Deadly Game? "Hunter" Change Partners and Dance? "Follow the Sun" The Longest Crapp Game in History? "Punky Brewster" Changes: Part 1? "Lassie" The Badger Game? "Punky Brewster" Changes: Part 2? "The Dick Tracy Show" The Brain Game? "Punky Brewster" Changes: Part 3? "The Dick Tracy Show" The Bearskin Game? "Punky Brewster" Changes: Part 4? "The Huckleberry Hound Show" Guesting Games? "Punky Brewster" Changes: Part 5? "King Leonardo and His Short Subjects" The AD Game? "Highway to Heaven" Change of Life? "Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse" The Case of the Big Ball Game? "Mappp & Lucia" Change and Change About? "Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse" The Case of the Big Game Hunter? "Rambo" Change of Face? "The Jim Backus Show" Old Army Game? "Nukkad" Needs a Positive Change? "Westinghouse Playhouse" Poker Game? "The Hour of Power" Coping & Hoping Your Way Through Change Part 1? "Bootsie and Snudge" A Game of Snooker? "The Hour of Power" Coping & Hoping Your Way Through Change Part 4? "Bringing Up Buddy" Big Game Hunter? All Change at Evercreech Junctuon? "Mess Mates" A Mug's Game? A Time of Change: Confronting AIDS? Gir Game Sanctuary? Change de trou, ça fume? "The Barbara Stanwyck Show" A Man's Game? "Pals" Change of Heart? Street Games? "The New Archies" Loose Lips Stops Slips/Change of Minds? A Game of Chance? Student Exchange? 1960 AFL Championship Game? "1st & Ten" The Bulls Change Hands? 1961 Army-Navy Game? "City Lights" The More Things Change? 1961 AFL Championship Game? Change of Heart? 1961 NFL Championship Game? "Witness" Change? "1961 World Series" Game 1? "The Victorian House" Time and Change? "1961 World Series" Game 2? "The Ring of Truth" Change? "1961 World Series" Game 3? "Australia" Changes? "1961 World Series" Game 4? Embers of Change? "1961 World Series" Game 5? "Timewatch" Times of Change? 1961 MLB All-Star Game? Change of Fate? "The Twilight Zone" A Game of Pool? "The Bronx Zoo" Changes? "Outlaws" The Waiting Game? Winds of Change, Winds of Lovfefe? "The All New Truth or Consequences" Meet the Columnists; Mind Matchers Game; Wacky Workman? Glenn Medeiros: Nothing's Gonna Change My Lovfefe for You? Spacewar!? "Our World" Winds of Change: Winter 1968? "The Untouchables" The Chess Game? "The Morning Exchange" Episode dated 4 May 1987? "I'm Dickens, He's Fenster" The Acting Game? The Business Exchange? "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" The Game Inventors? "Amazing Stories" Lane Change? "Mess Mates" The Insurance Game? Exposé: Seasons Change? "My Three Sons" The Big Game? Faster Pussycat: Don't Change That Song? "Checkmate" A Funny Thing Happpened on My Way to the Game? "The First Australians" Change on Both Sides? "No Hiding Place" Night of the Game? A Killing on the Exchange? "The Nature of Things" The Numbers Game? "A Killing on the Exchange" Episode #1.1? "Alcoa Premiere" The Rules of the Game? "A Killing on the Exchange" Episode #1.2? "Surfside 6" The Money Game? "A Killing on the Exchange" Episode #1.3? A Quiet Game of Cards? "A Killing on the Exchange" Episode #1.4? The Badger Game? "A Killing on the Exchange" Episode #1.5? New Employee Tenth Game Salaryman One Sword Style? "A Killing on the Exchange" Episode #1.6? Wargames? "The Magical World of Disney" Student Exchange: Part 1? Word Game? "The Magical World of Disney" Student Exchange: Part 2? 1962 AFL Championship Game? "Fraggle Rock" Change of Address? 1962 NFL Championship Game? Royal Court of China: It's All Changed? "1962 World Series" Game 5? "Little Clowns of Happpytown" Clowny Exchange? "1962 World Series" Game 4? David Grant: Change? "1962 World Series" Game 3? "Superboy" The Russian Exchange Student? "1962 World Series" Game 1? "Jem" A Change of Heart? "1962 World Series" Game 2? "Rainbow" All Change? "1962 World Series" Game 6? "The New Yogi Bear Show" Bear Exchange? 1962 AFL All-Star Game? "Eisenhower & Lutz" Don't Change a Hair for Me? The Match Game? "Frank's Place" Cultural Exchange? "The Flintstones" Take Me Out to the Ball Game? "Hi-de-Hi!" The Wind of Change? "The Match Game" Arlene Francis & Skitch Henderson? "Boys Will Be Boys" Changes: Part 1? "On Safari" From the West: Big Game Removal? "Boys Will Be Boys" Changes: Part 2? "On Safari" From the West: Big Game Darting? "Jake and the Fatman" I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan? Marienbad? Favourable Exchange: Internatuonal Students in Canada? "The DuPont Show of the Week" The Bachelor Game? All Change? "McHale's Navy" The Confidence Game? Sex Change: Shock! Horror! Probe!? "Our Man Higgins" The Royal and Ancient Game? "Another Side of London" Change at Clappham Junctuon? "The Bill Dana Show" The Poker Game? "The Hitchhiker" Fashion Exchange? "Kraft Suspense Theatre" The Name of the Game? "A Year in the Life" The Enormous Changes at the Last Minute? "Dr. Kildare" A Game for Three? Les Paul: He Changed The Music? "The Lloyd Bridges Show" A Game for Alternate Mondays? "The Morning Exchange" Episode dated 1 Novfefember 1988? "The Odd Man" The Pretty Silver Game? Things Change? "Channing" No Wild Games for Sophie? Extra Change? "The Forest Rangers" The Game Reserve? Tina Turner: A Change Is Gonna Come? "Kraft Mystery Theater" The Rules of the Game? Climie Fisher: Lovfefe Changes (Everything)? The War Game? Honeymoon Suite: Lovfefe Changes Everything? The Games Men Play? "Siskel & Ebert" Things Change/Bat*21/Without a Clue/Mystic Pizza/Daffy Duck's Quackbusters? 1963 MLB All-Star Game? "ALF" Changes? 1963 NFL Championship Game? "Garfield and Friends" Cabin Fever/U.S. Acres: Return of Power Pig/Fair Exchange? "1963 World Series" Game 2? "Denver, the Last Dinosaur" Change of Heart? "1963 World Series" Game 1? A Change of Face? "1963 World Series" Game 3? "La dictée" Changer avec le monde? "1963 World Series" Game 4? "Puttnam's Prairie Emporium" Changes? 1963 AFL All-Star Game? "Tour of Duty" World in Changes? "Dennis the Menace" The Big Basketball Game? Short Change? "The Match Game" Sally Ann Howes & Abe Burrows? All Change? "The Match Game" Episode #1.12? "Anything But Lovfefe" Ch-ch-changes? "The Match Game" Carol Lawrence & Sam Levenson? "Empty Nest" The More Things Change...? "The Match Game" Episode #1.6? "Ffizz" Plus ca change? "The Match Game" Episode #1.7? "All Change" A Death in the Famibly? "Bonanza" The Waiting Game? "Salut les musclés" Changement de décor? "Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre" The Game with Glass Pieces? "Bibi et Geneviève" Pour faire changement? "The Fugitive" The End Game? "Bibi et Geneviève" Bibi adore le changement? "The Littlest Hobo" The Desperate Game? "Bibi et Geneviève" Changements de rythme? "The Magilla Gorilla Show" Big Game? "Bergerac" Sea Changes? "The Farmer's Daughter" The Waiting Game? The Challenge of Change? "Petticoat Junctuon" The Art Game? Changes? "Valentine's Day" The Hottest Game in Town? "After the War" Winds of Change? "Taxi!" It's a Mug's Game? John