Friday, May 29, 2015

Auteur Watch - Wilkie Cornelius Jr.

Oh good!  Another short one.  Well, they don't have enough yet to justify an IMDb Top 4, but I'm guessing Single Hills would be on it.  Damn, I'm sarcastic today!  And how does this junior get to Spielberg?  Well, I'm thinking Hisham Tawfiq.  You know, Dembe on The Blacklist?  Oh, dude.  A casting coup like that you'll never forget for as long as you live.  I suggest paving the way with fruit baskets before you actually go to lunch, or however it works in Hollywood.  "We had a good time on Single Hills, didn't we?  I was a good director, wasn't I?... okay, CO-director?" you'll say.  I'd suggest that you try to land a gig doing one of the Blacklist episodes, but Spader seems to have all the clout in picking the directors.  I mean, Andrew McCarthy?  Seriously?  Were Pretty in Pink, Mannequin and Less than Zero all that fun to make?

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