Sunday, May 13, 2018

Modesty Forbids

...oops!  Forgot to start and / or finish this.  Well, "Saturday Night Live" gave Trump the week off this week, but perhaps it's all for the long-term fight.  It's Mother's Day weekend, after all, but the Avengers movie was #1 anyway.  In second place, it's Melissa McCarthy's latest, and to show how big a star she is, she went to all the trouble to commandeer the second half of Weekend Update, but didn't even plug her new movie during that obvious opportunity!  They frown upon that, I suppose... Jiminy Glick in 2005 tried to promote his movie on Weekend Update, but only at the last possible second.  Don't think the word got out on that one.  The only other debut this week is the new 4K, 1080p Dolby 5.2 digital transfer of 1989's Breaking In.  And the critics are already raving: Casey Siemaszko's long flowing hair looks as long and as flowing as it did upon the film's initial release 30 years ago, and Burt, well... I'm sorry, it's actually a new film called Breaking In, so it's already taken care of all that 4K 1080p crap up front.  It's directed by V for Vendetta director James McTeigue, so his usual lot of fanboys are probably going to be disappointed.  He's gone totally corporate, man!  Totally, completely corporate.
Okay, so that's all the debuts this week, so what's happening in the Land of our Current President?  Well, the big news is that Jared Kushner actually was working on peace in the Middle East.  A new building for the American embassy in Jerusalem has been chosen, so you can only imagine the cost-cutting and corner-cutting that took place to make that happen.  Also, someone rented a bus in Israel that says on it "Make Israel Great."  It's all about surfaces, people.  Rendering surfaces.  Also, Fox News' equivalent of Judge Judy apparently took to its airwaves to declare our current president the new Messiah... something like that, that he's fulfilling a biblical prophesy by moving the American embassy to Jerusalem.  Now I'm sure that's probably true, and they've probably got the Biblical scholars to prove it, but... that's the thing about the Bible, you see.  It's a very old, venerated book, and there's lots of modern ideas and technologies that aren't in it.  Two come to mind immediately: 1) EMBASSIES, and 2) AMERICA.  NEED MORE BE SAID?  I think not!  Also, pickup trucks and shotguns.  Can you imagine Jesus driving a pickup truck to go shoot him some deer?  I can only imagine.
But in this 24 hour news cycle dominated by our current president, I couldn't help but try to think of something else that's a little more pleasant, and for some reason, 9/11 came to mind.  Well, see, it wasn't so long ago that Republicans would talk fondly about George W. Bush, and try to point at his many accomplishments.  One thing they would say was "We didn't have a single terrorist attack under George W. Bush's watch."  Now, you might think to yourself, even after a few seconds, well... what about 9/11?  Wasn't that a rather large, significant terrorist attack upon our soil?  Oh, but friend...  you're debating a Republican!  You've already lost, they'd have you think.  And second... it's the one exception that doesn't count.  And the anthrax scare a few weeks after?  Falls under the 9/11 umbrella, doesn't count.  And the attack on the Pentagon on 9/11?  Falls under the umbrella, doesn't count.  And New Orleans?  Well, they didn't vote for Dubya, and they're the children of Buono voters; doesn't count.  They should just thank their lucky stars that the border wall isn't built north of all of Louisiana at this point.  Anyway, so what I'm thinking is that at some point, Republicans are going to start saying that all Republican presidents have been good, honorable men.  Now, one thing you might say to that, to break the spell they're trying to weave, is "Well, what about Donald Duck?  I mean, Drumpf?"  Yes, indeed, what about Donald Drumpf and First Lady Melania Mouse?  Oh, but friend...

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