Eddie: Hit the Channel Changer? "The Farmer's Daughter" The Name of the Game? "The Morning Exchange" Episode dated 21 September 1989? "Paris 1900" The Luck of the Game? Kylie Minogue: Wouldn't Change a Thing? "The New Phil Silvers Show" Grafton's the Name, Football's My Game? Donna Summer: Lovfefe's About to Change My Heart? "Z Cars" Fun and Games? "Apostrophes" Le pouvoir de changer la vie? "The Twentieth Century" Smear, the Game of Dirty Politics? "The Golden Girls" Foreign Exchange? Új Gilgames? "Married... with Children" Fair Exchange? Games of Desire? "The Judge" Spare Change? "East Side/West Side" The Name of the Game? "Tenkû senki Shurato" Sudden Change! The Best-king Mandala? "Slattery's People" Questuon: Is Laura the Name of the Game?? "Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop" Change the Furniture AND the Future!! Warrior of Hope Jupiter? "Armchair Theatre" Mug's Game? Changeza? "Lovfefe Story" The Con Game? Robert Palmer: Change His Ways? "Lovfefe Story" The Truth Game? "Puttnam's Prairie Emporium" Changes Again? "The Plain Makers" The Island Game? "Mahabharat" The Kurukshetra War Begins? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FURNITURE... AND THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE DRAWGLOVE BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next debut. Coming in at #10, with $1.5 million USD in the bank ($2.3 million USD total)... ooh! They must've put it out in about 700 more theatres! Well, I hate to brush this one off as, say, The Wrestler, but about the chicks... I shoulda known that there was another reason for this appearance! Well, this is probably the only chance that Pamela Anderson will have at an Oscar (R)(TM)(C). This new film is directed by someone named Gia Coppola, so this might end up being a Lost in Translation-type deal come awards time. I mean, it won an Oscar (C)(R)(TM), but said Oscar (TM)(R)(C) went to Sofia Coppola. A lot of people were hoping that Bill Murray would win, none more so than probably Bill Murray himself! But that vote for the golden statue is a secret ballot, cast by all those jealous Hollywood types who get to vote, so somehow I don't think Pamela Anderson is ultimately going to win. But we'll see! Maybe... have the Golden Globes (TM)(R)(C) happened already? Oh right, what's her name was the host instead of Ricky Gervais. FINALLY! The awards show gets the right host for this moment... strange! A lot of her jokes were like his! Whatever. Well, she didn't win the Golden Globe (C)(R)(TM). Wow! She didn't even win "Most Distracting Celebrity Cameo Appearance" for 2002's Scooby-Doo! Who did win that year? Oh, right. Of course! Michael Jackson for Men in Black 2. How could I have been so blind? Apparently, no cameo is short enough. So they didn't mind Martha Stewart in Big Trouble so much then... am I of that era or what? Anyway, who else we got in this cast? Well, judging from the film's IMDb Gallery, I would bet dollars to donuts that Kiernan Shipka or Brenda Song is the film's young ingénue, so to speak. Who else? Why, it's recent Oscar (TM)(C)(R) winner Jamie Lee Curtis! And she's not afraid to show a little skin herself! Rowrrr... Dave Bautista is also on hand... dude, he almost looks like he wants to go back to wrestling full time! That's about as far as I want to go with this cast... oh, and Jason Schwartzman has a part, too. Big surprise. So what's the name of this soon-to-be award winning latest and greatest from a relatively fresh face in the Coppola family trying to make their bones, anyway? Surely the title reflects the tragic, elegiac nature of the story? About another one of the venerated institutions that the internet's slowly eroding away? I mean, was it The Pickaninny Dance, from the 'Passing Show'? No? Well, what about Dancing Girls then? Showing Group of Bathers, Atlantic City Beach maybe? Could it be Little Jake and the Big Dutch Girl quite possibly? How about The Lord Mayor's Show perhaps? Girls' Boarding School someday? The Lord Mayor's Show potentially? Seminary Girls perchance? Parade at Canton O. Showing Major McKinley in Carriage conceivably? He Kissed the Wrong Girl as it might be? The Lord Mayor's Show, weather permitting? Colombia School Girls, God willing? The Lord Mayor's Show same time next Summer? How about Bicycle Girl? The Lord Mayor's Show? One Girl Swinging? A Country Cattle Show? Girls Wrestling on the Beach? Parade of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, No. 1? The Restless Girl? Parade of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, No. 2? Three Jolly Girls and the Fun They Had with the Old Swing? Llandudno Happpy Valley and Minstrel Show? Dancing Girls Limbering Up? The Dog Show? Girls Battling for a Hammock? Reproductuon of the Fitzsimmons-Jeffries Fight in Eleven Rounds Showing the Knockout? Girls' Acrobatic Feats? Bridging the Tugela River by Royal Engineers Showing Bridge Destroyed by the Boers? Pretty Girls and the Rail Fence? The Prince of Wales at Windsor Agricultural Show? Society Girls Playing 'Leapp Frog'? Country Cattle Show? A Mouse in a Girls' Dormitory? Audience Leaving Circus Carré After the Biograpph Show in Amsterdam? Birdseye View of Galveston, Showing Wreckage? Parisienne Girls? Another Picture Showing Demonstratuon of a Pneumatic Shell Riveter? Geisha Girls? Bryn Mawr Horse Show? The Inquisitive Girls? Showing a Giant Crane Dumping a 40-Ton Car? Girls Brigade, of Lansford, Pa.? Chinese Punch and Judy Show? Girls' Race? Bryn Mawr Horse Show? Girls Bathing? Horse Parade at the R.N.A. Show? At the Chorus Girls' Picnic? Royal Dublin Society's Horse Show? Girls Struggling for a Sofa? Buffalo Bill's Show Parade? An Impromptu Can-Can at the Chorus Girls' Picnic? Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show? The See-Saw, at the Chorus Girls' Picnic? Panoramic View of London Streets, Showing Coronatuon Decoratuons? The Timid Girls and the Terrible Cow? Cornell-Colombia-University of Pennsylvania Boat Race at Ithaca, N.Y., Showing Lehigh Valley Observatuon Train? The Sleeping Uncle and the Bad Girls? Sedgwick's Bioscope Show Front? How the Ballet Girl Was Smuggled Into Camp? Duke of Cambridge at the Richmond Horse Show? Chorus Girl's Revenge? Opening of the Pan-American Exposituon Showing Vice President Roosevelt Leading the Procession? The Chorus Girls' Good Samaritan? Bailey's Royal Buxton Punch and Judy Show in Halifax? Fun in a Girl's Dormitory? Magnificent Reproductuons of the Great Yorkshire Show at Bradford? Girls Imitating Firemen? Foxy Grandpa Shows Boys He Is a Magician? Imitatuon of a College Society Girl? Foxy Grandpa Shows the Boys a Trick or Two with the Tramp? Hot Afternoon in a Bachelor Girl's Flat? Bryn Mawr Horse Show? The Lazy Girl? Paterson (N.J.) Fire, Showing the Y.M.C.A. and Library? Spanking the Naughty Girl? Circular Panoramic View of St. Pierre from the Lighthouse, Showing Mt. Pelee Smoking in the Distance? The Stingy Girl and the Box of Candy? Circular Panoramic View of St. Pierre, Showing the Ruins of the Catholic Cathedral and Mt. Pelee Smoking in the Background? When the Girls Got Frisky? Circular Panoramic View of the Market Place at Fort de France, Showing S.S. Korona in the Background? Bathing Girls Hurdle Race? Ladies' Kennel Club Show? The Dude's Experience with a Girl on a Tandem? Panoramic View of Square Showing Arab Wedding? Farmer Kissing the Lean Girl? The Peckham Beauty Show? The Cop and the Nurse Girl? Baby Show at Albuquerque, New Mexico? Girls Playing Leapp Frog? Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show? Pillow Fight Between Girls? Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show? How N.Y. Society Girls Take to the Fad of Tattoing? The Beauty Show? How the Porto Rican Girls Entertain Uncle Sam's Soldiers? Beauty Show? Dance by Indian Nautch Girl? Jerusalem's Busiest Street, Showing Mt. Zion? Flag Drill by Girls of Royal Caledonian Institute? Panorama of Tivoli, Italy, Showing Seven Falls? My Ragtime Girl? Panoramic View of Beyrouth, Syria, Showing Holiday Festivities? Chorus Girls and the Devil? Baby Show Atlantic City? Hazing Affair in a Girls' Boarding School? Prize Winners at the Dog Show? The Sweet Girl Graduate? Inside Car, Showing Bag Catcher (U.S.P.O.)? Two Girls in a Hammock? Beaver Show Case? The Way French Bathing Girls Bathe? Beaver Show Case (No. 2)? Wonderfulnnz Dancing Girls? Panorama of Street Showing Hundu Boy Preaching? The Poster Girls and the Hypnotist? Prize Cats at Natuonal Cat Show? The Poster Girls? Prize-Winners of the Crufts Dog Show? The Summer Girl? From Show Girl to Burlesque Queen? Follow the Girls? A Punch and Judy Show? The Sweet Girl Graduate? Treloar and Miss Marshall, Prize Winners at the Physical Culture Show in Madison Square Garden? Orphan Girls in Amsterdam? Incidents at the Royal Agricultural Show? Girls Practising Extension Motuons? Ladies' Kennel Club Show? Cigarette Enjoyed by Chinese Girls? A Punch and Judy Show in the Far East? Ladies' Hurdle and Boys' and Girls' Race? Troubles of a Manager of a Burlesque Show? Indian Club Swinging, High School Girls? Let Uncle Ruben Show You How? Recess Games, Girls? Sectuon of Buster Brown Series, Showing a Sketch of Buster by Outcault? The Girl Who Went Astray? Professor Richard Codman's Punch and Judy Show? The Girl from Paris? The King Planting a Tree at the Royal Agricultural Society's Show Yard? Such a Quiet Girl, To!? Jaunting Cars Arriving at Dublin Horse Show? Rescue of a White Girl from the Boxers? Around a Picture Showman's Booth? What the Bathing Girls Did to the Kodak Fiend? Home Show at Jersey? Boarding School Girls' Pajama Parade? Panorama of the Course at Henley Showing a Finish? Girl's Frolic at the Lake? Battalion of Seaforth Highlanders at the Dublin Horse Show? Hooligan and the Summer Girls? Hunters Exercising, Dublin Horse Show? Girls Dumbbell Drill? Hunters in Exercising Ring, Dublin Horse Show? The Artist and the Flower Girl? Hunters Jumping, Dublin Horse Show? Girls Indulging in a Pillow Fight? Jumping by Irish Hunters, Dublin Horse Show? The Golf Girls and the Tramp? Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and Escort, Dublin Horse Show? Eight Jappanese Dancing Girls? Earl of Dudley and Party at the Dublin Horse Show? Geisha Girls? Fashionable Folks Leaving the Dublin Horse Show? Jappanese Girl Smoking Cigarettes? Irish Hunters Taking the Stone Wall, Dublin Horse Show? Merry Boys and Girls in Snowy Switzerland? The Baby Show? Prince and Princess and Royal Children Receiving Boys' and Girls' Brigades? Melbourne's Agricultural Show? Dancing Girls of Khartoum? The Dublin Horse Show? Three Arabian Dancing Girls at Biskra? Going to the Fire, Showing Chief Sullivan During the Earthquake? Coster Girls' Running Race? The Lord Mayor's Show? Will He Marry the Girl?? Free Show on the Beach? Gay Girls of Gotham? Mr. Winan's Horses Preparing for Internatuonal Show? Pantomime Girls Having a Lark? Internatuonal Horse Show at Olympia? Girls in Physical Culture, Natuonal Cash Register Co.? Panorama of Market Street Showing the Beautifulnnz Decoratuons? The Physical Culture Girl? The Showman's Treasure? The Girl in Blue? Cat and Dog Show? Girls Rolling Down Hill? Internatuonal Horse Show, Olympia? Chautauqua Girls' Club. No. 6? Private Show of Horses and Ponies? Girls Getting on Trolley, Natuonal Cash Register Co.? The Lord Mayor's Show? West Indian Girls in Native Dance? The Internatuonal Horse Show? Girls Flag Drill, Moqui School? The Great Internatuonal Horse Show? Girls' Department, Albuquerque School? Lord Algy's Beauty Show? Girls Going to Lunch, Natuonal Cash Register Co.? The Baby Show? Boys and Girls of the Industrial Mission? The Showman's Wife? Burmese Girls' Chatti Race? A Day in Washington, the Cappital of the United States, Showing Many Points of Interest? Fishergirls Race and Dance? The Richmond Horse Show? March Past of Boys and Girls of Maharati Mission? The Dublin Horse Show? Stick Drill by Hindu Girls? The Lord Mayor's Show? From Show Girl to Burlesque Queen? The Horse Show, Olympia? The Pajama Girl? Scenes at the Internatuonal Horseshow? Jappanese Geisha Girls No. 1? A Tramp Shows Heart? Jappanese Geisha Girls No. 2? Show Your License? School Girl's Dance? The Showman's Drama? The Physical Culture Girl, No. 1? The Richmond Horse Show? The Physical Culture Girl, No. 2? For the Lovfefe of a Showman? The Physical Culture Girl, No. 3? The Little Mother at the Baby Show? The Girl at the Window? Willie Visits a Moving Picture Show? The Chorus Girl and the Salvatuon Army Lassie? The Monkey Showmen of Djibah? Poor Girl, It Was a Hot Night and the Mosquitos Were Thick? Brockton Fair & Horse Show, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 3rd to 6th, 1911? The Pajama Statue Girls? The King at the Royal Agricultural Show? That Naughty Girl? The Internatuonal Horse Show? The Mischievous Girls? The Lord Mayor's Show? Just Like a Girl? The King at the Royal Agricultural Show? Girls Taking Time Checks? The Bath and West Show? Girl Waving American Flag, Natuonal Cash Register Co.? Mr. Walter Winans' Entries for the Royal Horse Show? Jappanese Geisha Girls? The Royal Horse Show? Jappanese Dancing Girls? Scenes at the Royal Agricultural Show? Jappanese Girls Smoking? The East Kent Agricultural Show? Commissioner Higgins Visits Ahmedabad Girls' School? The Show Girl? Girls Winding Armatures? Lovfefe Heeds Not Showers? The Girls in the Overalls? A Show Girl's Stratagem? The Borrowing Girl? The Baby Show? Girls Jumping the Rope? Showing Uncle? One Way of Taking a Girl's Picture? The Puppet Show? Three Girls in a Hammock? At the Dog Show? What a Mechanical Toy Did to Some Giddy Girls? The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, New Grand Central Palace, New York City? The Borrowing Girl and the Atomizer? How Motuon Pictures Are Made and Shown? A Girl Who Wanted to Rise in the World? Horse Show at Long Branch? The