Monday, December 09, 2019

Auteur Watch - Lucien Jean-Baptiste

Something depressing about the posters for The First Star and The Second Star.  I mean... that's America's thing!  Letters scattered about, all Vilhelm-Nilhelm and whatnot.  Whelp, this guy's career seems to be humming along, and it's all thanks to... wait for it... Luc Besson, of course!  But is there any direct connection betwixt these two unrepentantly corporate Frenchmen?  Whelp, apparently just the one title called All About Eve... I mean, All About Love.  And even though Luc just gets special thanks on this one, and even though Lucien played the small but critical role of something called "Supermarket watchman 1"... wow.  See, this is why the French are so far ahead of all of us.  I can't even remember the last time I saw a supermarket watchman in my local supermarket... guess security is more or less in the hands of all the employees.  The acceptable kind of Communism we silently tolerate, if you will.
...what was I trying to say?  Oh right.  So even though our current Auteur may not have even met Luc Besson, clearly the damage has been done.  But at least the guy's getting reviews!  Seems like a lot of these so-called "Auteurs" these days get no reviews.  They gotta do everything themselves: market the movie, review it, make their own posters... sigh.  But that's the new studio system for you!

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