Sunday, November 18, 2018

Auteur Watch - Eric Haywood

Just as Harvey Pekar once found that there were suddenly many more people than just himself named Harvey Pekar, so too it is with Eric Haywood.  I mean, there's this Eric Haywood, who plays the tuba.  Then there's this Eric Haywood who plays pedal steel guitar... a far cry from tuba, indeed.  Then there's Unit Driver Eric Haywood, of The Holding fame.
But I suppose, when you get right down to it, all of their IMDb résumés pale in comparison with this week's Auteur, Eric Haywood, whose highest profile gig is working on the acclaimed "Empire."  Not that Four of Hearts isn't great and all.  You can tell because it's got that blue "HD" band at the top of... I hesitate to call it a "poster."

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