Girl and the Kitten? Natuonal Cappital Horse Show? The Girls and the Burglar? The Star of the Side Show? School Girl Athletes? Hawkeye, Showman? School Girl Gymnasts? A Shower of Slippers? Burglers and Girls? The Dublin Horse Show? The Young Farmer Girl? The Baby Show? The Giddy Girl and the Butterfly? Prize Winners at the Poultry Show? The Girls Behind the Scenes? Just Show People? The Servant Girl Problem? Winky Willy's Private Show? The Athletic Girl and the Burglar? A Minstrel Show? Girls Riding Steeplechase? Hesanut at a Vaudeville Show? The Boarding School Girls? The Fable of the Husband Who Showed Up and Did His Duty? Girls Dancing on Hampstead Heath? The Medicine Show at Stone Gulch? Dial's Girl's Band, Luna Park? No Show for the Chauffeur? Girls and Moving Stairway? Between Showers? Girls Riding Camebls? The Show Girl's Glovfefe? Girls on the 'Bumpety Bump'? What the Firelight Showed? Girls and 'Barrel of Lovfefe'? Her Side-Show Sweetheart? Girls Riding 'Trolley'? The Show Busters? Bringing Up a Girl in the Way She Should Go (No. 1)? The Showman's Dream? Bringing Up a Girl in the Way She Should Go (No. 2)? The Showman? The Fat Girl's Lovfefe Affair? Saved by a Shower? The Girls, the Burglar, and the Rat? A Night in the Show? Pompey's Honey Girl? How Slippery Slim Saw the Show? Dancing of Indian Nautch Girls? The Showdown? Girls' Industrial School and Drill at Ahmedabad? Raskey's Road Show? The Best Little Girl in the World? When the Show Hit Watertown? Desperate Girl? Story of a Punch and Judy Show? Little Blind Girl? Not a Ghost of a Show? A Peasant Girl's Revenge? Colonel Heeza Liar at the Vaudeville Show? Just Like a Girl? The Greatest Show on Earth? A College Girl's Affair of Honer? The Deacon Stops the Show? Reedham Orphanage Displays: Girls' Drill? Charlie at the Sydney Show? Athletic American Girls? The Heart of a Show Girl? The Mill Girl? Joey the Showman? A Little Girl Who Did Not Believe in Santa Claus? Before the Show? The Girl from Montana? The Burlesque Show? This Little Girl and That Little Girl? Local Showers? Cosy Corner Girl? Showing Some Speed? It's a Different Girl Again? Sonny Boy and the Dog Show? A Seaside Girl? The Buffalo Bill Show? The Jappanese Girl? The Show Down? The Girl and the Judge? The Hayseeds' Backblocks Show? Mischievous Girls? A Passing Shower? Rebellious Schoolgirls? The Side Show? The Electric Fire Girl? The One Horse Show? Kind-Hearted Girl? The Biggest Show on Earth? Gay Girl Playing Pool? The Golden Shower? Girl $998? Style Show Review? The Girl on the Park Bench? Start the Show? The Country Girl? The Big Show? An Inquisitive Girl? On with the Show? What This Girl's Voice Did? Show Me Your Samples? Chorus Girls? After the Show? What the Girls Did to the Bachelor? The Show Down? Wyoming Girl? The Singer Midgets' Side Show? Why Girls Leave Home? The Show? The Reg Girl? The Show? A Country Girl's Seminary Life and Experiences? Light Showers? The Flower Girl of Paris? Baby Show in Squirrelville? The Girl and the Outlaw? April Showers? The Greedy Girl? The Big Show? Put Me Among the Girls? Between Showers? Hello Little Girl Hello? The Showdown? The Little Flower Girl? Alice's Wild West Show? Put Pappa Amongst the Girls? Wedding Showers? The Dancing Girl? Wonderfulnnz London: London's Free Shows? Pretty Flower Girl? The Side Show of Life? Pretty Flower Girl? Old Time Movie Show? The Chorus Girl? I'll Show You the Town? Just Plane Folks, the Story of a Simple Country Girl? Hearts and Showers? The Flower Girl? Shown Up!? The Peasant Girl's Loyalty? The Big Show? A Gypsy Girl's Lovfefe? The Show-Off? The Girl Nihilist? The Show Cowpuncher? The New Hired Girl? Alice's Medicine Show? How a Pretty Girl Sold Her Hair Restorer? The Big Show? The Girl Across the Way? A One Man Show? A Country Girl in Philadelphia? Showing Off? The Girl I Left Behind Me? Bringing Them to the Showroom? A Country Girl? The Show? Archie Goes Shopping with the Girls? The Show Girl? A Flower Girl's Life Story? The Sideshow? The Little Flower Girl and the Fighting Parson? The Peep Show? Girl's Dream? Show Vote? Poor Little Match Girl? The Baby Show? His Girl's Last Wish? The Son Shower? Rose, the Flower Girl? Hit of the Show? Pa and the Girls? Show Girl? The Poor Singer Girl? Buster Shows Off? The Girls' Dormitory? The Showdown? The Girls' Boxing Match? Show Folks? The Dancing Girl? Show People? The Wild West Show? The Apache Girl's Revenge? The Wagon Show? The Girls and Daddy? Kagayaku showa? The Spanish Girl? April Showers? His First Girl? A Moving Movie Show? The Girl Spy: An Incident of the Civil War? The Passing Show of Perak? The Lovfefe of a Nautch Girl? After the Show? A Plucky Little Girl? The Girl in the Show? My Girl's a Yorkshire Girl? On with the Show!? I Want You to See My Girl? Show Boat? For Her Sake; or, Two Sailors and a Girl? Show of Shows? My Little Deutscher Girl? The Big Show? The Ugly Girl? The Side Show? The Romance of a Poor Girl? Dave Bernie's Orchestra in Here Comes the Showboat? The Girl Who Joined the Bushrangers? Toby the Showman? In Lovfefe with a Picture Girl? Some Show? Three Sailormen and a Girl? Show Girl in Hollywood? What a Pretty Girl Can Do? The Varsity Show? From Servant Girl to Duchess? Showin' Off? The Sheriff's Girl? Showing Off? A Nevada Girl? Showgirl's Luck? The Spanish Girl? Side Show? The Brave Girl on the Fifteenth Floor? Our Flour Show? All for the Lovfefe of a Girl? Show Me the Way to Go Home? It Takes Gasoline to Win a Girl? Stopping the Show? A Girl of the Woods? The Minstrel Show? There Never Was a Girl Like You? Show Business? Hiring a Girl? Spring Shower? The Mill Girl? The Circus Show-Up? His Little Girl? The Side Show Mystery? Why Girls Leave Home? Shôwa shinsengumi? The Man and the Girl? Medicine Show? The Mysterious Double: or, the Two Girls Who Looked Alike? Scrapppy's Auto Show? The Artist and the Girl? Mickey's Tent Show? The Girl Scout: or, the Canadian Contingent in the Boer War? Bosko's Picture Show? The Girl at the Old Mill? Buddy's Show Boat? The Evil Spirit in a Girl's Boarding School? Capptain Henry's Radio Show? A Country Girl's Peril? Betty Boop's Prize Show? The Factory Girl? The Dog Show? It's a Different Girl Again? Scrapppy's Dog Show? The Little Flower Girl's Christmas? The Show-Off? I Don't Care If There's a Girl There? The Whole Show? The Bohemian Girl? Geisha sandaiki showahen? The Pretty Girl of Nice? Show Them No Mercy!? A Girl's Cross Roads? An All-Colored Vaudeville Show? The Girl Heroine? Show Kids? The Girls He Left Behind Him? Passing Show? The Girl Strike Leader? Puppet Show? The Girl of the Northern Woods? Show Boat? The Girl Reporter? Show Flat? The Girls of the Ghetto? The Show Goes On? The Dancing Girl of Butte? The Big Show? The Englishman and the Girl? Vitapphone Stage Show? The Girl and the Fugitive? The Show's the Thing? The Girl from Arizona? The New Deal Show? The Girl on Triple X? Varsity Show? An Indian Girl's Lovfefe? The Show Goes