Monday, June 05, 2006

Big Horizon Sky on the Movie... ?

Sorry, folks. No image this time. The computer won't let me for some reason. Some unreasonable reason! That's what I get for always blogging first, posting images later. :(

Man, still tired! Where does all the time go? I haven't even made half of the preparations for company to arrive at my humble casa de abode, and this week's box office STILL goes unreported! Though I had a feeling that The Break-Up would kick ass, it was just a question of by how much. Some say it means Jennifer Aniston's back on top again, but how does that explain Mr. & Mrs. Smith? I forget; was she on The Real World? What season? heh heh ...
Anyway, more big movies on the horizon. Nothing yet from the Clooney camp, and we're still waiting on Syriana on DVD - maybe they're working on the unrated version with more Jolie than you can shake your stick at. Sandler's got his yearly project in the can, though. Ah, yes! Coraci's back in the fold! And who knows, maybe he'll show up in a crazy bug-eyed cameo, where YOU GET HALF OF A-DA PIZZA!!! Too obscure? All right...
What else? Macho Nacho Libre's within striking distance, but not before Cars has had its way with the box office first. Some say it's the best car movie ever! And they haven't even seen it yet. I forget, it was some car magazine, but I don't know. Cars with eyes? Well, if they don't make a certain brand of truck look like the villain, they've lost a bet. Note to self: find a picture that illustrates what I'm trying to say. (huh?)
Yes, for all intents and purposes it's the sophomore feature from the Hesses. Are they the Coen brothers of Preston, Idaho? The two-headed director from the non-Aryan section of Potato Land? The John Hughes of the Idaho tweens and their not-so-eloquent angst? Have they severed all ties with the Duffs? Does Peluca count? Is this indeed their junior effort? Is this movie going to do for Mexican wrestlers what Napoleon Dynamite did for ... the Hesses? So many question, so few answers, but all I know is in the TV spots for Nach. Lib., there's a certain four-wheeler crash that looks an awful lot like the one in the other one! Ya know what I mean? ;) Gotta be careful, guys. You want to have a rich directorial palette, a wider array of themes and stark imagery to draw from than the same old quadmaker crashes. It's time to travel the world, guys. Join Conde Nast, or is it the Cosa Nostra? No shame in interning with Woody Allen for a while, borrow from him a little bit.
All right, that's about all the tidbits I can handle at this time ... Pheww! Still reeling from this film I saw called Butter. I think it's the kind of film Harold Lloyd would make today if he was young and black. And Zedd(e)more! You were so big once. Not good to be a star in this kind of turkey. This makes Airheads look like friggin Shakespeare! And Peter Gathings Bunche, stick to what you do best: Erotic Confessions-style fare on late nite cable.

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