Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Auteur Watch - Valerie Faris

Monday, April 26, 2010
The Colbert Bump strikes again!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Name's Pitt, or Download me to your iBast

I won't heap on Mike Myers too much, but he doesn't add a whole lot in his one scene. Melanie Laurent makes a fine replacement for Scarlett Johansson, and that Daniel Bruhl... who's he look like? Some have posited Glenn Ford, but I don't think that was it. And the critics were right, and I agree, that Waltz deservedly won his Oscar. Great performance. Now he belongs to the world... and look! It's already paying off. That was Rod Taylor as Winston Churchill? Ugh. He's deteriorating in front of our eyes.
This is what I get for waiting to review. There are plenty of other examples in this movie that recall other QT movies and aspects of his own personal life. For example, Brad Pitt's character was bourne in Tennessee... just like Quentin! And Shoshanna at one point tells someone that in France, they respect directors... like Quentin! I'm leaving out a few, I know... well, there's the part where the one dude finds out his nickname is "The Little Man"... anyone else think of Mr. Pink in Reservoir Dogs? Just me? I thought so. That's from Pelham 123 you know... anyway, the music. Other than the riff on Fur Elise, it seems to be slight 70s rock. And the opening scene, well... let's face it, that probably happened a lot more than people would like to believe. I'm trying to avoid spoilers here.
Ah hah! I remember now. The scene in the café was a damn fine scene, but it ended much like that one standoff in Kill Bill vol. 2 where the spectre of parenthood is used as a bargaining chip to end the standoff... am I grasping at straws here? I could go on and on, but let me wrap up with the violence. I'm assuming it's a little more restrained than in Eli Roth's films, anyway, but there's no doubt about it: the digital revolution's made screen violence all the more cringeworthy. Especially the scene where Brad sticks his finger in the girl's leg. The older I get, the more I cringe at stuff like that. But I will criticize that one part where we see a forehead getting carved up with a knife. The layer of skin over a forehead isn't terribly thick. If I had to guess, it's maybe a half an inch thick. But the forehead that gets carved up, it looks like they're cutting a thick juicy steak! It must've been about two, three inches thick! And no white bone underneath to be seen at all! I felt robbed... but not too robbed, and still grossed out. This is all Hannibal's fault, I tells ya... I gotta go. Oh, but nice cinematography by Robert Richardson. He must be glad to finally be rid of Oliver Stone, huh? ;)
-so sayeth The Movie Hooligan

Awright! It's been a long while, so let's crank out a damn movie review here! So this is the question that surely comes to mind now in this post-9/11 world: is there still room on the DVD shelf for the 1989 Batman? Apparently, Warner Brothers must be having their doubts, as it's now bundled with the likes of Blade Runner, Blade and 2001: A Sbace Odyssey... wait, that last one has no B in it. And I guess I reserved some doubts myself when I first saw it lo those many years ago. Not that I didn't get caught up in the hype, of course. The wall-to-wall ads, the fact that a relative hippie sprout like Tim Burton was helming the project. Oh, I cared about such things back then, don't kid yourselves. But on and on I ramble. Still, kinda hard to believe this was the blockbuster that it was watching it now, but it was.
But since Burton's gone on to ruin the Planet of the Apes franchise, I can't help but think now that there's a little of the ol' TV show in this film incarnation, that Jack Nicholson seems to channel Cesar Romero a little bit, and the camera tilts slightly at times, especially during the art gallery sequence. It still has some satirical bite: The Magic Christian turned slightly on its ear.
But some of the casting choices do suffer a bit. Michael Keaton? Well, once upon a time he was a star, and after doing such films as Gung Ho, Touch and Go and The Squeeze, why wouldn't he be a shoe-in for the role of the new Caped Crusader? A little more down to earth than Superman to be sure, but a little meaner too. Not Superman 3 mean, but mean. Robert Wuhl kinda doesn't work for me, either, but he's suffered enough as it is. I won't heap on him any further.
As for the rest, well, that Hootkins was a hoot with that baritone voice of his. And if you need a mayor of New York or Gotham, why not get someone like Lee Wallace? That voice! That resumé! Sometimes you need a guy with experience. And gotta love Bob, that veteran of Jonathan Demme films like Silence of the Lambs and Philadelphia... even Beloved, for God's sake! Now that's dedication. Of course, he's no Dick Miller to Joe Dante; he wasn't even in Stop Making Sense, for God's sake! It makes no sense! Nevertheless, I have seen that guy before... just, never in person. Anyway, Tim Burton's Batman is at least daring in its casting choices, casting a few people over 30, unlike the new one. Oh, and I forgot to mention Jack Palance, chewing his way through his two scenes harder than even Christopher Walken ever could. I felt sorry for him, but he got through his two-pic deal with Guber and Peters. Somehow ironic that he gets killed early in this one, yet survives to the bitter end in Tango and Cash.
Anyway, I ramble on and on. I must confess I cut right to the good parts when re-watching this one. As with A Fish Called Wanda, I tended to skip around to the parts with Kevin Kline. With Batman, it's straight to the Joker's big scenes. And so, here's a toast to the world's first and last fully functioning homicidal artist.
-so sayeth The Movie Hooligan
Auteur Watch - Sally Field