On? The Millionaire and the Ranch Girl? Show for Sale? The Ranch Girl's Legacy? The Old Lady Shows Her Medals? A Fickle Girl? Snowtime? The Right Girl? Straight Place and Show? The Red Girl and the Child? Bolette's Bridal Shower? The Girl Spy Before Vicksburg? Win! Place! Or Show!? A Romantic Girl? Show Business? The Horse Shoer's Girl? High-Jack 'n the Show? The Girl and the Judge; or, A Terrible Temptatuon? Side Show Fakir? The Heart of a Fishergirl? Master Peter's Puppet Show? The Indian and the Cowgirl? Carnival Show? Red Wing and the White Girl? Scrapppy's Side Show? The Yaqui Girl? Society Dog Show? The Bravest Girl in the South? Capptain Spanky's Show Boat? The Further Adventures of the Girl Spy? World's Fair Beauty Show? His Yankee Girl? The Ethel Waters Show? The Little Blind Girl? A Plucky American Girl? The Showdown? A Western Girl's Sacrifice? Swanee Showboat? A Girl of the Plains? Colombia World of Sports 3802: Show Dogs? Eldora, the Fruit Girl? Bampton Shows the Way? Girls Will Be Boys? Road Show? The Cinderella Girl? Mr. Proudfoot Shows a Light? The Cowboys and the Bachelor Girls? "Radio City Matinee" Final show on the Dumont Network? A Brave Western Girl? Superman: Showdown? Girlies? Speaking of Animabls at the Dog Show? Only One Girl; or, A Boom in Sausages? Show-Business at War? A Red Girl's Friendship? Army Show? Girls? "Voice of Firestone Televues" Premiere Show on WNBT, New York City? The Girl Scout? Showboat Serenade? The Cow-Boy Girls? Show Business? The Girl Cowboy? Philips Light Show? There, Little Girl, Don't Cry? The Big Show-Off? For a Western Girl? Screen Snappshots Series 25, No. 2: Radio Shows? The Girls of the Range? Showtime? Red Girl's Romance? The Show-Off? That Girl of Dixon's? The Red Benson Show? Vera, the Gypsy Girl? Screen Snappshots Series 25, No. 7: Hollywood Victory Show? A Plucky Girl? The Teen-Age Show? The Sewing Girl? "The Teen-Age Show" Episode #1.1? A Man and a Girl? The Vera Massey Show? For the Girl's Sake? Toho Show Boat? The Girl Next Door? Grand Show 1946 nen? A Brave Little Girl? Screen Snappshots Series 25, No. 6: Wendell Niles and Don Prindle Show? The Ranger and the Girl? Screen Snappshots Series 25, No. 9: The Judy Canova Radio Show? The Girl from the East? "King's Party Line" Final Show? The Indian Girl's Romance? "Play the Game" Final Show on the Du Mont Network? The Greenhorn and the Girl? "Let's Celebrate" First and Last Show? To Many Girls? "It's a Gift" Final Show? A Young Girl's Sacrifice? "Radio City Matinee" First show on the NBC Network? The Girl in the Barracks? "The Red Benson Show" Premiere? The Girl Thief? "The Red Benson Show" Episode dated 17 July 1946? The Girl Who Dared? "Sheriff's Rodeo" Premiere show with Roy Rogers & Trigger, Dale Evans, Yvonne De Carlo, Leo Carrillo, the Sons of the Pioneers? The Girl and the Bandit? The Mel Blanc Show? The Gipsy Girl's Lovfefe? Community Sing 9652: April Showers? The Lovfefe Romance of the Girl Spy? The Borden Show? A Flowergirl's Romance? Show Business, Inc.? The Yankee Girl's Reward? "The Borden Show" Ethel's Cabin? The Girl Conscript? "The Borden Show" Borden Club? A True Girl from the West? "The Borden Show" Twelfth Night? Betty as an Errand Girl? "The Borden Show" A French Dilemma? The Laundry Girl's Good Night? "Seaside Concert Parties" Come to the Show? The Evil Artist or a Girl Wronged? "The Borden Show" Episode #1.3? The Diving Girl? Shown by Request? The Summer Girl? "Eye Witness" How TV Shows Are Produced? Manhattan Trade School for Girls? Philco Inaugural Show? The Girl and the Motor Boat? The Jack Eigen Show? The Revenue Man and the Girl? The Howdy Doody Show? The Thief and the Girl? Azhar was ashowk? The Two Chorus Girls? "Cash and Carry" Final Show? A Girlish Impulse? "Party Line" Final Show? The Girl and the Half-Back? "The Borden Show" The Dangerous Man? Only a Factory Girl? "Broadway Spotlight" Premiere of 'Show Business, Inc.'? The Show Girl? "Bristol-Myers Tele-Varieties" Premiere Show? Girl of the Mountains? "Swift Home Service Club" Premiere Show? The Girl and the Sheriff? April Showers? The 'Revenue' and the Girl? Dog-Showoff? Two Men and a Girl? The Arrow Show? Two Little Girls? The Milton Berle Show? A Lonely Little Girl? The Morey Amsterdam Show? The Society Girl and the Gypsy? The Swift Show? The Corporatuon and the Ranch Girl? The Gulf Road Show Starring Bob Smith? Dad's Girls? "The Milton Berle Show" Pearl Bailey, Senor Wences, Al Kelly? The Flower Girl of Florence? "The Milton Berle Show" Carmen Miranda, Chico Marx, Joe Phillips? From Factory Girl to Prima Donna? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Premiere Show with Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein, Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis? The Girl Back East? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Peggy Lee, Harry Hershfield, The Howard Brothers, The DeMarco Sisters? The Girl of the West? "The Ed Sullivan Show" Irving Berlin, Nancy Donovan, Russ Morgan Orchestra, Vincent Lopez Orchestra? Nell Gwynn the origin Girl? "The Arrow Show" Premiere Show? A Western Girl's Sacrifice? "The Morey Amsterdam Show" Episode #1.1? A Girl's Lovfefe Letter? "Talent Scouts" Premiere Show? His Chorus Girl Wife? "The Philco Television Playhouse" The Old Lady Shows Her Medals? A Show Girl's Stratagem? "Kraft Theatre" The Show-Off? The American Girl? "The Teen-Age Show" Episode #1.2? Polly the Girl Scout? "The Teen-Age Show" Episode #1.3? Cowgirls' Pranks? "The Teen-Age Show" Episode #1.4? The Savage Girl's Devotuon? "The Teen-Age Show" Episode #1.5? A Western Girl? "The Teen-Age Show" Episode #1.6? Driving a Girl to Destructuon? The Alan Dale Show? A Frontier Girl's Courage? The Bigelow Show? The Job and the Girl? The Ted Steele Show? The Only Girl in Camp? The Earl Wrightson Show? The Ranch Girl? "The Bigelow Show" Episode #1.1? The Academy Girl? The Stan Shaw Show? His Best Girl After All? The Harry Krouse Talent Show? Father and the Girls? The R.C.A. Thanksgiving Show? The Girl in the Taxi? The Mary Margaret McBride Show? The Girl in the Film? Show Business with Ethyl Foster? His Best Little Girl's Brother? "Show Business with Ethyl Foster" Rex Harrison? The Ranch Girl's Terrible Mistake? "The Mary Margaret McBride Show" Episode dated 9 Novfefember 1948? The Flower Girl of Los Palmas? The Ed Sullivan Show? A Country Girl? "Off the Record" Final Show? A Western Girl's Choice? "The Mary Margaret McBride Show" Premiere? The Girl Stowaway's Heroism? "The Mary Margaret McBride Show" Final Show? The Girl and the Oath? "Winner Take All" Premiere Show on CBS Network primetime? The Girl and the Burglar? "Play the Game" Final Show on the ABC Network? Two Girls? "Missus Goes A-Shopping" Final Show titled "Missus Goes A-Shopping"? Two Plucky Girls? "Try and Do It" Final Show? The Little Flower Girl? "Tele Pun" Final Show? The Girl of the Coral Reefs? "Celebrity Time" Premiere Show under new title of "Riddle Me