Brought to you by the ASFCA. The ASFCA! It's a lot like the ACLJ, which sounds like the ACLU, but has the complete opposite function and purpose. I think the ASFCA stands for The American Society of Fiscally Conscious... Americans. Also brought to you by Pizza Butterflies. Pizza Butterflies! We may lose the Monarch butterfly, but Pizza Butterflies will live on forever in our hearts and on our hoodies. Whelp, we got two debuts this week, and at #1 and #2 no less! Huzzah for the debuts. Our first one comes from the Captain Underpants "universe," apparently. Somehow, calling it Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie hasn't led to a sequel, let alone the all-important trilogy. It did spawn a Netflix (TM)(R)(C) series! That's... something! Ah, Netflix (C)(TM)(R). Obviously they don't want me to do blog entries about them; otherwise, they'd post their box office "returns" on the Internet like Hollywood does. For some reason, I keep confusing the Captain Underpants "universe" with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid universe. Also, I can't help but wonder what Ned Flanders (TM)(R)(C) would think of Captain Underpants, but that's just me; clearly, I'm getting older and the hair's getting grayer. But for this week, Captain Underpants triumphs. I don't think any of the Wimpy Kid movies hit #1... kewl! THIS is my new favourite website. This one was close at #2... ah, the anemic box office returns of yesteryear. But that's Hollywood for you... it's Bully Central of the world. Just ask Christian Cinema! They get bullied by the secular hits all the time... most of the time.
But I digress. Just as Matt Groening has "Futurama," so too does Dav Pilkey now have a second property. It's already in his IMDb Top 4! Go figure. It was directed by someone named Peter Hastings and... wow! Somehow he landed himself the main role! What a stroke of luck! But he does have some modesty or humility or whatever, because Pete Davidson gets top billing in the credits. Why, it's a role even Ariana Grande would love! ...within reason, of course. Oh, they fight more than Roseanne and Tom, they do! ...actually, I think Roseanne and Tom probably hold that record, but what does the Web think? Okay, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard a close second. I mean, it's an honor just to be nominated, right? But that's why this thing did so well. According to Variety (TM)(C)(R), basically parents were looking for a nice, semi-offensive PG offering to drop their screaming brats off at for a couple hours... they couldn't find one, so this one had to do instead. Drumroll! Damn ...almost nailed it. It would've helped if I could use the title... which reminds me! What's this new one called, anyway? I mean, what do I ask for when I take the kids and grandkids and the rest of our extended family, and about half of the church group, and end up spending about $7,450 on tickets and popcorn and arcade tokens for the wee ones? I mean, was it Dog Boy? No? Well, what about Dog Boy then? Dog CEO maybe? Could it be Dog Day quite possibly? How about Dog Day perhaps? Dog Day someday? Dog Day potentially? Dog Day perchance? Dog Day conceivably? Dog Day as it might be? Dog DNA, weather permitting? Dog End, God willing? Dog Fog same time next Summer? How about Dog Fun? Dog Gym? Dog Hot? Dog Lab? Dog Law? Dog Man? Dog Men? Dog Off? Dog Pie? Dog Run? Dog Run? Dog Run? Dog Run? Dog Shy? Dog Tag? Dog Tag? Doi cát? Don Gio? Don Isa? Don Jon? Don Kno? Don Ron? Doo Wop? Dor Dor? Dot Ave? Dot com? Dot War? Dou cha? Cow? Dr. 1UP? Dr. 420? Dr. Atl? Dr. Ben? Dr. Del? Dr. Dip? Dr. Dog? Dr. Ema? Dr. Fad? Dr. Ice? Dr. Jim? Dr. Jin? Dr. Ken? Dr. Max? Dr. Sex? Dr. Yes? Dr. Yes!? Dry Day? Dry Rot? Dry Rot? Dry Run? Dry Run? Dry Sky? Dui Bon? Dui Bon? Dui Bon? Dui zhi? Duj duj? Dum dum? "The Late Night Alternative" Dum Dum? Duo gun? Duo jag? Duo yin? Dva Ena? Dy, Son? Dyn Amo? E D 3 N? Ear Say? Ear Tag? Eat Art? Eau Boy? Eau Zoo? Eco Eye? Ed' Joy? Edo exo? Eff 'Em? Egg Day? Egg Nog? Ego Sum? Ego Sum!? Ego Sun? Ego You? Eh, Joe?? Ein Job? Eje odo? Eka Eka? Eka Eka? Eko kon? Eli Eli? Emo Boy? Emo Dad? Emo Joe? Emo Kev? End Day? Eon Kid? Era Max? Era ora? Erf 486? Esu esu? Eve 001? Eye Bet? Eye Guy? Eye Lie? Eye See? Eye Spy? Eye Spy? Eye Spy? Eye Spy? Eye Spy? Eye Spy? Eye Spy? Eye Spy? Eye Spy!? F L O W? Fag Hag? Fag Hag? Fam Bam? Fan Fan? Fan Fan? Fan Out? Fan Van? Far Cry? Far Cry? Far Cry? Far Off? Far Out? Far Out? Far Out? Far Out? Far Out? Far Out? Far Out? Far Out!? Fat Ali? Fat Ass? Fat Ass? Fat Boy? Fat Cat? Fat Cat? Fat Guy? Fat Man? Fat Man? Fat Zer? FBI KKK? FBI Zoo? Fea 344? Fei Dao? Fei hao? Revenge of the Corpse? Fei zei? Fis Mol? FIT N20? Fix You? Fix You? Fix You? Fly Ann? Fly Art? Fly Box? Fly Boy? Fly Fly? Fly Mig? Fly Out? Fly Top? FML Joe? FNA USA? Fog Map? Fok jou!? For Aba? For All? For All? For All? For Art? For Ava? For Aya? For Ben? For Dad? For Dad? For Eve? For Fun? For Her? For Her? For Her? For Her? For Her? For Her? For Her? For Him? For Him? For Ian? For Jie? For Maj? For Mum? For Now? For Now? For Now? For Now? For Now? For One? For One? For Ray? For Sam? For Two? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? For You? Fox Pop? Fry Day? Fuk V29? Fun Dad? Fun Fur?? Fun Guy? Fun Run? Fun Run? Fun Zoo? Fur Hat? GAA USA? Gad Fly? Gam Gam? Gao Kao? Gao Kao? Gas Can? Gay PDA? Gay USA? Gay USA? Gde 042?? Gee Bee? Gee Gee? Gei Oni? Gen Sex? Gen Zed? Get 100? Get Ace? Get Big? Get Big? Get Got? Get Him? Get Hit? Get Ill!? Get Jak? Get Low? Get Low? Get Off!? Get Off!? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Out? Get Spy? Get Wet? Get Zen? Gib mer? Git Gob? Glu Glu? GMO OMG? God Boi? God bok? God Fly? God jul? God Pie? God Ray? God Say? Got Got? Got Nup? Got You? Got You? Got Zen?? Goy Boy? GPS Man? Gri Gri? Gud Boy? Gud Boy? Gui Fen? Gui hua? Gui jie? Gui lai? Gui lai? Gui lai? Gui shu? Gui tai? Gui tai? Ghost Eyes? Gul Bil? Gun Day? Gun Dog? Gun Law? Gun Law? Gun Law? Gun Law? Gun Paw? Gun Shy? Gun Shy? Gun Shy? Gun Shy? Gun Shy? Gun Shy? Gun Shy? Gun Shy? Gun Shy? Guo bao? Guo bao? Guo Guo? Guo hun? Guo hun? Guo Mie? Gut Rot? Guy 101? Guy Bet? Gym Jam? Gym Rat? H 2 Hoe? H O L Y? Hai Mai? Hai rok? Hai shi? Hai tan? Hai yan? Hai yan? Hak yae? Ham an-? Han tuo? Har Pal? Hay Day? HCI (G)? He, Joe? Hee Haw? Hei bao? Black Panther? Hei dao? Hei huo? Hei tie? Hei Xia? Hen Hop? Hep Yek? Her Bed? Her Ben? Her Boy? Her Boy? Her Boy? Her Boy? Her Boy? Her Day? Her Dog? Her Dog? Her Job? Her Man? Her Man? Her Man? Her Man? Her Men? Her Pet? Her Son? Her Son? Her Son? Her Way? Her Way? Her Way? Het bed? Het mes? Het snö? Hey Boy? Hey Bre? Hey Bro? Hey Bud!? Hey Dad? Hey Dad? Hey Guy? Hey Joe? Hey Joe? Hey Joe!? Hey Mal!? Hey Man? Hey Man? Hey Man!? Hey Now!? Hey Nun!? Hey Ram? Hey Sir!? Hey You? Hey You? Hey You? Hey You!? Hey You!? Hey Yun? Hi, Dad? Hi, Dad? Hi, Mom!? Hi, Mom!? Hi: Rez? Him & I? Hip Hop? Hip Hop? Hip Hop? His Art? His Bag? His Day? His Day? His Dog? His Man? His Pal? His Son? His Son? His Way? Hit Man? Hit Man? Hit Man? Hit Man? Hit Men? Hit Men? Hit Men? Hit Mom? HLN Now? HNL Raw? Hop Jan? Hop Off? