Saturday, August 28, 2021

Family Plot

 ...should I point out up front that I kinda didn't care for it?

I refer, of course, to the 2019 box office smash, and winner of two Oscars (TM) (R) (C) Joker.  Proving once again that he's still the most profitable comic book villain of the silver screen, even more so than Lex Luthor.  And while I do admire the minimalist approach of the plot, and the semi-'70s production design, I'm still never too impressed with a film that goes for the gusto, but doesn't quite make it.  Or maybe I'm just suffering from Joker fatigue in general.  Maybe it's like Lorne Michaels said: you prefer the Joker you grew up with.  For me, it was Jack Nicholson's version in the 1989 classic Batman, which Warner Bros. promises will get the 4K Ultra digital transfer right this time.  Now, in that one, his character was named Jack Napier, and he very definitely killed Batman's parents.  And for some reason, being the cold-hearted bastard I am, I was starting to get fatigue from the scene in 1995's Batman Forever where Bruce Wayne revisits that terrible, terrible alley again, even if only in his mind.  Then some time passed, and we got Heath Ledger's fresh take on things.  The issue of Bruce Wayne's parents was not dealt with.  If it was in Batman Begins, I already forgot.  Damn you, Jervis Tetch!  Which brings us to the "Gotham" TV series.  In that one, doubt is introduced as to who killed Bruce Wayne's parents, and becomes an obsession for young Bruce.  I hate to spoil anything, but Joker's name in the show is Jerome Valeska... but really, anybody could put on the makeup and become the Joker, as the end of one episode informs us.

...oh, right.  Then there's Jared Leto's take on the Joker, but I didn't even finish that movie.  Anyway, I'm glad that Joaquin Phoenix finally got an Oscar (TM) and all that; Lord knows he's been trying for a really long time.  The soundtrack also won an Oscar (TM), and it was different, I'll give it that!  Somehow, the Alexandre Desplat School of Movie Music doesn't seem like the way we should go.  But here's where I think the problem is.  We're awash in cinematic backstories now, and of course we're all waiting for the final season of "Better Call Saul."  Let me be the first to ask for it... a Golden Globe (TM) win for Bob Odenkirk?  Is that asking so much?  That and for the Motivational Speaker SNL sketch.  So naturally the pressure's on to get the psychology of the DC Universe right.  Without spoiling any major plot points, Joker's final act... sorry, Final Act in the Third Act of the film is too over the top.  And of course, I would be derelict in my duty if I didn't point out the parallels between this film and the 1982 PG-rated classic, The King of Comedy.  And besides, we all know a show like that isn't broadcast live.  It's taped at 5:30, then shown at 11!  And if something goes even slightly wrong, they put on a rerun instead!  I'm an old feebe now so I couldn't help but think of Dick Cavett's interview of Jeffrey MacDonald... sorry, Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald.  He was a doctor?  Yeesh!  Glad I wasn't sick!  Alas, Jeffrey didn't have the support structure that the Joker had, and the sequel is on its way.  As of this writing, it is "rumored" on the IMDb that Joaquin Phoenix will return to reprise his role.  I think ultimately he'll go for it.

I do just want to give a brief shout-out to Glenn Fleshler.  It wasn't quite the tour-de-force performance he gave in Suburbicon, but that's okay.  Never hurts to have a high-profile gig!  


-so sayeth The Movie Hooligan

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