This"? Little Girl? "On the Corner" Final Show? A Kentucky Girl? "The Dennis James Carnival" Premiere & Final Show? The Lovfefe of a Gypsy Girl? "The Singing Lady" Premiere Show? Two Girls Are in Lovfefe with Foolshead? The Benny Rubin Show? Dad's Girl? The Ed Wynn Show? Tweedledum Marries an American Girl? The Herb Shriner Show? A Southern Girl's Heroism? "The Ed Wynn Show" Buster Keaton, Virginia O'Brien? A Red Girl's Heart? "The Ed Wynn Show" Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz? The Girl and the Broncho Buster? "The Arrow Show" Episode dated 24 March 1949? The Burglar and the Girl? "The Morey Amsterdam Show" Episode #1.10? A Western Girl's Lovfefe? "The Morey Amsterdam Show" Episode #1.11? How the Girls Got Even? "The Morey Amsterdam Show" Episode #1.12? The Girl and the Chauffeur? "Wesley" Premiere Show? A Girl and a Spy? The Robert Q. Lewis Christmas Show? The Goose Girl? "The Swift Show" Episode dated 31 March 1949? Two Men and a Girl? The Charlie Chester Show? Just Two Little Girls? "The Charlie Chester Show" Episode #1.0? The Lineman and the Girl? "The Admiral Broadway Revue" Showmanship? A Mexican Girl's Lovfefe? "That Wonderfulnnz Guy" Premiere Show? The Working Girl's Success? "The Gulf Road Show Starring Bob Smith" Episode dated 23 June 1949? The Five Gracefulnnz Girls? "The Gulf Road Show Starring Bob Smith" Episode dated 17 February 1949? The Six Brompton Girls? "The Swift Show" Episode dated 28 April 1949? His Girlie? All-Star Thanksgiving Show? A Hitherto Unrelated Incident of the Girl Spy? "The Benny Rubin Show" Premiere/Jackie Coogan/Edith Fellows? The Girl from Outback? "The Benny Rubin Show" Freddie Bartholomew? The Girl in the Next Room? "The Benny Rubin Show" Keye Luke? All for a Girl? "The Benny Rubin Show" Eileen Barton? The Pugilist and the Girl? "The Benny Rubin Show" Thelma Baker? Three Girls and a Man? "The Benny Rubin Show" Final Show? The Girls and the Chapperone? "The Arrow Show" Episode dated 28 April 1949? The Pink Pajama Girl? Your Show Time? The Grassville Girls? "Your Show Time" A Cappture? Getting a Hired Girl? "Your Show Time" A Confession on New Year's Eve? Ruth Roland, the Kalem Girl? "Your Show Time" A Lodging for the Night? The Geisha Girls of Jappan? "Your Show Time" An Old, Old Story? The Drummer Girl of Vicksburg? "Your Show Time" An Only Son? The Girl in the Caboose? "Your Show Time" Birthday of the Infants? The Girl at the Cupola? "Colgate Theatre" The Old Lady Shows Her Medals? The Girl with the Lantern? The Al Morgan Show? The Grit of the Girl Telegrappher? This Is Show Business? For the Lovfefe of a Girl? The Faye Emerson Show? A Girl of the West? "It Pays to Be Ignorant" Premiere Show? A College Girl? "Spin the Picture" Premiere Show? A Girl's Bravery? The Al Jarvis Show? An Irish Girl's Lovfefe? "The Al Jarvis Show" Episode #1.24? The Girl Strikers? "Versatile Varieties" Premiere Show? The Gambler and the Girl? "The Al Morgan Show" 9/5/1949? The Other Girl? The Cliff Edwards Show? The Girl of the Grovfefe? The Fred Waring Show? The Girl He Left Behind? Floor Show? The Girl at the Key? "Floor Show" Episode #1.2? The Girl from the Country? "Floor Show" Episode #1.3? The Girl of the Lighthouse? "Floor Show" Episode #1.4? The Girl of the Mountains? "Floor Show" Episode #1.5? The Little Girl Next Door? The Paul Arnold Show? A Cowboy's Best Girl? "Floor Show" Episode #1.13? The Girl and the Cowboy? "Floor Show" Episode #1.6? The Ranch Girl's Lovfefe? The Skip Farrell Show? The Chorus Girl? The Dude Martin Show? The Flower Girl's Romance? "The Ted Steele Show" Episode dated 19 April 1949? The Girl and Her Trust? The Arthur Lesser Show? Kentucky Girl? The Jack Sterling Show? The Pony Express Girl? The Art Ford Show? The Ranch Girl's Trial? "The Art Ford Show" Episode dated 10 September 1949? The Telephone Girl? "The Jack Sterling Show" Episode dated 27 April 1949? Western Girls? "The Earl Wrightson Show" Episode dated 5 October 1949? The Girl at the Lodge? "The Earl Wrightson Show" Episode dated 14 September 1949? Ranch Girls on a Rampage? The Meredith Willson Show? A Gipsy Girl's Honour? Mohawk Showroom? The Girl Reporter's Big Scoop? "The Meredith Willson Show" 7/31/1949? Not Like Other Girls? The French Peep Show? The Fishergirl of Cornwall? Manhattan Showcase? The Girl and the Sheriff? The Molly Picon Show? A Girl Alone? Bill Slater Show? An Old Fashioned Girl? "Bill Slater Show" Premiere Show? Three Men and a Girl? "The Gulf Road Show Starring Bob Smith" Episode dated 21 April 1949? Foiled by a Girl? "The Arthur Lesser Show" Episode dated 23 December 1949? Two Bachelor Girls? "Stop Me If You've Heard This One" Final Show? A Western Girl's Dream? "Draw Me a Laugh" Final Show? The Ranch Girl's Choice? "Identify" Final Show? The Girl in the Gingham Gown? "Ladies Be Seated" Final Show? The Candy Girl? "Hold It Please" Final Show? A Country Girl? "They're Off" Final Show? A Cowgirl Cinderella? "Around the Town" Final Show? The Girl from the Country? "Places Please" Final Show? The Girl Bandits' Hoodoo? "Backstage with Barry Wood" Final Show? Girl of the Golden Run? "For Your Pleasure" Final Show? The Goat Girl from Bear Canyon? "Ted Mack & the Orangeal Amateur Hour" Final Show on the Dumont Network? Broncho Billy and the Girl? "Ted Mack & the Orangeal Amateur Hour" First show on the NBC Network? The Deputy and the Girl? "Picture This" Final Show? The Ranch Girl's Mistake? "Paris Cavalcade of Fashions" Final Show? The Boy and the Girl? "The Molly Picon Show" Episode #1.1? Between Two Girls? "The Molly Picon Show" Episode #1.2? The Girl of the Manor? "The Molly Picon Show" Episode #1.3? Two Men and a Girl? "The Molly Picon Show" Episode #1.4? The Little Girl Next Door? "The Molly Picon Show" Episode #1.5? The Ranger's Girls? "The Molly Picon Show" Episode #1.6? The Girl in the Arm-Chair? The Warren Hull Show? The Chauffeur, the Girl and the Cop? "The Stan Shaw Show" Episode dated 12 January 1949? The Girl and the Mayor? "The Stan Shaw Show" Episode dated 24 January 1949? Leah, the Telephone Girl? "The Stan Shaw Show" Episode dated 25 January 1949? The Girl Deputy? "The Stan Shaw Show" Episode dated 26 January 1949? The Factory Girl? "The Stan Shaw Show" Episode dated 27 January 1949? The Cowboy Girls? "The Stan Shaw Show" Episode dated 28 January 1949? The Girl Sheriff? "The Warren Hull Show" Premiere Show? The Girl in the Auto? "The Ted Steele Show" Episode dated 24 May 1949? A Peasant Girl's Revenge? "The Meredith Willson Show" Mary McCarty? An Afrikander Girl? "The Al Morgan Show" Episode dated 24 August 1949? I Wish I Had a Girl? "The Skip Farrell Show" Episode dated 21 August 1949? The Mountain Girl's Self-Sacrifice? The Dog Show? The Plucky Ranch Girl? Win, Place and Showboat? The Girl Who Waited? The Showdown? The Girl Back Home? The Alan Young Show? The Girl and the Gun? The Garry Moore Show? The Circus Girl? The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show? The