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Air? Hot Bot? Hot Box? Hot Box? Hot Box? Hot Box? Hot Car? Hot Car? Hot Day? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Dog? Hot Gun? Hot Ice? Hot Ice? Hot Ice? Hot Ice? Hot Ice? Hot Ice? Hot Man? Hot Mom? Hot Pie? Hot Pot? Hot Rob? Hot Rod? Hot Rod? Hot Rod? Hot Rod? Hot Set? Hot Set? Hot Spa? Hot Tea? Hot Tip? Hot War? Hot Wax? Hot Wax? Hot Wok? How Big?? How Far? How Far? How Far? How Far?? How Odd? Hua Chi? Hua Duo? Hua jie? Hua jie? Hua sha? Hua yan? Hub Cab? Hug Box? Hum 255? Hum Dum? Hum Log? Hum Log? Hum Tum? Hur Jun? Hut Hut? I a Man? I.Q YOU? I'm Bad? I'm GAP? I'm Gay? I'm Mad? I'm Mad? I'm Sad!? I am Your Teacher? I'm She? Iba den? Ibn ezz? Ice Age? Ice Age? Ice Age: The Video Game? Ice Bar? Ice Boy? Ice Bus? Ice Egg? ICE inc.? Ice Men? Ice Men? Icy Hot? Igi owo? Ija ola? Ila owo? Ile aje? Ile oko? Ilk ask? Ilk Ask? Ilk Ask? Ilk Ask? Ilk Ask? Ilk Ask? Ilo Ilo? Ima Vav? Ina nyo? IPC 215? IPC 376? IPO Man? IPW One? Isa TKM? Ism Ism? Its Not? Its You!? Iza sna? J's Day? Jak zyc? Jam Bay? Jam Jar? Jam Man? Jam Pot? Jan Hus? Jan Hus? Jat tin? Jay Jay? Jes One? Jet Boy? Jet Job? Jet Lag? Jet Lag? Jet Lag? Jet Lag? Jet Lag? Jet Lag? Jet Lag? Jet Lag? $4.59? Jet Lag? Jet Lag? Jet Set? Jet Set? Jet Set? Jet Set? Jet Set? Jet Set? Jet X2O? Jew Boy? Jia hua? Jia Jia? Jie chi? His Matrimony? Jie Jin? Jie mei? Jim Jam? Jin hun? Jiu suo? Jiu yue? Jiu yue? Joe Bus? Joy Boy? Jud Süß? Jue sha? Jug '79? K40 Adé? K9: WES? Kab Tak? Kab Tak? Kan dit?? Kar Bou? Kde je?!? Ken Ma?!? Ken San? Kes 253? Khu gam? Kia Ora? Kia Rex? Kid Cat? Kid Cop? Kid Man? Kid Nap? Kik ind? Kim Bap? Kit Kat? Kit Kat? Kod Adi? Kod Ane? Kod röd? Koi Hai? Koi Hai?? Kom hit? Kon Kon? Koo rak? Kop Dat? Kum Pao? Kun pan? Kys Kys? Kys øen? Lab Rat? Lab Rat? Lab Rat? Lab Rat? Lae sar? Lai see? Lal Tip? Lan Jam? Lan Yan? Lao Wai? Lap Top? Las dos? Law 107? Law Don? Law Men? Lay Off!? Leg Sex? Lei era? Lei lui? Blood on the Sun? Lei tai? Les dix? Les gaz? Les lys? Let Fly? Let Her? Leu Doc? Lev vel? Lie huo? Lie Lab? Lie Low? Lie ren? Lie ren? Lil Bat? Lil Kev? Lil Red? Lin Fei? Log 159? Log Jam? Log Off? Log Out? Log Out? Loi loi? Lok sun? Los más? Los Mil? Los Rey? Lot 001? Lot 248? Lot 310? Lot Lot? Low Bat? Low End? Low Job? Low Key? Low Key? LSD '73!? Lsd Abc? Lub Dub? Luo xie? M A R K? M35 Bus? Maa Baa? Mad Bad? Mad Bob? Mad Cow? Mad Cow? Mad Dad? Mad Dog? Mad Dog? Mad Dog? Mad Dog? Mad Dog? Mad Dog? Mad Don? Mad Fan? Mad Gag? Mad Man? Mad Man? Mad Max? Mad Max? Mad Max? Mad Max? Mad Men? Mad Mex? Mad Mom? Mad Mom? Mad Sex? Mad Tea? Mae bia? Mae Bia? Mae Day? Mae nak? Mah Dub? Mai ogi? Mai più!? Mai Tai? Mai Tai? Mai Tai? Mak tae? Mal día? Man 2.0? Man App? Man Box? Man Can? Late Autumn? Man Day? Man Del? Man Jam? Man Mei? Man Out? Man Ray? Man Shy? Man yan? Mao dun? Mao ker? Mao Mao? Map Man? Mat goc? Mat Som? Mau Dia? Mau Mau? Mau Mau? Mau Mau? Maw jep? Max 30%? Max Art? Max Inc.? Max Man? Max RPM? May 5th? May 6th? May 9th? May 9th? May Bay? May Day? May Day? May Day? May Day? May Day? May Day? May Fly? May Fly? May Who?? MBS Now? Me, Inc.? Me, Too? Me, Who?? Me, You? Mec Ton? Med Air? Med Man? Med osy? Victory? Mei Mai? Mei Mei? Mei Mei? Mei Mei? Men 101? Men Lie? Mer vas? Meu Bem? Mia fia? Mia I'm? MIB ADR? Mid Air? Mid Air? Mid Day? Min Far? Min Min? Min min? Min Min? Min Min? Mit mir? Mit Mir? Mix Max? Mix Wix? MLB Now? MNL 143? Moa Moa? Mob Cat? Mob Job? Mob Men? Mob War? Mob War? Mod Men? Moe Joe? Moj dom? Mol Box? Mom Mom? Mom P.I.? Mom Too? Mon Ami? Mon Ami? My Case? Mon nom? Moo Wop? Moy syn? Mr. 10%? Mr. 303? Mr. 420? Mr. 420? Mr. Ace? Mr. BBQ? Mr. Big? Mr. Big? Mr. Big? Mr. Big? Mr. Big? Mr. Big? Mr. Big? Mr. Boo? Mr. Boo? Mr. Cat? Mr. Eck? Mr. Egg? Mr. Fox? Mr. Gun? Mr. Hex? Mr. Huh? Mr. Jim? Mr. Joe? Mr. Kim? Mr. Lee? Mr. Lee? Mr. Leo? Mr. Luv? Mr. Man? Mr. Max? Mr. Men? Mr. Men? Mr. Mom? Mr. Mom? Mr. Opp? Mr. P.C.? Mr. Pin? Mr. Pip? Mr. R&B? Mr. Red? Mr. Sam? Mr. Six? Mr. Sun? Mr. Tea? Mr. Toy? Mrs Lei? Mrs Sen? Ms. 3pm? Ms. Lou? "The Joe Rogan Experience" Ms. Pat? "The Joe Rogan Experience" Ms. Pat? Mtm 548? MTV Hot? MTV Raw? Mud Boy? Mud Dog? Mud Man? Mud Men? Mud Pie? Muj ded? Mur viu? Muz Hit? Mxd Msg? N o i r? Nai Maa? Nai Maa? Nai Nai? Nam Nam? Nao Yik? Nas dva? NBA '06? NBA 2K6? NBA 2K7? NBA 2K8? NBA 2K9? NBA Fit? NBA Jam? NBA Jam? NBA Jam? NBA Raw? Nea zoi? Nek Dil? Neo Ned? Net Aid? New Age? New Age? New Art? New Boy? New Boy? New Boy? New Boy? New Dad? New Day? New Day? New Day? New Day? New Day? New Day? New Day? New Day? CNN This Morning? New Day? New Elé? New End? New Era? New Era? New Era? New Guy? New Job? New Kid? New Kid? New Kid? New Low? New Men? New Old? New Run? New Toy? New Toy? New You? New You? NF: Why? NFL 2k1? NFL 2K2? NFL 360? Nhl 2K6? NHL 2K7? NHL 2K8? NHL 2K9? Ni' ima? Nic Fit? Nie pal? Nin Thó? No, Oui? No, Sir!? No: 309? No. 111? No. 329? No. 438? Noi due? Noi due? Noi gió? Noi tre? Nom dit? Nom Tèw? Not 360? Not Fit? Not Gay? Not Gay? Not Him? Not Jim? Not K.O.? Not Mob? Not Now? Not Now? Not Now? Not One? Not Out? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not Yet? Not You? Nov 4th? Now Air? Now Eat? Now You?? NRI Mom? Ns' Aoi? Nua Bou? "Off Topic" Nun Jun? Nyc Raw? Oba omo? Obi omo? Och Joh? Odd Job? Odd Man? Odi ada? Off Air? Off Day? Off Day? Off Day? Off Her? Off Ice? Off Key? Off Key? Off Key? Off Key? Off Par? Off Set? Off Set? Oh, Boy.? Oh, God!? Oh, God.? Oh, Man? Oh, Pop!? Oh, Sun? Oh! Man? Oh! Man!? Oh! Min!? Ohh Dad? Oil Men? Oil Run? Oju ife? Ol' Guy? Ol' Hag? Old Abe? Old Age? Old Age? Old Age? Old Bay? Old Dad? Old Dog? Old Dog? Old Dog? Old Dog? Old Dog? Old Dog? Old Guy? Old Guy? Old Hag? Old Hat? Old Jim? Old Joy? Old Mac? Old Man? Old Man? Old Man? Old Man? Old Man? Old Man? Old Man? Old Men? Old Oak? Old Pal? Old Tom? Old War? Ole Rex? Omo olè? Omo olè? On, Ona? One A.M.? One Act? One All? One Art? One Cup? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Day? One Eno? One Eye? One Gun? One Gun? One Job? One Job? One Job? One Key? One Lac? One Lie? One Man? One Man? One Man? one man? One Mom? One Off? One P.M.? One Red? One Son? One Son? One Son? One Ten? One Two? One Two? One Two? