Sunday, October 28, 2018

Auteur Watch - Neary Hay

It's hard sometimes to make a feature-length movie.  Hence you get things like Aria or Four Rooms or the Je t'aime series that everyone just... just loves to see.  In Neary's case, he's got two of them.  The first was 2005's Paris la métisse.  I guess that this is a trailer for it on YouTube.  The second is... oh, wait!  I guess that's it!  I'm DONE for the week, Halle Berry!  So, no reviews?  At least, none on a larger than local-to-France scale?  Man, that must've been a rough experience for him... Neary's a guy's name, right?  I mean, you do one group film, and BOOM, that's it, I'm done with this crazy business.  Sick of the politics, the divas waiting in their trailers, what have you...  This blog post is brought to you, by the way, by the film Paris la métisse.  Paris la métisse!  Not available through Netflix.  Or Amazon!  Or even Scarecrow!  Well, that's about as far as I'm going to go with this.  Let me know what I'm leaving out... I mean, Etsy's for homemade, non-DVD stuff, right?

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