Friday, September 13, 2019

No, Seriously... You Need to Curb Your Enthusiasm, or I Want Someone to Enjoy Little League With

What can one say about the lovable Jeff Garlin and his 2013 feature called Dealin' with Idiots that hasn't already been said in its IMDb Plot Summary?  Well, first off, to capture an immediate sense of where my head is right now, if memory serves the cinematography was decent.  I mean, it looked like it was a film.  In stark contrast, I saw a little bit of Lawrence Kasdan's Darling Companion just now, and it looks like it was shot with someone's old iPhone.  Hey, it worked for Michael Mann a few times, so why not for Kasdan Pictures?  Didn't work for me, however.
When talkin' about a film like Dealin' with Idiots, however... and I'd be very surprised if it ever came up in conversation as the primary topic... you do have to be careful.  If you rank on it too much, you risk pissing off most of the L.A. elites, many of whom are part of the cast.  If you rave about the film too much, you risk looking like a phony.  But Mr. Garlin did have some time off between seasons of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," and I suppose much like George Harrison and his first solo album "All Things Must Pass," Garlin found himself with some down time to explore all those ideas that didn't make it into one of Larry David's episode plot structures.  In the instant case, with co-writer Peter Murrieta, and I'm assuming that everyone in the cast is also a writer and/or has a deep background in the shady underworld of improv comedy.
So, if you watch this expecting a Stephen Covey-esque guide to actually dealing with idiots... you may be sadly disappointed.  If you're expecting an insightful look into the seamy underbelly of the L.A. Little League scene, well, you just might get it!  The Internet continues to erode away at any and all human institutions: public access television, local radio stations, everything.  Nobody does deals at little league anymore.  At least, nothing of note.  Oh, but it's not all light and relaxation here.  [SPOILER ALERT] ... note to self: create a button, probably with an arrow on it, that can collapse and... un-collapse?... spoiler alerts.  Wouldn't want you to miss how many stars I give this!  I do hate to spoil the ending, so I'll try not to.  Let me just say that the ending, at least for me, had kind of a Sixth Sense vibe to it.  I used to think that 2004's Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story was the greatest sports movie ever made.  Dealin' with Idiots is now a close second, or it at the very least captures the ennui of the times that it was made in.  I guess I should probably point out that there's also a few, maybe three, dream sequences similar to the opening scene of 1989's Parenthood, but just different enough to evade the attention of copyright lawyers.

-so sayeth The Movie Hooligan

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