Monday, January 03, 2022

Auteur Watch - Danielle St. John

Ah, close enough.  I mean, if working on this "Red Sun" thing wasn't a totally horrible experience, I have a feeling we'll be hearing from this kid, and I don't mean a postcard.  After all, as I've attempted to catalogue here in the past, all kinds of crafts migrate to the director's chair eventually.  Cinematographers, editors, producers, socialite douchebags... even stuntpersons!  I can only think of Steve Boyum and Hal Needham at the moment... Corey Yuen as well.  I mean, that fight sequence with a fire hose in Transporter 2... that may be the only thing keeping it on cable.  Okay, one or two thingsBarton Fink rises again, maybe Backdraft.  Even Uma Thurman's stunt double's a director now!... just the one title so far, but still!  Directing's fun.  Assistant Directing's not so fun, but you're almost there!  Sure, the director's chair is kinda stupid, but the really good directors spend most of their time wearing headphones, hunched over the Video Playback anyway.  That's usually what they show in the new documentaries, anywho.

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