Anyway, yes there was little doubt ever since the Flying Nun that Sally Field was destined for greatness, whether it be in Stay Hungry or opposite Burt Reynolds in all the movies they did together... just the two, right? What, she couldn't come back for Smokey and the Bandit 3?
But what with all her charity work and the Boniva commercials and ... oh, Sally. You can't be the sexpot and wear dresses like that! You just can't! Anyway, even with all she does, it nevertheless occurred to her at some point, looking at all those dufuses she worked with who get to sit in the crane chair and go up tens of feet to do a dolly shot... at least, that's how things used to be done before all this CGI digital crap... she thought to herself "Well, if THOSE idiots can boss all these poor shmucks around... hell! I could do that!" But she's only done it the three times: one episode of From the Earth to the Moon! Not bad at all. Boy, Gump must be the best boss in the world. And something called Beautiful... Damn! They stole my idea.
Monday, April 19, 2010
B-List Superheroes to the rescue!

keeping the world safe for children's entertainment, there are a couple contenders on the horizon, forcing the kids to choose. After all, Kick-Ass at #2 prominently FEATURES a kid! Oh, she's not grown up and bitter like Dakota Fanning yet, but close. And of course, next week will bring us The Losers, but for me, these two probably aren't as good as 1999's Mystery Men. Hmm! I oughta review that sometime! Gotta run... Oh, the other debut this week is Death at a Funeral. Good on ya!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Auteur Watch - Nora Ephron

I dunno. I always thought Delia would be the alpha sister of their duo. Loved her How to Eat like a Child. A childhood favourite. You know, if I had to guess, and so far there are only two to pick from, I'd have to say the 90s are her favorite decade. The megahit that was Sleepless in Seattle, the total creative control that was Mixed Nuts... or maybe not.
Or maybe it was the 2000s? Working again with Travolta, but unfortunately stepping in a big pile of Resnick, producing Hanging Up. Seriously, though, I did like Julie and Julia. I promise I'll get around to reviewing it one of these days. Over and out.

Auteur Watch - Claire Denis

Where was I? Oh yeah. Well, when you get right down to it, seeing as how pressed for time I am lately, I don't think I'll be able to give Ms. Denis the adequate auteur worship she deserves, and sure, she doesn't seem as flamboyant as a Catherine Breillat or an Ida Lupino, but she's good enough to work with the likes of Bertolucci. Even if it is on a crap project. And in another snap judgment, I'm going to say the 2000s are her favourite decade. Finally, the high profile gigs she's been working towards her whole life. Her latest and greatest is something called White Material. But Isaach de Bankole's in it, so it's not all bad. Who else in the cast? Isabelle Huppert, she's a name, and... Christopher Lambert? Highlander? You're kidding, right? He's not even French! He's a New Yorker! Why, he's worked with the likes of... well, Albert Pyun, for God's sake! (Let's see if Albert responds... ;) )
Friday, April 09, 2010
Same diff...

Anyway, the third debut this week is The Last Song. Another damn Nicholas Sparks movie. They're arriving faster than, well, Tyler Perry's movies, for example! The marketplace is saturated! Too much Cyrus for one nation to take!
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Short Reviews - March 2010

lice in Wonderland with martin short... what is this one? Molded whitefish?
The Politician's Wife (2010) - It's the 90s all over again. Dave, Absolute Power, Murder at 1600... except, from the wife's point of view. Bore-ring!
In The Cut - I hate to think what the adult-film version of this is called...
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Let me put it this way... Oh, Jack N. Green, how far you've fallen. How far from Clint Eastwood's good graces. How did it happen?
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D - Where to begin...
Rescue Dawn - Steve Zahn is a revelation
Strange Wilderness - Steve Zahn... not so much of a revelation here.
Happy, Texas - Or here
National Security - Or here
Lawrence of Arabia - Nope! Haven't remade it yet, but it's coming. And when they do, let me just say: no offense. I know it's an epic and a classic and all, but man! That music gets just a tad monotonous, no? If I may be so bold...
Lions for Lambs - With Tom Cruise as John Edwards.
The Last Song - If only. I'm sorry, I guess I should call it Nicholas Sparks' The Last Song. If Stephen King is the Big Mac of literature, Sparks must be the rice cracker. Why can't he take the long hiatus that John Grisham took? Aren't we overdue? Haven't we earned that?
The Runaways - Personally, I think Debi Mazar would've been a better choice to play Joan Jett, don't you folks?
Little Miss Sunshine - With Bryan Cranston as Stan Grossman
Fargo - With Larry Brandenburg as Stan Grossman
The Women - With Meg Ryan as Sally Struthers
Dolores Claiborne - Tortured sister of Liz
See Dick Run - Oh, Kel. What happened, man? You and Kenan were such a pair on Nickelodeon all those years. Now Kenan's the new black Farley, and you're reduced to dreck like this. Good thing I stopped by Hollywood Video before they went out of business; otherwise, I might never have looked it up on the IMDb!
Auteur Watch - Tamra Davis

Extreme training...

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