Sunday, April 14, 2019

Auteur Watch - Anna Maria Horsford

There's a new rule in Hollywood, one that I just made up.  And that is if you secretly want to direct, and you're working on a TV show, NEVER direct one of the episodes.  Just don't do it.  I mean, it's like if you're taking a public speaking class.  I mean, you're FRIENDS with all those people, aren'tcha?  Now you wanna get up in front of them and act like a bigshot?  I don't think so.  Well, it's exactly what happened to Anna Maria Horsford.  I mean, one day she'd had enough.  She worked around the Wayans family long enough, which is of course a tremendous gift to anyone who gets the chance.  Still... they just make it look so damn easy!  Way, WAY too easy.  So the opportunity came up on one of her shows.  A director called in sick, and a slot was available, so what the hell, right?  Unfortunately, it didn't pay off for her, so study this lesson well, kids and future DGA/PGA members. 
Boy, her IMDb Top 4 is strange.  I guess she was the pregnant woman in Minority Report?  That's the only one of those four I've seen.  My personal favourite, of course, is that she played Mrs. Jones in Friday, and Judge Harris in Mr. Jones.  Ah, symmetry.  Whew!  It's not in her IMDb Bio yet.

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