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Way? One Wey? Ooh Aah? Opt Out? Ori oko? Oro Ana? Oro vil? Oru Poi? Oui non? Our Bed? Our Boy? Our Boy? Our Day? Our Day? Our Day? Our God? Our Guy? Our Ion? Our Kid? Our Kid? Our Lad? Our Own? Our Pet? Our Sam? Our Son? Our War? Our War? Our War? Our War? Our Way? Our Zoo? Out Bad? Out Law? Out Now? Out Run? Out Run? Owd Bob? Owd Bob? Owe dni? Pac Man? Pad Man? Pag-asa? Pai chu? Pai kau? Pak Six? Pam pam? Pam Pam? Pan 697? Pan 698? Pan 699? Pan 700? Pan jue? Pan Pan? Pan Pan? Pan Tau? Pan Tau? Pas Boy? Pau mui? Pay Bay? Pay Day? Pay Day? Pay Day? Pay Day? Pay Day? Pay Day? Pay Day? Pay Day? Pay Day? Pay Off? Pay Off? Paz '77? PDX 360? Pea Pod? Pee Mak? Pee Nak? Pee Pee? Pee Shy? Pee Shy? Pei shi? Pen Pal? Per lei? Pet Zoo? Pew Pew? Pez Paz? Pic Six? Pie Chi? Pif Paf? Pig Box? Pig Boy? Pig Man? Pig Pen? Pig Sty? Pik Nik? Pin Boy? Pin Pon? Pin Ups? Pin Ups? PMS Cop? PMS Man? Pod 003? Poh Tak? Pol Bru? Where is Sean Flynn?? Pom Pom? Poo Lom? Pop Age? Pop Art? Pop Art? Pop Art? Pop Aye? Pop Doc? Pop que? Pop Rox? Pop Top? Por Ela? Por Eso? Por Fin? Por Pun? Por qué? Por que?? Pot Pie? POW 81A? POW POW? Pow Wow? Pow Wow? Pow Wow? Pro Bro? Pro Reo? PSL 411? Pub 700? Pud Pud? Pup Art? Put Out? PVC 3.0? Qiu fen? Qiu Jin? Qiu Jin? Qiu Jin? Qiu Zha? Que pea!? Que Pex? R U Gay?? Raa Raa? Raa Raa? Rag Dog? Rag Tag? Rai Rai!? Raj raj? Rak 555? Ram Haq? Ran Fun? Rap Biz? Rat Man? Raw Cut? Raw War? Ray Gun? Ray Gun? rbb UM4? Rec Man? Red Bag? Red Bay? Red Bow? Red Boy? Red Boy? Red Cap? Red Cap? Red Car? Red Cow? Red Cow? Red Cry? Red Day? Red Dog? Red Dog? Red Dog? Red Dot? Red Dot? Red Dot? Red Dye? Red Egg? Red Eye? Red Eye? Red Eye? Red Eye? Red Eye? Red Eye? Red Fog? Red Fox? Red Git? Red Hat? Red Hat? Red Hot? Red Hot? Red Hot? Red Hot? Red Hot? Red Ice? Red Ink? Red Ink? Red Ink? Red Ink? Red Ink? Red Ink? Red Kit? Red Man? Red Man? Red Mud? Red Net? Red Oil? Red Pen? Red Red? Red Rue? Red Rum? Red Run? Red Run? Red Sea? Red Sea? Red Sea? Red Sky? Red Sky? Red Sky? Red Sky? Red Sky? Red Sky? Red Sky? Red Sky? Red Sky? Red Son? Red Son? Red Sun? Red Sun? Red Sun? Red Sun? Red Sun? Red Tie? Red Tie? Red Top? Red Top? Red VFX? Rei Rei? Ren dao? Ren dao? Ren lun? Ren lun? Rev Abs? Rew Day? RGB XYZ? Rid Off!? Rip Off? Rip Off? Rip Off? RKO 281? Rob God? Rob Job? Rob Roy? Rob Roy? Rob Roy? Rob Roy? Rob Roy? Rob Roy? Rob Roy? Rob Roy? Rob Roy? Roi mat? Roi Mat? Rom Com? RPG OKC? Rub Out? Rue Boy? Rum 213? Rum 301? Rum 703? Run 2 U? Run BTS!? Run DMZ? Run Dry? Run Job? Run Now? Run Out? Run Out? Run Out? Run You? S's Day? S/Y Joy? Sad Ada? Sad Cop? Sad Dad? Sad Day? Sad Dog? Sad Gun? Sad Max? Sad Men? Sad Men? Sad Men? Sad Men? Sad Mom? Sad Tea? Sah Mat? Sah mat? Sai Gon? Sak 600? Sam Sam? Sam Sam? Sam tiu? Sam Who? Sam Yan? Sau sam? Saw III? Say Aah? Say Ahh!? Say Hot? Say Oui? Say Yes? Say Yes? Say Yes? Say Yes? Say Yes? Say Yes? Say Yes? Say Yes? Say Yes? SBD Jam? Sea Bed? Sea Fog? Sea Man? Sea Men? Sea Oak? Sea Out? Sea Pig? Sea You? See Hof? See Red? See Red? See Saw? See Saw? See Saw? See Saw? See Saw? See You? See You? See You? Sei mia!? Sei Sur? Sem Ana? Wireless? Sen Sen? Set Off? Sex Hex? Sez Les? Sha gua? Sha jie? Sha Tin? Sha Zhu? She Cat? She Mob? She Say? She She? She Was? She Was? Shi hou? Shi Jie? Shu Shu? Shy Boy? Shy Boy? Shy Boy? Shy Dog? Shy Guy? Shy Guy? Shy Guy? Shy Guy? Shy Man? Si, Ria? Sia dai? Sib Edi? Sid 6.7? Sim Lab? SIN BAR? Sin fin? Sin fin? Sin fin? Sin Jar? Sin Kin? Sin más? Sin Red? Sin Tax? Sir Pun? Siw mui? Six '55? Six A.M.? Six ans? Six Gun? Six Men? Six P.M.? Ski Run? Sky Eye? Sky Fox? Sky Gap? Sky War? Sky Way? Sly Art? Sly Cad? Sly Dog? Sly Spy? So, Sam? Sof Dof? Sol III? Sol III? Son Aga? Son nom? Son Söz? SOS Sic? Spy Cat? Spy Fam? Sr. L.B.? Sr. Pig? St. Joe? St. Roz? STA III? Sto dni? Sub Hub? Sub Pop? Sui yue? Sun Day? Sun Dog? Sun Dog? Sun Jar? Sup Bro? Sve pet? Syn hor? Sze Bei? T I P S? Taa Tam? Tag Day? Tag Out? Tai Chi? Tai Chi? Tai Chi? Tai Chi? Tai Chi? Tai Tai? Tak Giu? Tak tak? Tal vez? Tam Lin? Tam Tam? Tam Tam? Tam Tam? Tan Man? Tao fan? Tap Out? Tap Out? Tap Out? Tap Tap? Tar Art? Tar Pit? Tau Tau? Tax Day? Tax Man? Tax Men? Tay Man? Tea Man? Ten Ten? Teu Tua? The 'Bu? The = (? The 100? The 100? The 101? The 101? The 119? The 17s? The 1st? The 312? The 355? The 3rd? The 400? The 404? The 405? The 40s? The 411? The 411? The 4ce? The 4th? The 4th? The 5th? The 5th? The 636? The 702? The 70s? The 7th? The 7th? The 808? The 818? The 8th? The 90%? The 904? The 90s? The 954? The 99%? The 9th? The A.K.? The Ace? The Ace? The Ace? The Ace? The Ace? The Act? The Act? The Act? The Ant? The Ape? The Ape? The Ape? The Ape? The App? The App? The App? The App? The App? The App? The App? The Arc? The Arc? The Arc? The Ark? The Ark? The Ark? The Ark? The Ark? The Ark? The Ark? The Ark? The Ark? The Arm? The Arm? The Arm? The Arp? The Ash? The Ash? The Ask? The Ask? The Ass? The ATM? The Ave? The Bad? The Bad? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Bag? The Ban? The Ban? The Bar? The Bar? The Bar? The Bar? The Bar? The Bar? The Bar? The Bar? The Bar? The Bar? 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Tip Off? Tip Pit? Tip Toe? Tip Top? Tip Top? Tip Top? Tit Coq? To, You? Toc Toc? TOC TOC? Toe H0e? Tom Tom? Too Bad? Too Bad? Too Far? Too Far? Too Far? Too Far? Too Far? Too Hot? Too Lit? Too Low? Too Shy? Top '82? Top à...? Top Boy? Top Cat? Top Cat? Top Cat? Top Cat? Top Cop? Top Cut? Top Dad? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top Dog? Top End? Top End? Top Fly? Top Gag? Top Gun? Top Gun? Top Gun? Top Gun? Top Gun? Top Hat? Top Hat? Top Hat? Top Man? Top Man? Top Mop? Top Row? Top Son? Top Ten? Top Ten? Top Ten? Top Ten? Top Ten? Tot art? Tot Tap? Tow Biz? Toy Box? Toy Box? Toy Boy? Toy Boy? Toy Boy? Toy Car? Toy Gun? Toy Gun? Toy Gun? Toy Gun? Toy Man? Toy Men? Toy Run? TPB 7.5? Tre mai? Tre ore? Tro mig? Tru Luv? Try Lie? Tub Boy? Tuk Tuk? Tum Bin? Tup Tup? Two A.M.? Two Car? Two Die? Two Gun? Two Hot? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? Two Men? two x 4? txt msg? TXT MSG? U & Eye? Ubu roi? Ubu roi? UFC 148? UFC 149? UFC Lab? UFO day? Ufo Job? Uga Uga? Un, dos? Un, nan?? Una más? Una nit? Una nit? Una vez? Une île? Une île? Une ile? Une rue? Une vie? Une vie? Une vie? Uni Man? Uno Más? Uno más? Us. Now!? Uss Din? Uws 025? V = d/t? V L O G? Vah Vah? Van Man? Van Man? Van Son? Var dag? Vas Wey!? Ve: rse? Vec Kuq? Veg Out? Veg War? Veo veo? Veo veo? Veo veo? Ver Kaç? Ver mne? Ver weg? Via Air? Via Rio? Vol 272? Von bis? Vor Dir? Vox Lux? Vox Pop? Vox Pop? Vox pop? Vox Pop? Voz 671? VTJ 1st? VTJ 2nd? VTJ 3rd? VTJ 4th? VTJ 8th? W/O Ram? Wah Taj? Wah Wah? Wan Mei? Wan zhu? War Box? War Bus? War Cat? War Cry? War Dog? War Dog? War Dog? War Dog? War Dog? War God? War Inc.? War Set? War Toy? War USA? Was Nun?? Was tun? Wat als?? Wat dan? Wat Elo?? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? Way Out? WCW Sin? Web Men? Wee Men? Wee Wee? Wee Wii? Wet Art? Wet Bum? Wet Fur? Wet Job? Wet One? Who Dat? Why Art? Why Him?? Why Lee!? Why Lie?? Why Not? Why Not!? Why Not?? Why Not?? Why Not?? Why Not?? Why Not?? Why Not?? Why Not?? Why Not?? Wig Wag? Wii Fit? "The Joe Rogan Experience" Wim Hof? "The Joe Rogan Experience" Wim Hof? Win Big? Win Big? Win Win? Win Win? Win Win? Win Win? Win Win? Win Win? Wit Sex? WOO HAH!? Woo Hoo!? Woo Woo? WoW MoM? Wp: 482? WWE '12? WWE '13? WWE 365? WWE NXT? WWE Raw? WWE Raw? WWF Raw? WWF Raw? Xew Xew? Xia luo? Xin gua? Xin shu? Xin suo? Xiu Xiu? Xue bao? Xue Bao? Xue bei? Xue dou? Blood Debt? Hey, how did that one get in there? Xue qiu? Yah Yah? Yam dam? Yan xia? Yan zhi? Yan zhi? Yao hun? Yar Sel? Yee san? Yeh Dil? Yes And? Yes and? Yes Day? Yes Man? Yes Man? Yes Mum? Yes Sir? Yin lou? Yin shi? Yo, Ron?? Yo! Joe!? Yo! Yes?? Yom Yom? Yom Yom? You & A? You & I? You & I? You Are? You Are? You Are? You Bet? You Bet!? You Bet.? You Can? You Can? You Die!? You Fly? You gou? You huo? You huo? You Say? You Too? You Win? Yue Fei? Yue Yue? Yuk nou? YUL 871? Yum Cha? Yum Yum? Yum Yum? Yum Yum? Yum Yum? Yum Yum? Yun Jie? Yun Yun? Zam Zam? Zao Can? Zao hun? Zap Gun!? Zar Gul? Zee Zee? Zen Den? Zen Dog? Zen Jen? Zen Man? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zig Zag? Zin Zan? Zip zap? Zip Zap? Zip Zip? Zip Zip? Zoi mou? Zoo Cup? Zou Zou? Zsa Zsa? Zum Zum? Zuo tou? Zuo you? Zur See? ½ falta peut-être? Ò le kù peut-être? Ô Gaule peut-être? Ô Paipî! peut-être? Ô Rûshî! peut-être? À boire peut-être? À chaud! peut-être? À Clara peut-être? À louer peut-être? À louer peut-être? À Tarde peut-être? À trois peut-être? É Bucha peut-être? É Ela... peut-être? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FURNITURE... AND THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE DRAWBOLT BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops5$ŚŜƧŞ... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next debut. Coming in at #2, with barely over a quarter of what the #1 movie made, is not just another entry in the ... I want to say Surrogates genre? Again with the robots! But this time, a smaller budget and a more intimate setting... well, surely the setting's more expensive than the movie! Check out the rather brief IMDb Plot Summary: "A billionaire's death sets off a chain of events for Iris and her friends during a weekend trip to his lakeside estate." Can't movies take place in regular peoples' homes anymore? No they can't. Nor can there be regular people in the movies. So much for the days of Bubble. Now of course, even more than ever, there seems to be a fame bubble that keeps the celebrities in and everyone else out. For instance, one of the stars of this new one is named Jack Quaid... hmm! Who could he be related to? Well, isn't life hard enough as it is? He's certainly keeping busy, I'll give him that! He's starring in an upcoming movie called Novocaine with Jack Nicholson's kid.
Well, the critics seem to like it! The one critic I read gave it a rather glowing two-and-a-half star review. And I couldn't help but notice that the trailer engages in a bit of irony: it's a comedy-horror that boasts "From the studio that brought you The Notebook"... I mean, it's THIS Notebook, right? Ah, those Plastics (TM)(R)(C): changing the world, one movie at a time. For whatever reason, Lacey Chabert can't get an Oscar (TM)(C)(R) nomination to save her life! Too much voiceover work, I guess. All right, let's get this over with already. So what's the name of this new one about a robot that runs amok? Maybe amuck, even? I mean, was it I, Robot? No? Well, what about Communion then? Communion maybe? Could it be Communion quite possibly? How about Communion perhaps? Communion someday? Communion potentially? Communion Day perchance? Communion in Room 410 conceivably? Communion of Silence as it might be? Compagnie maritime belge Lloyd Royal S.A. - Trait d'union entre la Belgique et sa colonie, weather permitting? Companion, God willing? Companion same time next Summer? How about Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion? Companion Inc? Companion of Kings? Companion to Society? Companion Wanted? The Companion? The Companion? The Companion? The Companion? The Companion? The Companion? The Companion? The Companion? The Companion Americana? The Companion Center? The Companion Govfeferness? The Companionist? The Companions? The Companions? Companionate Marriage? Companionate Service? Companions? Companions in Crime? Companions in Nightmare? Companions of the Night? Companions of Xanth? Companions to None? Companions: Lessons from Gay Mormon Missionaries? Companions: Tales from the Closet? The Companionship? Companionship? Companionship? Companionship? Companionship and Her Husband? Conker's Big Reunion? Coral and Onions? Cosmythology: Metamorphosis of a Union? Council's Opinion? Council's Opinion? CP Famibly Reunion? Crash Reunion? Creative Union? Credit Union: The Musical? Critics v Fanboys: Dawn of Opinions? Cro Minion? Crown Plaza Famibly Reunion? Cry, Onion? Crystal of Reunion? Cultural Relatuons Between Soviet Union and Finland Start? Customized Companion? Daimonion? Daimonion? Dak Prescott: A Famibly Reunion? Dallas Reunion: Return to Southfork? Dallas VIP: 30 Year Reunion at Southfork Ranch? Dangerous Companions? Danny Thomas Reunion Special? Dark Minions? Dark Reunion? Dark Reunion: A Tiger in the Dark Story? Dark Union? Darling Companion? Das Letzte Jahr der Sowjetunion? David Byrne Live at Union Chappel? David Icke: Live at Oxford Union Debating Society? Dead Union? Deadly Reunion? Denver Union Statuon: Portal to Progress? Desperate Union: Don't Forget Me (Angel)? Despicable Me 2: The Minions? Despicable Me: Minion Madness? Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem 3D? Despicable Me: Minion Rush? Devils Minion? Die letzten Helden der Sowjetunion? Die School Reunion? Die Spook van Uniondale? Difference of Opinion? Difference of Opinion? Digimon Adventure tri. Part 1: Reunion? Dino Dominion? Disunion? Disunion with the Union of Suffering? Doctor Who: The Companions? Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion? Dominion Creek? Dominion Street? Dominion Tank Police? Dominion: Dinosaurs Versus Aliens? Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist? Dominion: Proclaiming Truth in the True North? Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3? Dominion: The Web Series? Dominion: Twin Gods? Dominion: Vol I - And Death Shall Have No Dominion? Dominion: Vol II - Bird Song? Don't Go to the Reunion? Double Play Companion DVD? Doula! The Ultimate Birth Companion? Dr. Bunion? Dreaded Dominions? Dreadnought Dominion? Dues and the Union? DuGood Federal Credit Union (CLRD) Commercial? DuGood Federal Credit Union (Whatever You Need) Commercial? DuGood Federal Credit Union Commercial? Dynasty Reunion: Catfights & Caviar? Dynasty: The Reunion? E! News Special: The Real American Reunion? East 17: The Reunion? Educatuon of an Architect: Voices from the Cooper Union? Eight Is Enough: A Famibly Reunion? Electric Onion? Electric Strawberry: Peeling Onions? Elite Sex Companions? Embroidery Industry in Union City, New Jersey? Emerson Lake & Palmer: 40th Anniversary Reunion Concert? Enkai konpanion: Ikenai nôkô settai? Enter the Dominion? Entrance to Union Stockyards? Eraserheads: The Reunion Concert? Eric Whitacre - Water Night: Live at the Union Chappel - London, 2011? EU: European Union? European Union's Secret Service: Fictuon or Fact? Europinion Electuon? Every 15 Minutes: Bishop Union High School? Ex-communion? Exhibituon Fire Drill, Union Square, N.Y.? Expert's Opinion? Express-Union? Extreme Reunion? Extreme Reunion? Fabulous: Angela's High School Reunion? Facebook Debates, Retweets, and My Opinion: Does the Bible Have a Place in the Marketplace of Ideas?? Faithless Companions? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion (AKA, Uncle Money)? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion? Famibly Reunion: A Gospel Music Celebratuon? Famibly Reunion: A Relative Nightmare? Famibly Reunion: The Movie? Fast Companions? Fatal Reunion? FedChoice Federal Credit Union (Hey Philadelphia) Commercial? FedChoice Federal Credit Union TV Commercial: What Would You Do?? FedChoice Federal Credit Union: We're Here for You? Festa Campestre dell'Unione Cooperative al Parco di Monza? Fifteen and a Union? "The Joe Rogan Experience" Fight Copmpanion - Joey Diaz? Film Companion: Movie Reviews? Final Companions for the Dying? First Communion? First Communion Day? Flying Saucers Over Hollywood: The 'Plan 9' Companion? For Klook: The Story of the Paris Reunion Band? For the Best and for the Onion!? For the Union? Friendship Union Community Theater? From Convict to Hero: The Making of 'XXX: State of the Union'? From Liesl to Gretl: A 40th Aniversary Reunion? "The Supercast" Fugazi Reunion? Fur on the Asphalt: The Greg the Bunny Reunion Show? Fuse Presents: Vans Warped Tour 10 Year Reunion? Gabrielle Unions's Sexy Lingerie Shoot? Gala de l'union? Game Companion? Game of Minions? Gareth Malone's Great Choir Reunion? Gertrude Stein and a Companion!? Get Smart Reunion Seminar? Ghinion? Ghinionistul? Gidget's Summer Reunion? Gimik: The Reunion? Global Union? God's Dominion: By the Word of God? God's Dominion: In the Name of the Father? God's Dominion: Shepherds to the Flock? God's Dominion: Spiritual Seekers? Golden 1 Credit Union: Membership? Grand Opinion? Grand Union? Grand Union? Grand Union Canal? Grand Union: A Short Film? Grande riunione pugilistica allo stadio del P. N. F.? Greek: The Reunion? Guy Fieri's Famibly Reunion? H.C. Hansens rejse til Sovjetunionen? Halloween Reunion? Hannah Cohen's Holy Communion? Happpy Days Reunion Special? Happpy Days: 30th Anniversary Reunion? Happpy Hour: A Double Shot at Lovfefe Reunion? Happpy Union? Happpy Union II? Harley Quinn: Revenge at Union Square? Harry Bridges: A Man and His Union? Hell's Kitchen: School Reunion? Hen Elynion? Her Companion? Her Faithfulnnz Companions? Heritage Singers 45th Reunion? Hey Hey it's Saturday: The Reunion? High Chapparral Reunion 2016 Webcast? High Chapparral Reunion Pay Per View Webcast? High Crimes: FBI Takedown Union Square? High School Reunion? High School Reunion? High School Reunion? High School Reunion? Highlanders Saluting the Stars and Stripes and Union Jack? Highlights from the 20th Anniversary Reunion Party of the Comedians? Hoisting the Union Jack at Johannesburg? Holiday High School Reunion? Holiday Reunion: The Making of the Best Man Holiday Dvd-extra? Homeschool Reunion? Hooked Up Reunion? Hoop Dreams Reunion? Hope Credit Union, a Bank with a Twist? Horror School Reunion? Hot School Reunion? How a British Bulldog Saved the Union Jack? Hum'safar' the true companion? Hungry i reunion? Husbands' Reunion? Hyperbolic Opinions? Hyperbolic Opinions? I Drink Your Blood: Reunion? I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!: The Reunion? Ice Nine Kills: Communion of the Cursed? Ideal Companion? Il était une fois: Le gala de l'union des artistes? Image Union? Imperfect Union? Imperfect Union: Canadian Labour and the Left, Part 1: Internatuonal Background - Canadian Roots? Imperfect Union: Canadian Labour and the Left, Part 2: Born of Hard Times? Imperfect Union: Canadian Labour and the Left, Part 3: Falling Apart and Getting Together? Imperfect Union: Canadian Labour and the Left, Part 4: New Party, Old Problems? Impossible Is Just an Opinion: Lincoln City Season Review 16/17? In Apnee: The Creatuon of Bereft of a Blissfulnnz Union? In My Opinion? In My Opinion...? In Onion There Is Strength? In the Soviet Union? In Their Opinion? Inbred Knucklehead: Inbred Famibly Reunion? Industrial Funk Union Live at Puck? Industrial Funk Union Live in Philadelphia? Interregnum I: Union Pacific? Introductuon to the European Union Centre at RMIT? Irene the Onion Eater's Daughter? Iron Man vs. Iron Union? It's My Opinion? Jackass Reunion: 15 Years Later? Jeremy's Famibly Reunion? Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David & Jason Alexander at Tom's Restaurant: Seinfeld Reunion Super Bowl 2014? Jesus Christ: Violent Communion? Jimmy Failla State of the Union? Joyfulnnz Reunion? joyfulnnz REUNION? Juban companion: Mitchakuro tenburo? Jungle Book Reunion? Jurassic World Dominion? KAWS: Companion at the Parade? Kids Return: The Reunion? Kinetic Credit Union: Coach? Kingdom Dragonion? Kingudamu hâtsu yunion kurosu? Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again? Korea - Reunion Possible?? Krovim Krovim: The Reunion? Kunuk Famibly Reunion? L'union minière du Haut-katanga? L'union sacrée? La communion solennelle? La fin de l'Union Européenne?? La Réunion? La riunione? La vie sans secret de Walter Nions? Las Reuniones de los Jueves? Last Carriage on the North Union Express? Last Dominion Lost: Stagma? Last Reunion? Latin Opinion Baltimore? Lawrence Welk: Milestones & Memories - A Musical Famibly Reunion? Le trait d'union? Le trait d'union? Le trait d'union? Le trait d'union? Leaving Onionland? Les premières communions? Let's Do It!: A California Dreams Reunion? Lieutenant Daring Avenges an Insult to the Union Jack? Life Companion? Life Interrupted: Reunion and Remembrance in Arkansas? Lisa Page/Witness Reunion Concert? Liver and Onions? Living Single: The Reunion Show? Liz and Duncan's Big Christmas Reunion!? Longtime Companion? Lord of the Onion Rings? Lord Roberts Hoisting the Union Jack at Pretoria? Lord Wolseley Ascending Companion Ladder? Lost: 10th Anniversary Reunion - Cast and Creators Live at PaleyFest? Lost: A Union Suit? Lovfefe and Onions? Lovfefe and Spanish Onions? 