Saturday, January 12, 2013

Box office 1/13/'13

For some reason, Google Chrome's my new favourite browser!  Maybe it's just a phase.  Anyway, Kathryn Bigelow's shooting the moon now with her latest, Zero Dark Thirty.  But alas, the novelty of the first woman director winning an Oscar is over, and she didn't film the new one on 16mm this time.  Hard to say who's going to win this year... I don't even feel like trotting out a list of picks.  Will it be another golden year for Spielberg?  Or will the Academy voting block get confused and vote for Beasts of the Southern Wild, thinking it's in the feature-length documentary category?  So many questions, but I'm getting too far afield here.
As I thought, Texas Chainsaw 3D plummets to #9, so it's doing better than I thought it would.  The movie-going public's been a bit discerning this week!  They thought, "If I'm going out in the snow and ice to see a movie, it should be a quality one."  And ZDT fit the bill... then again, Marlon Wayans' take on the Paranormal Activity franchise was #2.  That one might not plummet as hard as Texas Chainsaw 3D, but we'll see.  And then, of course, there's Gangster Squad, which must've performed rather disappointingly, seeing as how the TV airwaves have been carpet-bombed with ads for it lately.  Hobbit's almost over the 300 million dollar mark, but #6?  Am I the only one disappointed?  And only 3 nominations, no less!  No love for Ian McKellen?  Maybe by the third installment, if history's any usable road map.

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