Friday, January 01, 2021

Auteur Watch - Jamie Brown

 Of course, when you're talking about James Brown, one would quite possibly be remiss if they didn't mention Jamie Brown as well.  I mean, take the almost too perfect example of someone names James S. 'Jamie' Brown.  That's what we in the industry call a "bridge," like how the film The Magic Christian is a bridge between The Beatles and Monty Python, or how the original Judge Dredd was a bridge for Balthazar Getty to go from acting back to just being a Getty.

But when you're talking about Jamie Brown, one would probably be remiss if they didn't mention this Jamie Brown, or that Jamie Brown, or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or that Jamie Brown or this Jamie Brown or ... oops!  Ran out again; got a little overeager.  Arguably, none of them are directors.  A much lower director percentage than with all the James Browns.  Not that I'm some kind of rabid 'Name'ist, mind you, but maybe it says that the name "Jamie Brown" doesn't have quite the oomph in our culture that "James Brown" did and probably still does.  And of course, let's not forget that old MTV DJ 'Downtown' Jamie Brown.  Miss her a lot!  And of course, I personally would definitely be remiss if I didn't ask my old, semi-patented question: what do this Jamie Brown, this Jamie Brown, this Jamie Brown, this Jamie Brown and this Jamie Brown all have in common?  That's RIGHT!  In the IMDb's haste, this guy has a record five entries just for him!  Well, it arguably is a lot to keep track of, especially if it's hard to tell the various Jamie Browns apart.  All you database errors experts out there know what I'm talkin' about.  Wait a minute... yup, still the Highlander.  That's John "Highlander" Hyland, actor known for the 1916 film, Love's Crucible, and for his Sound Recordist work on the 2005 episode of "Favouritism" called "Boy George's Queerest TV Moments."  And everything in between, which apparently is not that much.

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