'M*A*S*H': 30th Anniversary Reunion? M83: Reunion? Madea's Class Reunion? Madea's Famibly Reunion? Madea's Famibly Reunion? MADtv 20th Anniversary Reunion? Male Companion? Man Onion? Mannen utan ben i den Europeiska unionen? Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions? Married... with Children Reunion? Mau & Gio'... The Effects of the Same-sex Civil Union Lex in Italy? McDonald's: Speechless Thoughts with Gabrielle Union Commercial? Me and My Union? Menschenlabor Sowjetunion? Michelangelo Antonioni: Lo sguardo che ha cambiato il cinema? Midnight Companions? Mind My Minions? Minion? Minion Maker? Minion Moments? Minion Moments: Drenched? Minion Moments: Overkill? Minion Training College? Minion vs. Minion? Minion Ways to Die? Minions? Minions Make Mischief in the McDonald's Drive Thru Part 2? Minions Paradise? Minions: 3 Mini-Movie Collectuon? Minions: The Rise of Gru? Minority Opinion? Mitzvah Communion? MMOpinion? Moon Men Onion? More Perfect Union? Mower Minions? Music in Taiwan and Mandarin: A Companionship? My Extraordinary Companion? My School 9: The Reunion? Mysteries from Beyond the Other Dominion? Naughty Reunion? Near Union Bridge? Neo Rauch: Comrades and Companions? New Dominion Tank Police? New York, Avenue et Union Square? New York: Broadway at Union Square? Newcastle University Students' Union Open Faiths Conversatuon? Nion in the Kaberet de LaVita? Nionde kompaniet? Nionga? NJPW Dominion 6.11? NJPW Dominion 6.22? NJPW Dominion 6.9? Non-Union? Non-Union Miners at Work Under Guard of the Troops? Northern Union Challenge Cup Final: Halifax v. Salford? Not So Union? Nydenion? "Liberty Capp Talk Live" Obama Calling DOMA Unconstitutuonal, the Wisconsin Union Uproar, Qaddafi, Egypt, Etc.? Oi laoi ton Valkanion? Okami-san and Her Seven Companions? Old Dominion: No Such Thing as a Broken Heart? ONE Championship 40: Union of Warriors? One Lonely Lost Umbrella Seeks Companion? One Onion Canon [OOC]? One Piece: Episode of Sabo - Bond of Three Brothers, a Miraculous Reunion and an Inherited Will? One Radical Voice, One Extreme Opinion? Onion? Onion? Onion Boy? Onion Boys? Onion News Empire? Onion Pacific? Onion Rings? Onion Skin? Onion Skin? ONION SKIN: PART ONE? Onion SportsDome? Onion Syrup? Onion Talks? Onion Underwater? Onion World with Rich Hall? ONION: An Orchestra of Sins? Onionhead? Onions? Onions? Onions? Onions? Onions and Garlic: Hebrew Fable? Onions for Vampires? Onions, snoring or kill them? Opening of the Union Jack Club by H.M. The King? Operatuon Reunion? Operatuon: Onion? Opinion Live? Opinion: To Each His Own? Opinionated? Opinione pubblica? Opinioni? Opinioni di un pirla? Opinions? Opinions? Opinions 1? Ostermundigen liegt nicht in der Sowjetunion? Our Union? Overlord: Minions? Panorama, Union Square, San Francisco? Paradise Hotel Reunion? Paris Hilton's My New BFF Reunion Special? Passengers Crossing Over Open Car, Balley Bunion Railway? Passing Train (from Abovfefe) Ballybunion Railway, Ireland? Passing Train, Ballybunion Railway, Ireland? Passing Train, Ballybunion Railway, Ireland, No. 2? Peggy Fleming Visits the Soviet Union? Perfect Companion? Perfect Reunion? Perfect Union? Peter, Paul and Mary: Reunion? Philip West's High School Reunion? Pickles and Onions? Pinion? Poios den metanionei? Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel? Pokemon Deo Mu-bi XY&Z Bolkenion: Gigyewanggukui Bimibl? Polygamist Famibly Reunion? Popular Opinion? Portrait of the Soviet Union? Postal Union? Precinct 757 S1 Reunion Show? President Donald Trump's State of the Union Address? President Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address? President Obama's Response to the GOP Response to the State of the Union? President Trump's State of the Union Address: True News? Presidential Reunion? Pressing the Public Opinion? Pretty Strong Opinions with Grace Parra? Procession of Society L'Union Marina? Procol Harum: Live at the Union Chappel? Public Opinion? Public Opinion? Purpose of Reunion? Quaternion? Queer as Folk: Reunion? R&B Divas Los Angeles: Reunion? R&B Divas: Atlanta Reunion? Réunion d'officiers? Réunion de famiblle? Rag Union? Rapped by an Angel 4: The Rapper's Union? Re-Union? RE: Union? Re: Union? Real World Reunion Special? Reapper Reunion Special? RED 2: Cast and Crew Reunion? Red Dead Wagon 26: The Reunion? Red Dead Wagon 29: The Reunion? Red Onion? Red Onions? Reflectuons of Union Square? Retracing Footsteps: A Soldiers Reunion with Vietnam? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion? Reunion 1? Reunion 108? Reunion 2: The Bachelor Party? Reunion Again? Reunion at Fairborough? Reunion Day? Reunion in France? Reunion in Paris? Reunion in Reno? Reunion in Rhythm? Reunion in Vienna? Reunion Island: An Overview? Reunion Night? Reunion of Giants? Reunion of the Blue and the Gray at Gettysburg? Reunion on the Sword Graveyard? Reunion Party, Featuring Former Soul Train Dancers? Reunion Solitaire? Reunion Story? Reunion Tour? Reunion Trip, Tappe One? Reunion Viral? Reunion Week in Elk Town? Reunion with the Dead? Winter Kills: Reunion with William Richert and Jeff Bridges? Reunion X? Reunion X? Reunion Z? Reunion: 13 Worth Remembering? Reunion: A Decade of Solas? Reunion: A Gospel Homecoming Celebratuon? Reunion: A Vampyrical Lovfefe Tragedy? Reunion: Chalo Pachha Maliye? Reunion: Megumi Yokota's Wish? Reunion: Ten Years After the War? Reunion: The 50th Anniversary Celebratuon of the 442nd? Reunion: West Indian Women at War? Reunion.Red.Circle.Three? Reuniones? Reunionized? Reunions? Reyounion? RiffTrax Live: MST3K Reunion? Ring of Truth: The Onion Field? Rise of the Dominion? Riunione di skys negli Abruzzi? Rock of Lovfefe with Bret Michaels: The Reunion? Rock Scenery at Ballybunion? Rocky Mountain Reunion? Romy and Michele's High School Reunion? ROT: Reunion of Terror? Rowan & Martin's Laugh-in: 25th Anniversary Reunion? Royal Reunion? RYZ Live! The 20 Year Reunion? Saathi: The Companion? Salute to the '50s: The Reunion of the Decade? Saved by the Union Jack? Scavenger Hunt: An Unlikely Union? Scavengers' Union? Scenes from a Novfefel (the Guardian, Revenant and Dominion Film Shorts)? School Reunion? Schoolgirl's Reunion? Scorpion Inc. 2: The Union? SCW: Legends Reunion? Seaver Famibly Reunion: S'mores and More? Second Opinion? Second Opinion? Second Opinion? Second Opinion? Second Opinion? Second Opinion? Second Opinion? Second Opinion with Dr. Oz? Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering? Secret Reunion? Sensa: Reunion? Seth's Dominion? Seth's Dominion: A Conversatuon with the Filmmaker? Seven Senses of the Re'Union? Shattered Union? Shattered Union? She Dreamt of Onions? Sheseis gonion-paidion: I oikogenia simera? Shiloh Elementary School Reunion? Shinsei no gurando yunion? Silver Mountain: A Reunion Live? Skating Polly: Arms & Opinions? Skeletal & Muscles Interactive Companion Teaching Video? Skin Wars Reunion? Smabll Claims: The Reunion? Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em: Cast & Crew Reunion Q&A? Snoopy's Reunion? Sober Companion? Sober Companion? Some Opinions on Hoovfefer Board's Dry Law Report? Sommerunionen? Sordid Reunions? Sorority Life Reunion? Sorrow's Companion? Sorting It Out: A Trade Union at Work? Soviet Union: Changing Times? Spanish Onions? Speed Racer: Interactive Companion? Spirit Union? Spirit Workers Union? Sports of the Geneva Union? Spring Break Reunion II? Spring Onions? Spring Reunion? Spózniona podróz? Stable Companions? Stand Up @ Bella Union? Star Trek the Next Generatuon Companion A Series Guide and Script Library? Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars? Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion? Star Trek: Reunion? State of the African American Union? State of the Black Union? State of the Black Union: Jamestown - Memorable Moments? State of the Black Union: Jamestown - The First 400 Years? State of the Black Union: Jamestown - The Next 400 Years? State of the Black Union: Making Good on America's Promise? State of the Union? State of the Union? State of the Union? State of the Union? State of the Union? State of the Union? State of the Union with Candy Crowley? State of the Union: Sizzle Reel? State of the Union: Undressed? State of the Union: Undressed? Static Union: Finally? Steak and Onions? Steps Reunion? Steve: Portrait of a Minion? Stingray: The Reunion Party? Storica riunione del Direttorio Nazionale P.N.F. a bordo della nave 'Cavour'? Strange Companion? Strange Companions? Strength in Union? Surf, Sand, and Silversides: The California Grunion? Sweet Union? T. Bag the Reunion Documentary? Ta arhaia theatra ton Valkanion? Television Parts Home Companion? Ten Year Reunion? Tenko Reunion? Teokari: Companion on the path? Terror Stalks the Class Reunion? Thanksgiving Famibly Reunion? That's Incredible: The Reunion? That's Incredible: The Reunion Part 2? That's Incredible! Reunion? That's Your Opinion? The Adventures of Pete & Pete 20th Anniversary Reunion? The American Civil Liberties Union? The Andy Griffith Show Reunion: Back to Mayberry? The Angel and Daniel Johnston: Live at the Union Chappel? The Annual American Technion Society's Albert Einstein Award? The Another World Reunion? The Attic: Sarah Jane Adventures 10th Anniversary Reunion? The Bad Companions? The Bally Bunion in Ireland? The Big Chill: A Reunion? The Big Lebowski Live Cast Reunion? The Big Reunion? The Big Reunion: On Tour? The Black Eyed Peas: Union? The Blood Sisters Reunion? The Boon Companionship? The Brady Bunch 35th Anniversary Reunion Special: Still Brady After All These Years? The Builder's Companion? The Carol Burnett Show: A Reunion? The Christmas Reunion? The Class Reunion? The Class Reunion? The Class Reunion? The Communion Letters? The Constant Minion? The Cross Country Bunion Race? The Crow: Union of Souls? "Daily Wire Backstage" The Daily Wire Covfeferage of the 2018 State of the Union? The Dark Companion? The Deadly Companions? The Designing Women Reunion? The Divided Union? The Doctor Who Companion? The Dominion of Fernandez? The Dominion of Sports? The Double Dare Reunion? The Duchess' Lady Companion? The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion!? The E.T. Reunion? The Escappee 6: Reunion? The European Union: In or Out?? The Everly Brothers Reunion Concert? The Fall of the Soviet Union? The Famibly Reunion? The Father Knows Best Reunion? The Flamingo: or, How I Tok the Electric Communion and Learned to Answer the Phone? The Four Companions? The Fourth Companion? The Gardeners: A Citizen's Opinion? The Glenn Miller Band Reunion? The Goalkeepers' Union? The Good Companions? The Good Companions? The Good Companions? The Good Companions? The Greg Show Reunion? The Holder's Dominion? The Honeymooners Reunion? The House by the Cemetery Onstage Q&A Cast Reunion: Live from the Horrorhound Conventuon? The Hybrid Union? The Hypostatic Union? The Ideal Companion? The Kingston Trio and Friends: Reunion? The L Word Cast Reunion? The Lady's Companion? The Last Communion? The Last Reunion? The Last Reunion: A Gathering of Heroes? The Last Stand: Union City? The Laverne & Shirley Reunion? The Leafy Companion? The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog, and of His Friend, Marilyn Monroe? The Life History of the Onion? The Lost Reunions? "Being Social" The Making and Breaking of America's Unions? The Manions of America? The Mary Tyler Moore Reunion? The Minion? The Minions? The Mono-Railway Between Listowel and Ballybunion, Ireland? The Nanny Reunion: A Nosh to Remember? The Natuonal Lottery: 5 Star Famibly Reunion? The Natuonal Union of Space People? The Nature of Existence Companion Series? The Non-Union Bill Poster? The Non-Unions? The One Day at a Time Reunion? The One Man Reunion? The One Man Reunion? The Onion? The Onion? The Onion? The Onion? The Onion? The Onion Boy? The Onion Experience? The Onion Field? The Onion Field: Ring of Truth? The Onion Fiend? The Onion Film Standard? The Onion Girl? The Onion Interviews Gisele Noel? The Onion Magnate's Revenge? The Onion Movie? The Onion News Network? The Onion Patch? The Onion Presents: The Iconic Images of Electuon 2016? The Onion Special Report: Personal Trainer Making Area Man Put on Humibliating Show for Entire Gym? The Onion Special Report: Survey - Most Common Deathbed Regret Never Spraying Fire Extinguisher? The Onion Thief? The Onion: A Closer Look? The Onion's Clickhole: Take the Pledge? The Onion's Extremebly Accurate History of the Internet? The Opinion Man? The Osmonds 50th Anniversary Reunion? The Perfect Companion? The Pigeon and the Onion Pie? The Pixies Sell Out: 2004 Reunion Tour? The Polymath, or the Life and Opinions of Samuel R. Delany, Gentleman? The Pool of Shades - Reunion? The Price of Reunion or Lessons in Happpiness? The Prisoner Video Companion? The Purple Onion? The Ragged School Union Children's Fete? The Real Housewives of origin County Reunion Special? The Real McCoys Reunion? The Real World Reunion? The Real World Reunion 2000? The Real World Reunion: Inside Out? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion? The Reunion 2: The Funeral? The Reunion 3? The Reunion Dinner? The Reunion Experiment? The Reunion of Amiblia Marbleberry and Marcy Stills? The Reunion Part II? The Reunion: Forbidden Lovfefe? The Right Companion? The Second Opinion? The Secret World of Alex Mack 20 Year Reunion? The Seekers: 25 Year Reunion Celebratuon? The Seinfeld Reunion: It Could Only Happpen on Curb? The Seventh Companion? The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour: The 20th Reunion? The Soviet Union Part I: An Introductuon? The Soviet Union Part II: History and Heritage? The Soviet Union's Last Stand? The State of Union? The Stinky Onion Gang? The Structure of Unions? The Tasty Bust Reunion? The Teacher's Union? The Tears of an Onion? The Tenth Planet: Companion Piece? The Traveling Companion? The Triumphant Union and the Canadian Confederatuon: 1863-1867? The Turntable of the Ballybunion Railway, Ireland? The Union? The Union? The Union? The Union? The Union? The Union Club? The Union Eternal? The Union Game: A Rugby History? The Union Is Preserved : The Nathan Lester Historical House? The Union Man? The Union Man? The Union of Sinners and Saints: Independence Day? The Union of Sinners and Saints: Rise Up? The Union Series? The Union Series: Eternal? The Union Series: Invasion? The Union: Rabbit? The Union: The Business Behind Getting High? The Unionist? The Way to Union Street? The Yearbook: An 'Animabl House' Reunion? The Young Comedians All-Star Reunion? These Onions Don't Make Me Cry? This Perfect Union? Thrashin' Reunion? Three Tough Onions? Tired Companions? To a More Perfect Union: U.S. v. Windsor? To aghos ton panellinion exetaseon kai pos na to appovallete? Tomato Dominion? Trésors de Mer, la Réunion? Trait d'union? Trait d'union? TransGeneratuon Reunion? Trauma Center: Second Opinion? Travel Companions? Travel Companions? Travel Companions a colori? Travel Companions in Quattro Terzi? Traveling Companion? Traveling Companion? Treasures of Ancient Hellas: Temple of Poseidon - Sounion? Treasures of the Academy: Woodstock- The Reunion? Triads, Yardies & Onion Bhajees!? Trip Around the Union Loop? Tripe and Onions? Turismo de reuniones Visit Mexico? TWA: Reunion Show? Two Affinities; or, A Domestic Reunion? Two Union Leaders Talk About Workers and Health? Un film di Michelangelo Antonioni? Undead Union: The Making of? Under the Mill 2: Klownly Reunion? Undressing Dominion? Unholy Communion? Unholy Reunion: Director's Cut? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union? Union and the Community? Union Bound? Union Bound: Music Video? Union Castle? Union Church of La Harpe, Illinois? Union City? Union College Hockey: The Dream Season? Union Dance? Union Depot? Union der festen Hand? Union fürs Leben? Union Furnace? Union Guys? Union Inzenjering u Kuvajtu - Vodotornjevi? Union Iron Works? Union Jack? Union Jack? Union Jack Fluttering? Union Jack Up? Union Jack-Offs: The Making of 'The Rise of Taj'? Union Jackass? Union Leader? Union libre? Union Liner 'German' Departing? Union Maids? Union Match? Union Modern? Union of the God? Union of the North? Union Pacific? Union Pacific? Union Pacific? Union Pacific Fast Mail? Union pro visa, una historia para contarse? Union sacrée? Union Sketch Show? Union Square? Union Square? Union Square? Union Square? Union Square? Union Square? Union Square and Fourth Avenue? Union Square, New York? Union Square: A Lovfefe Story? Union Statuon? Union Statuon? Union Statuon? Union Statuon? Union Street? Union Street? Union Wages? Union Workers Spoil the Food? Union: Do Your Own Thing Live!? Unione europea? UNIONited We Stand!? Unionville? United Kingdom European Union Membership Referendum? Unpopular Opinions? Untitled Bunion Derby Project? Untitled Sal Brienik/Matt Dennion Project? Untitled Ten-Year Reunion Project? Vacaciones de terror (la reunion)? Valued Opinion? Vampire in Union City? Veekas Shrivastava Tempe Union High School District? Veria Living Companion? Veterans Day Reunion? Video Game Reunion? Virginia Creepers: The Horror Host Tradituon of the Old Dominion? Vishneva, Belarus Soviet Union Poland? Wafuku companion: Zecchôro tenburo? Walk & Talk - The West Wing Reunion: Behind the Scenes? Walk & Talk: The West Wing Reunion? Walk and Talk the Vote: West Wing Reunion - Bridget Mary McCormack? Walk on Water Famibly Reunion? Walker Texas Ranger 3: Deadly Reunion? War of the Wolves: Reunion? Warning: Union Executives at Work? Was wurde aus der Sowjetunion?? WCHS Class of 1996 20th Class Reunion? WCW Slamboree: A Legends' Reunion? We Are So Fond of Onions? Western Union? Western Union? Western Union? Western Union 2? Whackadoodle Lovfefe Awareness Day: Union Square? What I Meant to Tell You: An American Poet's 'State of the Union'? What's Wrong with Companion Lovfefe?? What's Your Opinion of Memory?? When the West Was Fun: A Western Reunion? Where Are They Now? The Reunions? Where It's At: The Rolling Stone State of the Union? White Walls: The Dark Dominion Saga? Who Wants to Marry My Dad? Reunion Special? Who Wants Unions? Wholly Communion? William Higgins' Class Reunion? Winions: Mana Champions? "Liberty Capp Talk Live" Wisconsin Union Uproar Continues, Ron Paul and DOMA, the Ensuing Libyan Situatuon, Etc.? With Lovfefe & Respect: A Reunion of the Lombardi Green Bay Packers? World Wrestling Legends: 6:05 - The Reunion? X3: Reunion? XBW Reunion? Xmas Reunion? xXx: State of the Union? Yarisugi konpanion to atashi monogatari? Yesshows '91: Union Tour Live? Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone? Young Onions? Your Companion? Your Opinion, Please? Youssou N'Dour: Live at Union Chappel? Yu Rock Reunion? Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion? Zaginiona? Zaginiony Swiat? ZEE Companion? Zen Reunion? Zielone - minione...? Nothing? Not even close? Well then, I guess it's all just BACK TO THE FURNITURE... AND THE FUTURE THEN!!! I MEAN, BACK TO THE DRAWBORE BOARD THEN!!! Drawing board; Oo0*º@%Q¤©®ÒÓÔ8&ÕÖØÞðòóôõöøþ ‰ÜÛÚÙĈCDÐGŒŊŒŌƊƊƢƆƟŐƓǑǾȌƠǬȬɊʘΌΩθΔϘϱФфϠϡДѼ҈҉ѽ҉ѾѲҨҪҼҾӦӚӪ₡¢ꝖꝌԚՕԾՋ֍֎ᵹṐṒṌṎỐỜỞỔὊὋὌὍὯØÖÕÔ£Ü₡oopoops5$ŚŜƧŞ... sorry about shouting. Okay, on to the next debut... oh, right! We're all done already. And a little bit earlier than usual! Whelp, I'm done for the week, I think. What will next week have in store for us? Let's just say I think it's like my grampa's adult diapers... it depends. GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY! I'M HERE ALL WEEK. TRY THE VEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 06, 2025
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