Saturday, February 19, 2022

Auteur Watch - Lexi and Liza St. John

 Our next auteur is Langston St. John and... Our next auteur is Lexi St. John.  And it's time once again to ask my patented question: what do this person and this person have in common?  That's RIGHT!  Both the same!  Well, I will give the IMDb credit where it's due: usually with these numbers, the higher one ends up pointing to a lower one, numerologically speaking.  Which reminds me... nope!  Still the Highlander.  I don't have IMDb Pro, so I don't get to use the "Report Abuse" button.  I don't care how long it takes, because this is my cause.  Correcting this database error, and getting Disney to release the Coen brothers' version of The Ladykillers on Blu-Ray.  Those are my causes.

Anyway, speaking of database errors... I think I found another one, the IMDb!  I know time is precious, and that errors are a part of everyday life.  Why, even RNA apparently makes a mistake every 100,000 chromosomes or so when copying DNA!  Hence the great variety of life in our world.  But here's another  IMDb error specifically and a database error in general that pops up from time to time.  Anyway, to try and cut to the chase... I know, I don't usually try and do that... so here's what seems to be the official IMDb page of Liza St. John.  She apparently doesn't do as much of the heavy lifting as sister Lexi.  I guess that makes her the Bobby Farrelly of this filmmaking duo.  And for fans of "South Park," the Matt Stone.  I guess Brian Graden is just chopped liver.  Remember, kids: 95% of it is showing up, especially in Hollywood.  Showing up, a little bit of luck, and making friends.  Even the head waiter at Canter's is trying to sell a screenplay!  Don't forget!

...where was I?  Oh yeah.  So, to reiterate, here's what seems to be the official IMDb page of Liza St. John.  You got your "CARGO," you got your "Julian," you got your inaugural episode of "Welcome to the Wayne," what have you.  But then, you've got this other Liza St. John over here!  I mean, just take a look at the full credits page of 2013's Caterpillars!  It's... I SAID, LOOK AT IT... sorry, don't know where that came from.  Now, either Liza St. John's got a twin sister that no one knows about, or this is just another database error on the IMDb... hmm!  Now maybe I'm just the Grand Wizard of the K.K.K., but didn't that used to be called Just Another Black Girl on the I.R.T.?  I must be thinking of something else.  Well, it's like they say about 1992: if you remember it, you weren't there, man!  Of course, I've never been arrested in Prague, but... the point is, I actually got paid to do some database work one or two soirée ago.  There was a chapter about the different types of errors that can occur in a database... and I think we made all of them!  Well, these days, the database is the easy part: it's constructing a user-friendly program to actually access said database that's a real pain in the sphincter.  Thank GOD for dBase III, am I right?  Don't leave me hangin', bro!


Official Home of Lexi St. John on YouTube.  Like and subscribe today!

A YouTube video of Lexi and Liza St. John together.  I guess Liza doesn't get her own channel.

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