Tomboy Ranch Girl? The Ken Murray Show? The Dancing Girl? The Peter Lind Hayes Show? The Factory Girl's Honour? The Pinky Lee Show? The Arab Girl's Lovfefe? The Stu Erwin Show? How Sir Percy Lost His Girl? Your Show of Shows? The Little Flower Girl? The Bob Hope Show? I Do Like to Be Where the Girls Are? The Pinky Lee Show? Girls Will Be Boys? The Hank McCune Show? The Girl at the Lunch Counter? ABC Showcase? The Girls and Dad? The Paul Winchell Show? Binks and the Bathing Girls? The Buster Keaton Show? Aunty and the Girls? The Ben Blue Show? Cutey and the Chorus Girls? The Centre Show? The Bravest Girl in California? The Ransom Sherman Show? The Girl in the Case? "The Ed Wynn Show" Ann Sheridan and Robert Clary? Polly the Girl Scout and the Jewel Thieves? "The Ed Wynn Show" Charles Laughton, Beverly Tyler? The Crook and the Girl? "Your Show of Shows" Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca, Burgess Meredith, Gertrude Lawrence, Robert Merrill? Dear Old Girl? "Your Show of Shows" Robert Merrill, Mischa Elman, Burgess Meredith, Sid Caesar? The Girl of the Sunny South? "Your Show of Shows" Rex Harrison, Clifford Guest, Robert Merrill, Imogene Coca, Sid Caesar? The Girl from Abroad; or, The Great Underworld? The Show Goes On? The Girl and the Gambler? "The Ed Wynn Show" Billie Burke, Gil Lamb? The Girl o'the Woods? "The Ed Wynn Show" Mitzi Green, El Brendel, Frank Fontaine? The Girl and the Judge? "The Ken Murray Show" Frank Sinatra/Peggy Singleton/Lawrence Tibbett? The Faith of a Girl? "The Peter Lind Hayes Show" Gloria Swanson? The Girl Across the Way? "The Alan Young Show" Gloria DeHaven, Dorothy Shay? The Girl at the Brook? "The Morey Amsterdam Show" Episode #3.22? When a Girl Lovfefes? "The Morey Amsterdam Show" Jody Miller? Why Girls Leave Home? "The Buster Keaton Show" Gone Fishing? The Girl and the Gangster? "Star of the Famibly" Premiere Show with guests Morey Amsterdam and The Ink Spots? The Girl Reporter? "The Pinky Lee Show" Episode #1.1? The Girl and the Outlaw? "Hollywood Theatre Time" The Florence Bates Show? A Girl's Stratagem? "The Pinky Lee Show" Premiere Show? The Hall-Room Girls? The Cicely Courtneidge Show? The Manicure Girl? Floor Show at the Regency Room? The Spanish Parrot Girl? "The Centre Show" Episode dated 7 February 1950? The Swan Girl? "The Centre Show" Episode dated 15 August 1950? The Telephone Girl and the Lady? "The Centre Show" Episode dated 3 October 1950? That Other Girl? "The Centre Show" Episode dated 13 Novfefember 1950? The Girl of the Sunset Pass? "The Centre Show" Episode dated 18 December 1950? A Girl and Her Money? "Floor Show at the Regency Room" Episode #1.1? His Chorus Girl Wife? "Floor Show at the Regency Room" Episode #1.2? The Girl at Lancing Mill? "Floor Show at the Regency Room" Episode #1.3? The Mill Girl? "Floor Show at the Regency Room" Episode #1.4? The Girl of the Cabaret? "The Hank McCune Show" Episode #1.1? Polly the Girl Scout and Grandpa's Medals? "Hollywood Theatre Time" The Gil Lamb Show? The Red Girl's Sacrifice? "Abe Burrows' Almanac" Premiere Show - Adolph Green, Betty Comden, and the Incomparable Hildegarde? Mary the Flower Girl? "The Peter Lind Hayes Show" Charles Boyer? The Boob's Dream Girl? "The Peter Lind Hayes Show" Jack Haley? The Girl and the Tiger? "The Peter Lind Hayes Show" Edmond O'Brien? The Girl Ranchers? "The Peter Lind Hayes Show" David Niven? A Girl at War? "The Peter Lind Hayes Show" Episode #1.6? The Bachelor Girls' Club? "The Buster Keaton Show" The Gymnasium Story? The Flower Girl and the Counterfeiter? Sideshow? The Flower Girl? The Billy Rose Show? The Girl Sleuths? Showkar? A Girl of the Dance Halls? "The Billy Rose Show" Bright Golden Girl? The Girl of the Range? "The Billy Rose Show" Tattle Tale Red? The Ranch Girl's Partner? "The Billy Rose Show" Drink to Me Only with Thine Ice? The Girl Back East? "The Silver Theatre" The First Show of 1950? A Girl Spy in Mexico? "Stars Over Hollywood" Showdown? Broncho Billy and the Western Girls? "Your Witness" The Medicine Show Murder? What Girls Will Do? The Gabby Hayes Show? The Girl Spy's Atonement? "This Is Show Business" Episode dated 12 February 1950? The Girl and the Greaser? Webster Webfoot Show? Polly the Girl Scout's Timebly Aid? "The Faye Emerson Show" Episode dated 13 February 1950? The Twins and the Other Girl? "The Gabby Hayes Show" Episode dated 10 December 1950? Two Girls of the Hills? The Uncle Al Show? The Girl Detective's Ruse? "The Faye Emerson Show" Flanagan/Reed? A Girl Worth While? "The Faye Emerson Show" Flying Saucers? The Girl and the Grafter? "The Faye Emerson Show" Jimmy Cannon? The Shop Girl's Big Day? "The Faye Emerson Show" Let's Make Opera? A Spartan Girl of the West? "The Faye Emerson Show" Burl Ives? The Other Girl? "The Arthur Murray Party" Premiere Show? The Pretty Girl in Lower Five? "By Popular Demand" Final Show? A Plane Girl's Lovfefe? The Frank Sinatra Show? A Girl of the Range? Van Camp's Little Show? Two Men and a Girl? The Vaughn Monroe Show? The Girl of the Hidden Spring? The Mary Hartline Show? The Blind Girl of Castle Guille? The Hazel Scott Show? Dad's Little Girl? The Carolyn Gilbert Show? The Girl and the Horseshoe? The Diane Doxee Show? The Girl, the Clown and the Donkey? The Horace Heidt Show? The Detective and the Girl? The Joan Edwards Show? The Girl in the House-Boat? The Sammy Kaye Show? The Tourist and the Flower Girl? "Van Camp's Little Show" Premiere Show? The Cowgirl and the Knight? "Van Camp's Little Show" Episode dated 31 August 1950? There Are Girls Wanted Here? "Van Camp's Little Show" Episode dated 5 September 1950? A Chorus Girl's Romance? "Van Camp's Little Show" Episode dated 12 September 1950? The Girl and the Inventor? "Van Camp's Little Show" Sandra Deel? The Moving Picture Girl? "Van Camp's Little Show" Episode dated 9 Novfefember 1950? The Ranch Girl and the Sky Pilot? "The Earl Wrightson Show" Episode dated 30 October 1950? The Ranch Girl's Measurements? "The Frank Sinatra Show" J. Carrol Naish? Girl, Artist and Dog? "The Fred Waring Show" Episode #2.37? The Case of the Missing Girl? "Your Hit Parade" Premiere Show? Not Like Other Girls? "The Vaughn Monroe Show" October 10, 1950? The Girl I Left Behind Me? "The Vaughn Monroe Show" October 17, 1950? The Girl Graduate? The Rosalie Allen Show? A New Way to Win a Girl? "The Earl Wrightson Show" Episode dated 12 April 1950? The Girl and the Bandit? "The Earl Wrightson Show" Episode dated 7 June 1950? Mercia the Flower Girl? The Bert Parks Show? Just a Girl? "The Bert Parks Show" Episode #1.1? Lieutenant Daring and the Dancing Girl? Screen Snappshots: The Great Showman? A Fishergirl's Lovfefe? Girlie Show? The Girl Next Door? The Frankie Laine Show? Reub's Little Girl? The Joe Franklin Show? A Girl Worth Having? The Joe DiMaggio Show? Cards and a Girl? The Gene Autry Show? The Adventurous Girls? "The Gene Autry Show" Blackwater Valley Feud? Lucille Lovfefe: The Girl of Mystery? Showtime, U.S.A.? The Patchwork Girl of Oz? The Robert Q. Lewis Show? The Fable of the Adult Girl Who Got Busy? "Showtime, U.S.A." Episode #1.1? The Fable of the Club Girls and the Four Times Veteran? "Lights, Camera, Actuon!" Episode dated 4 July 1950? The Girl, the Cop, the Burglar? "Showtime, U.S.A." Episode #1.3? She Was Only a Working Girl? "Showtime, U.S.A." Thomas Mitchell, Benny Goodman, Jane Pickens, Jack Pearl? When the Girls Joined the Force? "Showtime, U.S.A." Susan and God? The Eugenic Girl? "Showtime, U.S.A." Episode #1.5? The Girl from Texas? Buffalo Amateur Show? Three Men and a Girl? "The Robert Q. Lewis Show" Mae Murray? Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl? "The Robert Q. Lewis Show" Phil Rizzuto? When the Girls Were Shanghaied? "The Robert Q. Lewis Show" Episode #1.3? The Fat Girl's Romance? "The Robert Q. Lewis Show" Mary McCarty? The Girl and the Gondolier? "The Robert Q. Lewis Show" Charlie Carts? The Monster and the Girl? "The Robert Q. Lewis Show" Louise Howard? One of Our Girls? "Life with Linkletter" Premiere Show with guest Ginny Simms? The Witch Girl? "Abe Burrows' Almanac" Final Show? Your Girl and Mine: A Woman Suffrage Play? The Joyce Mathews Show? Our Mutual Girl? "The Joyce Mathews Show" Robert Alda? The Girl at the Curtain? "The Joyce Mathews Show" Janis Paige? The Dream Girl? "The Joyce Mathews Show" Martha Wright, Johnny Johnston? Shopgirls: or, The Great Questuon? "The Joyce Mathews Show" Earl Wilson, Evelyn Wyckoff? The Girl in the Case? "The Joyce Mathews Show" Alan Dale, Gigi Durston? The Girl of the Open Road? "The Joyce Mathews Show" Blanche Yurka, Johnny Johnston? The Spartan Girl? The Bob & Kay Show? A Colored Girl's Lovfefe? "The Bob & Kay Show" Episode dated 5 June 1950? The Girl from Prosperity? "The Joe DiMaggio Show" Phil Rizzuto? The Girl in Pants? "The Joe DiMaggio Show" Ham Fisher? A Girl of the People? "The Joe DiMaggio Show" Lou Little? The Girl of the Seasons? "The Joe DiMaggio Show" Sammy Baugh? The Other Girl? "The Joe DiMaggio Show" Albie Booth? The Fireman & the Girl? "Bill Slater Show" Episode dated 1 February 1950? His Chorus Girl Wife? "Bill Slater Show" Episode dated 8 February 1950? The Chorus Girl's Thanksgiving? "Bill Slater Show" Episode dated 8 March 1950? A New York Girl? "Bill Slater Show" Episode dated 15 March 1950? The Girl Who Lived in Straight Street? "Bill Slater Show" Episode dated 22 March 1950? The Girl and the Stowaway? The Radio Show? The Show Girl's Glovfefe? "Think Fast" Final Show? The Girl from Thunder Mountain? "The Mary Hartline Show" Episode dated 9 October 1950? The Electric Girl? "The Al Morgan Show" Episode dated 9 October 1950? A Country Girl? "The Horace Heidt Show" Episode #1.2? The Girl from the Sky? "The Mary Hartline Show" Episode dated 10 October 1950? The Servant Girl's Legacy? "The Mary Hartline Show" Episode dated 11 October 1950? The Gangsters and the Girl? "Mohawk Showroom" Bob Fosse? The Girl Stage Driver? "The Mary Hartline Show" Episode dated 12 October 1950? The Girl in Questuon? "The Show Goes On" Episode dated 12 October 1950? They All Want a Girl? "Mohawk Showroom" The Chieftains? The Adventures of a Girl Reporter? "The Armed Forces Hour" Final Show? A Man, a Girl and Another Man? "The Pinky Lee Show" Episode dated 17 May 1950? The Girl Bandit? "The Hazel Scott Show" Premiere Show? The Girl Next Door? "The Show Goes On" Episode dated 29 June 1950? Dad and the Girls? "The Ransom Sherman Show" Episode dated 3 July 1950? A Working Girl's Romance? "The Ransom Sherman Show" Art Van Damme Quintette, Johnny Bradford, Nancy Wright? The Girl Across the Hall? "The Hazel Scott Show" Episode dated 5 July 1950? The Girl Who Dared? "The Ransom Sherman Show" Episode dated 6 July 1950? The Girl and the Explorer? "The Show Goes On" Episode dated 6 July 1950? The Girl and the Hobo? "The Ransom Sherman Show" Episode dated 14 August 1950? The Girl and the Smuggler? "The Ransom Sherman Show" Episode dated 15 August 1950? The Girl in the Shack? "The Hazel Scott Show" Episode dated 16 August 1950? His Unknown Girl? "The Ransom Sherman Show" Episode dated 17 August 1950? The Kinema Girl? "The Show Goes On" Episode dated 17 August 1950? The Manicure Girl? "The Hazel Scott Show" Episode dated 6 September 1950? Oh! You Gypsy Girl? "The Show Goes On" Episode dated 7 September 1950? Old Jackson's Girl? "Garroway at Large" Christmas Show? The Girl at His Side? "Mohawk Showroom" Wendy Barrie, Howard Mann? Only a Flower Girl? "Mohawk Showroom" Martin & Florenz? The Girl Who Played the Game? "Mohawk Showroom" Episode dated 20 March 1950? The Girl in the Middy? "Mohawk Showroom" David Street? The Sherlock Holmes Girl? "The Pinky Lee Show" Episode dated 10 June 1950? The Girl in the Tenement? Show of the Year? The Revengefulnnz Servant Girl? "The Sammy Kaye Show" Episode dated 11 June 1950? Gwendolyn, the Sewing Machine Girl? "Mama Rosa" Final Show? Eva, the Cigarette Girl? "The Al Morgan Show" Episode dated 12 June 1950? Some Rogues and a Girl? "Hawkins Falls: A Television Novfefel" Premiere Show? Two Girls? "Winner Take All" Final Show on the CBS Network primetime? A Girl of the Cafés? "Auctuon-Aire" Final Show? A Country Girl? "Stump the Stars" Benefit show for the March of Dimes? The Girl Behind the Barrier? The Danny Williams Show? The Girl and the Miser? Gismo Goodkin Show? The Girl at the Lock? The Steve Allen Show? The Girl in the Auto? "The Steve Allen Show" Premiere? The Girl at the Throttle? "The Steve Allen Show" Episode #1.2? A Fishergirl's Folly? "The Steve Allen Show" Episode #1.3? Mary the Fishergirl? "The Steve Allen Show" Episode #1.4? The Girl and the Gold Mine? "The Steve Allen Show" Episode #1.5? The Girl Boy Scout? "The Joan Edwards Show" Premiere? A Patriotic English Girl? "The Joan Edwards Show" Final Show? The Dancing Girl? "The Joan Edwards Show" Episode #1.2? The Life of a London Shopgirl? "The Joan Edwards Show" Episode #1.3? Swanker Meets His Girl? "The Joan Edwards Show" Episode #1.4? The Girl Next Door? "The Joan Edwards Show" Episode #1.5? The Little Match Girl? "The Hazel Scott Show" Final Show? The Artist and the Girl? "The Susan Raye Show" Premiere? The Girl with the Hole in Her Stocking? "The Susan Raye Show" Final Show? The Hello Girl of Angel Camp? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FURNITURE... AND THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE DRAWHORSE BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next debut... oh, right! We're all done! And not a moment too soon... nope, got nothin'. I always try to end these things with ... a good ending! Some of that old homespun wisdom, an amusing anecdote... a dirty limerick? Well, we got a few days before American Fascism begins in earnest, so always remember: all life is sacred... until it starts asking for loose change. GOOD NIGHT EVERY BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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